Euvaria Settlement in Yonderverse | World Anvil


Euvaria is a large city in Caira, along the south coast. The city is known for its attachment to Grandiose Port, the biggest port on Greenerth, which connects the city to two others.


Euvaria's initial population consisted of the Meandivons, a species of sapient creature that was one of the smartest at its time. As harmonids started arriving on the island, they also started to live in the city alongside them. As of 2050, the population consists of 63% meandivons, 19% harmonids, 16% eusteans and 2% other sapient creatures.   The city is rather wealthy too. Very few people work in primary sector jobs, meaning fishing, mining, gathering natural resources. Instead they are shipped in from other countries and locations, with a lot of people working to manufacture these into products that people need. Euvaria is known for its incredible amount of tertiary and quaternary sector jobs, with a vast amount of researchers and scientists in the city. This has brought a good repuation for the city too, science students worldwide are interested in the city as it houses good facilities for learning and getting degrees.


Euvaria's government is one of the reasons that the city does so well. Taxation may be slightly higher than other places but this takes care of healthcare, schooling and education, which puts less pressure on people and their finances. Criminal activity is taken incredibly seriously too and reprimands are strong. The government's first focus is the quality of life for its inhabitants, which is the biggest reason that the city has such a good reputation.


Constructed along a major river, numerous large bridges have been built to allow access to either sides of the city. These bridges are very wide, with four lanes for vehicles to pass, and three strips of greenery between them to allow for wildlife to cross the bridges too.   The city runs mostly on magic, large tunnels with pipes to maintain the flow of magic, running in a lattice underground. These tunnels can be accessed in several locations; special buildings dedicated to maintenance of the pipes, while all factories must have access to the tunnels and the pipes too. The pipes connect to every single house and establishment in the city, to power electronics with electromagic and to fuel magic fires that heat houses.


The districts of Euvaria were originally divided based on religion, coincidentally being split where the Niani River runs. On the west side of Euvaria was the Florism based districts, and on the east was the Malachan based districts. The Florism district was divided into 4 sub-districts, and the Malachan district was divided into 3 sub-districts.

Florism Districts

Akatura is the largest sub-district in the Florism District. This district is a squatter district, home to the city's informal economy. These people do not pay taxes, they have incredibly low earning jobs, and their quality of life is very low. The houses are built on a large mass of permafrost, which has caused imbalances in the ground and has broken apart houses, meaning many people are homeless and live in the ruins.
Niyara is the northernmost sub-district in the Florism District. This district is home to the most primary workers in the city, being mostly a farming based sub-district. The district is the only one that still remains a majority religious district, with the population of Niyara being 94% florist.
Iafu is the tourism and port district. Centered around the Grandiose Port, the sub-district brings in most of its money from tourism. Iafu also deals with shipments from cities worldwide, via the port. A large amount of fishing jobs take place in Iafu, to feed their population of eusteans.

Malachan District

Bvrck is the largest of the Malachan District sub-districts, and it too is majorly a fishing district. Large silo buildings along the docks are used to store fish and other food to be distributed to shops around the city. In the north of Bvrck are many tall buildings that are owned by large, international companies.
Trysa is a sub-district in the west of the the Malachan District. A large finance sector, a lot of large companies have settled down in this sub-district, gaining a good reputation. Trysa's population exceeds half the total population of Euvaria, the modern housing attracting young people from all over the country and internationally.
Pfersin is the smallest sub-district, in the east of the Malachan District. It is focused on factory work, with many workers commuting and working day to day jobs inside factories turning raw materials into usable products. Almost all of the secondary sector jobs are found in this sub-district.


Euvaria has one of the most massive fish stores on land on the planet. The several large silos contain rows and rows of freezers that preserve the fish perfectly, and are shipped to different countries. Fish has become the city's biggest export, since the Grandiose Port is perfect for catching cold ocean fish.



The Florism Expansion started in 1311, and Caira was the first country that saw the influx of the religion. Florist churches were built in the city in the west half, attracting more and more Florist people from other cities that wanted to practice their religion. Due to this, in 1312 the city was divided into districts; the Florism District on the west half of the city, and the Malachan District on the right half. The rulers of each district reported to a single authority figure that lived just outside the city, that practiced neither religion for things to remain fair.


In the late 1700s and early 1800s, percentage of religious believers was in decline, especially in Caira. In Euvaria, many people were converting to atheism and Florist and Malachan religious buildings were being used less and less. As the religious population declined, the relationship between the two districts grew stronger, and in 1803 they were officially declared non-religious districts, after having been a religious district for hundreds of years.
Founding Date
1.3 million years ago
Large city


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