
The Champions of the Peaks

Goliaths easily prove to be useful allies to anyone who can find them, but it should be warned never to turn to them in weakness; as a people they are as hard, pitiless, and unforgiving as the mountain stone which births them... Approach them in strength, and they might consider you worthy of an alliance- but in weakness, you are nothing to them but a nuisance.
— Anthropologist Torra Haller, A Guide to the Peaks
  In some of the highest mountain peaks of the world- far above the line where the last trees grow, and the air becomes thin and frigid- dwell the reclusive Ovarketh, or the Goliaths as they're known by most in the Common Tongue today; towering grey skinned humanoids with powerful physiques capable of tossing boulders as if they were mere pebbles, they are often perceived as nothing more than a horde of brutish, unthinking barbarians. This perception is little helped by the fact that, because of their many exploits, Goliaths frequently appear in the legends and histories of other sophonts across the world.   This reputation, however, frequently comes from tales alone- often told by adventurers with one too many ales in them, looking to impress a Tavern crowd… Few can actually claim to have ever seen a Goliath, though- and fewer still can claim to have ever had any sort of good relationship with one. And the reality is that, as the closest descendants of the Phet, Goliaths have a deep, rich culture that goes back to the very first Material inhabitants. Exiled from their ancestral citadels, though, they now wander from icy peak to icy peak in nomadic Herds.

Culture & Society

    At the top of the Goliath social structure sits the Herd's council, consisting of a Voltak, followed by a Yngva and a Górtra of equal status to one another. Beyond them are several Dóven- followed by various additional ranks in descending social order.   As the representative of the Herd's brú, a Herd is loyal to their Voltak and unquestionably follows their instructions. The Górtra is the only member to ever question their leader- and indeed, that is their entire role: To constantly second guess and disagree with the Voltak to ensure they make proper decisions for the good of the Herd, and maintain the integrity of the people's brú… The role of the Yngva, however, is to uphold the rite of ancestors, interpret signs and omens, and preserve the Herd's rich religious traditions- while the Dóven act as advisors to the laypeople, judge competitions, and settle lesser civil disputes between them.   To understand any of this, one must first understand that Goliaths culture centers around the belief that they are locked in a never-ending battle to earn the worthiness of their ancestors after their God Anaam lost the battle for homeland rights to his brother Baaga- and of their unforgiving new homeland. For that reason, Goliaths value self-reliance, strength, and courage above all else. This often has the effect of leaving each and every Goliath with the responsibility of "earning their place" within the Herd, so to speak, or die trying- and Goliaths have little pity for adults who can’t keep up or contribute in some way.   Despite this, Goliaths are not a heartless people… Indeed, Goliath society recognizes that it takes more than simple brute strength and courage alone to survive in the mountains. As a result, injured and disabled members of a Herd aren't thrown to the wolves, but are given great care and considered more than worthy as Herd members; teamwork and community are requirements for survival, too- both of which necessitate a wide variety of skills, none of which can be built or learned by pure muscle alone.  
My legs are useless and I can no longer walk on my own- but at least I saved the child. And now I will do my part in other ways; my hands have always been nimble and so I become Hína instead- repairing clothes and weaving more cloth to survive the weather.
— Journal of Aeffa Hjgar,
Domurian Dóthúr Herd
This acknowledgement of the ultimate necessity for teamwork among Herd members drives both the Goliath belief in "fair play", as well as their entire concept of Bjorak. The exact nature of ones bjúr and how it is determined, however, is unknown to all but the Herd's Yngva who assigns it at their birth, and regularly consults with the individual's ancestors to validate any changes in their status as they age.   What is known, though, is that gender has no impact on one's bjúr. Indeed, Goliaths see both Ana and Gída as equal in all things due to both’s role in reproduction, and the necessity of all for the propagation and survival of the Herd. That said, Goliaths do still maintain some gendered lines within their society- particularly between Ana and Gída, and a third gender: Hína.
  Hína members are those who are non-procreative and don’t produce children for the Herd- whether by active choice, or by health or other circumstance. As these individuals transcend the necessary reproductive roles, they don't have to dedicate their resources to the same concerns as other Herd members. This allows them to concentrate their time and resources on other areas, and take on different responsibilities for the Herd instead. As a result, many are looked to as teachers and cultural preservers, and inevitably occupy some of the highest positions in a Herd; many Yngva, Voltak, Górtra, and Dóven come from members of the Hína gender.  

