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Sarah Buhrman | Member Since 29 Oct, 2020
22 Followers 130950 Page views 246 Likes

AuthorGoddess Sarah Burhman embraces creating Worlds with Words. She lives in the Midwest with the kids and hubs-a-lot, and runs through the internet... doin' stuff. AG specializes in paranormal realism settings, and heroes who thrive while broken. She enjoys helping other writers with their projects and other altruistic forms of procrastination.

With four novels released for her Runespells series, AG keeps busy with the rest of the series, un-numbered shorts, and editing for other writers. She fills the spare minutes with streaming and stalking other streamers.


Broadcasting Info
AuthorGoddess broadcasts 5 times a week. World Anvil/Writing - Chat, Prompts & Sprints, Worldbuilding, & Writing Help   If there's a topic you'd like covered DM me on discord or shoot me an email: [email protected]
Publishing, Editing, Plot Development, World Building
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Favorite Movies

The Shawshank Redemption
Schindler's List
The entire MCU

Favorite TV Series

The Wheel of Time
Criminal Minds
Doctor Who

Favorite Books

The Wheel of Time series
Pillars of the Earth
Dragonsinger / Dragonsong
The Toy Soldier Saga by Diane Morrison
The Liminal Chronicles by Amy Winters-Voss

Favorite Writers

Robert Jordan
Jim Butcher
Neil Gaimon

Favorite Games

Game of Tomes