Phosphin Species in Yonderverse | World Anvil


Phosphins are small turtle creatures found swimming in the warm lakes in the Phosphorian Caves under Tropacia.

Basic Information


Phosphins have a soft, round shell with many glowing neon stripes on it. They have four small stubby arms sticking out below their shells, with 3 claws used for gripping the ground and swimming. The plastron has many sections to it, each glowing bright neon. Their mouths are long, ending in a small snout. Their teeth are small and square, perfect for gnawing at the grasses in its underwater habitat.

Genetics and Reproduction

Phosphins reproduce once a year in Uribar-Lonribar. They lay 20-30 eggs in holes in the lakebed. The eggs hatch after about 40 days. The newly hatched babies must burst out of their egg and make it to the surface to survive; this method picks off the unworthy babies, leaving the strongest to survive for later.

Growth Rate & Stages

Phosphins, being turtles, live for a long time. Therefore it takes about 8-9 years to reach full maturity. During years 3-6 they develop small horns on their head, it is unclear why.

Ecology and Habitats

Phosphins live in the warm lakes in the Phosphorian Caves , where they spend their lives swimming around in the grasses and basking on land. Their poop also helps fertilise the lakebed soil.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Phosphins are herbivorous, they snack on the short lake grasses and things that grow in the lakes they live in.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Phosphins rely completely on their eyesight to survive. As a matter of fact, most animals in the Phosphorian Caves are deaf, since the ear piercing screeches of the crystals shattering is so loud the animals have evolved to go deaf to avoid it.
Geographic Distribution


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