BBCode Tags

Restructuring the Codex

We are currently moving articles around and changing the general structure of the Codex. Please come back later if you get lost!

Using BBCode to format your text

This guide contains a list of all the BBCodes available with an example of what it does. The BBCode can be used to make the structure of the article your own. When done right this can improve readability and your article will look much better!

How to use BBCode tags

A BBCode tag is a code between square brackets (for example, [b]). The code, b in this case, determines the effect of the tag - making the text bold. The tag's effect is applied to anything in between two tags with the same code.
  Most tags have an opening and a closing variant. The closing variant always has a forward slash ( / ) right after the opening bracket ( [ ). Make sure to always close all the tags you open as it can be very problematic if you do not. Often this will cause the entire view to be broken.
  There are some tags that don't need closing, such as for paragraph breaks or media embeds. Just look at the example provided for each tag to see if there's a closing tag.
  Additionally, some BBCode tags have options which are separated with a colon ( : ) from the tag name. Multiple options are usualy separated with the pipe character ( | ).

List of BBCode tags

The following list has all BBCode tags available to free accounts, organized by type. They contain an example and a short explanation when needed.
  If you are a Guild Member (that is, you have a paid subscription), don't forget to look at the Guild BBCode list too:
Guild BBCode Tags
Generic article | Oct 29, 2023

Explore all the BBCode tags exclusive to paid accounts!


Basic formatting tags


You can go down to four levels of headings. This is how they look:
[h1]H1 Example[/h1]

H1 Example

[h2]H2 Example[/h2]

H2 Example

[h3]H3 Example[/h3]

H3 Example

[h4]H4 Example[/h4]
H4 Example


Font Effects

You can use the usual font effects as in any other text processor.
[b]Text using bold[/b]

  [i]Text using italics[/i]

  [u]Text using underline[/u]

  [s]Text using strikethrough[/s]

  This [redacted:4] is redacted

  [small]This is smaller[/small]

  This is [sup]superscript[/sup]

  This is [sub]subscript[/sub]

  Now I can display [noparse][b]BBCode tags[/b] with the noparse tags.[/noparse]

  [dc]T[/dc]his is a fancy drop cap to put in the first line of your article. Looks better with a longer paragraph!
  Text using bold
  Text using italics
  Text using underline
  Text using strikethrough
  This ████ is redacted
  This is smaller
  This is superscript
  This is subscript
  Now I can display [b]BBCode tags[/b] with the noparse tags.
  This is a fancy drop cap to put in the first line of your article. Looks better with a longer paragraph!

    • The [redacted] generates a number of "redacted squares" (█) equal to the number you input inside the tag. You don't need to close this tag.
    • The [noparse] tags tell the system to treat BBCode tags as regular text. Any BBCode tags between the noparse tag will not have any effect and will be displayed in presentation view.


Layout Boxes

These tags wrap text in different kinds of containers with a special layout.
[quote]This is a quote.|Author[/quote]
This is a quote.
— Author

[spoiler]This content is hidden (but it can be revealed with a button)|Button label (optional)[/spoiler]
Button label (optional)
This content is hidden (but it can be revealed with a button)

[aloud]This text is to be read aloud[/aloud]
This text is to be read aloud

[code]This text looks like code[/code]
This text looks like code



[tooltip:This text will appear when you mouse over the text]Mouse over this to see the tooltip[/tooltip]
Mouse over this to see the tooltip


Paragraphs & Separators

Use these tags to tweak how paragraphs are separated.
This is paragraph one.

  This is paragraph two. Adding a completly empty line (even without spaces!) will create a paragraph separator.
This is paragraph one.
  This is paragraph two. Adding a completly empty line (NO spaces!) will create a paragraph separator.

This is paragraph one.
This is paragraph two. Each "br" is a line break, so this has a wider separation than usual.
This is paragraph one.

This is paragraph two. Each "br" is a line break, so this has a wider separation than usual.

This is paragraph one.
This is paragraph two, with a clear visual separation.
This is paragraph one.
This is paragraph two, with a clear visual separation.

[in]It is possible to create an indented paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.[/in]
Any text after it will be moved to the next line.
It is possible to create an indented paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.
Any text after it will be moved to the next line.


