Surbarian New Year Tradition / Ritual in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Surbarian New Year

The Surbarian New Year is a festival celebrating the start of a new year. The festival is celebrated in late Wenibar and early Malabar.


Once a year, in late Wenibar, the planet Talerin can be seen from the Surbarian coast. For years this occurrence has been tracked, and then was established as the start of a year when the planet could be seen. Somewhere around the year 10, people started having feasts when the planet was visible. Slowly different traditions started arising, such as performances on the beaches, and larger, village-wide feasts. A few years after big traditions took, the ruler of Surbaria announced this new festival. Bigger and bolder performances, rituals, feasts would occur year after year as they celebrated the upcoming year and what could happen.


The festival lasts 7 days; the first night the village enjoys a marvelous feast on one long dining table on the beach, prepared by the entire village. The second night is enjoyed by dances and other performances by willing members of the village, and as well as this is a smaller feast. The third and fourth nights are much more relaxed, residents are encouraged to sit on the beach and exchange stories, entertain others with fun jokes and riddles, to encourage and improve relations not only with existing friends, but make new ones. The fifth night is a time to worship their chosen Gods. The sixth and seventh nights are for celebrating again, with big feasts and even more dancing.

Components and tools

For the feasts, people are encouraged to cook their own food and bring it to the feasting table, where everything will be laid out and people can help themselves. Large stages are erected for the performances, and long carpets are laid out for people to sit on without getting sand everywhere.


The entire village attends these festivals, and if they don't it will be held against them and are considered a social pariah. Dancers and performers are encouraged to step up and perform on the stages, for people to watch and cheer on. These performers are also given prizes for performing on stage.


These festivals take place according to the location of Talerin, the closest planet to Greenerth. The festivals are held when Talerin is visible from the Surbarian coast, which usually takes place late December/early January and lasts for about a week.
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