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The Union of the Kingdoms

The Union of the Kingdoms is the first chapter in Arrasgoth's history, though events did happen before. The Union of the Kingdoms itself focuses on the rise of a group of adventurers, The Beacons of Hope, brought together by unlucky circumstances to become the only hope for the continent against the rising tide of The Darkness and the march of civil war.   The Union of the Kingdoms paints the history of two opposing kingdoms, created out of necessity and force. The Kingdom of Cosmopolita was created by Rudyard, a man who thought technology and magic should eb superior to all else and was fully corrupted by The Darkness to become insane and force a civil war on the continent. The Kingdom of Carowen was created by Daelar Weis, a man who had never planned to lead but found himself the figurehead against Rudyard and his band of constructs and magical people.   The outcome of this lay in the hands of the Beacons of Hope, with no one knowing what this would do to the future of the continent.

Relevant Articles:

The Beacons of Hope
Organization | Dec 28, 2021
The Darkness
Organization | Jul 29, 2021
Kingdom of Cosmopolita
Organization | Apr 13, 2021
Kingdom of Carowen
Organization | Jan 29, 2021

The Union of the Kingdoms

0 BTU and beyond

  • 0 UOK

    8 Tomideb

    The Bell of the Ball

    The Beacons of Hope head to the Winthrope Estate to gatecrash a ball and have a nice chat with Lord Orion Winthrope about not paying his staff.

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  • 0 UOK

    15 Tomideb

    The Pains of Lakeside

    The Beacons of Hope head into Casia Forest and find a group of gnomes without a home and an issue with a lake nearby.

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    Finder's Glen
  • 0 UOK

    22 Tomideb

    The Voting Dead
    Political event

    The Beacons of Hope head out from Finder's Glen and head towards the capital, Egomont , where some strange things have been happening with the current run for leadership.

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  • 0 UOK

    29 Tomideb

    Kids Bite
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Beacons of Hope find a young girl, Alice who asks for their help with her orphanage where the people have become a little more bitey than normal.

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    Bloodmane Manor
  • 0 UOK

    5 Tomimili

    Purgatory Hell
    Military action

    The Beacons of Hope head out of town where they meet the mercenary camp, Purgatory and find there's a plague sweeping through them and an issue with some orcs.

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  • 0 UOK

    12 Tomimili

    The Sands of Time
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Beacons of Hope head towards Freya Holliend 's hometown, Blossoming Sands as there's an issue going on there with a coven of hags.

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    Blossoming Sands
  • 0 UOK

    19 Tomimili

    Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Beacons of Hope discover a secret settlement in Casia Forest where a gang of retired and hidden adventurers are dealing with a wolf problem.

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    Cedar Wilds
  • 0 UOK

    26 Tomimili

    Everyone Has a Price
    Criminal Activity

    Freya, Emrys, Alfyn and Jeb head out from Cedar Wilds and find themselves ambushed by a bounty hunter who is after Brea and Maura.

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    Cedar Wilds
  • 0 UOK

    2 Tomifin

    No Place Like Home
    Gathering / Conference

    The Beacons of Hope start their journey towards Inham Farms to explain to Daelar Weis the current situation with Banshaw Edge. They also meet Nombu, Champion of the Blue.

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    Inham Farms
  • 0 UOK

    9 Tomifin

    Once Bitten, Twice Tribes
    Diplomatic action

    The Beacons of Hope head towards Barren Moor where a tribe of lizardfolk have settled.

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    Barren Moor
  • 0 UOK

    16 Tomifin

    Piracy Pays
    Political event

    The Beacons of Hope head towards Prosperity Bay to check on the state of the town as Jebediah has left it to its own devices.

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    Prosperity Bay
  • 0 UOK

    23 Tomifin

    The Green Knight

    The Beacons of Hope join the The Green Knight to investigate some treasure and meet Captain Kat.

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    Prosperity Bay
  • 0 UOK

    30 Tomifin

    Silver in the Hills
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Beacons of Hope head to Cardnum to check on the situation as one of their council has gone missing.

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  • 0 UOK

    7 Hivadeb

    The Darkness Rises
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Beacons of Hope come up against their most formidable foe that will shape their lives forever: The Darkness.

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  • 0 UOK

    14 Hivadeb

    The Parlay
    Gathering / Conference

    The Beacons of Hope go to a parlay with the Council of Capitals to discuss the rising threat of the The Darkness .

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    Teyrnas Seren
  • 0 UOK

    21 Hivadeb

    Phantom of the Opera
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Beacons of Hope find themselves in The Shadowfell facing some of their darkest fears and stumble upon an old theatre.

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    The Shadowfell
  • 0 UOK

    28 Hivadeb

    The Forgotten Gods
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Beacons of Hope continue their journey into The Shadowfell with their new friend, Zephie and come across a forgotten temple.

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    The Shadowfell
  • 0 UOK

    4 Hivamili

    The Shining Citadel

    The Beacons of Hope finally reach The Shining Citadel and discover it is not a place for those with weak wills.

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  • 0 UOK

    18 Hivamili

    The Darkness In The Mirror
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Beacons of Hope discover that Cedar Wilds is trapped inside a bubble with a portal nearby that leads to an alternative Arrasgoth.

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    Cedar Wilds
  • 0 UOK

    2 Hivafin

    The Siege of Mossford
    Military action

    Mossford comes under attack from something in the dark and it all ties back to a Francis Holliend.