Text alignment

Use these tags to choose where the text is aligned.
[left]This text is aligned to the left (default alignment)[/left]
  [center]This text is in the center[/center]
  [right]This text is in the right[/right]
  [justify]This text is justified on both sides. This visually works best with paragraphs of text and can look fantastic when formatted into columns as demonstrated further on in this guide. Putting justify BBCode around a body of text will automatically stretch the spacing out to fill a space rather than have the edges of a paragraph at different lengths.[/justify]
  [concol]This text is in the center with wide margins. This also works best with paragraphs or texts so you can better see the margins[/concol]
  [rtl]This text is aligned to be read from right to left. Useful for languages with this writing direction.[/rtl]
This text is aligned to the left (default alignment)

This text is in the center

This text is in the right

This text is justified on both sides. This visually works best with paragraphs of text and can look fantastic when formatted into columns as demonstrated further on in this guide. Putting justify BBCode around a body of text will automatically stretch the spacing out to fill a space rather than have the edges of a paragraph at different lengths.

This text is in the center with wide margins. This also works best with paragraphs or texts so you can better see the margins

  This doesn't work with English, but it's very handy for right-to-left writing systems.



Lists can be either unordered with bullet-point items, or ordered for a numbered list.
Lists are placed between [ul] [/ul] tags for unoredered lists. Use [ol] [/ol] instead for numbered lists. Each list item inside this tags goes in between [li] [/li] tags.
[li]Item 1[/li]
[li]Item 2[/li]
    • Item 1
    • Item 2

[li]Item 1[/li]
[li]Item 2[/li]
    • Item 1
    • Item 2

  You can also nest a list inside another list, both with unordered and ordered lists:
[li]Item 1
[li]Sub-item 1[/li]
[li]Sub-item 2[/li]
[li]Item 2[/li]
  • Item 1
      • Sub-item 1
      • Sub-item 2
    • Item 2
Notice how you put the nested list inside the [li] [/li] tags of the item you want the list to be nested under.
  For a few quick lists you can use a simplyfied syntax. In order for these to work the hypen has to be at the beginning of the line. Any other character will break it.
  You can surround the list items with [ol][/ol] to get an ordered list instead of bullet points.
- Item 1
- Item 2
-- Item 2.1
-- Item 2.2
- Item 3
  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 2.1
  • Item 2.2
  • Item 3



    You can use a number of tags to create checkbox icons. Note that, while they are useful to create checklists, they aren't technically considered as such, so you will still need to use line breaks to separate them (or put them inside a regular list).
    [] Empty
    [c] Checked
    [r] Right chevron
    [l] Left chevron
    [x] Failed
    [+] Plus
    [-] Minus
    Right chevron
    Left chevron


    RPG Icons

    These BBCode tags can be used to display RPG system specific icons in articles to enrich session reports or skill descriptions.
    Pathfinder Action Icons

    Genesys Dice Symbols

      There are different ways of linking in World Anvil, depending on the kind of content you're linking to:
    Article links
    @[Guide to BBCode Commands](article:6a1a7029-64c8-468b-9f9a-6b0b367f7601)
    To generate a link to another article within your world, type the @ character and start typing the article name. Then, choose from the drop-down. Take a look at the Guide to Linking and the Mention System for more information.
    World links

    To get the world ID, use the World Widgets panel in the world configuration page.
    External links
    [url:]World Anvil Blog[/url]
    Whatever you write in between the tags will be displayed on the article. Clicking it will take you to the URL you entered in the opening tag. There are two options which can be used with the url BBCode.
    [url:|tab]World Anvil Blog (Opens in new tab)[/url]

    [url:|parent]World Anvil Blog (Opens in parent frame)[/url]




    Key-Values can be used to create a custom definitions list. Some usecases might be to list the scientific classifications of a species, or a stats or equipment list for a Character article. This format is the same as many of the pre-defined Sidebar fields in several templates.

    --The Key::The Value--
    The Key
    The Value


    Media and widgets

    This section deals with all sorts of embedding, from images to licenses and world content.

    Pin icons

    You can use BBCode to embed any pin icon that can be used in a map. You can see all pins and copy their codes by pressing Alt+Enter while editing a map.


    Tables of contents

    Uses these tags to generate automatic tables of contents on different levels.

      You can automatically generate the path to that article using the article's category organization.