Magic & Religion

  While their original Phetian ancestors were staunchly polytheistic, and many of their descendants remain so today, Goliaths have largely turned away from the pantheon of their relatives; they still maintain the mythology itself as central to their worldview and culture, but as the descendants of a losing God it is now the ancestors who play the largest and most integral roles in the cultural faith system and rituals of the Goliaths.   Ancestry is important to Giants in general- far more so than any other sophonts except the Dwarves. But the Goliaths frequently take it much further than the others; most Goliaths take pride in their ability to accurately recount their lineage all the way back to Annam (a looser or not), and the original Phetian Giants from whom they descend. But ancestors aren't just important to the individual. The deceased of the Herds are heavily venerated as part of their overall religion.   Goliath burial rituals involve leaving the corpses of the deceased on open mountain cliffs for the elements and animals to consume. This ritualistic consumption of the dead has led to the Spirit- and the ancestors in particular- being symbolized by, and associated with, the Ardek in Goliath lore; a large, extremophile wading bird in the Heron family, the Ardek is found only in the frigid waters of mountain lakes but is frequently spotted near corpses towards the final stages of these burials.   After their burial, Goliaths frequently ply their ancestors with offerings of food and drink, given during elaborate rituals. During these rituals the presenter is adorned with a paste made from their ground bones, and one's complete lineage is ritually recounted along with chanting and drumming in order to call them up; these offerings are not only meant to sustain the dead on their journey until they rejoin the Weave- but also to appease them and ensure they don’t cause unnecessary trouble for the living. Feeding them in death, too, allows Goliaths to call upon their ancestors’ strength in times of need.
Common Name
Goliath   Genetic Ancestry
The Phet   Parent Species
Giants   Related Ethnicities   Other Relations
Common Hair Colors
  Common Eye Colors

Common Skin Tones
Goliath Skin Tones.png
Every Goliath has three names: A birth name assigned to them by their parents, their parent's clan name, and a (predominantly animistic) spiritual name assigned to them by the Herd's Yngva; if the child has no living clan members to impart a clan name, they instead become a member of their Voltak's household.   Common Birth Names
  • Sorac
  • Naemi
  • Kesiah
  • Ruan
  • Aeffa
  • Kethir
  • Nubili
  • Janci
  • Ivar(ta)
  • Barke
  • Runar
  • Lihan
  • Merani
  • Ilsbet
  Common Clan Names
  • Uldot
  • Skathi
  • Torgar
  • Nunir
  • Tuasha
  • Rondur
  • Mobur
  • Hjgar
  • Vanami
  • Ofdal
  • Matras
  • Kusha
  Common Spiritual Names
  • Sioffa
  • Aohag
  • Kíwar
  • Hein
  • Brara
  • Rian
  • Kruse
  • Urzúr
  • Fípa
  • Kumír
  • Maika
  • Shur
  Goliaths present their birth and clan names when identifying themselves to non-Goliaths, but include their spiritual name to Goliaths even from other Herds. They also frequently assign nicknames to one another- prefeing to use them in casual conversation.
Typically the first Ana of each family are considered responsible for burying the ancestors of their lineage and providing their appropriate offerings. If an individual dies without providing a child to carry out such rites, however, their ancestors are adopted into the ancestral family of the Herd's Voltak, and ritually attended to by the Herd’s Yngva instead. Other rites are also frequently performed, and it is known that the Voltak plays a major role in such additional ceremonies- and that many of them are connected to their concept of Bjorak. But as these ceremonies are heavily guarded and secretive; little is known about the specifics of such rituals and the exact role their leaders play in them.  

