
Trecath is one of the five continents on Greenerth, with a total of 10 countries; Hanoan, Nydiowa, Lanrahur, Inland, Giriga, Espya, Blouburg, Nunfis, Shoistan and Forsten.


Trecath hosts a limited variety of biomes; temperate forests, boreal forests, mountain regions and frozen plains. In the south and southwest of Trecath, three vertical stretches of biomes exist, two frozen plains sandwich a temperate forest, while all being surrounded by a large boreal forest. In the northeast exists a mountain range, which borders the northern coastline but not on the east. The mountain region is so large that it fully encompasses two countries, while also taking over some of four more countries.

Fauna & Flora

Trecath possesses one of the least diverse ecosystems on the planet. Most of the birds on the continent are passerines, most of the mammals are either small carnivores and medium to large herbivores, flying insects are rather rare and there is an abundance of ground-dwelling bugs.  


Some of the mammals in Trecath include dologoths and sickle deer. These mammals are grazing herbivores, the latter a more skittish creature while the former a very domesticated species that sometimes escapes from their pens and forms herds in the wild.


Some bird species include fluburows, which are small burrowing passerines that are domesticated. These birds are now rarely found in the wild, and more so as pets in peoples gardens scaring away creatures from them and protecting growing crops.
Actual wild birds include gallor cranes, which are found rarely on the estuary waters in southeastern Trecath. As previously stated they are a rare bird, and more found in the swmap regions of Aekor, but some found themselves migrating in the complete wrong direction and ended up in Giriga.


Because of Trecath's cold climates, reptiles are uncommon. One fascinating species is the river wanderer, an crocodilian resembling species that wander the riverbeds, their tails dragging along the floor. Old nesting grounds can be identified by these tail indentations, as over time the ground hardens and if some rivers were to dry up the markings would become visible.


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