Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge

My om-noms have have a first name, I do not know it yet
My om-noms have a second name, it's om-nom-nom-nom-nom
  The Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge is a prompt-based community challenge running from 01 May 2024 until 31 May 2024. The prompts are designed to be setting-agnostic, but some may not fit with your world. Luckily, you only need to complete 1 prompt to be eligible to win!   After all the pieces have been judged, an article will be made declaring the winners (and maybe runner-ups too).  

Submissions are CLOSED!


The WINNERS have been announced! See the article below!

Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge WINNERS!
Generic article | Jun 1, 2024


  1. Your article must be public.
  2. Your article must be published.
  3. Your prompt-answering article(s) must be at least 50 words (not a stub).
  4. Your prompt-answering article(s) must be less than 1,500 words (not including BBCode).
  5. Your article must be submitted before 31 May 2024 at 23:59:59 ET.
  6. Judges are not eligible for first, second, or third place.
  7. Hub articles (articles that list several other articles) may be submitted if multiple prompts are answered.
  8. Only one article per prompt per user may be submitted!
  9. Articles must be submitted in the comments section of this article.
  10. Any article template may be submitted as long as the article focuses on food.
  (note: your article(s) do not need to be new this time around. Stub-smashers unite!)  


All entries will be judged based on the following criteria:
  • Creativity — Is the food presented in an evocative manner? Does the article tell us something interesting about the world? Is the article enjoyable?
  • Versimilitude — Is the article believable? Does it make sense? Does it fit with the context provided?
  • Presentation — Is the article structured in a logical manner? Is it easy to read? Is food the focus of the article?
  •   Bonus points will be awarded for the following:
  • Making a judge's mouth water
  • A recipe
  • A picture or pictures related to the concept

















    Articles under Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge

    Cover image: Food, Glorious Food! Challenge Header by moon with Canva


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Apr 29, 2024 17:04 by CoolG

    Ooooooooh this looks deliciously interesting! I hope I can come up with something soon so I could join >-<

    Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
    May 1, 2024 13:12 by Makenzie Turney

    I wish you luck in coming up with something!

    Apr 30, 2024 22:00 by Ephraïm Boateng

    This is nice! I'm definitely gonna participate in this challenge! I love food, i love writing, this is a match made in Heaven(or the kitchen)

    May 1, 2024 13:11 by Makenzie Turney

    Good luck with the writing!

    May 1, 2024 18:30 by Ephraïm Boateng

    Thank you!

    May 2, 2024 08:36 by Angantyr

    This is so awesome! A good chance to cook up something fun! :D   Thanks!

    Playing around with words and worlds
    May 2, 2024 13:57 by Makenzie Turney

    Thank you <3

    May 4, 2024 14:14 by CoolG

    Hi! I've come up with something and have finished it! Feast your eyes on Fuego Caldo, the spiciest soup you'll ever have in your life! Salivation guaranteed ;) Enjoy :D

    Fuego Caldo
    Generic article | Jul 28, 2024

    The spiciest soup one could enjoy.

    Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
    May 5, 2024 13:03 by Makenzie Turney

    Thank you for submitting! I can't wait to read!

    May 4, 2024 15:56
    May 5, 2024 13:03 by Makenzie Turney

    Thank you for submitting! I can't wait to read!

    May 6, 2024 11:29 by Verita Raizel

    do drinks count or only food food? i'll have loads of fun either way, but figured i better check XD

    May 6, 2024 21:22 by Makenzie Turney

    Drinks do count! I'm excited to see what you come up with <3

    May 8, 2024 06:37 by Désirée Nordlund
    May 8, 2024 23:34 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for the submission! I can't wait to read it!

    May 8, 2024 14:39 by Ariel Webster

    Does it each prompt have to be an individual article or can I write a recipe book-type article with a bunch of different dishes?

    May 8, 2024 23:34 by Makenzie Turney

    You can write a recipe book-type article with a bunch of different dishes if you want to! I'd love to see a recipe book :)

    May 9, 2024 02:00 by Ariel Webster

    In that case, I'll submit this one. I focused a little bit more on the artwork and I tried to cover as many categories as I could (I think I just missed condiment and cold but everything else is up to the judges discretion.)  

    Miinu Recipes Vol. 1
    Generic article | May 9, 2024

    A brief recipe book on the favorite dishes of the miinu.

      It also links to an older article about how their food is grown and harvested if you wanna read it for funsies.

    May 9, 2024 15:49 by Makenzie Turney

    Nice! I can't wait to read <3

    May 9, 2024 12:19

    How fun! I'm rather proud of my little page, here's my entry for plant-based!

    Tegwik Soup
    Item | May 9, 2024
    Hopfully I'll sumbit more entries, I haven't created many foods but it's actaully pretty fun haha.

    May 9, 2024 15:50 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for submitting! I can't wait to read it <3

    May 12, 2024 17:31

    Thank you for this fun challenge, I wish good appetite.  

    Náhas ad Midri - Moon Soup
    Food | Jun 15, 2024

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
    May 12, 2024 20:44 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for submitting! I can't wait to read!

    May 12, 2024 23:09

    Hey there, I'm quite new to using World Anvil and I did this quite quickly so I understand it won't be anywhere near the quality of some of these other wonderful posts, though I've been struggling to write for a while and am happy to have been inspired to write about something. So thank you!

    Singe Singer
    Generic article | May 13, 2024

    May 13, 2024 00:15 by Makenzie Turney

    Thank you for submitting, and I'm sure your article is still of good quality. I can't wait to read!

