
Saleh'Alire » Major Trade Cities Tolara Talaina'Vao Hiatal Mountains

Sittuated at the end of the Nisaba Pass that runs between the Hiatal and Kogria mountain ranges which separate the bulk of the Tolara continent from its southern Peninsula, the city of Rothshield was the first of many to be founded on the peninsula.   Originally founded in 5734 by Agara Kehal-Gade, the leader of the first exploration team to discover the region, it was abandoned shortly afterwards as political turmoil disrupted the yearly expeditions. It was reestablished again 51 years later in 5785, once expeditionary opperations were stable enough to push south again.   When the city was first established, it consisted of a few hundred sheds that acted as little more than basic housing for traders and other individuals. But the route proved highly popular as more discoveries were made, and the pass was an integral in-road into the southern Peninsula. Rothshield, being the first town upon leaving the pass, grew quickly then- expanding to providing rest to travelers and ushering supplies both into and out of the region.
Click me!
Frontier Trade Hub   Founding Date
18 Marca 5734

Talaina'Vao, Tolara
As a result Rothshield eventually became the most important trading hub on the peninsula- at the time, second only to the city of Saethar'Kori in Tolara's original region of Gwyn Tira'Kie; its importance in the region would later be beaten by Chara’Huyan after its establishment in 6348, over 600 years after Rothshield. But despite its competition with Chara'Huyan, however, it still maintains its significance both historically, and regionally, as travelers can't enter the southern peninsula via the traditional Nisaba route without passing through the city at its end.  

City Structure & Design

Due to its location on a mountain, the city of Rothshield had a severely limited amount of space to expand as it grew. This caused numerous problems in the early days of its growth, especially as limited roads further congested travel through the area for both the newly burgeoning population, as well as those passing through. The solution, then, was to expand into the mountain instead of out- and so Dwarven teams were brought in to expand the city in stages over the course of the next 20 years.   Construction on "New Rothshield" was finally completed in 5805, and consisted of a city divided into 5 terraces. Another 3 terraces were added in 5923; today, Rothshield consists of eight terraces in total, each of which decreases in size as the elevation of the mountain increases- eventually culminating in "Old Rothshield" at the top, where the Nisaba pass opens out onto the mountain... However, because higher elevation increases the chance of Harpy attacks, the higher up the mountain you go, the more “inside” the mountain the buildings become situated. In some areas, the city has been carved almost entirely into the mountain as a result.   Additional roads were also built to help ; roads section the stone into various "blocks", or large pillars which are treated as the equivalent of a single traditional city block. Each block has been almost entirely hollowed out and subdivided into variously sized shops and residencies- typically about 4 high.
  Once the city's design was finally complete, each terrace was given a specific purpose... Agricultural and livestock needs were assigned the most space on the lowest and largest first terrace, and shared space with basic supplies and trade- which continued into more niche trade professions and products on the second terrace. Matters of large scale industry such as mining, meanwhile, were assigned space on the third terrace nearer to the middle of the city for ease of access. The fourth, fifth, and sixth terraces were then dedicated to housing- each of differing quality and pricing. Luxury goods and industry were allocated to the seventh terrace, then, and the eighth and final terrace was dedicated to the mercenaries and guilds, and city politics.  

Political Leadership

Ruled over by a council consisting of the heads of the 7 largest mercenary companies in Rothshield.   An iron-willed ruler demands respect from the populace
Agara Kehal-Gade   Council Members
  • Eldermar Drun'the
  • Synalla Brekett
  • Reinert Aagard
  • Ianthe Miroslava Clymene Endeis
  • Dusala Tahur'walli
  • Mekhea Tytres
  • Taqi Azar-Jawal

