Everdon Uniform

As the inner workings of Everdon Academy are very much a mystery to the public of both Crathlia and the world at large, I thought it would be nice to go relatively in-depth with one of the most recongizable aspects of life at the most exclusive school in the world: the uniform.   As I needed a proper example of the young men's dress, I asked for my fiancé Prince Victor's assistance. He co-wrote this article and is here to provide the male perspective (and as he's more sociable than I am, most of the examples are his or his friends'). His influence is mostly present in the first section, in which I detail the uniform we in the present day are expected to adhere to; in the second section, I indulge my love of dress history and go over what Everdon students of the past wore.

The Current Uniform

Boys' Everdon Uniform - perfect score by ReachingForStardust
Girls' Everdon Uniform - perfect score by ReachingForStardust

Particulars and Style

Everdon uniforms are made from the traditional Everdon gray wool, a light, warm-toned gray that sets us apart from adult noblemen (who typically wear darker grays, whites, and blacks) and adult noblewomen (who wear their clans' colors). Subtly different weaves are used for the different seasons in order to avoid excessive sweat, or, alternatively, to keep us warm. Red and gold, the Alderley colors, mark us as vassals of the royal clan.   Every Everdon student is expected to wear his or her family ring, made in the gemstones of the clans of their parents.

Young Men

Starting age ten when a young nobleman enters Everdon, he wears the sort of suits he'll wear for the rest of his life, albeit in different colors and different levels of formality. The current style emphasizes broad shoulders for the coat with padding, worn with trousers with a high waist and low crotch, cut loose at the top and tapering at the bottom.

Young Women

As far as style, adult noblewomen have many more choices, so the uniform is based upon one fashionable silhouette while incorperating most of the elements of the male counterpart. With the hourglass figure being currently desirable, the coat cinches at the natural waistline and the skirt is relatively full and pleated.


I had terrible acne up until last year (I don't think I'm supposed to admit this publically but whatever), and I can't tell you how many times I got marked down to a B or a C for the day because of it. Callan tried everything to get rid of it, poor guy. Healers would get rid of the infection, and then it would pop back up seemingly overnight! I've gotten really, really good at making sure everything else looks spic and span, otherwise I'd be at an F for the day instead...
After each meal and throughout the day, we're evaluated on our adherance to the uniform. Imperfections of any kind are not tolerated. Thus there exist many ways to lose points on personal appearance each day; we'll only touch on a few here. The number of points deducted is up to the evaluating teacher, with some who are more strict than others, and is dependent on the grossness (or obviousness) of the offence.   The following list is non-exhaustive and is based only on our own personal experiences and the experiences of those we know:


  • Ruffled hair
  • Flyaways
  • Visible acne (yes, even the boys)
  • Makeup smudges/imperfections
  • Makeup that is "distracting" or "cheap-looking" in any way
  • Stubble on visible skin
  • Any evidence of injury such as bruises or cuts (get a Healer)
  • Dirt under nails
  • Uneven nails
  • Food in teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Body odor


  • Wrinkles
  • Improper fit
  • Crooked tie
  • Scuffed/muddy shoes
  • Improperly fastened/untied shoes
  • Drooping socks (girls)
  • Stain(s)
  • Missing ring(s)
Uncle Duncan and his fellow Dissipator Duke Kyle Blackburn often tell me stories of how they attempted to get negative numbers in their personal appearance grades. Uncle Duncan once returned from break with a full beard, and both went to class in swimsuits a few times. They would've used this list as a checklist.


Neither Victor nor I know much about sewing or how the uniforms we wear daily are put together, but our valet and lady's maid (respectively) certainly do, considering that that's been their job since we began attending Everdon Academy. We thought it'd be best, then, to ask them what they had to say:
Properly tailoring Their Highnesses's uniforms was... I'll say a bit stressful, when I was little, because I was just learning how to sew and get a good fit. Prince Felix was my first, so by the time Prince Victor started at Everdon, I was a lot more skilled. I will say when they hit their growth spurts, it felt like I had to change things practically every week to keep everything fitting right!
— Callan Page Reeman, Prince Victor and Prince Felix's valet
We were expected to have everything perfect from the start, and it was our ladies who lost points for our mistakes. Honestly, most of the personal appearance grade rests upon our shoulders, and some ladies took that out on their maids. I was very lucky. The trickiest part of the girls' uniform is probably perfecting the hourglass fit. There's a flare to the jacket that you have to get just right.
— Janessa Colman Cornett, my lady's maid
Item type
Clothing / Accessory

