A-Planet 36B

A-Planet 36B, or "Aurora", is the largest A-Planet (Asteroid Planet) in the Ria Solar System, at 9760km wide. It orbits Nasara in a large elliptical shape, and can be seen every few years from Greenerth as it orbits in space. It is home to the largest recorded flock of shorps, a whopping 3 million. A large research facility was constructed by the harmonids to research the native species.


While there isn't any plant life on this A-Planet, there is a shocking amount of water on it. Three lakes can be found throughout the asteroid, with rivers interconnecting them. Various hilly regions exist on the north side of the A-Planet, while many ditches and valleys are found on the south side. Throughout the orbit cycle of the A-Planet, you can see many of the planets that orbit the Sun. As well as the lack of atmosphere, the entire blackness of space is visible, creating truly beautiful spectacles from the research facility that has been set up.


4 species have been recorded on A-Planet 36B. shorps, which are tall photosynthivores, godrills, larger predators who prey on shorps, cyclops tadpoles which are named after their similarities with baby frogs, and pitter snakes, reptilians that puncture the skin of other creatures in order to drink their blood.


In 2019 (Greenerth Time), a research facility was set up by engineers working for WD Space Tech, a company based in Kerbalt. This facility was designed to be a perfect station for studies of intergalactic creatures, such as the four that are known to live on A-Planets, shorps, pitter snakes, cyclops tadpoles and godrills.

The facility took 2 years and 6 months to build, using five cargo rockets supplying materials from West Kerbalt Space Station to the build site.


As of Malabar 1st, 2050, thirteen tourist ships have been sent to the space station. 6 ships full of passengers who won the lottery, and won a trip to the space station as a side-bonus. They were invited to visit the station for 2 months, Narlibar to Jaxartibar. They enjoyed the views of space, go on long space walks, and ride spacecrafts around the solar system.

Alternative Name(s)
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Like every single A-Planet that has been discovered, its common name, Aurora, is named after a natural phenomenon. It was named after the Aurora Maradalis, which takes place above northern Trecath in Narlibar, and is clearly visible from the A-Planet.

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