
Greenerth is a planet in the Ria Solar System. It is the third planet orbiting the Sun, Nasara. Greenerth displays a great variety in fauna and flora species, an outlier in the Ria Solar System, as most of the planets fit a particular niche.
Greenerth consists of 5 continents, the Tropics, The Frost Lands, Aekor, Trecath and the Region of Sarra. Each continent is isolated from the other, with only aerial and nautical paths to get from one to another.




Located between the Region of Sarra and Aekor, Trecath is the second smallest continent, but only by a fraction. It is classified as a polar continent, alongside the Frost Lands, as the majority of the mainland is covered in snow and coniferous forests. Trecath is the second to least populated continent, with a population of 643 million, 40% of which are harmonids. Trecath's various cultures, including Espyan culture, is popular worldwide, their cultural traditions and foods enjoyed in different continents, with altered recipes and rituals.   Statistics
Population: 643 million
Demonym: Trecathian
Countries: 11
  • Blouburg
  • Caira
  • Espya
  • Forsten
  • Giriga
  • Hanoan
  • Inland
  • Lanrahur
  • Naros
  • Nydiowa
  • Shoisten


    The Frost Lands

    The other polar continent on the planet, the Frost Lands is located east of Trecath and North-East of Aekor. The Frost Lands has a population of 928 million, making it the third most populated continent, behind Aekor and the Region of Sarra. It is also the third largest continent. The Frost Lands is home to the largest mountain range on the planet, the Frost Mountain Range, as well as a neighbouring mountain range, the Miorin Mountain Range. There are four countries in the Frost Lands; Kaltia, Drufenis, Zuizraca, and Orrios, the latter not connected to the mainland.   Statistics
    Population: 928 million
    Demonym: Frost Landian Countries: 4
  • Drufenis
  • Kaltia
  • Orrios
  • Zuizraca


    Region of Sarra

    The Region of Sarra is the largest continent on the planet, as well as the highest population. The Region of Sarra also features the widest range of biomes, from hot deserts in the east of the continent to snowy tundras in the far north. The continent has the widest range of fauna and flora, including sapient species. In the 1500s, Sarra colonised the entire continent, forcing their cultures among the existing native people in every single country. Sarran culture is now the most widespread culture on the planet.   Statistics
    Population: 2.3 billion
    Demonym: Sarran
    Number of countries: 12
  • Central District
  • Chirus
  • Estros
  • Gowhouana
  • Hathra
  • Mallodoran
  • Norria
  • Northern District
  • Nym
  • Sarra
  • Vustrimia
  • Western District


    The Tropics

    Tropacia is the smallest continent in size, population, and amount of countries. Despite having only two countries, Tropacia and Southland have some of the most important historical events and discoveries, including the extinction of centaurs. There are only three biomes in the Tropics; rainforests, savannas, and grasslands. Southland is made entirely of savannas, while the north of Tropacia is entirely savanna, bordered by a grassland, and on the other side of the grassland is the Mirror Forest, a rainforest.   Statistics
    Population: 124 million
    Demonym: Tropecean
    Number of countries: 2
  • Southland
  • Tropacia



    Aekor is the second largest continent, in size and population. There are seven countries in Aekor, three of them making up almost the entirety of the mainland. Aekor is predominantly forested, with both deciduous and coniferous forests. There are small patches of desert and savanna in the North-West, with rainforests in the East, and the Coalmans Mountain Range towards the North-East. The settlements in Aekor are less populated than other continents, but there are many more of them. There are also a large number of sapient species in Aekor, including harmonids, aar-aori, mushára, skorpeople, and potato goblins.   Statistics
    Population: 1.39 billion
    Demonym: Aekorian
    Number of countries: 7
  • Aendatha
  • Atheau
  • Epilhin
  • Jansara
  • Marilan
  • Mirikith
  • Varinitos