Worn at
Everdon Academy
Related Ethnicity
Ladies' Uniform
  • A crisp, white, collared shirt made of cotton with no wrinkles present.
  • A silk tie in Crathlian red.
  • A collared suit jacket of wool in Everdon gray. On the right-hand breast, the school's crest (a three-pronged shield striped in gold and red) must be embriodered. Four buttons should fasten the jacket closed.
  • A knee-length, pleated skirt of wool in matching Everdon gray with darker horizontal stripes and thin white vertical stripes, the Everdon plaid.
  • White cotton knee socks. Must be tightly-fitting and never droop or need adjusting.
  • Black leather shoes with a half-inch heel, closed by a strap around the ankle. Must be polished to shining.
  • A family ring for the student's clans of origin.
  • Hair is best worn up in a neat bun or updo, though other styles are acceptable as long as they are well-executed.
  • Makeup should be kept simple, natural, and elegant. Tacky, bright colors are not tolerated.
Lords' Uniform
  • A crisp, white, collared shirt made of cotton with no wrinkles present.
  • A silk tie in Crathlian red.
  • A collared suit jacket of wool in Everdon gray. On the right-hand breast, the school's crest must be embriodered. Four buttons should fasten the jacket closed.
  • Trousers of the same wool.
  • Black cotton socks.
  • Black leather dress shoes with laces. Must be polished to shining.
  • A family ring for the student's clans of origin.
  • Hair must be short and neat.
  • Must be clean-shaven.
Here Victor and I demonstrate some of the ways one might lose personal appearance points. Click on the images for the stories behind them. We perhaps had a bit too much fun with this...
Victor in Everdon Uniform - 75% for messy hair by ReachingForStardust
Victor in Everdon Uniform - 55% for crooked tie and wrinkled clothing by ReachingForStardust
Cordelia in Everdon Uniform - 65% for falling braid by ReachingForStardust


Over the past three hundred years of Everdon's existence, the expectations for what a student ought to wear have changed drastically. In fact, the shifting fashions of Everdon students mark the changes in the role of the nobility. Books could be and have been written about this subject. For the sake of space, I will focus on female apperal as it's changed the most, and that's where my area of expertise as an ametuer dress historian lies. The sketches are mine, based upon drawings and photographs from the given periods.

Pre-Uniform Clothing

Pre-Uniform Everdon Fashion by ReachingForStardust
On Colors
Note that the colors in this period were not standardized; a student could wear any color she liked, but typically wore the colors of her clans. I used Alderley colors alongside Mistgard purple, Rosmors pink, Redbreak salmon, and Blackburn crimson. The intent was to show a clan (in this case the Alderleys) progressing throughout time.
Early Combat Focus (1010 & 1080)
When Everdon was founded, the school primarily taught the art of combat to both noble Paragons and young shapeshifters. Thus the outfits worn by a historical noblewoman must strike a balance between a display of wealth to her peers and practicality, so that she might be ready for a fight at any moment. As shown, the slit-cape style (with a short skirt and a longer overskirt) was very popular among noblewomen, particularly those who chose to attend Everdon.
Industrialization (1130 & 1180)
With the advent of industrialization in the early 1100s, fashions began to shift, emphasizing wealth over practicality--note the prominence of the embriodery in the "Age of Steam" dress. Everdon began to focus on innovation over combat, encouraging students to use their abilities to invent new technologies. By the late 1100s (labeled "Fletcher's Rebellion"), skirts were widened with panniers, and the cape-slit style that had defined noble fashion for several centuries no longer made kicks and running more practical. It was a mere indicator that a young noble was attending Everdon. A similar effect is present in noblemen's fashion at the time, with tight-fitting silk breeches that were equally difficult to move in.
Aftermath (1190 & 1220)
By Fletcher's Rebellion and the turn of the century, the nobility found itself secure in its power through wealth, technology, and maneuvering. No longer did they need to rely on their bodies as a source of power. As the inventions of the previous century began to be viewed as below the nobility, Everdon's power training began to focus more on personal growth than any particular goal. The old slit-cape style that Everdon had clung to went out of fashion, and students wore the same dresses at Everdon as their mothers did in their day-to-day lives. The slit-cape style remained (with modifications) in dueling attire, now fully separate from day clothes.

