
Dave is the last planet orbiting Pamela in the AO5 System. The planet is of the oceanic kind, lacking a traditional core and instead boasting a unit of "core stones" that orbit the planet from within its oceans, keeping the watery bubble stable.

Geography, Location & Climate

Dave is the fifth, and last, planet orbiting Pamela, the star in the AO5 System. It is located 12.7 astronomical units, or AU, from the star, with an almost perfectly spherical orbit so it never strays further or closer.

Distance: 12.7 AU
Orbital Period: 84 years
Moons: 99
Dave's structure is unique among planets in this solar system, as it is the only oceanic planet. Instead of having a core like most planets, the planet has seven balls of rock that roll around the oceans, sometimes surfacing

and visible from space. These seven rocks are known as the core stones. As they roll around the inside of the planet, they keep the water in a perfect sphere thanks to gravity. These core stones are on average about 60,000 kilometres wide, and each stone provides a home for a legendary, fabled creature.

The outer ocean of the planet is a consistently warm climate, with tropical plants and animal species inhabiting it.
There are three more oceans at different layers, each colder than the other as they get progressively closer to the "core". Sunlight cannot reach the innermost ocean of the planet, and the creatures here are of an incredible size, yet completely docile.

Inner Ocean

The Inner Ocean is treated as the core of the planet to some davites. The ocean is just an eighth of the radius of Dave, and makes up just a fraction of the planet's mass. The pressure in the Inner Ocean is so great that it instantly kills any native davite that gets close. Because of the way Dave's oceans are formed, the pressure change is almost instant, making it easy to swim into and be crushed by the pressure.

Gelatinous Ocean

The Gelatinous Ocean is named because of its unusual jelly-like composition. Native animals are able to swim through the sea with ease as they are used to it, but for non-native animals and people, it is incredibly difficult. There are many reports of scientists able to walk through the ocean while studying the life there.

Outer Ocean

The Outer Ocean is easily the largest ocean on the planet, despite being just three-eights of the radius of the planet. The Outer Ocean is the outermost ocean of the planet, covering the entirety of Dave's surface and is the only ocean to be seen from space.


Dave is orbited by 99 moons, a type of natural satellite. The moons control the tides of the planet, and since there is no land the surface of the ocean is a constant mess of waves crashing against each other, as each moon tries to pull the water in different directions as they all orbit at different speeds, and in different directions.


Dave is approximately 1 billion years old, by far the youngest planet in the solar system. Dave was formed when a labyrinth sea collided with several asteroids during a magic hailstorm. This magic locked the asteroids in a perfect orbit of each other, forming a perfect sphere. As all celestial objects do, Dave spawned life immediately. The life was simple, in the form of marine invertebrates, but nevertheless it existed.

Davites appeared no more than thirty thousand years ago. The mutations that led to a highly complex nervous system led to davites evolving so much faster than other creatures developed. Within these thirty thousand years they progressed from simple lifeforms to fully functioning people, capable of thoughts and emotions similar to other sophonts, albeit much different thanks to their biologies.

Dave progressed into becoming a space-faring planet three thousand years ago. With their intelligence their technologies surpassed many other species they met in their voyages to discover new lands. Wherever they went, they discovered people had a severe disregard for lifeforms not sophontic, which they disagreed with. Because of this, davites are rarely seen in space and space colonies, preferring the comfort of their own homes where they loudly advocate for people to treat other animals with respect.


Just one sophontic species lives on Dave; the jellyfish-resembling davites. They are impressively large creatures with a centralised nervous system, which differs them from their jellyfish cousins. These people release acids into the water, which lowers the entire planet's overall pH, and as a result the planet is rather painful for foreigners if you do not wear protective equipment.

Aside from davites, there are millions of interesting animal species in the planet. Different ecosystems live centered around each core stone. Each core stone revolves around the planet in a certain oceanic layer. As well, thanks to the sudden change in temperature, pressure, and overall climate, completely different animals live in different oceanic layers.

Dave Space Legion

Unsurprisingly, Dave's Space Legion is beyond determined to establish laws in protecting native species of planets. It is against the law (funnily enough, as they are the ones establishing laws) to write laws affecting the life and environments of planets themselves, so davites have struggled to make meaningful impacts in this department.

The Dave Space Legion's Satellite Base resides on Omolla, a moon orbiting the planet. Davites have great relations with the moons inhabitants, the molla mollas, and they were more than happy to let the cnidarians occupy a small plot of land for their Satellite Base. The Legion's Planetary Base can be found in Ivin, a small town nestled within a copper kelp forest.

Orbit No.
Distance from Sun
12.7 AU
Legional Animal
Moon Ray

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Cover image: Core Stone Biome by Mochi


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Dec 22, 2022 14:05 by Aster Blackwell

This has gotta be one of the wackiest planets I've seen on world anvil. And I just love how it's called Dave

Jan 6, 2023 21:29 by Mochi

Thank youuuu! I am very proud of this planet xD

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Jan 15, 2023 09:32

After reading about Dave, its oceans, the core stones and the Davites, I just wanted to commend you for coming up with such a unique concept for an oceanus planet.   I would love to read more about the davites especially - is there any difference between those that still live in the gelatinous ocean and those that moved to the outer ocean? Did they have to make any adaptions to live in the new environment?   And how did these oceans' unique properties impact biological and social evolutioun of various species? Are there any other species that have migrated between the three layers, or are their populations relatively static?

Jan 15, 2023 10:51 by Mochi

Thank you so much! I really did try to create a unique planet that's set apart from others, and I feel like I didn't do an awful job at it.   I actually published an article on davites last night (for me, timezones)! Basically, davites are not affected by pressure differences, but they thought they were, so when the time finally came that they were going to test it, they found out they can survive in both the Gelatinous and the Outer Ocean! It's not my favourite explanation of things, and feels sort of lacking, so it may change in the future but for now that's why they live in both Oceans. And they don't live in the Inner Ocean because it is way too dangerous. They would definitely have adapted to the change in environments between the two oceans, and that is something I'll go into more detail with in articles about their cultures :D   For now I'm not entirely sure how creatures evolved on Dave, and how they work with the environment, but it's definitely something I'm looking to expand on in the future, so keep an eye out!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Jan 15, 2023 11:14

I did read the Davite article as well, and really liked it!   There is something very charming and relatable to the explanation "we thought it was really dangerous but it wasn't so bad once we actually tried go there", so please don't feel like it's lacking or a cop out. I think it's a really nice detail that speaks volumes about them.   I'm looking forward to reading more about Dave and it's life. Keep up the great work!

Jan 15, 2023 11:30 by Mochi

Thank you so much! that really means a lot <3 Dave is my little project at the moment so I'm going to be writing lots more :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Aug 9, 2023 11:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the science in this article. Like, I don't know if it'd work in real life but it's super convincing to me. Daaaaave <3

Aug 9, 2023 16:36 by Mochi

Thank youuuuu!! I can't imagine it working in real life, but with how often scientists get proven wrong by the limits of stuff in space, who knows :P

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
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