    May 13, 2024 00:16 by Makenzie Turney

    You do need to have the article set to "Published" and "Public" on a public world though, in order for me to read it. I currently am Access Denied

    May 13, 2024 07:49

    sorry! fixed!

    May 14, 2024 20:20 by Ephraïm Boateng

    Item | May 14, 2024
    Thanks for organizing this challenge. I might publish a second article compiling more entries later in the month. Serasin will be included in it, along with maybe 3-4 other food items.

    May 14, 2024 22:13 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for submitting! I'll be on the lookout for the second article, and take the better of the two scores for you :)

    May 14, 2024 22:36 by Mochi

    I've answered a ton of prompts with my entry! I aimed for plant-based, meat-based, pastry, and dumpling in the artworks, but I ended up tackling a few more as I wrote :) hope this qualifies!

    Cuisine of the Looming Desert
    Tradition / Ritual | Jun 7, 2024

    The plant-based cuisine of the Looming Desert. Life is a struggle in this boiling region, but the food is delicious.

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
    May 15, 2024 00:03 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for submitting, and this sure does qualify! I can't wait to read it in full :)

    May 16, 2024 12:16
    May 17, 2024 10:53 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for submitting! I can't wait to read!

    May 17, 2024 20:34 by James Woodwright

    Here is my pumkin pie article -

    Pumpkin Pie
    Item | May 17, 2024

    May 18, 2024 12:29 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for submitting! I can't wait to read!

    May 20, 2024 21:10 by Elspeth

    Thank you for coming up with this challenge! I had a lot of fun trying to answer the prompts (although I didn't manage all of them).

    Around the Campfire
    Generic article | Aug 30, 2024

    So many worlds to choose from...
    May 25, 2024 13:23 by Makenzie Turney

    Thank you for submitting! This was a great read

    May 24, 2024 14:22 by Low-Life in High Orbit

    Well, here's an entry: Voidbrood Cuisine

    May 25, 2024 13:29 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for submitting! This was an intriguing read

    May 26, 2024 20:11 by Secere Laetes

    Really a great idea. Thank you for it.   Enclosed is a first article, in this case on pastry. There may be more to come, but that depends on how I get on.  

    Item | Jul 28, 2024

    May 26, 2024 22:28 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for submitting! I can't wait to read

    May 30, 2024 23:21 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for submitting!

    May 29, 2024 04:34 by Dragon

    I have made 2! Cold prompt:

    Item | May 30, 2024
    Soup prompt:
    Salty Unicorn Soup
    Item | May 30, 2024

    Dragons in space? Click:
    May 29, 2024 14:47 by Makenzie Turney

    Thank you for both your submissions! Both have been recorded and read. They really are good reads!

    May 29, 2024 23:28 by Dragon

    Thank you! :3 (currently working on one small drawing each for the articles...wanted to post the article before I forgot XD;)

    Dragons in space? Click:
    May 30, 2024 16:47 by Makenzie Turney

    Nice! I'll be sure to look at the articles again before judging is complete, so you can get the points for the pictures

    May 30, 2024 18:16 by Dragon

    :) they are just tiny quick images since I did one for the fashion challenge I wanted to do them for this challenge too. I added them a couple of hours ago.

    Dragons in space? Click:
    May 30, 2024 15:38
    May 30, 2024 16:45 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for your submission! This is a very creative take on the prompts, and I love it <3

    May 30, 2024 15:51

    Answering the 'preserved' prompt! I hope this entry fits the challenge

    Emergency Rations
    Item | May 30, 2024

    Emergency food rations, their history and their uses

    I can hear the stars, they are singing to me...
    For more mystery and magic, check out the world of Starsong
    May 30, 2024 16:45 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for your submission! Emergency rations are always a good idea :)

    May 31, 2024 14:48

    Well, better late than never - I bring desserts from the deserts:  

    Item | Jul 29, 2024

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
    May 31, 2024 20:42

    Was still private - fixed that.

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
    May 31, 2024 23:49 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for your submission! Can't wait to read!

    May 31, 2024 20:17

    Wrap Meals of the East
    Item | May 31, 2024

    A unique meal involving a thin edible wrap filled with various type of food to make a meal out of it.

    Come and have seat as you have a tasty meal

    May you forever find your way on the journey you set out on and make yourself greater.
    The Sagas world cover
    May 31, 2024 23:49 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for your submission! Can't wait to read!

    May 31, 2024 20:49 by Angantyr

    Answering prompt: Candy  

    Honey-nut roses
    Tradition / Ritual | Jun 28, 2024
      I have a feeling I might experiment more with this recipe. :>

    Playing around with words and worlds
    May 31, 2024 21:38 by Angantyr

    Answering prompt: Preserved  

    Dry salt curing
    Tradition / Ritual | May 31, 2024

    Playing around with words and worlds
    May 31, 2024 21:49 by Angantyr

    Answering prompt: Bread   This was going in a good direction. ;)  

    Bread bowl
    Tradition / Ritual | May 31, 2024

    Playing around with words and worlds
    May 31, 2024 23:50 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for your submission! Can't wait to read all of them!

    May 31, 2024 21:47 by Kerry

    I did a thing! It looks horrible though :(

    Michelle's Cupcakes
    Item | May 31, 2024

    May 31, 2024 23:50 by Makenzie Turney

    Thanks for your submission! Can't wait to read!