Housing & Architecture

Goliath Tents, however, are of the most superior build and easily constructed even by a begining explorer; to construct a tent in the style of the Goliaths is easy enough. One must simply have a thick, waterproof canvas and several poles- all of which have been smartly sharpened on one end. Shoppe purchased is, of course, all fine an dandy if one cannot forge their own, but for the sake of authenticity a mountainer should source their poles from a goliath smith.
Pati Caulton, The Mountainer's Guide to Tentage
Living in Herds as nomadic wanderers, Goliaths rarely put down roots long enough to build legitimate structures in the same way as other sophonts do. For that reason, "buildings" are often brutalist and utilitarian in nature- specifically designed for being put up and torn down, and transported, with ease as the Herd travels from location to location. And this sort of brutal practicality is perhaps most easily seen in the tent structures they use as their primary form of housing.   Tent structures are, in reality, nothing more than thick canvas. In the case of Goliath tents, they’re woven in three layers: First, a sturdy outer layer waterproofed using thick, rendered fat. Second, an insulated layer (frequently of Oelot hair). And a final inner layer of soft, well-tanned hide; this canvas is woven in strips a Goliath and a half or more in width, and at least two Goliaths in length. It is then affixed to several metal poles that are sewn directly into the canvas between the two exterior layers; approximately 5 feet of sharpened pole is left exposed on one edge.
  To set it up, a Goliath simply unrolls the canvas, and drives what are effectively the inbuilt spikes into the frozen mountain ground. A thick, circular cover of tanned hide on the underside, and intact fur on the top, is then placed over the top of the structure in order to cover it and keep out the harsh wind and snow common in the mountains; as unremarkable as this tent is, perhaps, it is the way in which they're designed which is unique among other nomads. And in that regard, the single soft panel of the tent sides allows Goliaths to set up camp just about anywhere- easily conforming their living structures to whatever room is available in their new camp... An arguable necessity when one frequently camps on cliffsides and rock faces, where large quantities of space are not always readily available.  

Food & Cuisine

  Food sources are incredibly limited in the mountainous regions where most Goliath Herds roam; hunted game is plentiful enough, and fish can easily be caught with a little patience, but there is little by way of forageable plants- let alone much capacity for traditional agriculture, even if their lifestyles allowed for it. For this reason, Goliath food culture emphasizes hunted meat and little else. And what does get hunted is usually consumed in full- including offal, fat, and other bits usually deemed unsuitable for consumption by other sophonts.   Short of stews and dumplings, barbecue is the most common method of cooking. Traditionally this involves digging a hole in the ground and placing meat (usually a whole game animal) on a spit within, and smoking it- often for long periods of time over dried cakes of dung collected from what little accompanying livestock a Herd may keep. In most cases large pots are also placed among the fuel in the bottom of the pit so as to catch the fat and juices rendered during cooking, which can later be used in the production of other dishes.
Goliath food has far too much fat in it. More fat and meat than I've ever seen, in truth- and I've finally ran out of leaves (not that there were many in the first place)... But somehow... Somehow... There's still a never ending stream of material that exists within me; I don't know how they stomach it day in and day out.   I have been here but three weeks, and I cannot fathom how I will stay the full 6 months I've been ordered to spend. I'm afraid I likely won't even survive; my system can't handle this for very much longer.
— note from unfortunate Archaeologist
  In addition to hunted game, Herds also frequently keep small groups of Oelots and Goats with them. But unlike most cultures who view these animals themselves as food sources, Herd livestock are only eaten in times of extreme scarcity or necessity. Instead, Goliaths view them as far more valuable for the milk they produce, which is used to supplement their already incredibly limited diet. To extend the life of these products even further, provide greater variety, and make their storage easier for transport, the resulting dairy is often made into rough fermented products such as Yogurt, Khefir, and various types of Cheeses. Meats that aren't consumed, too, are smoked or further dried for storage.   The use of vegetables and spices are often limited due to environment as well. As a result, foraged goods are frequently made into long lasting fermented products whenever found. These products are produced and stored in large clay or stone crocks, usually strapped to the back of livestock during travel, and include products such as Ídyl, Hjola, and Burog. These are later used as additives to stews, fillings for dumplings, or eaten raw as garnishes, snacks, or side dishes. Occasionally, however, they may be simpy smoked or dried in much the same manner as meat- which is often the case with berries and other sweeter foraged goods.   Because food is such a scarce commodity in the mountains, it's treated with the utmost importance and respect. And whenever possible, nothing that can be wasted by the Herd will be. What is perhaps most interesting about Goliath food culture, however, is their practice of food sharing; due to the way Goliath society views fair play and communal contribution, and how these things factor heavily into their culture, Goliaths ultimately have no concept of food ownership especially. As a result, food may be obtained by one person but does not belong to those who hunted, gathered, or even purchased it. Instead it belongs to the Herd and, whenever it's provided, is shared broadly with anyone who is hungry or in need of it.   This is perhaps best reflected in the two average meals that Goliaths eat in a day (as opposed to their routine snacking while traveling)- both of which are eaten in a very open and frequently communal manner; whenever one familial unit completes the process of cooking a meal, it's not uncommon to hear a cry of "Pall abína!" sent up in the camp- an open invitation for anyone in the Herd who is hungry to come and share what they've cooked with them.  

