Venus is the designated oasis of the Sol System. Its ability to foster and preserve life is unprecedented, with five native sophonts and millions of other identified lifeforms.
The tropical climates draw in hundreds of millions of tourists yearly. Venus is often in people's bucket list; most visit the planet to seek out foreign cuisines and cultures.
Geography, Location & Climate
Venus is divided into three continents: Lada Terra, Ishtar Terra, and Aphrodite Terra, the latter being the largest. These continents all range in altitudes and climates, all featuring significant mountain ranges and highland regions.
Literally how do these people cope with this heat - I am over here, almost naked because I can't take any more clothes off, and this venusian is IN A SWEATER???
The planet reaches global temperatures of around 45 - 60 degrees Celsius. The coldest temperatures are in northern Ishtar Terra, reaching just over thirty in the winter.
The continent of Ishtar Terra has a massive mainland, which makes up the majority of this region's territory. Ishtar Terra's mainland is covered in volcanic and mountainous regions. Skadi Mons is Venus' highest peak, sitting in the Maxwell Montes mountain range.
The southernmost continent, Lada Terra is a plethora of archipelagos and island chains.
Aphrodite Terra is a difficult region to survive in, and many venusians are nomadic due to such dangerous conditions. Any single location is subject to destruction at any point, from volcanic activity, tremors and earthquakes, or even dangerous lifeforms.
As a complete tropical planet, all venusian lifeforms are well adapted to high temperatures and humidity. Many organisms have developed different methods of cooling down, such as utilising their large sails and fins, seeking out shade, or submerging themselves underwater.
The amount of ocean on Venus has given space for leviathan-class organisms to evolve. A handful of species have grown to hundreds of metres in length, and are at the top of their respective food webs. These creatures are few and far between, though.
Venus holds the record for the number of native sophonts in the Sol System. Most have evolved entirely indepently from one another, aside from the gekkori and kingii, both with reptilian ancestors.
Native To: South Lada TerraHardy people with impenetrable skin. Coruscians are known for breathtaking architecture and fashion.
Native To: West Ishtar TerraDelacourtans are incredibly smart, their skulls protecting a gigantic brain. Their hearing and eyesight are unmatched, too.
Native To: Aphrodite TerraSmaller cousins of the Kingarii. Gekkori are protective of their cousins, and often rival coruscians.
Distance From Sun
0.7 AU
Space Legion
Venus Space Legion
Legional Plant
Star Paradisia
TOO HOT FOR ME. I love the different sophonts. I'm looking forward to getting to know more about them.
Thank you so much! I think I'd like to write a bunch of short articles on all 5 this month, just to get some more information down - then I can come back to them as I expand on this planet!