    Lists of tagged articles

    You can generate automatic lists of all articles with a specific tag using the [tagged:TAG|TYPE|TITLE] BBCode. Each of the parts in UPPERCASE is a different parameter you can set:

    [tagged:#BBCode|list|Articles Tagged with #BBCode]

    Take a look at the Guide to the Tagging System for more information on how this works.
      A similar function exists for tagged RPG blocks:
    [taggedblocks:#test-tag|Example Block List]

    Example Block List


    Article blocks

    Instead of the regular linking methods explained above, you can also embed an article with better formatting:

    The ID is the same ID you use to link to the article using the regular mention linking system. For more information, take a look at the Articleblocks guide.



    There are four options to embed or link to categories:

    [category:6fba5523-5ebd-49c8-b659-81e3d7352f6a]Custom title[/category]



    All of these tags can be copied from the settings page of the category you want to link to.



    Use these tags to embed maps into your articles.
    The first two numbers after the ID (737 and 460) are the X and Y coordinates of the default center point for this embed. The third number (200) is the zoom level.
    These three numbers are optional, so you can also embed a map without them, as such:
    Map Features Showcase
    Check out the Guide to Maps for more information on maps.


    RPG blocks

    If you're using RPG features, use these tags to embed RPG blocks in your articles:


    For some character sheets, you can also add tracking or badge as parameters (of example, [block:id|tracking] or [block:id|badge]. A badge sheet contains a summary of the most important character stats. The tracking sheet lets you (or anyone with access to the article) to edit the sheet from presentation mode.


    Strength 13 or higher

    You’ve developed the skills necessary to hold your own in close--quarters Grappling. You gain the following benefits:  

  • You have advantage on Attack rolls against a creature you are Grappling.
  • You can use your action to try to pin a creature Grappled by you. To do so, make another grapple check. If you succeed, you and the creature are both Restrained until the grapple ends.

  •   Note that you can also embed blocks inside other blocks (such as character sheets). This is useful to keep track of resources like spells, equipment, and more.
      Check out the Guide to Blocks for more information.



    Use these tags to embed timelines and historical events:
    [timeline:a49239bc-b632-4a22-97c7-1e2cadee8b57]Check out this timeline![/timeline]

    [history:7f2ff33c-ea09-4a68-abec-c0f5d1f792e2]And also this historical event![/history]
    Check out the Guide to Timelines for more information.


    Dice roller

    Use this to embed a virtual dice roller anywhere:
    This tag accepts the several dice roller expressions. Check out the BBcode: Dice Roller page for more information.


    Follow button

    Use this to add a button anywhere that, when clicked, will make the user follow your world:
    The number after follow is the world's unqiue identifier. To get it, use the World Widgets panel in the world configuration page.


    World meta

    If you have used the world meta feature (accessible from the world dashboard) you can use the [worldmeta] tag to embed sections of it, using this syntax:

      The ID is the world id (you can get it in the World Widgets panel of the configuration page). SECTION can be imagery, music, literature, or otherinspiration to embed any of these sections.

    Current date

    You can embed the current world date anywhere on your world using the following tags. The current date is set from the world configuration, Date & Time tab. You can copy the current date widget code from the same page, in the World widgets right panel.
    (this is the default "current display date"; not available in the Codex)




    Creative Commons Licenses

    There is a set of BBCode tags that generate the different Creative Commons license icons:






    More information on what these license mean can be found in the Creative Commons Foundation web site.
    Tip: If you are a guild member and want to license your world with a CC licence, you can put it in the copyright footer (in the Guide to World Configuration). Whatever licence you put in this field, it will be displayed at the bottom of all pages in your world.


    Use the Images & Files page to get the code for an image:


    This tag adds the image with its name, credit, and description in a formatted block.
    Both tags have options to tweak different settings such as size, alignment, and background color. Check the guide to images for more information:
    Generic article | Jan 30, 2024

    In this article you learn how to upload, manage and use images on World Anvil.

    Dimitris Announcement Chibi (small)
    Chibi Dimitris has something to tell you!


      Important! Always credit the artist of the images you use, even if you are the artist! Articles with uncredited art will not be featured and is not elegible to win challenges and competitions.

    User tags

    You can easily link to World Anvil user profiles or even display a small panel with the user's basic profile.


    Forgemaster Ondo

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.



    Embedding media players

    World Anvil allows embeds from several external websites: Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud, LibSyn, BandCamp, PodBean, Kuula, and Discord.







    A 3D preview of the embedded SketchFab page would appear here, but it has been removed to prevent long pageload times.

