The Midnight Sea A collaborative take on Spelljammer 5e

A collaborative AU of Spelljammer 5e

Setting GMs:

Beeba17 | Loyalwolf | MidknightBlu | SpyglassRealms

Canon contributors:

Anatthema | BravesingerMPF | BubblyTArts | Chara_Universe | Churrobird | Crowva
Drifthail | ispeakartsy | KatTheHurricane | Kylie Ann | Lance Johnson | Livi B | MissyMae_33
Ploops | Radio | Riverlight | SilentNeptune | SleepySheepy | TalulaSkye | ValantWynn
The Astral Plane is the name that the beings of Realmspace use to refer to the space between suns, that wondrous, endless, dark void that seems to beckon planetbound beings to reach ever further. Other cultures have different names for it: the Void, the Abyss, the In-Between, the Flow, Heaven's Ocean... but perhaps the most poetic of all is the Midnight Sea. A sea it is, in a sense: one must voyage far across it to find other islands of civilization, and strange things lurk in the starry deep. Come with us, then, and sail the Midnight Sea! Out here you will find danger, adventure, and most importantly fellowship -for no spacer is ever alone.