
3 Marca 6441

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I don't remember much of the voyage from Bán Ródh. The weather during much of it was abysmal- all keening wind and thunder- once the warm Eimhiran waters gave way to the colder embrace of northern tides... And as I woefully learned early on in our adventure, ocean travel makes me terribly seasick; I admit it was a relief when the án Ghail finally left the great rolling ocean behind, and made it safely into port at Saethar'Kori.
— From the journal of Finnán Catanach, Artisan; 6348
Saleh'Alire is a custom world setting designed for use with the 5th Edition of the Table Top Roleplaying Game known as Dungeons and Dragons; while designed for adventure and exploration games first, it's capable of hosting a variety of campaigns independently, across multiple eras and technology levels.   As a setting Saleh'Alire attempts to reimagine, expand upon, and unify the standard lore- all while still maintaining the flavor and feel of Dungeons and Dragons throughout its various iterations.
Much of the foundation information you find here will be easily recognizable from the many Core books released for Dungeons and Dragons over the decades. Nearly all of the material presented here, however, has been extensively modified in order to expand on available lore, and adapt it to the setting. Other content has been specifically homebrewed for the Saleh'Alire setting, and are my own creations- or has been adapted from the homebrewed content of others who've been kind enough to share their amazing work.


As a D&D TTRPG setting, Saleh'Alire draws inspiration from a number of real world historical eras- including several Ancient Civilizations, the multifaceted Medieval Period, the long Italian Renaissance, and even the Golden Age of Piracy.   Fantasy genres haven't been left out, either; a little sprinkle of Steampunk, a hint of Powderpunk, and even a small dash of Aetherpunk all mingle together against a GreyCore backdrop of High Fantasy.


There is no major historic time period that Saleh'Alire could be compared to in the real world... Instead, each race of Saleh'Alire has its own unique level of technology, and some regions (and races) are much more developed than others.   The result is a world in where players can easily move from an Ancient Civilization to a Gunpowder one, before jetting off to a Clockwork city or a floating island- all according to their own interests / needs.


The most obvious genres for Saleh'Alire campaigns are High Magic and Sword & Sorcery- or sandbox type Exploration & Adventure themed campaigns that include trappings of both of the above.   With plenty of room to explore, however, is has the potential to include many more; Heroic, Dark Fantasy, High Seas, Gods & Demons, Espionage & Subterfuge, and even a little weird, are also good thematic fits for the setting.

As of currently, two major campaigns are actively taking place in the world of Saleh'Alire: Into the Wilds (following the escapades of Mala'kai, Ceiba, Aneirin, Shael, and Aethel), and Wildfire Rising (a solo campaign focused the outcast Zuri Golzar). Both campaigns take place on the continent of Tolara, in separate areas of the little explored Talaina'Vao region, and are expected to run levels 4 through 20 using the 5th Edition of the Dungeons and Dragons TTRPG system.   A third self-led, self-generated campaign is also about to begin (The Open Door) and will run an unknwon length of time using the same system. Unlike the others, this campaign will be played without a traditional DM, using The Solo Adventurer's Ultimate Toolbox by Paul Bimler, as well as both DM for Yourself and DM for Yourselves by Tom Scutt; it will follow the escapades of Darra and Kesiah, with The Heron pocket dimension Tavern operating as the characters' main base during the course of the campaign.  

Into the Wilds

Wildfire Rising

The Open Door

  Prior to these campaigns, another much shorter campaign (The Seeker's Blessing- which followed Echo, Conar, Edric, Aglaomilia, and Aélwin) was attempted but had to be abandoned due to health and other reasons; it took place on the same continent, in the great trade city of Saethar'Kori, in Tolara's Gwyn Tira'Kie region ... Additionally, several oneshots have also taken place in Saleh'Alire since its inception- including one in Rusatar, and another in Castrillis; each followed a different group of characters (though much like the original campaign, sadly none of them were ever able to be fully completed).

