The Great Lakes

There are many Great Lakes on different planets; the Great Lakes of North America on Earth, the Great Indigo Lakes on Venviri, but on Ocearia there is another. These vast lakes stretch hundreds of miles, and because of the salinity not many creatures live in them, making it a very expansive wasteland.


There are exactly 649 brine lakes within the Great Lakes. 6 of these are considered "major" brine lakes; simply put, these are the largest of the lakes. The brine lakes range in salinity, anywhere from 32% to 54%.

The lakes range from the north of Gefloania all the way to the Kirinian Kingdom to the west. The brine lakes actually connect to the blood rivers, creating a salty blood divide between the two biomes.

Major Lakes

Ichor Lake

Ichor Lake is named after the blood of the Gods, or Ichor. The lake is the largest of the Great Lakes, and merges with many of the blood rivers in the south. Ichor Lake also has a small settlement to the east of it, known as Lakeside.

Wolfdog Domain

The only major lake not to end in "Lake", Wolfdog Domain is infested with the predators. Wolfdogs are pack hunters, patrolling the edge of the lake, snapping at anything getting too close and dragging them into the lake, where they suffocate to death and are then eaten.

Lotus Lake

Lotus Lake is another such lake brimming with plant life. Lotus Lake grows a species of plant known as brine lotuses, which have also adapted to require high salt levels. These flowers are harvested and eaten by the people of the Kirinian Kingdom, as they cannot seem to replicate the conditions the brine lotuses grow naturally.

Death Lake

Aptly named "Death Lake", this lake has the highest salinity of any lake in the Great Lakes, at 54%. Death Lake has had an incredulous amount of victims, their skeletons decomposing at the bottom of the lake, adding to the collection every day.

Lilypad Lake

Lilypad lake is one of the few lakes to have such a large plant species growing in it. These lilies have adapted to require such salt levels to survive, and because of this have grown incredibly big and strong. These lilies create sturdy paths over the lake, and if you are tall enough the brine will not reach you and you can travel across parts of the lake.

Raging Lake

The Raging Lake is the most violent lake in the Great Lakes. Sitting atop a dormant underwater volcano, Raging Lake constantly experiences violent tremors which cause the brine on top to explode, often causing large waves that roll along the seabed.


Throughout history, the Great Lakes have always been considered one of the most dangerous places to venture, because nobody can survive there. With wolfdogs and brine explosions, nobody ever had a reason to go and the reasons to stay away just kept on growing.

That was until three hundred years ago, when escaped convicts of Gefloania discovered the Great Lakes were not as dangerous as previously thought. Deciding to live there, they constructed the settlement now known as Lakeside on the edge of Ichor Lake. This settlement was and still is very small, with a population of only 7, but the settlement has never once risked being destroyed, suggesting the Great Lakes might actually be a "safe" place to live considering such few animals live here.

Fauna, Flora & Fungi


There is little fauna in this inhospitable region. The salt levels make it difficult for most animals to live in the lakes, so those that do inhabit the area are highly adapted. Some creatures use the salt to form defensive armour, like brine fish, and some consume the salt.


There are few plant species in the various lakes. The plants that live within the lakes are incredibly adapted to the atmospheres and climates. The most prominent plant species are the brine lilies and lotuses, which grow in every single lake.


A surprising amount of fungi species grow in the Great Lakes; more fungi grow than plants. The fungi serve as food for many creatures, such as baby brinecrawler.
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