
Planets are large celestial bodies, commonly found in close proximity to stars. They are the infrastructure of Aavar's River; almost all sophontic life has, will, and continues, to evolve on planets.

Origins & Creation

Every second, trillions of dust, rock, debris, are floating through space, slowly but surely condensing. Over millions of years, these particles condense and orbit a solid core. This is how gas giants are typically made. Gas giants are typically the largest planets in their respective solar systems, even managing to stir the stars that they orbit.

Rocky planets are made in a similar fashion, only that the debris is condensed so much that it creates a solid, almost spherical, ball of rock. They can also be made through the collision of several planetary objects, which can create unusually small or large planets.

Oceanic planets are formed in many different ways. Water vapour can be found within the spacial void, condensing as it gets stuck orbiting a star. Some may condense around an orbiting asteroid, forming an oceanic planet with a core. What distinguishes an oceanic planet from a labyrinth sea is that oceanic planets have an atmosphere.

Seraphenic planets, also known as heavenly planets, are formed when stray strands of Astral Seas depart and begin orbiting a star, forming a spherical shape as it orbits. Many argue that seraphenic planets are not planets and should still be classed as an Astral Sea, but due to there being no definition of a planet that argues this point, many refer to these objects as planets.

Planetary Types


Rocky Planet

Rocky planets are easily the most frequently seen type of planet. Approximately 36% of all planets are rocky planets. Due to the intense pressures of the spacial void, it is more common for debris to be condensed into solid cores. Due to the number of resources and the general size of rocky planets, sophontic life is most common here than other planets.

Planet by the Red Sea by Mochi

Rocky planets are characterised by four major layers: the Inner Core, typically solid ferrous metal; the Outer Core, made of a liquid metal; the Mantle, a semi-solid layer of rock which flows very slowly; and lastly the Crust, a solid layer of rock. On many planets, the Crust is divided into segments, slowly dragged around by the Mantle, slowly changing the landmasses of the planet itself.

Examples of rocky planets:

Gas Giant

Gas giants are just one of many giant planet types, but these are the most common. In general, giant planets are quite rare, with few solar systems containing even one. The Sol System is unique in having two gas giants and two ice giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Gas giants typically consist of hydrogen and helium, and for that they are known to some as failed stars.

Many gas giants consist of millions upon millions of tiny rocky or icy objects, as opposed to gases, so small that from space they resemble various gases.

Examples of gas giant planets:

Oceanic Planet

Two main oceanic subtypes exist: ones with a solid core and ones without. Some planets exist outside of these subtypes, such as Dave which possesses seven Core Stones. Oceanic planets are, of course, characterised by substantial oceans. If a planet's surface consists of 98% or more ocean, it falls into this category.

Due to water's propensity to produce and support life, oceanic planets have the highest chance to produce sophontic life. Most oceanic planets have at least two sophontic species, few have none.

Examples of oceanic planets:
Seraphenic Planet by Mochi

Seraphenic Planet

Seraphenic planets are only found in close proximity with Astral Seas. The creation of seraphenic planets is rare; in the Greater Oasis, roughly 1.9% of planets are seraphenic. They are the fourth most populous planet type, however. When Astral Seas get too close to a star, part of it is ripped off and begins orbiting said star, forming a planet.

These planets are heavenly in name and in culture. Their creation is mentioned in mythologies Yonderverse-wide, often described as the homelands of various deities. The planetary type is named after seraphs, mythological beings featured in many religions on different planets.

Examples of seraphenic planets:

Harvesting Planet

A Harvesting Planet is a special subtype of planet, characterised by a lack of any native sophontic species, for a least a year in the planet's seasonal calendar. These planets are targeted by Trans-Planetary Corporations, claimed by other planets to be stripped of resources, used to expand populations and civilisations, among other reasons.


The term was founded fifteen thousand years ago. It referred to any planet that did not have any intelligent species living on them. When the term was invented, these planets were often taken control of by other planets and organisations, stripped bare of their precious resources, or turned into inhabitable spaces for overpopulated species.

At the time, it was completely legal to take control of a planet with inhabiting sophonts. When the "harvesting planet" term was coined, the anti-planet poaching law was put into place. This meant that any planet with extant native sophonts cannot be controlled by an external government, and the planet can only be claimed if there are no native sophonts for at least one year in the planet's seasonal calendar.