Population & Culture

Total Population
39,523   Demographics
72% Human
15% Dwarf
04% Minotaur
01% Orc
03% Elf
05% Misc
Most people who move through the city of Rothshiled are, in actuality, far from being permanent residents. Instead, the majority of the people seen upon the city terraces are but temporary inhabitants- visitors simply passing through on their way elsewhere; most typically these groups consists of expeditioners moving between the Southern Peninsula and the greater bulk of the Tolaran continent as the seasons allow, but they also include common folk, Traders and merchants, Mercenaries, and others.
  As a result, Rothshield has never actually been a large city in its own right by any means. In fact, quite the opposite is true; while the city is always busy and crowded as people from all over Tolaina’Vao move through it daily, in terms of permanent residency, it maintains a stable midrange population of only aproximately 39,523 (mostly Human) individuals.   The vast majority of the individuals who call Rothshield their home are involved in a trade industry or some sort, or make their living in hospitality running Inns and Taverns. Over the last 100 years, however, a burgeoning alcohol industry has begun to take root after Niodil Kosrin and Bateia Rhanis discovered that rare varieties of Apples and Juniper both could be grown on the mountain- and that fruit grown in the region had a unique flavor that could be imparted on the alcohol during the distilation process.   Today Rothshiled has made a name for itself as a city that enjoys strong drink as a result- and knows how to brew it; the vast majority of the city's personal exports include Honey Applejack and Frostbitten Apple Ciders, as well as Blue Gin- some of which are still produced by the original two who made the discovieries. Newly introduced grapes, and local mountain honey, round out the city's alcohol production even further with Honey Mead and Wine. All of these are celebrated at a festival held once yearly in the city, which expands to include the region's largest brewing contest every 5 years or so.  

Public Facilities

City Hall
Located on the 8th Terrace of Rothshield, City Hall is hidden by 10 foot thick stone walls, but otherwise remains open to the sky around the mountain.   As the center of power in the city, it's more ornate than the other buildings- though it's been carved from the mixed grey stone of the mountains as all the others; it towers above the 8th terrace 5 stories high- square built, with ornate pillars on the 2nd and 4th stories to support the stories above, and ornate circular carvings around the walls and doorways. On the top of the building sits a bronze Harpy statue impaled by 7 spears.   Inside, the halls are decorated with white marble flooring inlaid in a decorative swirling patter of red stone; the walls, decorated with a thick border around both their tops and bottoms, have been whitewashed to make the space feel larger- while several mirrors have been cunningly places to further increase the effect by reflecting the light; the lighting itself is produced by a combination of Sunstone sconces and natural light from several small, round glass windows.
Guild Row
Lorem Ipsum
City Post and Notice
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Harpy Shelters
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Harpy’s Head Inn and Tavern (DONE)


Approaching the small stone building your eyes are immediately drawn to the stained glass windows to each side of the solid wooden door, each of which depicts a decapitated harpy. The one on left shows her, severn spears stabbed through her heart- while in the right her stomach is pierced by a large sword... The images are gruesome, but the glass itself well designed and expertly wrought.   A sign just above it reads ‘Harpy’s Head Inn & Tavern’. The smell of fine food wafts out onto the street from the double stack chimney that exists the rock facing just overhead- a mix of savory and sweet smells; some you recognize, others you don’t. But it’s warm and inviting, enticing you to pull open the door.  


Inside, the Harpy’s Head is dimly lit, the only true light diffused by the stained glass- casting a sea of multicolored rainbows across the floor in the evening light. At regular intervals along the stone walls, plain wooden sconces provide the rest of the artificial light via Sunstone- most of which are concentrated near the small, dark wood bar to the left of the door; (bar is tended by Rytha Aedar).   Looking around now, the interior is smaller than expected, the seating comprised mostly of small tables with two chairs- though a series of larger tables line one wall. The smaller tables are laid with blood red linens while the larger wooden tables are separated by tall wooden screens with painted scenes depicting battles against harpies.   A giant fireplace sits opposite the bar, with an ornate stone hearth- crackling fire burning within….. And a rather large taxidermy consisting of a set of Harpy wings and what almost looks like a human skull in the center. No one seems bothered by it, however- and there are certainly several people settled into the small tables, though it’s difficult to tell if any of the larger tables at the back are occupied.      