    Similarly to the land, the oceans on Greenerth feature many biomes, fauna and flora. There are 5 oceans on Greenerth; The North and South Oceans, located at their respective Poles, the Tirensic Ocean located between the West of the Region of Sarra and the East of Aekor, the Half Ocean, located between the Tropics, the Region of Sarra, Aekor and Trecath, and the Shimmering Ocean, between the east coast of Aekor and the Tirensic Ocean.   Unlike most other planets, the oceans on Greenerth are inhabited by sapient species. Eusteans are the most common species, but there three more sapient species. Similarly to most planets, the oceans on Greenerth were formed by continuous volcanic eruptions releasing water vapour in the atmosphere, that eventually cooled, and formed rain, filling large basins in the tectonic plates.


    Greenerth is orbited by two moons. Only one moon affects the gravity of the planet however, as the second is too far away. The tides caused by the moon's orbit change every 50 hours.


    The moon that causes the tides on Greenerth, Veron is the larger of the two moons. This moon is covered in a clay-like substance, overrun with small creatures that bury themselves within the ground, lunging at anything standing above them. Harmonids have set up various buildings on Veron, mostly for studying space visible from the moon, and the moon itself, but also a few buildings for tourism.


    Teubos is the second moon orbiting Greenerth, having practically no effect on the planet, aside from very minor tide changes whenever the moon orbits closest to Greenerth. All the fauna & flora on the planet are minute; even ones that resemble animals from other creatures. The largest animal on the planet is the rock horse, a creature barely reaching more than a foot tall.

    Fauna & Flora

    Greenerth is easily the most populated planet in the Ria Solar System, Ocearia and Dracosei close behind. Different continents have vastly different creatures, thanks to the splitting of the supercontinent Anzarus, 200 million years ago.


    The amount of fauna on Greenerth rivals another planet of a similar name, Earth. Harmonids have discovered millions of fauna species; millions of insect species, hundreds of thousands of bird, mammal, reptile and amphibian species, just over a million fish species.   Thanks to the docile natures of many fauna species on the planet, a lot of animals are domesticated. Some entire species are domesticated, like trihounds and fluburows, and some species like ralamahrs and razrams have just a portion of their population domesticated. Domestication for travel and migration is most common within the Frost Lands, as the terrain is hard to traverse, while native species are well adapted to this.


    The flora species on Greenerth is just as varied as the fauna species. No place on Greenerth is without plants, including the Poles. Plant species living in extreme conditions are well adapted to these climates; plants in the hot deserts usually have a wax coating on their leaves to keep them cool, and have longer roots to reach down into the water table. Plant adaptations are most remarkable on this planet, and have resulted in the study of them being incredibly popular. Some of the most regarded botanists earn upwards of half a million corral a year.