Uniform Establishment

Historical Everdon Uniforms by ReachingForStardust
On Colors
As outlined in the rest of the article, with the introduction of the Everdon uniform, standardized colors were mandated. Gray was chosen as the primary color due to its lack of association with any particular clan, in a pale, warm-toned shade due to the youth of the students and the bright hope that they represent. The Alderley red of the tie was chosen to show alliegance to the Royal Clan.
First Uniform (1227-1249)
The establishment of the Everdon uniform came shortly after the new requirement that all Paragons who scored above 125 attend Everdon. Queen Mildred wanted to bring the nobility together, and the uniform would eliminate constant bickering among young nobles about fashion. The strict regulations were also argued to teach students how to conform exactly to expectation.
Jackets (1250-1279)
In 1250, a dark, wide-shouldered jacket was introduced for the ladies according to the fashion of the time. It did not match the boys' uniform, which was the chief argument for standardization in the years leading up to 1262. The new design was essentially the boys' uniform with a long skirt instead of trousers (along with a sleeker cut of jacket). It was also the first uniform to integrate Everdon's crest.
Everdon Plaid (1280-present)
Before the Colonization, plaid was a crucial piece of Crathlian culture and garments, denoting one's clan membership. Today, it's rarely used, but in 1280, a monochrome plaid called Everdon plaid was introduced into the girls' uniform as a tribute to our heritage.
Future Predictions
Humor me a bit as I speculate; I will have no input on the next uniform, so this is just an educated guess. Within a few years, fashion will certainly tire of the hourglass silhouette that has been so popular for the past decade. For a reactionary silhouette, I went with a waifish look, emphasizing straight lines rather than curves. Looking at the past fifty years, skirts keep getting shorter, with no signs of stopping, so I shortened the cut of both the skirt and the jacket. This has the effect of lengthening the legs and is indeed flattering on certain body types, which I think lends a bit of credibility to my little guess, but only time will tell.

Cover image: by ReachingForStardust


Author's Notes

My entry for the costume community challenge! Hope you enjoy, and feel free to give critiques or ask questions in the comments - always happy to answer :)

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May 15, 2021 22:04

Great article! Lovely art you added and a great use of layout. I especially like how you explained the grading system and have created some images to go along with it. The perspective from which it is written is a nice one as well.   The way you represented the evolution of the clothes with the spoilers is very organized and well done. Great read!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 15, 2021 23:01

Thank you so much! Yeah, I find it hard to just write plain ole lore, so I write from the perspective of my history nerd future princess, haha. She's fun!   Glad the spoilers worked well! I originally had it all as a big wall of text but I kept having to scroll up to look at the picture and that was annoying, so I figured it'd be annoying for readers too, heh. Plus clicking buttons is fun XD

In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
May 17, 2021 11:55

Works really well like this and that is a good way to avoid the big wall of text :p And indeed clicking is fun xp

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 15, 2021 22:18 by Chris L

Just wow. I love the personality in your drawings and the attention to detail. It's a really fascinating look at your world.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

May 15, 2021 23:08

Thank you!! Honestly the drawings were the catalyst for actually doing this challenge - I had such a clear idea of Cordelia half-reluctantly asking Victor for help with this article, and then them ending up playing around and taking pictures of each other. Then of course I really wanted to draw it and write about it, and here we are, haha. Yeah, I think it does make a nice window into the world, even if it's such a small part of it compared to the countries and such I usually write about! I really want to write more fashion/clothing articles now. Zooming in on that small scale can give some really interesting insights.

