Divine Vestments

Attire of an Acolyte of the Divines

Observance of the Divines is more of a fact of life than a religion throughout the Archipelago of Bennoria. Most of those called to a religious vocation will dedicate themselves to a local deity. Yet there are those who feel called to be in service to the Divines. They help perform the various rites dealing with the changing of the seasons and other general services like giving children a basic education. Most acolytes feel called to a specific Divine: Divine Spring, Divine Summer, Divine Autumn, or Divine Winter. A rare few will be in service to all equally.  
Acolytes of the Divines are recognizable by their distinct vestments and iconography. Each Acolyte has a short robe worn over a long tunic and pants typically in the colors of their Divine patron. Rural acolytes will often wear common clothing while urban acolytes will have tailored outfits with intricate designs. Along with their robes, each Acolyte also has a hooded mantle that they pull up during their religious duties. Footwear is up to each person, though novice acolytes are provided with a pair of simple sandals with their initial robes which they often become accustomed to.

Acolytes of Spring

Acolyte of Spring
Attired in bright yellows, Acolytes of Spring seem to always stand out in a crowd. Embodying the rejuvenating energies of Spring and the Dawn, their upbeat personalities are reflected in the bright robes they wear. With the green undertones seeming like a flower stem, many have taken to referring to these acolytes as the Flowers of Spring.
The verdant sprouts of new blooms open their colorful faces to the golden light of dawn.
— From "Chant of the New Dawn"

Acolytes of Summer

Acolyte of Summer
Acolyte of Summer
The deep greens and light blues of Acolytes of Summer bring to mind lush grass under blue skies on warm summer days. Often these robes are made from thinner linens to keep cooler during these summer months. Even in the depths of winter Acolytes of Summer will still be found wearing sandals and thinner robes, earning them the nickname Beacons of Summer.
The noonday sun warms all, watching as they grow to fullness.
— From "Summer Soliloquy"

Acolytes of Autumn

Acolyte of Autumn
Acolyte of Autumn
The boisterous personalities of the Acolytes of Autumn are not the only thing that makes them stand out in a crowd. Attired in bright reds and oranges, these Acolytes reflect the vibrant splash of color the season is famous for. Bright reds, vibrant oranges and brilliant yellows have earned them the moniker the Flames of Autumn.
Red and Gold leaves
dance upon the wind
to the tune of chimes
in the branches of the trees.
Dance! ~ Sing! ~ Celebrate!
Autumn is here!
— From "Autumn's Hymn"

Acolytes of Winter

Acolyte of Winter
Acolyte of Winter
The thicker blue and white robes of the Acolytes of Winter help insulate them during the cold months. They have been known to line their robes with thick fleece and sometimes even edge their hoods with fur. The rest of the year they typically wear a set of wool vestments, even during the hottest of summers. They tend to wear boots more often than the traditional sandals. The quiet and serene demeanor for these Acolytes is often misconstrued as coldness so many call them the Shards of Winter.
Lay down your weary head through the wintery night. Rest now from your struggles before the world dawns anew.
— From "Winter's Lullabye"

Acolytes of the Divines

Acolyte of the Divines
Acolyte of the Divines
The center meeting point of the four Divines is always represented as a white circle. The vestments of those called to serve all Four equally are therefore a bright white with accents of gold. The full four-colored symbol of the Divines is prominent on the front of their robes, a splash of color on a pure white background. The white seems to almost shine as they move about, making the rare sighting of these Acolytes quite noticeable even in the largest of crowds. Unlike the other acolytes, those in the white have no nickname and are simply called Divine Acolytes
Is Autumn more important than Spring?
Can Day truly exist without Night?
Each waxes and wanes according to the will of the Divines for They seek harmony in all things.

I hereby vow to dedicate my life to the Divine Harmony. May They guide my steps from this day forth.
— From the Oaths of the Divine Acolytes

Manufacturing process

Divine Vestments are made at the Emstead Sanctuary of the Divines, exceptions being those of New Moram, Kuthary, and Winterscot. The Sanctuary maintains a flock of Emstead Sheep for the sole purpose of shearing their wool. Every spring during the Bloomtide Festival the acolytes include this yearly sheering during their rites. For the next month they work tirelessly to scour and card the wool. During the Suncrest Festival a large ceremony is performed with the dying of the cleaned wool. Acolytes for each sect take charge of their colors. The rest of the summer is spent spinning and weaving the wool into fabric. Any completed fabric is then dedicated during the Feast of Melodies. Often there will be extra thread that they continue to weave throughout the year but the fabric will not be used until it has undergone the rites during the next Feast of Melodies. During the Autumn any finished fabrics are then sewn into the robes and mantels of the Divine Vestments. Once Midwinter arrives, any completed Vestments are then blessed during a full two day long ceremony. Only then are the Vestments considered complete and are ready to be sent out to various temples and sanctuaries when requested. Incomplete garments are finished during the next year, but must be consecrated next Midwinter before they can be worn.


