Cuisine of the Looming Desert

The climates of the Looming Desert prove difficult to survive in. Nevertheless, people desperately cling on to life. Food in the Looming Desert is surprisingly diverse, given the general lack of resources. The people of this region are experts at utilising what foods they have access to.

Plant-Based Foods

Red Wattle Cactus Fruit by Mochi

Utilising flora is the heart of looming desert cuisine. Fruits, flowers, and trunks of the abundant cacti are a popular choice, as are a range of legumes. The majority of people live in the outskirts of the Looming Desert where nutritious soil is present. 93% of available soil is used in farmland, and so vegetable dishes are very common in this cuisine.

Legumes such as bentias, mikaris, and guavis are common, not only grown and consumed but also imported to other regions.

Legumes are heavily used in lighter meals, decorated with various spices commonly available, such as cwiri and caswivi.

Leaves from a few tree species, such as bwizars and diwin trees are ground into paste, used to flavour meats and vegetables. The bark from these trees are also used as plates to serve food, also consumed after the meal has concluded.

Garlics and onions are popular plants in looming desert cuisine. More often than not, these crops are pulled from the ground, washed, and consumed at once. Very little preparation goes into garlic, onions, and related plants, often treated as side-dishes for larger meals (see below).

Juust a little sprinkle of garlic will do!
* dumps ten handfuls of garlic into pot *
All done! You can add more at home if you'd like.
— Ivlri, world-renowned chef

Meat-Based Foods

Meat is one of the least common food groups in the cuisine of this region. Crustaceans are one of the most common meat products consumed due to its availability.

Blue Paddletail Crab Platter by Mochi

Blue paddletail crabs are caught in their hundreds in large nets blocking off fast-flowing rivers. Crustaceans are boiled and served alongside a plethora of other foods, typically garlic, rice, and fruits.

Small mammals are eaten, especially rodents. Small rodent species are hunted in crop fields, grilled over flame and seasoned with spices.

Poultry is another common meat-type consumed. Songbirds are often eaten, grilled alongside rodents. Feathers are sometimes plucked, sometimes consumed along with the entire rest of the body.

In looming desert cuisine, the entire body of an animal is consumed. Bones contain nutritious minerals, especially in bone marrow. Organs are consumed - in some regions of the desert, it is believed that consuming the heart of another animal will give them the abilities of said animal in the next life.


Biwini by Mochi

Looming Desert cuisine has many desserts. Biwini, a type of honey-glazed dumpling, contain chopped fruits and jam, are one of the most popular desserts. They are typically eaten in a family setting, made by the youngest member of the family and offered to everybody round a table, from oldest to youngest.

Looming Desert desserts contain many honey-infused cakes, such as bvriwi, a sponge cake soaked in honey for a week before consumption.

Okay, now that we've poured honey all over our cake, we will place it in a cool, dark cupboard, and let it set!
For how long?
Oh, right. A week.
Stella making a bvriwi
Xwicwi (Sprinkle Pastry) by Mochi

Pastries are commonly eaten. Xwicwi is the most recognisable pastry of the region. It is made from two layers of a thin, airy puff pastry, with a pinkish fruit filling in the middle, topped with rainbow sprinkles. Xwicwi has become a symbol of hope and pride in the region, often baked for festivals.

Eqilui is a type of sweet bone broth, made by mashing the bones of an animal, typically a a large bovine such as cattle. The bone powder is poured into water and honey is added, as well as a handful of spices. The broth is consumed before sleeping, as people claim it to help with deterring sleep-demons and nightmares.

Primary Related Location
Important Locations
Typical Foods
Legumes, cacti, crustaceans, rodents, poultry, pastries & cakes

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Cover image: by Mochi


Author's Notes

This article is an entry to Makenzie Turney's Unofficial Food Challenge!

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May 15, 2024 03:19 by Ephraïm Boateng

Great Article! I love the artwork you included. Makes me want to do some for my entry too...

May 15, 2024 07:26 by Mochi

Thank you so much! You should totally make some art :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
May 15, 2024 08:07 by Angantyr

I must say, the blue paddletail crab and the desserts made me hungry a bit. :D   The sweets' drawings go super well with the description and Igive me an internal nudge to try and prepare something similar at home.     Thanks for an enjoyable read!

Playing around with words and worlds
May 15, 2024 08:55 by Mochi

Thank you very much! I'm glad my article has made you hungry :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
May 15, 2024 18:47 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the art for this article. The dessert section made my mouth water.

May 15, 2024 18:56 by Mochi

Thank youuu! I really want to try and make the desserts now xD

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
May 16, 2024 01:43

I... I really want a Biwini. Great article!

May 16, 2024 08:33 by Mochi

Thank you! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
May 20, 2024 08:00

I would like to try everything, it looks delicious.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
May 20, 2024 15:22 by Mochi

hehehe, I might make some actual recipes for these! :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
May 20, 2024 18:05

Yes, please, absolutely!

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
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