In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
May 17, 2021 17:30

I really like the fact the article is written in a in-universe perspective

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May 17, 2021 19:39

Thank you! Yeah, I get bored just talking about pure lore, so all my articles are written from the perspective of the history nerd princess-to-be, Cordelia. She's such a fun character to work with!

In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
May 17, 2021 19:59 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

I really love the way you've presented the article as a presentation from your MC and the way she dragged her fiancé into this :D The demonstration of incorrect uniform are also a great and fun idea and I love the concept of having to click on the pictures to get more details about what happened, while still getting enough details inside the article itself for it to make sense.   I have a great art style and amazing illustration :D   I also really love the concept for this world that you have on the world homepage! Are you writing a novel about this world and those characters?   Poor Victor, it's very unfair to get marked down for acne when it's not something you can control… An the prince too? He seems to have really taken it well…   " After each meal and throughout the day, we're evaluated on our adherance to the uniform." What? That's really a lot! If you have a spot or you ties get unlaced, you better notice it quickly!   " They would've used this list as a checklist." Nice XD I don't imagine they can throw away the royal family from the school…   I love the interviews with the valet and maid! It's true that the appearance would really depend on them and it's nice to get their POV :D   And I also love both your drawings of the historical changes of the uniform as well as the way you've used spoilers to comment on specific points. You really have a great outlay and structure for this article :D

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
May 17, 2021 20:22

Thank you so much Amélie! I'm glad that clicking on the pictures works well, since I wanted to tell the stories of those pictures but didn't want to take up more space haha   I am indeed writing a novel - well actually four novels plus a whole slew of possible prequels! Cordelia's only one of the MCs, and she has no idea that the other MC will end up affecting the world as much as she does... The first book's currently in editing stages, and hopefully one day will be on bookstore shelves :D   A prince must be perfect at all times, which is why he's held to such a high standard! Yeah, Victor tries to have a good attitude about such things - and it's also something he's always expected from his life. People are always the hardest on the royal family!   Yep, the strictness of the uniform teaches the students to be highly detail-oriented and automatically watch for mistakes - and to make friends who can help hide mistakes like food spillage. Nobles are going to be scrutinized by the media, so the school's attempting to get them used to that kind of thing.   Duncan and Kyle aren't royal, though they are members of High Clans (they're dukes!) - and they also didn't actually graduate XD they dropped out of school and joined the military when the Great War happened. And became huge war heroes, so nobody cares that they didn't graduate haha. Still gotta write their articles!   I'm glad you enjoyed Callan and Janessa! I think it's interesting to explore all sorts of different perspectives, and the servants definitely have their own stories to tell. Honestly, the personal appearance grade is like 80% their work, with the other 20% being maintaining perfection throughout the day.   The historical changes were drawn before the challenge actually! I just LOVE fashion history (as does Cordelia), and I had such a blast figuring out how Everdon outfits would change over time. Glad the spoilers work well!   Thank you so much for all your comments! It's so sweet that you do all this <3

In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
May 18, 2021 22:36 by Sailing Ocelot

This is a fantastic entry to the competition! I love the writing and the details on the level of strictness when it comes to appropriate attire, and those quotes showcase a lot of character personality. What really makes this article are the beautiful supporting pictures. Wow! You've put a lot of heart into this, it deserves to go far!

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot
May 18, 2021 23:22

Thank you so much!! I'm so glad you enjoyed my writing <3

In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
May 19, 2021 18:18 by Barbarossa Sparklebeard

I just want to say that I love the art style. I personally love the layout of everything and how it fits so well with the CSS. I also love the details on deductions and the history of the uniform. Overall, excellent article!

Please check out my article for the Tavern Challenge! The Black Haired Dog!
May 19, 2021 19:41

Oh thank you so much!! The CSS is mostly just the Opulent theme with a couple of font tweaks :D Had a lot of fun with the deduction details and the history, so I'm glad you enjoyed them too!

