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Sat May 1st - Sat Jun 5th

The Costume Challenge

This event has ended!
Scroll down to see all submitted entries


"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable, that we have to alter it every six months." - Oscar Wilde
Ya'll ready for something unique? A challenge that fleshes out something often taken for granted, or never given a second thought. It is time to explore the outfits of your world. Uniforms, costumes, wearables, and anything in between!   In our lives, we deal with the importance of outfitting every day. A schools dress code, or recognizing a police uniform, just to name a few. So we want you to design and describe one of these outfits in your world!   We have teamed up with Ginny Di, one of the most amazing cosplayers and outfitters in our industry and we want to hear all about well known outfit or fashion item in your world!   These outfits can serve any role in society and in any setting. Religious outfits, military uniforms, guild outifts, or utility protective wear are just a few examples you can start designing with!   There are no special rules for this competition, so just have fun and get inspired!!

Standard League Winner
Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Premier League Winner


All participants will receive the challenge participation badge. The winner will receive an extra shiny badge, have their article featured, and will be shouted out on the weekly World Anvil update stream and on the official World Anvil social media accounts.
The Winners of the Premier and Regular league will be receiving fifty dollar gift certificates to Ginny Di's Store!   Check out Ginny's Store here!   World Building Magazine Feature!
In Addition to the amazing prizes already on the table, the winners of the leagues will have a chance to be featured in the Worldbuilding Magazine! This not only includes having your work published, but also the ability to have your work edited by the professional folks at WBM!   Premier League Features
Every week following the adjudication, a Premier League entrant who made the shortlist will be featured on World Anvil for a week! We'll shout out and showcase these fantastic entries on the weekly update stream!

The Brief

Ginny D and World Anvil want to hear all about a uniform in your world! Tell us how it looks! What sort of symbolism does it contain? Who wears it in your society? How has it evolved over the years?   All you'll need is a World Anvil account and fresh item template article to work with.   Give us all the juicy details about your outfit, what does it look like? How are they unique in society? Are they designed to inspire caution, awe, wonder, or a feeling of safety? Outfits are such a large catagory that is just ripe for digging into for world building. So many outfits become iconic in our culture that it is something that we no longer think about.   Think about how you could describe a member of the church, or the military? Or even think about how a construction worker can be described. Now add your own world on top, and write away!   If you are looking for inspiration, make sure to check out the resources section as well our blog post all about making outfits!

What to include in your article

The Design

At the core of every outfit is what it actually looks like. What pieces of clothing does your outfit consist of? What colors and fabrics do they use, and why? Are there any symbols or icons on the outfit and what to they mean? Visualization is critical here! Sketches, drawings, or even miniatures from Hero Forge will go a long way!  

The People who Wear Them

Who in your world wears these outfits? What roles do they serve in society and how does their outfit help them do it? Does it ward off interference? Maybe it increases visibility or denotes ranking? Bring the people into the outfit, and help make it feel like a true part of your world!  

The Evolution

Many outfits have gone through iterations, as technology and culture around the outfit evolves. Think of how military outfits have changed with the introduction of new warfare. Or maybe your outfit has remained unchanged for centuries - in that case, why? It may be worthwhile to explore variations or evolutions of your outfit!

The Rules

How to Enter

Firstly, all competitors will need a World Anvil account (don’t worry, it’s free!) to get started. Once you’ve logged in and created your first world, you’re ready to enter the competition.   Write your entry using the Item template on World Anvil.   Once you have finished your entry and are ready to submit it, make sure that your article is not a draft and then click on the button on the right-hand side to submit it to the challenge.  

Adjudication Criteria and Process

A shortlist of the top twenty entries (as organized by community likes and ten from each league) will be compiled by the Master of Games. The Judges will choose the winner. The winner will be announced by the World Anvil Team on the following weekly update stream.   Entries will be judged on a number of criteria, including originality, presentation, and thoroughness.   Any work you submit, as long as it was owned by you originally, is still owned by you even if you win!
Timeline Event
May 1st - June 5th Competition is active and opened!
June 5th - June 12th Sharing period, give feedback, make minor edits.
June 12th - June 19th Adjudication and Judging
June 26th Winner Announcement Date!

Other Rules

  • Articles for Submission must use the Item Template
  • Articles must be submitted before the closing time, else they will not be judged
  • Articles will be taken from a shortlist of likes, the top ten from each league will be judged by the Master of Games or a guest judge.
  • You will be able to submit your article only if it is public!
  • Only one article may be submitted per author, this does not mean one article per world.
  • Articles will have a week-long period after the deadline to make small edits, share, and get feedback from the community. This period will end when the shortlist is compiled. The purpose of this deadline is to let people focus on writing and sharing separately.
  • Articles can be no longer than 2500 words in length!
  • Word Count will be counted by copying all words present in the article's body and sidebar into a word counter. The Timeline will also be added in the word counter. BBCode does not impact word count, attached articles do not impact word count.

For any further questions or clarifications about this challenge, message the Master of Games, Barron, on the World Anvil Discord!
The lovely Ginny D will be judging both Premier and Regular Leagues for this challenge!


Social media sharing

Because community likes are an important part of the competition, competitors may wish to share their entries on social media to garner more interest from the community. Entries which are tagged with #WACostumes and mention WorldAnvil might get shared by World Anvil social media!  


There are two leagues that will be independently judged. The Regular and the Premier League. The Premier League consists of all the authors who have previously won a competition.   Winning a competition in the Regular league will promote you to the Premier League for future challenges.

Useful Resources

Check out this video by Ginny Di with amazing tips to design clothes for your characters!  
Looking for inspiration or seeking some ideas? Make sure to stop by the World Anvil Discord for worldbuilding conversation and inspiration!
A MASSIVE thank you to Ginny D for allowing us to use their images for this challenge page!


May's Competition will open on the 1st of May at 1900 London Time and close on June 5th at 23:59 London Time. The Shortlist will be compiled on 12th of June!

Challenge entries


by Eule