    Sapient Species

    Sapient species exist in every single continent on the planet. In fact, Greenerth has possibly the highest number of sapient species per a single planet in the Yonderverse, as almost a hundred.
    If you were to land on the planet and saw a city, most likely it is a harmonid city. These beings have colonised the planet, they have taken charge to name the continents, identify countries and rule them, to the dismay of many other races of creatures. Harmonids have a decent grasp on magic and technology, and while not the best at fighting, they can sure hold their own in battle. Because of the way they are distributed on Greenerth, various ethnicities have evolved to look and live completely different from each other. These ethnicities have anywhere from a thousand to millions in population, and they live in settlements across the world.
    Centaurs lived in Southland and Tropacia for thousands of years before harmonids arrived there. Back then there were no names for the islands, they were just referred to as centaur territory. When harmonids arrived, they were bitter rivals for the territory. Several fights broke out, and harmonids claimed most of the land, which led to the Centaur Uprising. A few fleets of centaurs in boats managed to flee the island before they died out, and thankfully they arrived in Caira where they now live as Frost Centaurs. After harmonids won the centaur uprising, they soon died out as their territory was at minimal size and they ran out of food, water and resources. Frost centaurs now thrive in Nevaan and the neighbouring cities, where they have evolved to suit the cold environments.
    Rocklins are small gremlins that live in solitude on a small island off the coast of Aendatha. Their entire lives revolve around magical crystals found in the mines underneath the island, which is the source of their power. Rocklins defend their island so far as to kill anyone who arrives there, as they believe they arrived to steal the magical crystals.
    Cave Rocklin
    Cave rocklins are a race of rocklin creatures that live in the Frost Mountain Range. They are not directly related to the rocklins that live on the island near Aendatha, but look incredibly similar. These rocklins live in artificial and natural cave systems throughout the mountains, with large metal doors that are believed to be to block the bone snake of Mistfall Valley from getting in and eating them all.
    Skorpeople are a large group of beings that are tough enough to survive the savannas of western Aekor. They currently rule two countries, Varinitos and Epilhin, and are attempting to conquer both Marilan and Jansara, which means their relationships with harmonids are not on the best of terms. These skorpeople have constructed some of the most beautiful cities in the Yonderverse, building out of an alien resource that they've obtained through a treaty with the archangels of the UAR.
    Making such a treaty was risky, so the skorpeople had to make sure they had the resources to take down the archangels if they ever turned.
    The Aar-Aori are a race of lizard people that live in the Sarabar Swamp, a large, dangerous swamp in western Atheau and Mirikith. The Aar-Aori live in a few cities in the south of the swamp, and have hidden these cities with mischief magic, covering the settlements in domes that make the city look like a natural landscape. The Aar-Aori were gifted their shapeshifting abilities from Erujiya, the God of Mischief.
    Essentially highly-evolved cephalopods, pirates are interesting beings, they have developed both a love for each other and a burning hatred. Pirates spend their days living in airships that they build themselves, and go out to plunder others. They have developed unique hand signals and languages, have created cities on floating islands, and have a sophisticated social structure. Pirates enjoy fighting each other, but in their spare time they head to various settlements built on floating islands, the most famous being Setreata, to perform amorous activities, play various games, and enjoy other's company in this neutral ground.
    Potato Goblin
    Potato goblins are small beings that live on the mushroom forest edges in Aendatha. They have small towns that farm potatoes to survive, and grow plated potatoes and use them as armour, hence the name "potato goblin". These creatures are hunted by many forest predators, which has dwindled their population down from a a few megacity's worth to just a few villages.
    Eusteans are large, slug like creatures that live all over the oceans of Greenerth. They use their strong arms to punch away the seabed and carve out houses, forming massive cities out of underwater mountains. They are intelligent, using boiling gas vents to heat their houses and cook their foods.
    The Mushára are a colony of fairies living in the mushroom forests, beside the Potato goblins. They live in and farm the giant mushrooms, and are powerful users of magic. They have many traditions and festivals, like the renowned Flowerfest.
    Rock Golems
    Rock golems are another race of creatures that live, or lived, in the Frost Mountain Range. They were believed to be over 20 metres tall, living in the valleys that are sprinkled throughout the mountain range. These golems taught themselves about magic, and learnt earth magic, to the point they could control the mountains they lived within.


    Greenerth is a popular tourist destination for extra-terrestrial beings. The difference in climates around the world means that there is always a suitable location for any species, and the interesting cultures, architecture, animals and plants attracts a wide variety of beings to this planet.
    The technologies on the planet attract a niche audience. Some of the most unique technologies in the Yonderverse have been developed on this planet, by harmonids, such as the Interdimensional Slingshot which allows users to be flung in and out of the Shatterspace into a new location, similar to teleportation.
    "Hey, have you been to Greenerth yet?"
    "Yeah, I actually went a few years ago. Beautiful place, I stayed in this cute city called Nevaan in the country Caira. It's built on the coast and the views are astonishing."
    "I know, right!? I'm looking to go again, want to go with me?"