In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
May 22, 2021 08:48

I liked the entry, although I was a bit jarred by the sexism throughout the article, some of which I assume may be on purpose. I think not knowing how much of it is on purpose is part of the problem. However, I do love the idea of the article written by people in your world.
For example, twice, the writer uses the word I, which is used as a link to her article. However, the excerpt of said article just tells me that they are someone's bothered and a writer. We don't even get to learn her name (though I know it appears on the sidebar, this is not necessarily something people read at the same time). Particularly as the writer of these articles, this reads somewhat odd. Simply adding something like "Countess Cordelia is..." at the beginning of the tooltip would make this less jarring.
Other things like "Visible acne (yes, even the boys)" are similarly somewhat jarring, although I am assuming this is some sort of jest of the prince, seeing that he is a co-author.   That said, I thought the article was really neat! You have given it a lot of thought. I loved the picture descriptions illustrating the different infractions one may commit. Their commentary is really revealing of your setting as a whole.   The best part though, for me, has to be the "history" section of the article. The pictures, plus the accompanying text detailing how the clothing has transformed was top notch.

May 23, 2021 00:16

I'm glad you like it! Heh, yeah, the sexism is a Thing, and I the author do not condone it (and yes it's entirely intentional). But tbh it's quite dialed down from the 1950s inspirations of the world. In Crathlia, women do inherit noble titles equally with men and many commoner women own their own businesses (one of Crathlia's most lucrative companies has a woman as founder and CEO and she's not thought of as strange for it) and make scientific advancements, etc. But Crathlia's also a *deeply* oppressive place, so I felt that strict gender roles and some level of sexism made sense to include. And at Everdon, there's an exaggeration of the existing beauty standards, and thus you can see here stronger sexism than otherwise exists in Crathlia.   That's a great idea on including Cordelia's name in the tooltip - I'll definitely implement that!   Lol yeah the "even the boys" comment is in reference to the fact that most boys don't wear makeup in their world and Victor doesn't want to outright admit that he and the other noble teenage boys regularly wear concealer XD Again, intentional in-world sexism, oof. But yeah that's Victor joking around!   I'm glad you liked the infraction pictures!! The idea of Cordelia and Victor clowning around and taking pictures of some of the ways they could get docked points was what drove me to write this article :D   Yay I'm so happy the history section was your favorite!! I think it's my favorite too - I'm a huge fan of historical fashion and so I had such a fun time designing the different ensembles! Thanks so much for reading and I'm glad you liked it <3

In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
May 25, 2021 09:33

Really great work!
The Artworks is really nice and the layout as well as the personal touch by using the "first person view".
Really a great read!

Have a look at my entries for:
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • May 25, 2021 23:01

    Thanks so much! The art was really fun to draw :D and yes I love using first person, I'm glad you liked it too!!

    In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
    May 27, 2021 15:35 by Jared

    Really nice article, so much detail into it all, especially in one part that I very much enjoyed. The deductions section was quite fun to read, as was the whole article, but that section in specific just made so much sense and really added to the enjoyment!   I really loved the first-person perspective the article is written in as well. It helps bring some real personality to the article beyond just an explanation of the uniform, which was great!

    Come and take a look around my world, Totania!
    May 27, 2021 23:58

    Thanks so much! The deductions section was such fun to come up with, so I'm glad it was fun too read too!   All my articles are written from Cordelia's perspective! :D It's way more fun to me to filter lore through the perspective of a person in-world. I get bored just writing facts, haha.

    In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
    May 29, 2021 05:54 by O4

    I really felt like I was listening to Cordelia the whole time! The way you wrote the article presented a level of realism I don't encounter very often. It was a specific and - most importantly - entertaining voice that guided me through the read smoothly. The art is amazing! I like your drawing and the expressions you gave to both Victor and Cordelia. Quite funny to see them smiling at getting deductions.   Awesome article!

    Let us unite against the enemies of Album!
    May 30, 2021 13:05

    Aw thank you!! So glad you enjoyed her character voice so much - I'm grinning reading this!   And I'm so glad you like the art. Yeah, since they're sitting in Cordelia's dorm room recreating their imperfections, of course they're giggling about it. What else can you do? Got to have a sense of humor about it, heh. And they never take pictures of themselves when they're less than perfect, so that's weird in of itself! (To be honest Victor's viewing the pictures as a bit of a political move to humanize himself to the commoners, lol. Better to be relatable and imperfect than to get overthrown after all!)

