Divine Spring Character in The Bennorian Chronicles | World Anvil

Divine Spring

The Divine Spring is the primal forces of creation, rebirth, growth and more. For many in Bennoria, Spring is just the season that brings warmth, the dawning sun, new growth, and the new year. Like all of The Divines, Spring is never personified as a person or given a gender. Spring is namelss, formless and genderless. It simply is.

The beginning of spring is the Celebration of the New Dawn where Winter gives way to the rise of Spring. Often this is symbolized by a representaition of Winter bringing the stub of a candle, sometimes the last flame in the village or town, and lights the candle of the representation of Spring. Spring then lights a bonfire from which the inhabitants will take a flame back to their homes to rekindle their fires.
The Bloomtide Festival is the apex of Spring's power. This is the time after the first seeds have been planted, flowers have started to bloom, and the animals seek out mates. Blossomtide is the festival where this new growth is celebrated and prayers that the seeds will sprout healthy and strong are raised up. This is a time to celebrate pregnant women who carry the next generation. Blessings are saught for their good health and safe delivery. This is also time for wooing and courtship. Proposals for marriage are given and recieved. Not many weddings happen during this time. The two day celebration is one that is very much looked forward to since it is the first real celebration since the new year. It is a time full of promise and hope.
The end of Spring is the Suncrest Festival. It is the time when spring gives way to summer, when new growth comes into it's prime.

Divine Domains

Spring, Rebirth, Creation, Growth, Dawn

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Colors of Yellow and vibrant green, Seedlings, flower blooms, the dawning sun.
Divine Classification
Divine Aspect

The Divines

Cover image: by Lethann Aeda
Character Portrait image: Realm of Divine Spring by Lethann Aeda


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Dec 13, 2020 12:10

I really like the idea of seasons as divinities, yet the divinities are never personified.

Dec 13, 2020 23:24 by Lethann Aeda

Thank you so much! That's one of the concepts that really made me pursue this entire world. Trying to come up with something unique, yet recognizable. It's making writing about each Divine difficult but worthwhile.

by Lethann Aeda

Costuming Challenge Article: Divine Vestments
Dec 14, 2020 08:50 by Angantyr

It's so soothing and warm... Sort of like a gentle touch of the sun awakening from winter dream.

Playing around with words and worlds
Dec 14, 2020 19:52 by Lethann Aeda

That's exactly the feeling I'm trying to convey. Such a beautiful way of putting it. Mind if I use it in the article?

by Lethann Aeda

Costuming Challenge Article: Divine Vestments
Dec 14, 2020 22:28 by Angantyr

Sure. I'm glad I could help.

Playing around with words and worlds