The kitchen has a limited stock- but each meal is well made and of exceptional quality. A wooden sign above the bar has the following menu wood-burnt into it; staffed by Ah-Pau Bai typically they have two specials a day. Roll 2d6 to determine what two menu items are on special each day. Items on special are half their usual price.  
Deep ruby colored Firewine; tastes
of brambleberry and hot spices.
5 CP
Pale amber ale, with a nice foamy top;
little on the sweet side
1 CP
2 soft boiled Quail Eggs and a
personal boiled pudding with
currants and a firewine sauce.
3 CP
Sticky Herbed Rice, and a Hardboiled
Egg and Leg of the Fowl of the day
( 1d4 Chicken, Turkey, Duck, or Goose)
3 CP
Slab of Goat Head Cheese, creamy Grits
with a slap of butter, and a small
stack of Flatbread
4 CP
Root Vegetable Chowder, with
Crusty Bread and a side of Thin Bacon
2 CP
Rough Wheat Biscuits, Home Cheese,
and Fried Hare with prune sauce.
2 CP
Fresh mountain greens, fine chopped
Frost Apples, and brambleberries,
with light cream sauce for dressing.
1 CP


A door at the back of the tavern leads to a small hallway with 15 additional doors. Each bedroom contains a large soft bed, a claw foot tub, a solid storage chest, a comfortable arm chair, and a small table. The furnishings are simple, but look well made, and the linens are of an excellent quality- far finer than one would expect for a small establishment like this/   Thankfully the rooms are devoid of further taxidermy or other harpy references, and kept tidy and well cleaned by Kriolina e’Thamalaeth, even with her condition
Temple on the Mount (DONE)


Built into the side of the mountain between the second and third terraces- but only accessible via a path descending from the 3rd terrace; unlike most buildings of Rothshiled, the Temple on the Mount is built in a rounded style and consists of only two stories. A small round bell tower decorates the center of the roof.   The building is carved entirely from the surrounding stone of the mountain, and roofed with tiles of what look like blood red clay or rock. Each support butress of the roof hosts a small masked gargoyle, each one in a different pose than the last. Another gargoyle tops the copala of the bell tower, sittuated as if it's looking off down the side of the mountain.  


Inside, the walls have been white-washed, like most buildings in the city. The floor is made from the same red stone as the tiles of the roof, while mirrors line the cieling- acting as reflectors for the light emanating from the sunstone chandaliers spaced every so many feet.   There are several benches and pews lining the walls on either side of the room- the walkway forming a narrow path between them just wide enough for two normal sized individuals to pass through side by side with a bit of space between them; carved from white marble and decorated with intricate circlar patterns, they have no backs buch each contains a plush seat cushion that runs its full length.   At various intervals, small niches have been carved out of the side walls. The opening of each one is covered by heavy velvet curtains in various shades of red, parted at the center to reveal a small basin fountain located at roughly waist height. Some contain flowers, others old fashioned candles giving off a dim yellow glow. But the water of each one smells clean, and is cool and refreshing to the senses.  

Apse & Altar

At the back of the building, the second story disappears, opening up the space into a single two story tall half-round chamber. In the center of the back wall wall, a large statue has been carved from the stone, from floor to cieling. It depicts a genderless figure in long robes of the same red stone seen throughout the temple, with an ornate mask gripped in both hands- each partially obscuring their face so that the figure just barely peers through the crack at you.   The wall around the figure- save a 5 foot wide space directly on each side of the statue, where a floor to cieling red banners hang- is set with hundreds of small niches. Each of these contains what looks like another mask- every one of them in a different style, but each held aloft by a gargoyle similar to the ones decorating the buttresses on the Temple's exterior; the spaces between each niche have been intricately carved with various patterns, so that the wall looks chaotic and beautiful all at once.  