Ancient Text
The earliest pictorial depictions of the Divine Acolytes come from the oldest known records from the Age of Warring, though some think they may predate even that vast age. These depictions show a single acolyte in a simple, single-colored robe matching which Divine they were in service to. Written accounts, few that there are, describe them as seeming no different from the average person except for an amulet bearing the symbol of the Divines. This has led to some debate: were the artists taking creative license, are the written accounts incomplete, or if this was simply because each acolyte was on their own with no official organization to unify them.
As time went on, these depictions show the addition of a plain hooded cloak, though only when shown in scenes of the outdoors. These cloaks were not colored like their robes so were likely not specialized. By this point the written descriptions match any artwork so it is believed that the acolytes had begun to organize. They also started appearing in pairs or groups more and more.
The next big change occurred near the start of the Divine Age. The vestment robes changed from a single, ankle length garment to a combination of pants and a shorter, belted tunic. These were the same colors the robes had previously been, with the belts believed to be uncolored leather. They still sported the full hooded cloak, but these cloaks had become colored to match their divine calling.
The Emstead Sanctuary of the Divines was founded about a hundred years before The Fall and the vestments took on their last major change into what is seen in modern times. The hooded cloak was changed to a short hooded mantle around the shoulders, worn both indoors and out. A knee-length outer robe was added over the tunic, now showing the decorative accents in their secondary colors. Each robe also now depicted the iconography in the center, reducing the need for extra amulets or pendants.
Acolytes of the Divines
The five different Acolytes of the Divines


The outer robe and hooded mantel are made from durable Emstead Wool, known to keep the wearer cool in hot weather and warm in cooler weather. All of these wool vestments are made at the Emstead Sanctuary of the Divines. The acolytes there produce everything themselves, from raising the sheep, weaving the fabric, dying the cloth to sewing the garments.
The tunic and pants worn under the robe are up to the individual acolyte to choose. They dress according to their own personal style in a variety of materials: thin linens; cotton; wool; silks; and even dyed leathers. Typically, an acolyte will change their underclothing to suit current weather conditions.


Vestment designs are largely consistent throughout Bennoria though there are unique style elements seen in various regions.
Inai Grasslands
Vestments for the grasslanders have waist high slits front, back and sides to accommodate mounted riding.
Due to the high humidity and swampy environment, acolytes in Kuthary eschew the traditional vestments and opt for thin gauze wraps in the colors of their Divine with a large collar across their shoulders displaying their iconography.
New Moram
Unlike the majority of Divine Acolytes, the vestments of Fellfolk acolytes are dyed in pastel colors with the typical Fellfolk swirling patterns. The robe and mantel are made of Culchook silk. The iconography for the Divines in New Moram also differs from the rest of Bennoria, being a series of interlocking circles.
Rural Locations
Those called to serve the rural villages of Bennoria usually have only one set of vestments and their underclothing is simply common items donated by locals.
City Dwellers
Acolytes found in larger cities many times will have multiple sets of vestments, often in several styles to serve in different settings. They frequently will have customized underclothing that reflects their Divine patron.
The perpetual cold of Winterscot means the vestments worn here are thick with fleece linings and fur trim. Heavy, warm boots are the norm for all residents of the island and the acolytes are no different. They also have thick winter coats worn during the deepest parts of winter.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Rare, only avaliable to Acolytes of the Divines.
Raw materials & Components
Emstead Wool
Culchook Silk

WA Challenge

This article was submitted for the May 2021 Costume Challenge.

Cover image: by Lethann Aeda


Author's Notes

Special thanks to everyone, espeically my twitch viewers, for their input along the way to get this article done, catch typos and more. TC gave me amazing ideas on how to flesh it out!

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May 6, 2021 13:16 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Great start! Those are nice costumes and I like the significance of the colours and the nickname " Flowers of Spring." :D I think you can add a short explanation of how the Divines are different from other gods.

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jun 3, 2021 12:03 by Lethann Aeda

So, looking back now that it's done, maybe I should add that. I was hoping the link to the pantheon page would cover that thought. Thoughts?

by Lethann Aeda

Costuming Challenge Article: Divine Vestments
Jun 3, 2021 22:19 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

I think the article is great as it is :D I don't remember what prompted my question, but I think your new introduction is covering the elements that are important to know about the Divines and their acolytes.   I also like all the new sections you've added, especially the manufacturing process :D   "Once Midwinter arrives, any completed Vestments are then blessed during a full two day long ceremony." What happened to the uncompleted clothes? Do they continued to be made through the rest of winter but they can't be worn until the next Midwinter or are they discarded?