    Check the Guide to Embedding 360º Images for more information
    A 3D preview of the embedded SketchFab page would appear here, but it has been removed to prevent long pageload times.

    Read Embedding the Discord Widget for more information


    Advanced formatting


    You can use anchors to link to specific parts of an article; usually a header, but you can place an anchor anywhere on an article.
    Header anchors
    [h3|anchor-example]Anchor example[/h3]

    Anchor example

    You can add an anchor to all header types, not just H3.
    Non-header anchors
    (it's invisible, but it's here!)
    Linking to anchors
    Header and non-header anchors work the same:
    [url:#anchor-example]Header anchor example[/url]
    [url:#not-a-header]Non-header anchor example[/url]

    If you want to link to an anchor from a different article, you need the full article URL. For example, [url:]Link to external anchor[/url] (note the last part of the URL, which is the anchor name with the # character).



    World Anvil has three kinds of tables. Block tables are explained in the Guide to Blocks, and interactive tables (Guild-only) are explained in the Guide to Tables. This explains the third kind, BBCode tables.
    [td:40]Big Pointy Stick[/td]
    Name Description Damage Notes
    Longsword Big Pointy Stick 1d8 Sharp
    The whole table needs to be between [table] [/table] tags. Additionally, each row individually is between [tr] [/tr] tags, and the cells are set from left to right (that is, the top-most cell you write is the left one).
      There are two cell types: Cells in [th] [/th] are header cells and have a highlighted style. Cells in [td] [/td] are regular cells. Both kinds of cells accept a number in the opening tag (as in the example), which is a percentage to set their width.
      It's recommended to use a BBCode table generator, such as this one, to create BBcode tables.



    Use columns to divide your text in two (or more) parallel sections.
    [col]This is the left column.[/col]
    [col]And this is the right column![/col]
    This is the left column.
    And this is the right column!

    [col3]This is the left column.[/col3]
    [col3]This is the middle column.[/col3]
    [col3]And this is the right column![/col3]
    This is the left column.
    This is the middle column.
    And this is the right column!

      You can put rows inside rows to get, for example, four columns. Always remember to add the [row] [/row] tags to avoid formatting issues in your articles!
      Grandmaster and Sage users have access to containers as well, and can create more flexible column arrangements without nesting rows. Check out the containers article for more information!


    Guild Features

    This feature is available to all guild members.
    If you are a Guild Member, you have all these BBCode tags at your disposal plus the ones in this other list:
    Guild BBCode Tags
    Generic article | Oct 29, 2023

    Explore all the BBCode tags exclusive to paid accounts!

    Check this video for a quick and basic introduction to the World Anvil BBCode system:



    Tips & Tricks

    • The BBCode Reference panel is available to the side of all articles for easy access and has a list of useful examples.
    • You can use BBCode in the sidebar panel content, footnotes and even in your own notes in worldanvil!
    • It's important to consider visual hierarchy in your articles, so try and make the things you want people to look at first bigger and bolder.
    • Most resources created in WorldAnvil can be added to an article with a BBCode. You can always copy these codes where you created these resources.
    • If you need further help with formatting, hop on the WorldAnvil discord and ask an in the help channel for assistance!


    Community YouTube tutorial

    You can also check this unofficial tutorial by :   And this quick BBCode reference by SoulLink:
    BBCode Reference
    Document | Oct 18, 2022

    A World Anvil BBCode Reference, for quick lookup.


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Mar 28, 2018 18:26

    could you possibly explain, how to add images into an article? as in directly within the area, where text is normally contained. I would be very appreciative, as I am a visual artist before a writer, and feel that diagrams explain the natural laws in my universe, in a much more concise, and easily understandable manner, than a wall of text. thank you, for listening to my request.

    Mar 28, 2018 18:50 by TJ Trewin

    Sure thing! I'll add this to the guide (it's in need of some TLC), but a quick answer for you - go to your world's image library and upload an image. In the top corner it should provide you with a BBCode link such as

    by xanthussmarduk
    - you can place it just like that anywhere in your article and it will show up.   Feel free to leave a comment or send me a message if you have any other questions! :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Mar 28, 2018 19:53

    Thanks so much TJ! I've got it to work. :)   Now I just need to play with it enough to get the hang of using it alongside formatting. trial and error time!

