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Mark Laybolt | Member Since 27 Oct, 2020
31 Followers 39148 Page views 177 Likes

(He/Him) Husband. Engineer. Project Manager. Lifelong Learner. Cat Lover. Amateur GM (D&D 5e).   I'm currently on long-term disability (since Nov. 2019) and the future of my career is unknown (what, when, and for who). So I've been expanding into worldbuilding as a creative outlet for a portion of my time.   My focus is building a TTRPG setting for my home group but my ambition exceeds my capacity. I'm also interested in:  

  • Hobby-writing (confidence/skill-restricted)
  • Blogging (WorldAnvil) or vlogging (YouTube) as I self-teach this adventure
  • Streaming (Twitch) aforementioned self-teachings or worldbuilding/writing sprints