Private Areas

A sacristy can be accessed through a door hidden behind a banner on the left of the statue. Inside is certainly darker than the rest of the Temple, but not so dark it's difficult to see; light from a single sunstone sconce illuminates the room- showing several masks in ornate porcelain and glass cases. A series of robes, likely priest garb, hang on a hook nearby. Opposite the large shelf holding the mask cases is a small desk with a series of ledgers- the most recent one showing the month's donations to the Temple.   From a door behind the right hand banner, a spiral staircase leads up to a long hallway- which itself leads to the bell tower seen from the outside; here, a large copper bell hangs in the center, larger than a goliath, and almost as wide; a series of heavy ropes lead from it to a hook on the wall that seems meant to keep them out of the way of the small, simple wood stool that takes up the space next to it.
Monastary ()
Lorem Ipsum
Hospital ()
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Library ()
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Orphanage ()
Lorem Ipsum
Broken Coin Inn (DONE)


From the outside, this inn looks much like any other inn of the town. The stone walls are a dark grey, with windows dotting the outside- making it appear as if it has two storeys- its three large chimneys breaking through the rock face above the upper most row of windows.   The front door is located in the right corner of the building, where the road turns further into the rocky alcove. Above the door hangs a round sign with a small piece has been broken off in the bottom. The sign looks much like a coin, though it bears none of the standard markings of Tolaran Currency. Instead it bears two crossed swords with a double bladed battle axe in the center- the Emblam of Rothshield.   The observant sneakers in the group will notice carvings in both the right and left upper corners of the door. The left contains two crossed swords. The right, two triangles- one right on top of the other (the bottom being inverted)- signifying that the establishment is connected to the underground as an information hub of some sort. Shael, you recognize the marking on the left as being the group who runs the establishment- but you haven’t bothered to learn their name since it was never relevant to your time here.  


Inside the inn is spacious, the evening light from the several front facing plain windows illuminating the interior well enough- the rest illuminated by sunstone lamps hanging from the ceiling. The entrance alcove itself contains a large bar- two large halls splitting off via a doorway on either side of the entrance. Peering into each, it’s clear that one is for more wealthier patrons, and the other for the more rugged sort of patrons. Both rooms are heavily occupied at the moment.   Behind the bar (tended by Durak Mul you can see a door that leads elsewhere into the Tavern. Beside it, a stone stairwell leads up to a second story. Above the bar is a sign advertising a food menu and additional services.  

Merchant’s Side

In the nicer hall, three long tables run its length, each set with cushioned high-backed chairs. A rug, woven with a fine dwarven motif, covers the floor. A similar table runner runs the length of each table, a large fruit bowl in their centers. At the back, sits a fireplace large enough you could almost roast a whole pig on a spit.  

Rough Side

The floor here is bare. 6 large round tables- each with several chairs (some more than it looks like they could reasonably hold, as people crowd in)- can be seen throughout the room. In the back is another fireplace- though this one is smaller. Above it hangs the taxidermied head of an owlbear; an arrow sticks out of the center of its forehead- no doubt the result of a drunken prank at some point.   The back table to the left of the fire is always occupied by Ioana Savang and those who choose to play cards with her- sometimes making weird, cryptic remarks  


(Run by Palti Barajas, who also acts as second Barkeep and Server) The Broken Coin kitchen is simple but provides mixed fare at various prices- some fit for a sit down meal, others for those looking for a quick meal. They have no specials, but special requests can be made of the barkeep as necessary.on special each day. Items on special are half their usual price.  
(Patrons only) Hearty platter of
Goat Headcheese, Alpine Grapes, Olives,
Thick Cut Bacon, wedge of Home Cheese,
2 eggs, and Multigrain Flatbread.
5 CP
Sauted Rodent of the day (Squirrel, Rat,
etc) in a brandy sauce over rice
2 CP
Thick, hearty soup made from
the Stone Mushroom
1 CP
Stewed Potatoes refried, and a thick
cut of Lamb steak, served with a side of
herbed cheese, herbed butter, and a
brown gravy, plus crusty bread.
5 CP
Frost Apple Pie served with sweetened
goats milk whipped cream
2 CP
Phoenix Brandy. Strong, rich golden
brown; tastes of cinnamon
and other spices
5 CP
Tamerian Wine. Pale gold, tastes
woody and slightly minty
2 CP
Dwarven Draught. Dark Lauger with a
pale foam and strone, yeasted scent
1 CP
Elf Valley Plum Wine. tastes of swee
plum with a hint of something you
can’t put your finger on.
8 CP