    May 20, 2018 03:07

    Is there currently a way for me to add links to my other articles? For example I write about a certain race within the article about their empire, is it possible to have it so the reader can click the race name and be redirected to the article about that race?

    May 21, 2018 17:40 by TJ Trewin

    Yep! Just go to your articles list and click the clipboard icon to add the BBCode to your clipboard, then just paste it into your article to add a link :D alternatively you can find this code for any article when you go to edit that article - it will be listed in the side near the bbcode reference button

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Oct 15, 2018 12:17

    Is there a way to format content as a table? For example, I want a look up table from a distance to a number (e.g. 8000 is 40, 7000 is 45, 6000 is 50)

    Oct 24, 2018 22:10 by Kanga LaRue

    You can use rpg blocks! 1. Make a new rpg block, use the generic, table type. 2. Give the table a name 3. Put in the content > format like this: Heading1 | Heading2 | Heading1 | etc... Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3 | ... Data 4 | Data 5 | Data 6 | ... 4. Save it. 5. Use it in articles with bbcode given on the block's page

    Jan 26, 2019 06:15 by Lyraine Alei

    This page is extremely valuable and useful, thank you for composing it! *re-adds the page to her World Building Bookmarks*

    Lyraine, Consumer of Lore, She/Her, primary project: Corive
    Aug 19, 2019 15:03 by Kevin Seachrist

    I attempted to use the "Coloured Text" (e.g. [color:red]) BBCode tag and the page seems to ignore it, continuing to display the text in the base format. Am I neglecting to do something? The other BBCode tags I've tried work great!

    Sep 25, 2019 14:41 by Jacob Billings

    Sections, Color, and Icons are all listed under guild(grandmaster) features. That means anyone with a rank underneath that will be unable to use them.

    Nov 10, 2019 20:47

    I think this BBCode table generator is very good, :)

    Dec 19, 2019 22:58

    I wonder if an update messed up some of this page? Several, more than half I think, of the code/example pairs don't show code, but instead show the example twice. I also found a few sections where it was obvious you were trying to show code but it's missing. I also see some headers that end in "Using" like "blah blah Using" where obviously that shouldn't be the end of the header. Perhaps this should be a candidate for a decent edit?

    Dec 30, 2019 09:27

    Oops. My examples were {center}Center{/center} and {center}Your text.{/center}

    Mar 25, 2020 23:47 by Rachel

    There is bb code listed here to make text small, but after exploring my options and trying various options, I can't find anything that works to make text large. Will I need to use custom css? I'm rusty, but capable. If there's simple bb code that works, I'd prefer that. I tried using header types as substitutes but I don't like them for the main text block.

    Apr 6, 2020 08:57

    Hi, is it possible to anchor to a header on another article?

    Jul 28, 2020 06:28 by Kaleb Troy

    I want to second this; I would love to be able to link to specific sections of my more lengthy articles, but I don't think the current anchor system allows for it.

    Apr 20, 2020 18:30

    Does anyone know of an online BBCode editor that will generate a table of contents with nested anchor links to all the headers in the article?   Please add this feature.

    Apr 25, 2020 15:19

    May 18, 2020 04:54 by SirCobalt

    There is a Note in the Contents sidebar that contains a reference to the BBCode for a URL, it's listed as url= when I believe it should be url:.

    May 18, 2020 09:06

    Both = and : work with the url tag!

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    May 19, 2020 05:59 by SirCobalt

    Good to know, thanks!

    Aug 5, 2020 06:41 by Hannah

    Minor correction to the [color:#0000FF90]This is blue with 90% opacity![/color] explanation: It's not 90% opacity since the color is in hexadecimal format. 0x90 is equivalent to 144, so 0x90/0xff = 144/255 ~= 0.56. So rather than 90% opacity, it's actually about 56% opacity. If the color were expressed as rgba(0,0,255,.9), then it'd be 90% opacity.

    Aug 6, 2020 11:01

    Thanks for the correction!

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Aug 6, 2020 14:49 by Hannah

    Hopefully I wasn't being too pedantic; it really is just a minor thing.

    Aug 6, 2020 23:38

    Of course not, keep them coming! I haven't added the full explanation because I think it's not the space for it, but it was an error, so it had to be corrected. Feel free to give any more feedback!

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Sep 8, 2020 20:33

    Whenever I attempt to call a tag with BBcode it doesn't seem to recognize the tag and I can't figure out why. I'm using the exact same BBcode as shown in this article.