    Greenerth's beginning was approximately 7.8 billion years ago. The planet began as most do; abundant volcanoes causing high temperatures worldwide, as well as large amounts of water vapour in the primordial atmosphere that caused the oceans. But before the oceans were formed, the crust began to cool down to form tectonic plates. These tectonic plates shift and move across the planet over its history, resulting in the familiar geography of today.   For billions of years, Greenerth remained a lifeless, barren landscape, coated in magma, with volcanoes on almost every part of the planet, boiling oceans filling the basins between the continents that would shuffle about the surface and form new landmasses. About 5 billion years ago, Greenerth was hit by an asteroid, spanning 15 miles. The asteroid caused significant damage to the planet hitting directly in the centre of the Cilarus, the supercontinent that measured 100 million square kilometres. The asteroid hit the planet at the same time as the Kavaari landed. Since the Kavaari documented each planet they discovered, they wrote down everything they could on Greenerth. There wasn't much, since no life existed on the planet. However, they did note down the asteroid strike, and a supposed "lava monster" emerging from it, and tunneling down into the core of the planet. Nothing has ever been said about this lava monster since, and the only knowledge of it comes from these documents that reside in the PA.   Nothing significant occurred on Greenerth until a billion years ago, when the first single-celled organisms started to appear. They inhabited the oceans on the planet. These animals were able to breathe in gases other than oxygen, but they were slow to evolve. The first multi-celled organisms appeared 900 million years ago, after a very slow evolution. The oldest multi-celled organism discovered by modern harmonids is Idillis, a creature proving the recent theory (at the time) of evolution.   The first plant species evolved about 890 million years ago. This was revolutionary, as plants produce oxygen, a catalyst for evolution. The discovery of the oldest plant species dates back to 1890; this plant being Sofiis. It was a simple plant, and could only produce little oxygen, but its abundance created large amounts of oxygen that changed the atmosphere entirely.   The Cilarus Extinction occurred 850 million years ago. It wiped out 99% of the organisms on the planet; the ones that survived dominated the planet. The extinction was caused by widespread volcanic eruptions, all ignited by movement in the core of the planet, supposedly this "lava monster" that tunneled into the planet 5 billion years ago.   Thanks to the oxygen in the atmosphere, organisms quickly re-evolved on Greenerth. In fact, they evolved so fast that 615 million years ago, the first land organisms occurred. These animals such as Blosdu and Opieia, were simply large blobs with their organs floating inside, surrounded by a jelly-like substance to protect them. Plants also began living on land, forming the first sole land food-chain.   600 million years ago, the first vertebrates started appearing, in the forms of Phozegers from modern-day Aekor, and Stilughithian, from modern-day Mallodoran, among others. These vertebrates were incredibly simple creatures, lacking significant limbs; instead they possessed tiny suction-cups to drag themselves along the surface. Not long after, about 570 million years ago, the first fish evolved. They too were simple creatures, but they would evolve into much more complex animals.   The second mass extinction of Greenerth occurred 500 million years. This extinction wiped out any animal bigger than a tennis ball, so roughly 68% of the population. This extinction was less significant than the first, since there were creatures left of every single order and family, and so evolution afterwards wasn't an issue. In fact, immediately afterwards, reptiles began to evolve.   220 million years ago, the first birds appeared. Some species include Roosterbills and Ichtans. The new bird species quickly dominated the planet, causing the Era of Avids. The Era of Avid's most significant period was the arrival of the first sapient species, the Netuchians, 100 million years ago. Their existence lasted about 5 million years ago, until a predatory species of bird arrived, decimating the population. This bird species was known as Sceptres, with large, hammer-like beaks that they use to beat their prey to death, and then into meaty pulps. The Era of Avids ended 80 million years ago, when more movement in the core of the planet caused volcanoes to erupt worldwide. These volcanoes caused the extinction of practically all animal and plant life on the planet.   Luckily, the planet stabled itself just a few million years after, and quickly new species popped up across the world, evolving from the animals that managed to survive the extinction event. This extinction caused the Era of Sapience; many sapient species began evolving around the world, such as Harmonids 3 million years ago, Potato Goblins and Mushára 1 million years ago, and Pirates about 400,000 years ago, among others.