▼ Click to Expand for a Basic Pronunciation Guide Before You Start ▼
Think of this guide not as an inviolable ruleset, but as a kindly starter kit; all regions of Saleh'Alire- and all Sophonts who inhabit it- have their own languages, and their own various dialects (and subdialects) within those languages. Thus, pronuncuations may change quite fluidly by both region and species, and even across the same species in completely different regions. So if your pronunciation isn't perfect? Don't fret! No one will judge you, here!
Place Pronunciation Classification
Saleh'Alire Sah-lay Ah-lyre The World
Place Pronunciation Classification
Olienn Oh-lee-ehn Kingdom
Fae'lora Faey--Lore-uh Province, Olienn
Ava'ya Ah-vuh--yah Province, Olienn
Sora'gale Sore-uh--gayle Province, Olienn
Vael Shi'rys Vaeyl Shee-reeh-ss Province, Olienn
Place Pronunciation Classification
Martova Mar-toe-vah Continental Region
Place Pronunciation Classification
Castrillis Kass-tree-yiss Kingdom
Adógan Ah-dough-gan Treatied Province, Castrillis
Anndrach Ahnn-drahk Treatied Province, Castrillis
Caile Kale Treatied Province, Castrillis
Finola Fih-no-lah Treatied Province, Castrillis
Talies Tall-yes Treatied Province, Castrillis
Válmía Vahl-mee-ah Treatied Province, Castrillis
Catríona Kat-tree-oh-nah Treatied Province, Castrillis
Place Pronunciation Classification
Rusatar Rue-sah-tar Continent Kingdom (Semi-Occupied)
Place Pronunciation Classification
Tolara Toe-lahr-ah Continent
Gwyn Tira'Kie Gwehn Tear-ah--key-eh Autonomous Region, Tolara
Eris'ka Ehr-ihs--kuh Kingdom, Tolara
Di'kae Milona Dee-kay Mih-lone-uh Kingdom, Tolara
Ar'lasang Vaerda'ky Arh--lah-song Vaeyr-duh--key Kingdom, Tolara
Talaina'Vao Tah-lane-ah--vow Unclaimed Region, Tolara
Aki'Vao Ah-kai--Vow Undiscovered Region, Tolara
Place Pronunciation Classification
Roshani Prelecta Roh-shahn-ee Prey-lect-ah Generic Group, Free Cities
Place Pronunciation Classification
Othaeciona Oh-thay-shee-oh-nah Generic Group, Oceanic Region
Place Pronunciation Classification
Vy'thas V-eye-th-ah-ss Generic Group, Floating Islands
Think of this guide not as an inviolable ruleset, but as a kindly starter kit; all regions of Saleh'Alire- and all Sophonts who inhabit it- have their own languages, and their own various dialects (and subdialects) within those languages. Thus, pronuncuations may change quite fluidly by both region and species, and even across the same species in completely different regions So if your pronunciation isn't perfect? Don't fret! No one will judge you, here!
▼ Expand ▼

  1. Phetian
  2. Nom'ythians
    • Fae
      • Changeling
      • Dryad
      • Siren
    • Elves
      • Timber
      • Marine
      • Winged
      • Ethereal
      • Shadow
      • Solar
      • Lunar

  3. Ayenians
    • Genasi
      • Fire
      • Water
      • Earth
      • Air
    • Humans
      • Avi
      • Sari
      • Casti
      • Fereni
      • Ileri
      • Enethi
      • Tameri

  4. Sa'avians
    • Canines
    • Felines
    • Avians
    • Bovines
    • Draconics

  5. Extraplanars
    • Celestials
    • Fiends

  6. Other Creatures
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  1. Planes
    • Material
    • Elemental
    • Feywild
    • Astral
    • Shadowfell
    • Ethereal
    • Liminal
    • Celestial
    • Abyss

  2. Continents
  3. Miscellaneous Regions
    • Othaeciona
    • Vy'thas
    • Roshani Prelecta

  4. Cities of Note
  5. Villages of Note
  6. Keskala
  7. Temples
  8. Taverns & Inns
  9. Ruins
▼ Expand ▼
  1. Wars
    • Dragon Wars
      • First Dragon War
      • Second Dragon War
    • Av'hena War
    • Kadenazi War
    • Red Schism
    • The Cleansing
    • White War
    • Amatis War

  2. Battles
  3. Holidays & Rituals
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  1. Militaries
    • Phy'ithian Legion
    • Asanari Grera
    • Celestial Knights

  2. Mercenaries
  3. Orders
    • Fellowship of the Star
    • Order of the Bloodhunters
      • Silver Grasp
      • Ivory Ghost
      • Knights Profane
      • Dawnfist
      • Jade Legion
      • Crimson Blade
      • Hounds of the North

  4. Tolaran Guilds
  5. Traders
  6. Brewers
    • Gaeldra Orchard & Brewery
    • Wanderlust Brewing Company

  7. Religions

Saleh'Alire has 88 Adventurers

▼ Expand ▼
  1. All-Campaign Primers
  2. Seeker's Blessing
    • Introduction
    • Characters
      • Echo Houlegate
      • Conar Barrach
      • Edric e'Teasam
      • Aglaomilia Hithe
      • Aélwin Màirc
    • Starting Location
    • Last Known Location
      • Port So’Lae, Olienn