    In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
    May 29, 2021 22:21 by Michael Chandra

    Nice article, I like the in-universe description on it. I must say, the harsh grading system and the way they ditched all nice colours, makes me shake my head in regret and loathing at the administration.

    Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
    May 30, 2021 13:14

    Glad you liked it! Oh yeah the administration, ulg. Cordelia doesn't want to say too much against them for political reasons, but I think you can imagine how stifling a place Everdon's become, and all in pursuit of ""perfection""... and I'm not sure that I mentioned in this article that the youngest Everdon students are only 10 years old! Cordelia would agree that pre-uniform Everdon was a nicer place to attend XD

    In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
    Jun 2, 2021 09:12 by Tobias Linder

    Well formatted, lots of art, lots of effort. What's not to like?

    Jun 2, 2021 23:08

    Thanks so much!! :D

    In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
    Jun 3, 2021 13:55 by Brianna Siobhan Healey

    I love this article. The dress sketches are gorgeous. I look forward to more of your articles. Summercamp is coming.. lol

    Check out Corrigenda and 2275 earth
    Jun 3, 2021 23:31

    Thanks so much! I love sketching dresses so you'll probably see more of that :D

    In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
    Jun 4, 2021 13:58

    Really awesome article!!. Where do i begin?. The drawings are amazing, the article is extremely detailed ( and i love it!!), from the history and evolution of the costume through the ages, the different parts of the costume, and the materials of which is made of, the differences between the dresses for both boys and girls... Awesome work, really!!, congratulations!!. I enjoyed it a lot reading it!!

    Jun 4, 2021 14:06

    Thank you so much!! :D

    In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
    Jun 4, 2021 20:40 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Curious as to why Felix was Callan's first when Victor is older?   I love the section on history and the spoiler-ed details of how they evolved through time. And the art is fabulous throughout. I enjoyed clicking on the pictures of 'substandard' uniform and reading what Victor did to make it like that. XD   Really wonderful job!

    Jun 4, 2021 20:55

    Victor is three years younger than Felix! Inheritance of the title of Crown Prince or Princess of Crathlia (and thus the king/queenship) is decided by a blood test that measures the number of power carriers in one's blood. Essentially, whichever child of the king and queen is the most powerful becomes the crown prince or princess. A full explanation can be found here! https://www.worldanvil.com/w/gormhan-reachingforstardust/a/hereditary-crown-royal-of-crathlia-rank   I'm so glad you loved the history section! That was such a fun part to write :D And I'm glad you clicked on the pictures and read the little stories Victor and Cordelia had to tell.   Thank you so much!

    In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
    Jun 4, 2021 21:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Ahhh, that makes sense!! Just so you know, the hover over Felix calls him Victor's younger brother.

    Jun 4, 2021 21:50

    Oh my gosh does it? lolll that's never been the case in the 5 years that Felix and Victor have existed how did I do that XD Thanks for pointing that out, I'll go fix that now!

    In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
    Jun 4, 2021 21:52 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Hahaha, you're welcome! :D

    Jun 12, 2021 17:55 by E. Christopher Clark

    I love all the variations, and the art works beautifully with the writing. Good work!

    Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
    Jun 12, 2021 19:48

    Thanks!! The variation drawings were the first created - and it was actually created before the challenge even existed :D having some of the art already done is a big reason I went ahead and took part haha

    In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!
    Jun 13, 2021 01:26 by Michael Holt

    Great article! The pictures of the reporters really do evoke a candid photograph feel and then I love that you switched to a more fashion design style for the history section. This is one of those great articles that doesn't just tell you about the subject, but gives you a sense of the universe it's living in. Well done!

    My Summer Camp 2021 Hub and Article List
    Jun 14, 2021 20:37

    Thank you so much!! I'm glad you appreciated the style shifts :D And giving a sense of the universe, the way that these people live, is *exactly* what I want from my worldbuilding so that's such a high complement!!

    In Gormhan, an ancient magic-using nobility clings to its power in a high-tech 1950s-inspired world. There are dragons too!