In the Utopian database that documents all planets in Aavar's River, Harvesting Planets are attached with a small symbol. The symbol is used to quickly identify planets without any native sophonts, and ones that can potentially be claimed.

Only governments and Space Legions have access to this list, but even then, the list is abused. The creator of this symbol is unknown, but it was first seen used about a thousand years.

Harvesting Planet
Harvesting Planet Symbol by Mochi
Examples of harvesting planets:

Dwarf Planets

Dwarf planets are small planetary objects directly orbiting a star. While many confuse dwarf planets with actual planets, there are differences. Dwarf planets have not cleared its orbital neighbours, meaning there are still asteroids and other minor-planets that the dwarf planet could collide with, unlike regular planets. Dwarf planets have atmospheres, which separates them from asteroids.

Minor Planets


by EnEdC

A trojan is a small celestial object that shares an orbital path with a larger object, such as a planet. They follow the orbital path between 60 degrees ahead or 60 degrees behind the planet, typically around the Lagrange Point L4 and L5.

It is common for planets to have at least a handful of trojans, however giant planets can acquire thousands upon thousands, forming Camps. For example, Jupiter has the Trojan Camp trailing behind the planet, while the Greek Camp orbits ahead.


Asteroids are minor planets that orbit a celestial object, typically a star. Planets large enough can have asteroids orbiting them, and many do have small asteroids in their orbit. Asteroids are the most common celestial object, occurring in their millions to form asteroid belts. They are best characterised by their lack of an atmosphere, and highly randomised shapes and sizes.

Asteroids are often the site of inter-planetary disputes. Due to the number of rare minerals found in asteroid belts, many planets fight over their possession. Jupiter and Mars are famous in the Milky Way for vicious wars that have broken out over the control of neighbouring planets and the Jovimartian Asteroid Belt.

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Harvesting Planet
Geographic Location | Apr 14, 2024

A subtype of planet that can be claimed by external organisations and governments.

Articles under Planet


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Nov 19, 2023 21:27 by Doug Marshall

This is an excellent article!! Putting aside the fact that I'm always a fan of a good classification system, this article manages to present a lot of information in a way that is visually interesting and easily digestible in smaller pieces. I'm intrigued by the planetary types unique to the Yonderverse, like seraphenic planets - that's a cool hybridization of the fantastical Yonderverse rules with the physics of the real world. 10/10 article as usual, Mochi!

ASP | AV | OE | SPH | TMS | CDL | LOR | PR | HTH
Nov 19, 2023 21:45 by Mochi

aaaaaa thank you so much!! I've been meaning to rewrite this article for ages, but after rediscovering your Planetary Classes article in Astra Planeta it just kicked me into rewriting this xD thank you <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Nov 20, 2023 07:45

"[...] and the planet can only be claimed if there are no native sophonts for at least one year in the planet's seasonal calendar." does this mean that after a year on whatever calendar the people arriving on said havesting planet have, the planet can legally be taken as harvesting planet? Could there then be planets operating on very short calendar years as to justify prematurely taking over planets because they didn't find any living species in that timeframe?

With the gears of the mind turning everlong, see what they produce in times old and new alike! Ignotas, Where Fog Turns Into Steam
Nov 20, 2023 15:55 by Mochi

This rule only works with seasonal calendars, controlled by the planet's orbit, so unless someone alters the orbit of a planet they want to take over (which can and has been done), they have to work with the calendars they are given D:

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Nov 23, 2023 22:21 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Really interesting article, Mochi! I enjoyed reading about the classifications of the different planet types.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Nov 23, 2023 22:49 by Mochi

Thank you so much! I really enjoyed not only researching existing planets but creating unique ones for my world! :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Nov 25, 2023 13:08 by Rin Garnett

I love the seraphenic planets, they remind me of the anomalous planets you can find in No Man's Sky.

Nov 25, 2023 15:43 by Mochi

oh my gosh, I've not played much No Man's Sky, guess I gotta go back to playing it to see these anomalous planets :O

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Dec 3, 2023 04:35 by Ademal

Wait, did I just learn some science? Seraphenic planet is a cool term!

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Dec 3, 2023 07:13 by Mochi

yessss, science! :D a good chunk of this is legit science, wiggled into the yonderverse :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
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