Flowerfest Tradition / Ritual in Yonderverse | World Anvil


I'm so excited to start picking flowers tomorrow!! What's on your list?
  Let's see, I have moonflowers, cloud daisies, purple wallcreepers and diamondshafts. I wanted to keep it small but get lots of them.   Oh, I'm going for a variety. Best of luck though!
— Two friends excited for flowerfest.
  Flowerfest is the biggest celebration that the Mushára have. The entire purpose of flowerfest is to celebrate the plants in the mushroom forests, by going out and picking some, bringing them back to plant them in their gardens.  


Flowerfest has had a long history, growing from just a few people going out to pick flowers to entire villages then doing it.
Right at the beginning, about a few hundred years ago, a few friends would go out every week into the forests, to go flower picking, searching for every flower and mushroom they can, sometimes specific ones written down on lists and ticked off. Others in the village of Shroomlin noticed and decided to copy them, going out in other groups of friends to go plant-picking. Those two groups got together to show off their plants they found, and quickly this became a regular thing.   Soon enough, the group got more people involved, and days were selected throughout the years to participate in this flower hunt. People gathered in the town square every single time to display all the plants they collected, which coined the name "Flowerfest".   Every time flowerfest took place, which was on a random day every 5 months, twice a year, it grew, more people joined, the amount of flowers increased greatly, the competition got bigger, and the decorations around town got more and more lavish.  



Most Mushára carry a list, or a notepad of some kind in their pockets or backpacks to help them stay on track when flower hunting. This list tells them every single flower and plant they aim to collect. The lists are written a few days before the actual event, and are kept safe before the day in case of tampering; the event is taken incredibly seriously despite it's overall lightheartedness.


Baskets are essential in the flowerfest's flower hunting, otherwise it'll be very difficult to carry the flowers and plants that they collect. Because of the size of the fairies and the flowers, not too many will fit in the baskets, but on the bright side these baskets have a potion of levitation on them while they are hunting, meaning that the fairies don't need to worry about carrying the basket, it simply floats next to them as the fairy pulls it around tied to a piece of string.  

The Flower Hunt

The flower hunt is the main part of the entire event. The flower hunt takes place from 8am to 4pm, where participants can leave at whatever time they want, and come back to town whenever they want, but it must be within in the specific time period.
In the flower hunt, the fairies go out into the mushroom forest, usually Sher Forest near the potato goblin villages with their baskets tied to strings that they pull, in search of all the flowers that they put down on their list.   The flower hunt leads them through the forest, some of the fairies decide to stick to paths created specifically for the event, but most wander off from the paths, deeper in the forests. There are a few risks, such as getting lost, and confronting dangerous creatures, but the fairies bring along potions of disguising that will hide them from the animals.  

Gathering in the town square

Those that do not decide to go flower picking, usually adults who have been the previous time or the elderly, will spend the day decorating the town square. They put up beautiful flower wreaths that hang from the mushroom houses, sprinkle petals along the ground, construct market stalls where people can sell various items and spore foods.   When the adventurers have returned from the flower hunt, they arrange all the flowers that they collected in their family's designated market stall for all to see. As people wander around the market, looking at all the other flowers that they find, they can try and purchase flowers other people found that they want. Sometimes people trade flowers with others, different species, or some people simply scope the market out in search of flowers they want to buy.


There are many flowers in the mushroom forests. The mushroom forests sit 2nd in terms of plant life, thanks to the nutrient rich soil that can support many tree species, mushrooms, flowers and other foliage. Most people try to pick as many flowers as they can, with a common theme among them all, such as colours, picking blue cloud daisies and moonflowers, or picking reds, or oranges etc. Others like to go by their classification, picking every crocus, or every orchid in the forest.   Some people who participate in the flower hunts actually don't intend to keep the flowers, but some people who remain at the village while the hunt begins are willing to buy the plants from other people who do go hunting, pricing each flower based on species, size, and its overall state.


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