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jun 4, 2021 11:44 by Lethann Aeda

Oh my, thought I had that in there. Thanks for catching that! It's the same as the fabric, they continue working on sewing through the rest of the following year but it can't be worn until after the next midwinter. Will be sure to add that.

by Lethann Aeda

Costuming Challenge Article: Divine Vestments
May 6, 2021 19:04 by Time Bender

A very good beginning to what I'm sure will be an excellent article! I'm interested to see what you will write for the other season's Acolytes. Great job!

Jun 3, 2021 12:09 by Lethann Aeda

Now that it's all complete let me know how you like it. ^_^

by Lethann Aeda

Costuming Challenge Article: Divine Vestments
Jun 3, 2021 18:11 by Time Bender

Wow! I love this. I'm glad you left a reply on my comment so I could come back and see the finished product! Great job. :)

May 7, 2021 12:53 by K.S. Bishoff

Am intrigued to learn more!

Come vist my worlds
May 8, 2021 21:49

Those are some very nice images you provided already! I like how each type of divnine warrants a different color scheme. Nice article!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 17, 2021 21:09 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the different variations you've included for the different places - I particularly like the slits for horse-riding. :D

May 23, 2021 23:06 by TC

Interesting article! I'd be curious to know more about the different iterations of each garb- how are the textiles dyed for instance, or are there any traditional ceremonies around the making of a garb?

Creator of Arda Almayed
May 25, 2021 12:13 by Lethann Aeda

Hrm, those are excellent questions. I'll try to flesh those out!

by Lethann Aeda

Costuming Challenge Article: Divine Vestments
Jun 4, 2021 15:42 by TC

Now that the article is (I think?) finished, figured I'd leave another comment! I really love the way you expanded on each outfit, and the quotes are a really wonderful touch too. The history and manufacturing process are also really great, and give so much more depth to the garb!!   Also, :'0 <3 @ the authors note, I'm really glad I could help!

Creator of Arda Almayed
May 25, 2021 20:55 by E. Christopher Clark

Before I forget, I spotted a typo in the second paragraph: "rural" is misspelled as "Rual."   But other than that, I really love what you've done here. The descriptions and color choices for each of the variations are spot-on.

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Jun 3, 2021 12:20 by Lethann Aeda

Ok, I'm hoping I've caught all the typos this time around. Thanks so much for pointing that out earlier, it helped!

by Lethann Aeda

Costuming Challenge Article: Divine Vestments
Jun 3, 2021 19:54 by E. Christopher Clark

Oh, you're welcome! And I hope that my note wasn't discouraging at all. I love your article.

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Jun 3, 2021 20:55 by Lethann Aeda

Your comments/notes are always welcome! Everything is always constructive and supportive, not critical or discouraging. I seriously thought I had caught all those Rual/rural errors so I'm glad someone pointed it out.

by Lethann Aeda

Costuming Challenge Article: Divine Vestments
May 29, 2021 21:41 by Michael Chandra

"Even in the depths of winter Acolytes of Summer will still be found wearing sandals and thinner robes" ... There's always some show-offs... -_-   Nice variations!

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
May 31, 2021 16:15 by Lethann Aeda

LOL, not to mention Winter are 'cool' year round and never overheat. Might need to make that clearer in the text.

by Lethann Aeda

Costuming Challenge Article: Divine Vestments
Jun 2, 2021 19:04 by Laria

Nice article. I like how the clothes of the different match their season. Is there any magic keeping those who wears the winter/summer one cool/warm in the opposite season or is this some kind of penance/sacrifice they undergone for their religion?

Jun 3, 2021 11:55 by Lethann Aeda

Thanks! As to the temperature, that is something that will likely be covered in the article(s) about the acolytes themselves. Haven't quiet decided yet but likely it's a 'blessing'/class perk.Nothing major, not a full resistance to cold/heat, but simply a "you feel comfortable in these ranges"

by Lethann Aeda

Costuming Challenge Article: Divine Vestments
Jun 2, 2021 23:20 by Starfarer Theta

Great article! I like the seasonal theme of this collection of outfits.

Jun 3, 2021 19:25 by Brianna Siobhan Healey

I really enjoyed this article. I love that not only are the seasons represented but also those who represent all four. The styles and colours make it pop. Great use of hero forge to show the differences.

Check out Corrigenda and 2275 earth
Jun 3, 2021 20:58 by Lethann Aeda

Thanks Siobhan! The Divines are more than just the seasons, but it's not something 'overt', especially to the average person in the world which is why I didn't go into detail about it here. I'm starting on a stub for the job article which will have a LOT more clarification than just this clothing article.   Looking forward to reading more about Francine and Rose!!!

by Lethann Aeda

Costuming Challenge Article: Divine Vestments