Additional Services

The Broken Coin offers a few additional services for those with extra coin to spare.  
Haircut 1 CP
Laundry (Guest only) 5 CP
Shoe Shine 2 CP
Armor Shine 5 SP
Leather Oiling 5 SP
Minor Armor Repair 1 GM
Weapon Sharpening 2 SP


The rented rooms look much the same- simply furnished with a bed, a small table, and a wardrobe; most of them with a small window that looks out of the rock cropping, over the city.  


Downstairs is accessed via a stone lever in the main stairwell that- when pressed- opens a small passageway and downward leading stairwell. This passageway leads to a second room that acts as a meeting place for members of the shadow faction that controls the Broken Coin.


Livestock Market (VN)
Lorem Ipsum
Open Air Market (VN)
Lorem Ipsum
Skull and Bones (DONE)


Sittuated down a narrow alleyway near the mountain wall of the second terrace, this unassuming shop boasts a rather lovely storefront darkened with clay washing. Small windows drawn with black curtains, and a simple sign faded by time, and the only external decorations.  


Inside the shop, you're immediately hit with the overwhelming smell of meats both old and new, and the thick stench of incense, mixed with that sort of smell that only age and the passage of time can really create in a space.   Looking around, the shop is large- but cramped; you find yourself sequestered among shelf after shelf of jars and boxes, and other vessels, filled to the brim with all manner of creature parts. Even the cieling is covered in hanging nets acting as cornucopia to dessicated parts. Some are easily recognizable, while others aren't readily so, but the overall image is rather grotesque.   A single sign above a dark wood counter at the back of the store reads "Will buy monster goods; extra pay for Harpies".
Helping Hand Staffing Services (DONE)


Located ust off the main road of the first terrace, between the Open Air Market and the City Notice and Post, a bright sign leads you towards a tall but thin freestanding stone building with a white-washed facad- as does the absolute madness of people that seem to be coming and going out of the store's double panelled doors; the beautifully done stone work and large wooden doorway are brazened with the shops name in gold, and serve to give the building a certain sense of grandeur as you enter.  


Inside, you find yourself in a bit of a traffic jam; the "lobby" appears to be packed with people shoved shoulder to shoulder, vying for positions in front of the desks that line the perimeter of the room. Each is manned by an individual telled- some of whom stand on top of their desks instad of behind them, shouting out orders and handing out slips of paper or bags of coin.   It smells of work: The stink of sweaty bodies after a day of labor, and the air is hot and sticky- all intensified by so many people in close proximity to one another; the door opens repeatedly as people come and go, however, bringing minor refreshment to the air and preventing it from becoming quite as stale or nauseating as it could be.  


Helping Hand Staffing Services is a shop where you can hire people; there’s different races and strengths, and a few unusual individuals. But you can hire a common laborer for 2 GM per week, or a skilled laborer for 5 GM a week. Wage negotiations are permissable, however, and are done via Letterbug- a bit of an outdated magical letter messaging service that contributes significantly to the shop's seemingly constant "traffic jammed" state.
Araeli Raki'Zir   Blacksmith
Olulf Varga   Leatherworker
Carlota Navarro
Daphne Nasell   Mason
Töbe Rutger   Farrier
Fanuin Achare
Nimble River   Apothecary
Yahi Ashanar   Enchanter
Lete Laha e'ta Eziri
Ninth Level
Hell themed. Run by a demon or devil. Opportunity to buy existing contracts or forge a new one.
Olulf's Arsenal (VN)
A neglected weaponsmith's workshop, built within the walls of an embattled stone tower.
Carts & Crafts
Every kind of vehicle for sale & rent. Can purchase passage on different methods of transportation as well. Purchases come with option to register as a transporter to provide passage & collect fares.
Mendelsen’s Magnificent Mending (DONE)