Art & Leisure

The game board is simple: A long, coiled snake whose body has been segmented into a number of rectangular spaces. Three to six spheres, and another three towers, all carved from gemstone (they seem to favor red Garnets), are moved around these segments on the board in a pattern.   The rules of the game elude me, however. While the board and pieces are certainly simple, I've yet to see any distinguishing marks on these segments- and there doesn't seem to be any standard in how many there are; it appears as though one cannot learn simply by observing others play, and after having spent so much time with them I'm too ashamed to ask.
— Anthropologist Torra Haller in private journals,
during her time with the Caercedian Kufúr Herd
Once camp is set, and bellies are full, Goliaths may turn to any number of activities to entertain themselves.   Hína, those of the Goliath third gender, may busy themselves in finer crafts such as basket weaving, pottery, and various textile arts; considered some of the most important cultural crafts, these are typically performed only by those who transcend the baser reproductive roles due to the high level of skill required to produce their intricate traditional styles. As Herd lore keepers and teachers, too, these leisure times provide an integral opportunity for Hína members to pass the traditional skills and knowledge to the children.   In the inner circle of the camp, Ana of the Herd may busy themselves with music- preferring a wide variety of percussive instruments for their strength and clarity of sound, as well as the way in which it reverberates against the peaks. Gída, on the other hand, revel in dance- performing steps with increasing difficulty in an attempt to outdo one another. A wide variety of song games are also played at this time- many being indulgences in the Goliath custom of Ímka, or creative ways of recounting Goliath history and oral lore.   Regardless of status or gender, however, Goliaths delight in all manner of competition and have a fierce competitive streak; from the simplest of card games and most complex of board games, to tests of athletic skill performed in sports and gladiation, competition forms the backbone of communal leisure time for every Herd... Even the tradition of Ímka is itself a form of competition- as are many of the dance and song games played around the fire each night.
  Here, however, their competitiveness and combativeness is not simply wantonness or destruction for the sake of it, as is commonly believed of Goliath competition by outsiders... But is instead heavily ritualized and often even legalistic in nature; Goliaths take their competitions seriously, and place an incredible amount of value on rigidity of rule- believing that competition only truly exists when well supported by a level playing field, in order to ensure the truest matches of skill and wit between challengers. This can sometimes lead to prejudice against smaller species when their ego gets the best of them, but even the best of Goliaths can usually recognize when the smallest Sophont is an equal competitive match for them- whether in wit, or in athletic ability.  

Beauty Ideals

  Nothing, perhaps, is more beautiful to a Goliath than decades of scars carved out on one's body- a record of all tests of strength and skill that one has survived over the course of their lifetime. And indeed, the worse for wear you look in some regards, the more beautiful you're considered among Goliaths. Over the years, this has led not only to interesting rituals surrounding showing off one’s scars and even a particular focus on them during Ímka… But also to the development of various scarification practices.
  During the scarification process, scars are artificially formed by cutting or branding the skin using varying methods. This is typically done in repeating patterns, mostly circular in nature, across large swaths of skin. To encourage the development of more prominent, raised scars, the wounds are often further irritated by scratching them with charcoal- purposefully influencing the wound to scar more instead of less; as the process is incredibly painful and long lasting, it’s often considered a mark of honor that one makes it through the process without showing any emotion or pain. This is compounded by the fact that the individual is disallowed from receiving any form of magical or other healing until the scars have healed naturally on their own, as any healing aid for any reason may reduce the scarring.
The wound must be kept clean while healing- oft' by bathing in fresh mountain springs. Though no poultices or magic should be applied lest it reduce the scaring; not even a bit of bark may be taken to numb the pain- and I have seen many give in to the shame of a grimace or two.
Rosalie Barmond, Beauty Rituals of Saleh'Alire
  Not just anyone can have scarification done, however, as it’s practiced according to rather strict social rules; only those who have succeeded in specific accomplishments (such as slaying a large beast), or have reached certain life milestones (such as reaching marrying age), may receive such scarification- and only the Herd’s Yngva may complete them as part of a spiritual ritual.   Patterns, too, are highly dependent on the Goliath, their bjúr and brú, and the accomplishment in question. As a result, scars frequently indicate a Goliath’s rank within their Herd- and may even go so far as to indicate their Herd of origin altogether. Certain patterns may reflect gender, as well- with Hina members receiving a specific mark of three on their forehead when they take on the gender role in their society. A complete lack of scars, on the other hand, often symbolizes that a Goliath has not yet reached their age of majority.  

