Arboar Species in Yonderverse | World Anvil


Arboars are medium sized herbivores found in the rainforests of Tropacia. They are about 2 metres long, has a barrel shaped body and a large head. Their destructive nature has affected the rainforest, tearing up the roots of trees has killed off a significant amount of the rainforest. This is countered by charmites, but the battle between the two species is completely unknown to each other.

Basic Information


Arboars have a large head, with 8 tusks jutting out sideways from its long, saw like jaw. Arboar fur is very thick, a dark grey colour, with a shiny blue tint. Their legs are almost fully muscle, allowing them to walk for miles on end without being exhausted. They have a short tail with a dark blue tip. One of the few poisonous mammals, the tip of their blue tail is coated in a poison at a level 2 on the APS.

Genetics and Reproduction

Arboars dig a burrow with their sail snouts in the ground. The females give birth to 2-3 babies at a time, and these stay in the burrow for a few weeks until they are strong enough to leave.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Being herbivores, arboars only eat plants. They graze on the low lying grasses and flowers in the rainforests it wanders.
In captivity, arboars are not fussy at all. They usually eat hay or other fast grown crops.

Additional Information


Arboars are surprisingly docile. They rarely ever attack people, or other animals, only when they feel threatened or are cornered, as most animals do. Domesticated arboars will defend their owners with their lives. It is unclear why.

Average Intelligence

Arboars are fairly intelligent. Farmers who work with arboars often like to test their intelligence with puzzles. More often than not do the arboars succeed in doing the puzzle. Their intelligence is compared to a 6 year old harmonid child.


Spotted Arboar

Spotted arboars are a slightly larger subspecies of arboar. They have larger white spots on their sides and along their backs. They are a less territorial species, but have resulted in lots of deforestation as they seem to enjoy tearing up the roots of trees and bringing them down.

Dwarf Arboar

Dwarf arboars are the smallest subspecies of arboar. At 30cm tall, they are less than half the height of any other arboar subspecies. They evolved to be much smaller so they could escape predators faster, having smaller burrows less predators could reach their babies and themselves.
30 years
Average Height
1 metre
Average Length
2 metres
Geographic Distribution


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