  3. Into The Wilds
  4. Wildfire Rising
  5. The Open Door
Saleh'Alire World Map
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  1. Noble Houses
    • House Usathi
      • Nenryn e'ta Usathi
    • House Idrissa
    • House Za'vaed
      • Nhiliara Parindi e'ta Za'vaed
      • Letithira Parindi e'ta Za'vaed
      • Jevan Veldrin e'ta Abaer
      • Aetheldreda Parindi e'ta Za'vaed
      • Carteth Veldrin e'ta Za'vaed
      • Rosanelor Veldrin e'ta Za'vaed
      • Lamealdris Veldrin e'ta Za'vaed
      • Savelea Parindi e'ta Za'vaed
      • Sabraena Vhonne Iraelar e'ta Za'vaed
    • House Yisonn
    • House Teasam
      • Naya e’Teasam
      • Tristan e’Teasam a'Mi'viko
      • Alyssa e’Teasam
      • Edric e'Teasam
    • House Awenath
      • Hanael e'Awenath
      • Estrine a'Meiras
      • Kellam e'Awenath
      • Yorlan e'Awenath
      • Amayla e'Awenath
    • House Barmond
      • Odell Barmond
    • House Renham
      • Morwena e'Renham
      • Gethrod e'Renham
    • House Ranmour
      • Annalyn e'ta Ranmour
    • House Aoi
      • Hendaar Aoi
    • House Vaerdne
      • Aeris Vaerdne
    • House Oskari
      • Lassona Sol-Oskari
    • House Cutania
      • Teresse e'Cutania
    • Ta Hyriakou
    • Clan Cateláin
      • Magáidh Ruiseal nic Cateláin
      • Mánus Máirc nic Cateláin
      • Asha Máirc nic Cateláin nic Síoráin
      • Óra Máirc nic Cateláin
      • Aélwin Máirc nic Cateláin
      • Godred Máirc nic Cateláin
      • Moirin Máirc nic Cateláin
      • Deirdre Máirc nic Cateláin
      • Tomas Cáinan nic Cateláin
    • Clan Dhána
      • Cáin Avelson nic Dhána
      • Moirin ac Brádaigh nic Doirnín a Dhána
      • Fína Avelson nic Dhána
      • Faolán Cáinnech nic Dhána
    • Clan Cananáin
      • Niall Eogháin nic Cananáin
      • Ruadh Sabháin nic Cananáin
    • Clan Lulachláin
      • Deorid Tuáirisc nic Lulachláin
      • Eanna Catháil nic Lulachláin
      • Eiblin Coinnich nic Lulachláin
    • Clan Síoráin
      • Oisean Lucais nic Síoráin
      • Thamás Rushton nic Síoráin
    • Clan Etanáin
      • Cathach Pheadáir nic Etanáin
      • Benict Ruáidh nic Etanáin
    • Clan Áirachláin
      • Donáid Alasdáir nic Áirachláin
      • Sorcha Matasan nic Áirachláin
    • Clan Cáoráig
      • Egdhán Dhána nic Cáoráig
    • Clan Bairr
      • The White Banshee

  2. Priests
  3. Arcanists
    • Tristan e’Teasam a'Mi'viko
    • Odell Barmond

  4. Archivists
    • Naya e’Teasam
    • Odell Barmond

  5. Scientists
  6. Archaologists
    • Hamadi Sebek

  7. Militiamen
    • Achyn Cylien
    • Brilicia e'Orahon
    • Keani Lohia-Vele
    • Halim Pulungan
    • Warchief Uleaku Hala
    • Batilda Nielsen
    • Hansa Bech
    • Maanar Arge
    • Vagnar Halbeg

  8. Operatives
  9. Explorers
  10. Traders
    • Bryn Afa'ma
    • Vulmar Kiirden

  11. Commoners of Import
▼ Expand ▼
  1. Extraplanars
    • Elementals

  2. Constructs
  3. Monsters
  4. Beasts
  5. Insects
    • Galycean Moth
    • Bahar
    • Ila'vis Beetle
    • Hao'yin Butterfly
  6. Miscellaneous
▼ Expand ▼
  1. Plants
    • Vurag
    • Nefru
  2. Flowers
  3. Shrubs
  4. Trees
▼ Expand ▼
  1. Metals
  2. Stones
    • Sunstone
    • Aubralite
    • Materia
    • Idreid Stones

