Creatures of Dave in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Creatures of Dave

Moon Ray by Mochi
Brass Whale by Mochi
Blue Fingerworm
Blue fingerworms are a type of worm species found on the Moon Stone. They bury themselves in the centre of toadstool coral, and using a spherical pink appendage they catch plankton floating by.

Brass Whale
Brass whales are a deep-sea cetacean only found in the Inner Ocean. They have incredibly tough skin, so tough that no predators can penetrate it. This puts them, a herbivore, at the top of the food chain.
Brass Whale
Species | Mar 1, 2023

A cetacean species from Dave. Brass whales are docile creatures that swim in their hundreds around the pitch black Inner Ocean.


Brinnephins are small cetaceans from the Inner Ocean. They are incredibly fast, swimming at speeds of up to a hundred miles per hour. When they swim at their top speeds, they are able to generate short bursts of electricity which then causes their scales to reflect all light, and thus turns them invisible.

Davites are the only sophonts native to Dave. They are related to jellyfish, and are incredibly intelligent. They have a passion for preserving wildlife and have made great efforts to keep their planet as natural as possible.
Species | Apr 26, 2024

An intelligent cnidarian species from Dave. Davites cohabit the oceans with many other creatures, in mutualistic relationships.


A very intelligent fish species, not considered sophonts thanks to their still primitive brains. They live in primitive settlements made of large boulders, piled on to form large caves that they sleep in as a community. Don't get on one's bad side, as they will absolutely rip you apart.

Flittering Glowfish
Flittering glowfish are a small, bioluminescent fish species found across the Gelatinous Ocean. They glow a bright green and their bright colours make predators think they are poisonous.

Goldenback Barracuda
Goldenback barracudas are a friendly species of fish found around the city of Aantos. They are intelligent, and even use the road systems alongside davites.

Moon Ray
Moon rays are a large species of fish found in the Outer Ocean. They are a docile species and used as transport. When the moon Icara reaches the closest point in its orbit to Dave, moon rays become bioluminescent for a short period of time.
Moon Ray
Species | Oct 21, 2023

A large fish species from Dave. Davites use moon rays for transport and for company, and have been domesticated for thousands of years.


Neuron Squid
Neuron squids are a small cephalopod species found in all three oceans. They lack any neurons and have no sense of touch, and are a pest. They are the only animal species davites feel comfortable killing, since they actively damage environments and cannot feel physical pain.

Scutefish are a large fish species from the Inner Ocean. They have shells similar to many tortoises and turtles, and can hide in it when predators come close. They are quite a friendly species, and if davites could survive in the Inner Ocean they would most likely be domesticated.

Seaswords are a medium-sized species of fish. They have long, pointed heads used for spearing their prey, slicing them clean in half ready to eat. They are one of the fastest fish on the planet, reaching speeds of eighty miles per hour.

Silverback Barracuda
Silverback barracudas are a friendly species of fish found around the city of Aantos. They are intelligent, and even use the road systems alongside davites.

Stalkflies are neither flies, nor do they stalk. Instead, these tiny fish swarm their prey in their literal billions, shredding their flesh and consuming the animal alive.

Sun Ray
Sun rays are a perplexing animal from the Inner Ocean. They feed through a small tube-like tentacle and have an electric organ to disperse electricity into the surroundings to paralyse prey and scare off predators.
Sun Ray
Species | Oct 19, 2023

A fish species from Dave.


Toadstool Coral
Toadstool coral are a coral species found on the Moon Stone. They provide protection for the blue fingerworms, and they are able to absorb some of the nutrients the fingerworms obtain from their diet of plankton.

Wraths are the most dangerous of animals, at the very top of the food chain. They are unmatched predators, and are even known to take down brass whales.

Cover image: Core Stone Biome by Mochi


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