Labyrinth Sea

Labyrinth Seas are bodies of either salt, fresh, or brackish water located within space. They are decently common, and typically a solar system will contain one to three labyrinth seas. They rarely exceed the size of an average gas giant planet, which is around 70,000 kilometres in diameter.

They are much more common rogue in space, rather than in a solar system. One of the largest rogue labyrinth seas is the Uiaajahs Ocean, which has formed a giant ring approximately 56,000 light years in diameter.


Unlike most oceanic planets, labyrinth seas possess cores. Instead of a magma core, the cores of labyrinth seas are always clumps of asteroids. Labyrinth seas mysteriously attract asteroids that get caught in its toll, and the sea will shift so that the asteroid becomes its core. Over time, more asteroids gather in the core.

Typically you'll find magmous roots, a species of megaflora, growing in labyrinth seas. Their seeds are stored in asteroids and when they get caught in labyrinth seas they start growing. They form large labyrinth-like patterns with their trunks as they grow to extreme sizes.

Fauna & Flora

Labyrinth seas are the space equivalent of oases. Many animals migrate to freshwater labyrinth seas and treat it as a watering hole, where any natural rivalry is off the table. The same cannot be said for saltwater labyrinth seas, however, as melonheads are often spotted scaring off other animals in these labyrinth seas. Most animals that inhabit labyrinth seas can survive for some length in space, and they will migrate between seas when their orbits are closest together.

Coral species are abundant in labyrinth seas. With constant movement in the water, coral polyps travel far and tropical reefs form over huge expanses on the cores. Many small cetaceans take advantage of the tricky environment to navigate and use the oceans as a breeding ground hidden from large predators.

Just like fauna, there is a plentiful number of flora species in labyrinth seas. Many plants will grow on the trunks of magmous roots, slowly draining them of their nutrients.

Famous Labyrinth Seas

Empire Ocean

The Empire Ocean is the largest labyrinth sea in the Kurhira System and is home to the Auphwei.

Due to the sea's highly elliptical orbit, the summer and winter seasons on the planet are vastly different and have resulted in animals not being able to adapt to the abrupt changes in climate. Instead, animals hibernate and undergo the Emergence; at the beginning of either season, animals will awake from hibernation and the other season's fauna will go into hibernation in their place.

Uiaajahs Ocean

The Uiaajahs Ocean is one of the largest rogue labyrinth seas in the Pereleos Galaxy. It can be found just a thousand kilometres from A-Planet 28C.

This ocean is famous for its ring shape and its size, exceeding most other labyrinth seas in its home galaxy. The sea has been a popular location for mining companies, as many valuable resources can be found in its core asteroids, and a lack of a native sapient species means that the minerals are all for their taking.

Inhabiting Species

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