    Sep 9, 2020 17:48

    Hi! Do you mean that the tag is displayed in the article when you view it? This might be because you are using the WYSIWYG editor. To switch to a code editor, click the ">_" button in the toolbar. If you want to switch to code permanently, I recommend to choose Euclid as the editor in your interface settings.

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Sep 20, 2020 18:49

    Are email links allowed? I can't seem to get them to work. Example: [[email protected]]send email[/email]

    Sep 20, 2020 19:00

    Hi! This tag does not exist, so it won't work unfortunately. It might work if you use [noparse]send email instead, but I'm not sure. Either way, you can always just paste the email address.

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Sep 20, 2020 22:31

    I couldn't get that to work. Thank you anyway!!

    Sep 21, 2020 10:47

    Sorry, I missed a tag in my reply. I meant: []send email[/url].

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Nov 3, 2020 18:44

    I have a question on tables within the articles and how to format them for rows spanning columns and for columns spanning rows. I've tried a few variations of the standard html "rowspan" and "colspan" tags, but those are not working. How would I get a row to span multiple columns (and a column to span multiple rows)?

    Nov 4, 2020 09:51

    Hi! Unfortunately our BBCode system doesn't support colspan/rowspan tags. Feel free to submit a feature request, though. You can access the feature request system from the help page (you'll need a separate account, because it uses a third-party service called Jira).

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Jan 31, 2021 20:03

    Did the guild features like color and icons move to a different page? I can't seem to find them on this page anymore.

    Feb 1, 2021 12:15

    Hi! We're in the process of restructuring the bbcode guides. The content was removed from this one because it will be moved to a separate guide. For now, I've restored the guild contents while we work on the new guide. Sorry about that!

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Feb 1, 2021 21:46

    No worries! Thanks!

    Feb 13, 2021 06:22

    Why when I copy and paste the bbcode for my calendar does it turn out blank white?

    Feb 13, 2021 19:09

    Hi! I don't understand what you mean. Could you elaborate? Thank you!

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Feb 14, 2021 06:07

    Feb 14, 2021 18:15

    I see what you mean! Calendars are working for me, so assuming that you created weekdays to fill the calendar, it's probably a bug. Calendars are currently developed by Ademal, so the bug-tracking system is different. You can use [url:]this Trello board[/utl] to report the bug. Thank you!

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Feb 15, 2021 08:36

    Thank you! I signed up and left a message!

    Mar 26, 2021 05:03 by Nash Peterson

    This may seem like a stupid question. How do you add the footer widgets to your articles? I can't find any documentation in your articles on adding the "like" and "add to reading list" buttons.

    Mar 26, 2021 13:01

    Hi! No such thing as a stupid question! :) These buttons appear automatically on all of your articles, but they're only visible to your logged-in readers.

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Mar 27, 2021 03:13 by Curly

    *Me keeping this tab open 100% of the time so I can always just scroll and find what I need*

    Jul 16, 2021 17:24

    I'm sorry if this is answered elsewhere, but is there a way to integrate spreadsheet calculations into a table?   Here's specifically what I want to do [and can do in a Wordperfect X6 spreadsheet], 2 related things: 1: I want a "generic item" whose stats are the average of the others on the list. the spreadsheet code I use is like this +AVE(B3:B53)   2: for incomplete Items I want the values in the public side of the table to either be the entered value or, if absent, the value of the generic value (the average of the entered values on the table)   The purpose of this is both to make quick items by only listing the outlying stats, and to help in my project which is making Final Fantasy's stats work on tabletop when not all games had all stats (like accuracy, or evasion)   Here's a table for reference  

      Thanks in advance!

    Jul 16, 2021 17:31

    A more general example of what I'm trying to do would be for D&D 3E, to say "this sword has the stats of a regular longsword, but its threat range is 16-20 and it weighs 6 lbs" I could basically Xor it with longsword and just put in the stats that are different

    Jul 18, 2021 10:36

    I'm afraid calculations aren't part of the tables feature. Given the complexity this features probably has, I doubt it will be implemented.

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Aug 2, 2021 14:06 by Rhoanne Highwood

    Greetings! Is there an undo feature when writing articles if you have accidentally backspaced over text?