    Alfo Revul
    Aroma Bush
    Aroma Bush Gardener
    Arrin Forme
    Arrin's Glowshroom
    Arrow Poison Scale
    Atheau Island
    Banana Greyfin
    Beast Tamer
    Blazing Owl
    Blood Crystal
    Blood Frog Disease
    Blue Mountain
    Blue Mountain Beetle
    Bottomless Sea
    Burgundy Bulrush
    Burning Orchid
    Bushy Bee
    Busline Fish
    Cairan Desert
    Caltaria Waters
    Camp Borealis
    Cau'Le Forest
    Cave Rat
    Cave Rocklin
    Centaur Uprising
    Cloud Daisy
    Cloud Ray
    Crossberry Smoothie
    Dalari's Coffin
    Dent Spider
    Durel Narazath
    Ember Sea Slug
    Errin Rufen
    Everglow Soup
    Fern Tree
    First Hunt
    Fossil Fish
    Four-spot Stoplight Mushroom
    Fried Blood Frogs
    Frost Centaur
    Frost Lands
    Frost Mountain Range
    Fruin Mauneton
    Fruit Beverages
    Fruit Roasting
    Fruit Stew
    Gallor Crane
    Gallor Roots
    Giant Pigeon Poop Scooper
    Giant Pigeons
    Giant Stink Beetle
    Giant Wasp
    Glass Beach
    Glassbead Snail
    Glaze Storm
    Golden Rudder
    Grand Abyss
    Grandiose Port
    Greenerth Calendar
    Greenerth Ice Cream Flavours
    Greenerth Pirate
    Hairdo Mushroom
    Half Ocean
    Hammerhead Rhino
    HD Corporation
    Heartscale Fish
    Heibei City
    Hell Zone
    Iapeli Qaesa
    Icy Conifer
    Kaltia-Drufenis War
    Karin Aaltero
    Keredi Alpra
    King Qerilis
    Lantern Reeds
    Liar's Valley
    Mair Canaia
    Mantakar Lake
    Marrow Cookie
    Marsh Glowshroom
    Martia Arrow
    Michel Arrow
    Mineral Soup
    Mirror Forest
    Mistfall Valley
    Misty Scaleshroom
    Moonvine-Wrapped Pastry
    Muscle Crab
    Mushroom Furniture
    N'Qan River Tortoise
    Natya Felt
    Northern District
    Orangewood Tree
    Organ Stealer
    Painter Fox
    Parasol Squid
    Phosphorian Cave Fish
    Phosphorian Caves
    Pirate Hand Language
    Poison Pumpkin
    Porous Stinkshroom
    Potato Goblin
    Potion Devotion
    Prince Domiri
    Rainbow Cliffs
    Region of Sarra
    Rio Mertin
    Rio Mertin's Nydiowa Mansion
    River Wanderers
    Rock Golem
    Rotting Hand
    Rufen's Cactus
    Sabertooth Spider
    Saffron Shaker
    Sallow Moth
    Sandal Tree
    Sanra Forest
    Sarabar Swamp
    Scarsaur Market
    Screeching Cricket
    Seven Year War
    Shattered Skies
    Shimmering Ocean
    Sickle Deer
    Silver Chicken
    Silver Peep
    Singing Cap
    Smoothshell Crab
    Sorida Aari Guards
    Sorida Castle
    South Ocean
    Southwell Crypt
    Southwell Graveyard
    Southwell Towers
    Spider Roots
    Spirit Rising
    Spore Harvest
    Stone Jumping
    Surbaria Healing Streams
    Surbaria People
    Surbaria Reef
    Surbarian New Year
    Swamp Serrese
    Tamer Orb
    The Arena
    The Bone Snake of Mistfall Valley
    Thearin Atrala
    Thermal Spire Bank
    Tirensic Ocean
    Torch Lamprey
    Twinspindle Tree
    Venombite Spider
    Victory Island
    Volcanic Eustean
    War Of Frying Pans
    Weeping Fungus
    Western District