Situated a little off the beaten path on the second terrace, between a small stone water fountain and tiny wildflower garden, sits a simple shop carved out of a looming stone boulder. It is like most of the city, in its solid and well carved design, but has a sense of height due to the added stonework at the top of the boulder.   A large wooden door carved with scroll work and flowers motifs sits just so to the left side of the building. Meanwhile, a simple sign hanging from above lets you know you’ve found Mendelsen's Magnificent Mending, home of Moira Mendelsen- the most talented mender of the world; Clothes, artifacts, magic items... You name it, she can mend it- up to and including people and pets; Est. 5902  


The inside of the shop is brightly lit with sunstone. You're met with a warm, and calming atmosphere- soft music playing from chimes, a delicate incense perfuming the space with a sweet and earthy scent. A vase of fresh flowers sits on a small round table between two comfortably cushioned chairs to the right of the door, while a few other chairs are arranged haphazardly all around the small room.   At the back, a lovely marbled wood desk sits covered with flowers and various trinkets. The wall behind it a thick brocade curtain separates the main shop front from what is most likely a workshop- while a sign above reads "Quotes only available upon inspection.   It feels almost like a grandmother's done the place up to be as homely as possible. It works, but it's not at all what you expected from a Mender's- especially given that the storekeep at the desk (Moira Mendelsen herself) barely looks to be in her early years.
Timmy Tinker and Son (DONE)


Sittuated on the seventh terrace in what once was the grand home of a well to do investor Timmy Tinker and Son isn't what you'd expect from a Gnome's Tinkerer workshop- at least not from the outside anyways.   At five stories tall, it's easily one of the most ornate buildings in Rothshield- and very evidently carved into the stone of the mountain by skilled laborers; ornate scroll work, deeply carved and decorated pillars, and more, all add character and an almost cloying level of oppulence to the storefront. A dark wood sign hangs above a set of double gold plated doors, announcing the business and its hours- the letters deeply carved and then painted with gold to match.  


Inside, the floor is laid out in a geometric mosaic awash with colors, depicting a nature scene. Walls are whitewashed, and the cielings high. But every conceivable surface imaginable, ornately carve, marbled, precious metaled, or not, has been turned it into a shop of this and that, those and them, and whatever the hell those are; most appear to be a general assortment of items, gadgets, and necessities, but some are mindboggling at best.   Somewhere in this mess you finally manage to find a desk that looks like the shop's main front- decorated with one strange Goose statue made of some unidentifiably off substance. It almost seems to be giving you a weird glare; a sign on the wall behind the desk, located just beneath a rather ridiculously out of place sunstone chandalier, read All Prices Negotiable.
Sithias' Potent Pocket Potions (DONE)


With a brightly painted storefront of green and gold, it's hard to miss the squat stone building located just off the main way of the second terrace. The three small windows that dot its exterior are made of shimmering glass, and are always lit a little too brightly, even in the midday sun- and despite being covered by thick purple velvet curtains. The light wood door is inset with a fourth window shaped like a potion bottle, and painted with the words "Sithias' Potent Pocket Potions" in simple blue lettering.  


Pulling open the door and stepping inside, you find yourself in a shop room that feels open, and airy, and much larger than it would have seemed from the exterior; every surface is impeccably polished, and clean- almost too perfectly maintained, really. The air carries a hint of fresh orange and mountain pine, with a sweet, resinous undertone tinged with something acrid.   Simply carved stone counters are sittuated throughout the rooms, each with a build in glass case on its top. Inside each case, an assortment of little wooden boxes contain an assortment of miniature potions in all manner of colors.   Towards the very back of the room ahead of you, an ornately carved stone counter sits- this one with a magnificent contraption with a few spigots sits on its surface- a sparkling little sign next to it reading “The New Potion’o’matic” In big letters. Smaller text just beneath it reads "Self Refills Half Price"... Another sign above what looks like a register at the other end of the counter informs you that "All purchases final; Establishment is not responsible for any accidents, broken spell bottles, defective cases, or accidental death".  
Immunizer 2 SP
Cleanser 3 SP
Colorbomb 5 SP
Max Potion 3 GM
Ancient Potion 8 SP
Liquid Speed 2 GM
Phoenix Potion 5 GP
Psychoserum 8 SP
Demondrug 5 SP
Catalyst 1 GP
Arcane Arts
magical books, scrolls, minor potions; owner is currently trying to collect magical books to open an arcane library.
Ruby Eye
precious stones, jewelery, amulets, figurines, statues, etc  