    Rhoanne Highwood - Fantasy with Bite
    Aug 3, 2021 11:38

    Yes, Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y (undo and redo) should work as usual!

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Aug 3, 2021 14:26 by Rhoanne Highwood

    You're a true hero, Ondo! Thank you!

    Rhoanne Highwood - Fantasy with Bite
    Oct 28, 2021 17:37

    Is there a way to add comments in the BBCode source? It would help to structure the text and find quicker the spot you like to change something. For example when you work with tables, etc.   examples: [!-- commented text goes here --] // one line comment   thx

    Oct 28, 2021 17:40

    Interesting some of the examples did not make it in the comment (slash + star, etc.)

    Oct 28, 2021 20:24

    You got it! Guild members have the slash+star syntax as the one that can be used on World Anvil (comments are BBCode-enabled too).

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Oct 29, 2021 11:16

    Lucky me ... :) Thanks & a Great Weekend

    Dec 20, 2021 03:16

    Hello, I'm at a loss when it comes to adding Icons to Categories. I have copied and pasted the RPGAwesome icon code into the Icon line under edit category and the only thing it did was remove the folder icon from my homepage, leaving only the category name. Thanks in advance.

    Dec 20, 2021 11:45

    Hi! Could you paste here the full icon code you used? This will help me see what the issue is. Thanks!

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Dec 20, 2021 23:37

    <i class="ra ra-moon-sun"></i>

    Dec 21, 2021 10:15

    I see the problem. The code you use for the category icon should just be "ra ra-moon-sun" (without quotation marks). The system will fill in the rest of the necessary HTML code.

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Dec 21, 2021 19:35

    Ondo, you are a gentleman and a scholar, once again, thank you.

    May 4, 2022 22:58

    Are the RPG Icons from Pathfinder and Genesy Dice the only icons available (for free users)?

    May 5, 2022 10:39

    Pin icons are also available using the [pin] tag. To get a list of them, go to a map and press alt+enter. They're usually used as map pins (hence the name), but you can also embed them anywhere with BBCode.

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Jan 23, 2023 22:58

    Is there a way to add a quickly adjustable value to the character sheet ? For instance a box that can hold a number for lets say gold that can be adjusted in the sheet without having to open the edit menu?

    Jan 24, 2023 09:16

    There is! That's what the badge version of the sheet is for. If you're using a character sheet with a badge version (like the D&D 5e one), it will appear in the session screen. You can also embed it in any article by adding the "badge" parameter, like this: [block:123|badge] (replacing "123" for the ID of your sheet, of course). Note that this will make the character sheet editable to anyone with access to the article!

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Feb 11, 2023 14:55 by Jiryü Räsen

    How do I make a table that is set to the width of the data in the cells, instead of taking up the whole page (page width)? I've only got three columns and small words. To have that stretch the whole width of the page is awkward.   Thanks.

    Feb 13, 2023 09:28

    That's not possible with just BBCode. Guild members get access to Interactive Tables (which can change their size, among other things) and to CSS (which can probably used for this purpose).

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Apr 20, 2023 11:10 by Caleb

    Is there a way to add custom HTML code to the page? Someone made me an awesome table to roll on by clicking and I'd like to have it appear in my article if possible as more than just a link.

    Apr 20, 2023 13:46

    Hi! No, HTML can't be used on World Anvil. If the table you're talking about is from an external website, you could embed that website in your article with an iframe block (go to statblocks -> select "Generic, Webpage").   But if you just want a rollable table, we have those on World Anvil too! Go to statblocks and create a "Random Table" block. For more advanced uses, go to Advanced Tools on the sidebar and click Tables. Let me know how it goes!

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Apr 20, 2023 14:55 by Caleb

    Thank you for the info, I will check this all out :] I could definitely use the built in stuff for the future, but I'd like to use the external link for this specific article.

    Dec 13, 2023 23:09 by spleen

    Hi, sorry, really minor detail - there's a space in the word "have" between "h" and "ave" ("h ave") at the beginning of the article, where it talks about Guild BBCode.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Dec 14, 2023 07:34

    Fixed, thank you!

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Dec 24, 2023 21:12

    unrelated comment but everyone has the best titles on world anvil "Exalted councilor of the inner sanctum" wow (:!

    Your freind, The Graiffe Chronicler of worlds and novel writer
    Jan 3, 2024 06:17

    Hey, being a Grandmaster is pretty fancy too! ;)

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.