
A powerhouse of magic production, Daenis is one of the most prominent planets in the Spacekeeper's Union. The vast majority of the planet is blanketed in foliate coniferous forests, rushing rivers and towering mountain ranges.

Building gorgeous green towns and cities across the planet, the native daenites are in touch with the wildlife and specialise in floramancy, the magic of plants.

Geography, Location & Climate

The largest continent, Fresti, sits around the North Pole, a frozen wilderness where icy tundras and snow-capped mountains stretch to the farthest horizons. Snow covers Fresti year-round, sunlight only blessing the terrain for a month a year. The temperature is barely tolerable, reaching -40 degrees Celsius on a good day.

#2024, #apr2024

South of Fresti, Sylvis is home to the planet's only tropical climates. The south and eastern coastlines of Sylvis are mostly subtropical and tropical rainforests, nestled between large stretches of rocky clifflines.

Sylvis is the most populated continent, with the majority of its people centered around northern Sylvis, where its river-based cities have grown exponentially in recent years.


Serias sits on its own as a giant island continent. West of the Rocky Ocean between Serias and Sylvis, this continent abandoned its prehistoric tropical climate in favour of a desolate, cold desert environment. Remnants of exotic life that once dominated Serias lay below the ground, the planet's capital in palaeontology.


West of both Fresti and Sylvis, Ephera's climate is unique. Faint strands of electricity ripple through the air, occasionally manifesting itself as purple lightning strikes, searing into the ground. The uncomfortable muggy climate is somehow just as cold as Fresti.

Spacefarer's Union & Galanti League

The first member of the Spacefarer's Union, Daenis' name rings through the Yonderverse as a warm melody. The people of Daenis are incredibly well liked, a criteria to join the Union. The Daenis Space Legion focus all their efforts on protecting vulnerable planets in the Galanti Cluster.

Cerena Atali is a current member of the Galanti League, a group of sixty powerful people protecting the solar system from external threats. The Daenis Space Legion protects the solar system from a legal standpoint, while the Galanti League gets its hands dirty.


Glsuheidin by Mochi

Life on Daenis is diverse, having learnt to live in all manner of cold and hot environments. Organisms in Serias and Ephera are estranged from most other life on the planet, given how unique and isolated the climates and conditions are. Many species are prone to magic, exhibiting natural fields of magic such as floramancy and terramancy.

Both dragons and dinosaurs, of classes Saurigna and Dinosauria respectively, are found worldwide. These animals dominate the lands, seas, and skies, daenites building a neutralistic relationship between these creatures.

Orbit No.
Distance From Sun
45.6 AU
Space Legion
Daenis Space Legion
Location under
Inhabiting Species
No. of Satellites
Significant Natural Satellites
Inae, Madavi, Ousir, Timina, Xhose


Popal Pine

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Author's Notes

This article is inspired by an amazing friend and lovely ko-fi supporter, Leashea <3

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Apr 5, 2024 18:39


Apr 5, 2024 18:41 by Mochi


I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Apr 11, 2024 11:54 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull


Apr 11, 2024 12:35 by Mochi


I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
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