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  • 0 UOK

    9 Hivafin

    Wild Travels

    The Beacons of Hope return to their normal world with new weapons and a new purpose to save the world from The Darkness.

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    Cedar Wilds
  • 0 UOK

    16 Hivafin

    The Path to Chaos

    The Beacons of Hope head out across the country towards Shimmering Grotto to discover what has been going on with The Feywild.

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  • 1 UOK

    15 Prinodeb
    1 UOK

    15 Prinodeb

    A Tale of Two Kings
    Political event

    The Beacons of Hope meet with King Finch and discover another is also vying for the throne.

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  • 1 UOK

    16 Prinodeb
    1 UOK

    16 Prinodeb

    Death of King Finch
    Life, Death

    King Finch is killed and King Facilion becomes head of the Arrasgoth Feywild.

    Additional timelines
  • 1 UOK

    22 Prinodeb
    1 UOK

    25 Prinodeb

    Once Upon A Dream

    The Beacons of Hope head towards Peregrine Bay to deal with a vampire situation. However, things go awry when they meet a strange traveller on route.

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  • 1 UOK

    29 Prinodeb
    1 UOK

    29 Prinodeb

    Young At Heart

    The adopted orphans of Bloodmane Manor head out on their first real adventure to rescue their new family after a visit from time traveller, Faraine Writingham.

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  • 1 UOK

    5 Prinomili
    1 UOK

    5 Prinomili

    Destiny Waits

    After being rescued from a time locked prison, The Beacons of Hope continue on their previous path towards Peregrine Bay and eventually arrive at Port Neswest.

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  • 1 UOK

    12 Prinomili
    1 UOK

    14 Prinomili

    Dead on the Water
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Beacons of Hope meet up with an enemy turned ally, Captain Kat and her crew on Dead on the Water to sort out the vampire situation at Peregrine Bay.

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    Peregrine Bay
  • 1 UOK

    19 Prinomili
    1 UOK

    19 Prinomili

    The Power of Knowledge
    Gathering / Conference

    The Beacons of Hope head towards Skegring Sands to chase up a lost trade route and stumble across a library in the middle of nowhere.

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  • 1 UOK

    26 Prinomili
    1 UOK

    26 Prinomili

    Fortress of Platinum
    Gathering / Conference

    The Beacons of Hope discover a fortress that seems to hold great treasure, and discover more towns affected by The Darkness.

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  • 1 UOK

    5 Prinofin
    1 UOK

    5 Prinofin

    The Lines in the Sand
    Diplomatic action

    The Beacons of Hope head into the sands of Skegring Sands and come across a pyramid controlled by a very powerful vampire, Sir.

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    Skegring Sands
  • 1 UOK

    12 Prinofin
    1 UOK

    12 Prinofin

    The Fine Print
    Political event

    The Beacons of Hope find the source of the problem in Skegring Sands, a town controlled by a powerful archdevil, Valus.

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  • 1 UOK

    19 Prinofin
    1 UOK

    19 Prinofin

    The Home Fires
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A situation arises at the Festival of the Hearth in Dawnminster.

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  • 1 UOK

    16 Etedeb
    1 UOK

    17 Etedeb

    Poisoning The Water Hole

    The Beacons of Hope head to Cardnum to find out what happened to everyone there and what caused the deaths of thousands of dwarves.

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  • 1 UOK

    27 Etedeb
    1 UOK

    29 Etedeb

    Through The Fey Glass

    The Beacons of Hope get a summons by Prince Iwan as the Feywild has been cut off.

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  • 1 UOK

    21 Etemili
    1 UOK

    21 Etemili

    Queen of Hearts
    Political event

    The Beacons of Hope discover that there has been some craziness going on with The Darkness and fairytale illusions.

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  • 1 UOK

    22 Etemili
    1 UOK

    22 Etemili

    Death of Queen Venestra
    Life, Death

    Queen Venestra is killed and King Facilion becomes sole ruler of the Arrasgoth Feywild.

    Additional timelines
  • 1 UOK

    18 Etefin
    1 UOK

    18 Etefin

    Moon Lighting
    Gathering / Conference

    The Beacons of Hope head towards Egomont to deal with the criminal activity that is going on there. They have concerns that this sort of situation might be a good target for The Darkness to corrupt and influence.

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  • 1 UOK

    18 Etefin
    1 UOK

    19 Etefin

    The Labyrinth of Passing
    Criminal Activity

    Moon sends some of his crew to go and investigate a tomb in Casia Forest that should be filled with hidden gnomish treasure.

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  • 1 UOK

    26 Etefin
    1 UOK

    27 Etefin

    Draconic Origins
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Beacons of Hope feel the impending war on the horizon and start working out where they need to go next.

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    Vivid Marsh
  • 1 UOK

    7 Tomideb
    1 UOK

    7 Tomideb

    Blossoming in the Swamp
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Beacons of Hope figure out where the missing young dragons might be and set out on a search of Blossoming Sands.

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    Blossoming Sands
  • 1 UOK

    12 Tomifin
    1 UOK

    12 Tomifin

    Broken Parts of a Whole

    The Beacons of Hope travel through Jungle Hollow and finally find Faelynn.

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    Jungle Hollow
  • 2 UOK

    5 Prinodeb
    2 UOK

    5 Prinodeb

    Reflections and Reinforcements
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Beacons of Hope start their move to help Arrasgoth against the oncoming war of the Kingdom of Cosmopolita.

    Session Report
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