Gem Stock

Aubralite 5 CP 2 SP 3 GM
Common 2 CP 5 CP 1 SP
Uncommon 5 CP 1 SP 8 SP
Substitute 8 SP 1 GM 5 GM
Rare 7 GM 1 GP 3 GP
Hoard 3 GP 5 GP 8 GP


The Ruby Eye provides a number of jeweler's services such as socketing, socket modification, attunement, and more. These services, however, require the customer to either provide a gem to be used for the service- or purchase a gem separately, to be used.  
Add Socket 1 GM
Socketing 1 SP
Removal 4 SP
Replacement 1 GM
Attunement 1 SP
Cut & Polish 1 GM
Custom Order TBD

Furever Homes
Pet shop; sells familiar scrolls on the side


People of Note
Vyrsag Xara
Hyarik Boreman
Ioana Savang
Aidlar Mukku
Lost and Found Casino
Lorem Ipsum
Theatre / Playhouse ()
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum

Places of Interest

Spectral Aqueduct
A section of an old aqueduct stands over the street. A curtain of water falls continuously from the lower end of the aqueduct into a large stone basin. The water is clear and cold, but vanishes from any vessel used to contain it.
Rock Garden
A large park, which was built 68 years ago and designed by high elves.

Cover image: Cartography by Fleur


Author's Notes

Flavor Text Credits
  • Sithias' Potent Pocket Potions contributions made by and Andrew
▼ Please Read Before You Comment ▼
I absolutely love getting feedback on my setting and its worldbuilding. I love it even more when people poke and prod at it, and ask questions about the things I've built within it. I want both. I actively encourage both. And it makes me incredibly giddy whenever I get either. However, there's a time and a place for critique in particular- mostly when I've actually asked for it (which usually happens in World Anvil's discord server). And when I do ask for critique, there are two major things I politely request that you do not include in your commentary:   ➤ The first is any sort of critique on the way I've chosen to organize or format something; Saleh'Alire is not a narrative world written for reader enjoyment... It's is a living campaign setting for Dungeons and Dragons. To that end, it's written and organized for my players and I, specifically for ease of use during gameplay- and our organization needs are sometimes very different than others'. They are especially diferent, often-times, from how things "should be organized" for reader enjoyment.   ➤ Secondly, is any critique about sentence phrasing and structure, word choice, and so on; unless you've specifically found a typo, or you know for a provable fact I've blatantly misued a word, or something is legitimately unclear explicitly because I've worded it too strangely? Then respectfully: Don't comment on it; as a native English speaker of the SAE dialect, language critique in particular will almost always be unwelcome unless it's absolutely necessary. This is especially true if English is not you first language to begin with. My native dialect is criticized enough as it is for being "wrong", even by fellow native English speakers ... I really don't want to deal with the additional linguistic elitism of "formal english" from Second-Language speakers (no offense intended).   That being said: If you want to ask questions, speculate, or just ramble? Go for it! I love talking about my setting and I'm always happy to answer any questions you have, or entertain any thoughts about it. Praise, of course, is always welcome too (even if it's just a casual "this is great", it still means a lot to authors)- and if you love it, please don't forget to actually show that love by liking it and sharing it around. Because I genuinely do enjoy watching people explore and interact with my setting, and ask questions about it, and I'd definitely love to hear from you... Just be respectful about it, yeah?

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