  3. Materials
  4. Gear
  5. Relics
    • Religious
    • War Banners
      • Devestation
      • Chalice
      • Shield
      • Storm
      • Fist
      • Despair
      • Star
      • Brute
      • Tower

    • Vestiges
      • Swords & Daggers
        • Lightbringer
        • Mistleinn
        • Dawnbreaker
        • Duskbringer
        • Skylark
        • Vineheart
        • Carrion Stinger
        • Grave Weaver
        • Pharaoh
        • Silverwind
        • Wind Saber
        • Terraria
        • Grieving Garden
      • Daggers & Sickles
        • Songbirds
        • Grovekeeper
        • Harvester
        • Whisper
        • Nahkari
        • Vice & Virtue
        • Bane's Claw
        • Moonbearer
        • Lucky Number Seven
        • Mist
        • Meadow's Rest
        • Deathreaper
      • Axes, Mauls, & Hammers
        • Crimson Saint
        • Glutton's Bane
        • Warbane
        • Winter's Howl
        • Enforcer
        • Chieftan's Fury
        • Warden of Life
        • Jawbreaker
        • Bloodstained Bride
        • Vanguard
        • Bright Sentinel
        • Brontanna's Maul
      • Bows & Bolts
        • Dragon's Bane
        • Odral's Grasp
        • Whisp
        • Silverwind
        • Crimson Choir
        • Hyperborea
        • Reaver
        • Vanguard
        • Vera's Silence
      • Staves & Glaives
        • Sappling
        • Wildfire
        • Arbor's Abode
        • Claire
        • Life Herald
        • Lodial
        • Rainbow
        • Brightwood
        • Quickling
        • Sonata
        • Ivy
        • Eden
        • Ravenwing
        • Opalborn
        • Hamea's Dance
      • Other Weapons
        • Green Gale
        • Sunspear
        • Tessadara
        • Ethereal Bite
        • Saphir
        • Violanta
        • Xayah's Sting
        • Adorei
        • Bleeding Bouquet
        • Egoist's Solo
        • Harpblade
        • Enlightened Edge
        • Wasp's Venom
        • Haymaker
      • Shields
        • Dainsleif
        • Black Star
        • Bloodmoon
        • Euphoria
        • Brotannia's Shield
        • Ramn's Head
        • Aegis
        • Amniteum
        • Steel Petal
        • Tombstone
        • Arborguard
        • Solomantis
        • Saintbreaker
        • Pyralite
      • Mantles
        • Stormdancer
        • Lion Hide
        • Brightwood Warden
        • Charlatan
        • Lunar Herald
        • Planeswalker
        • Seafarer
        • Nine Lives
        • Frostfell Gloam
        • Omenbringer
      • Other Armor
        • Windshear
        • Midas
        • Warden's Key
        • Hellfire's Gauntlet
        • Windcutter
        • Serpent's Kiss
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  1. Geographic & Exploration Texts
    • A Guide to the Peaks
    • The Mountainer's Guide to Tentage

  2. Herbals & Beastiaries
    • Poisonous Histories
    • Cormac's Legendary Bestiary
    • A Homesteader's Guide to Oelot
    • Flora and Fauna of the Greater Chisisi Region
    • The Many Modern Cousins of the Dragons

  3. Political Documents
  4. Cultural Texts
    • A History of the Ancients
    • A Pocket Guide to Tolara and its Peoples
    • The Materials and Styles of Saleh'Alire
    • Beauty Rituals of Saleh'Alire
    • An Ethnographical Study of Phetian Descendants
    • Food Diversity Among the Giants
    • Myths and Misconceptions of Orcish Culture
    • On The Nature of Dwarves
    • Marriage and Courting Among the Dwarves
    • Traditional Sounds of the Delta

  5. Holy Texts
  6. Religious Texts
  7. Arcane Texts
    • On the Nature of Reality
    • A Guide to Extraplanar Travel

  8. Full Grimoires
  9. Spell Scrolls
  10. Shadow Arts
    • L'Arte de Clandestine

  11. Reading for Pleasure
    • Heavenly Flesh

  12. Journals / Diaries
▼ Expand ▼
  1. Bacterial
    • Jungle Rot

  2. Viral
    • Shivering Sickness

  3. Parasitic
    • Throat Leeches

  4. Other
    • Wanderer's Sickness
    • Waterblight