    • -1,500,000
      The Centaur Uprising
      Civil action

      The Centaur Uprising took place about 1.5 million years ago, when the centaurs finally defended their territory after having it diminished by harmonids. It lasted about 200 years before centaurs surrendered.

      More reading
    • 980

      First proposal of the corral currency
      Financial Event

      The first ideas for the corral currency was proposed to the head of the Region of Sarra.

    • 1270

      Beginning of Florism
      Religious event

      Florism, the now main religion of Greenerth, was established by Floria.

    • 1599

      12 Narlibar 16:00

      31 Jaxartibar 14:00

      White Sea War
      Diplomatic action

      The White Sea War was waged by Orrios against Zuizraca, after the assassination of the previous ruler of Orrios.

    • 1624

      17 Uribar

      12 Amribar

      7 Year War
      Civil action

      The 7 Year War was waged from 1624 to 1631, in which the Region of Sarra and Atheau fought over morals. In the end the AMA (Atheau) won, and the Region of Sarra was forced to change various laws based on proper harmonid ethics.

    • 1639

      4 /12

      The World Pacifism Treaty was created
      Diplomatic action

      The World Pacifism Treaty was signed by every ruler of a country in the world, marking a new era of peace.

    • 1700

      43 Amribar

      Change of the laws for youths in Hanoan
      Political event

      After complaints and court trials, Seirl Norrin changed the laws that made children real people instead of objects. Previously children were not allowed to voice their opinion, they were just the properties of their parents, but since Gredgo Oncin and 500 more parents banded together the laws were changed, and every year on the date the law got changed is Youth Rights Day.

    • 1894

      14 Narlibar 19:00

      First people to reach the top of Blue Mountain
      Life, Milestone

      3 people from Orrios, Kaltia and Espya were the first people to ever reach the tip of Blue Mountain; Natya Felt, Arrin Forme and Fruin Mauneton.

      Blue Mountain
    • 1941

      25 Jaxartibar 12:00

      25 Jaxartibar 16:00

      Kcaáinotso attack on the Western District
      Disaster / Destruction

      Kcaáinotso , a huge celestial being from the horror dimension, arrived in the Western District through a portal in the sky, woke up from a deep slumber and began terrorising Kerbalt, the capital city. It cost almost 48 billion corral in damage. The attack lasted 4 hours before the monster left suddenly, and no one knows where it went.

      More reading
    • 1956

      13 Narlibar

      The first exploration in the Grand Abyss
      Discovery, Exploration

      The first submarine to the depths of the Grand Abyss, it went down 4000m and discovered 145 new plant species and 78 new animal species.

      Grand Abyss
    • 1970


      First expedition to Dracosei
      Discovery, Exploration

      A team of 14 people were the first people to ever step foot on Dracosei from Greenerth. They recorded the data and published a book on their findings 17 years later.

      More reading
      Dragon Manual
      Additional timelines


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Feb 21, 2022 12:56 by Silena Jackson

    Woah, I definitely would want to live at Greenerth! Terrific description, and I think I love the Musháras now!

    Feb 21, 2022 13:30 by Mochi

    Thank you so much! The Mushára are one of my favourites :P

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Sep 1, 2022 21:30

    Holy hell the CSS here is so freaking cool!!! I love how sci-fi techy it looks. Wonderfully done! I'm reading up on it now and will edit in my thoughts.

    Sep 1, 2022 21:36 by Mochi

    Thank you so much! It's mostly just the Area 51 CSS theme, but I am working on tweaking some things to make my world more unique :)

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
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