Traditions & Taboos

  Food, water, and shelter are rare in the uppermost peaks of the mountains. Here, a single mistake can mean the end of an entire Herd- while a single heroic deed can mean its survival until the next challenge arises. Those who make mistakes, fall too far behind, or refuse to pull their weight (or worse: outright get another Herd member killed), are exiled from it without remorse; ceremonially stripped of their honor, social status, and rights within their society, and shunned, they become outcast wanderers rejected by even their ancestors- prevented from ever achieving their rightful place beside them in death.
Ska Arati, Íthún Kótah, (daughter) of Temíni of Arge. I challenge you as Ngi, and for I it is no mere nickname... For I am Samíra, (daughter) of Arzur's lineage, birthed by Zavín the Dragon- themself in turn the spawn of Semíg, (wife) and (mother) of the best Warriors in the Domur! And look how it is, that my eyes glint like Emerald in the firelight as proof of my name!   I am myself the darling of the Bremash, and all my splendor and luster has named me "(she) who nabbed sweet Veska"... But my luster was noted well before (his) time, by Orek (himself)- Voltak of the Urúta! It was (he) who said I outshone the (Women) of the world in form and lineage- for it was my beauty that stole his Spirit, and my arms and wit which slew the vicious Dín beast who hounded them for weeks! A joy of the heart I am clearly, and if I were welcoming no (Husband) would care to be yours come first dawn. Gisha!
Samíra Arzur of the Domurian Bremash Herd,
during a game of Ímka against Íthún Arge
  For that reason, Goliaths live and die by their deeds. Action plays an integral role in social and other standing within a tribe outside of that already established by the individual's bjúr. As a result, many Goliaths have a cultural compulsion not just to compete, but also to keep score- counting deeds and tallying accomplishments in order to compare them across their Herds.   Goliaths love to win these competitions, too- seeing it as another notch in the belt of their accomplishments... But while some kinds of loss and mistake may be met with the harshest level of retaliation? Overall, outside of the concern of survival Goliath culture sees loss as a positive thing; defeat is not a moment of shame, but rather an opportunity to improve one's skill further. And if the Herd is to survive, learning the lessons presented by loss is integral- even if that's just the loss of a simple game of Knuckles.   Culturally, their brú demands that Goliaths be good losers, too, as well as gracious winners- and to do everything to ensure the playing ground is level in the first place. And while Ímka may be a longstanding ritual of the highest cultural value, born out of this competitive drive to keep score... Even Goliaths have their limits; genuine pompousness, looking down on or ridiculing your competitors, cheating or injuring your opponent in order to win, bragging about accomplishments that are not your own, severely over exaggerating the impressiveness of one's deeds, and related actions are all social taboos of some of the highest orders.
  Once or twice may be socially acceptable to prove a point or encourage a friendly game... But do it too loudly, too often, and you may just be accused of going against your bjúr, or forgetting your place. And to act against ones bjúr- or ridiculing another for their own rank, especially if it is lower than one's own- is considered one of the largest acts of disrespect, and potentially even evil, that a Goliath can culturally commit; to do so is to utterly reject Goliath culture and teamwork, and the very Herd itself- an act for which the punishment is total exile. Because while the Herd values personal accomplishment, self-reliance, and skill, it has little room for those who view themselves as superior, or stand out as individuals in all the wrong ways.  
▼ Playing A Goliath in Saleh'Alire ▼
Racial Stats.
Use the statblocks provided for the 5th Edition Goliaths by Wizards of the Coast. You may find these in the official Elemental Evil Player's Companion Supplement. Alternatively you may choose to use the rules provided by Tasha's Cauldron of Everything instead.   Names.
Because Goliaths recount long lineages as part of cultural and spiritual rituals, Goliath culture trends towards giving their children short names; with light modification, Faroese and Afrikaner names are both consistent with the world's naming conventions- but you may also choose to use Half Orc names, or Lord of the Rings' Orc naming conventions- or come up with your own.   Professions.
A heavy cultural emphasis on physical strength and prowess often produces skilled martialists, such as Fighters and Barbarians. The tradition of Ímka likewise produces skilled Bards; when picking a class for your Goliath, consider how their culture would have impacted their class choice as an adventurer.   Leaving the Fold.
Goliaths live and die for their Herd and its traditions- and though it may have rejected them, even an exiled Goliath often makes a big deal of their lineage and the Herd they hail from. Not all who leave were exiled, however... Consider what action or decision would make yours walk away from it all.

Cover image: Reaching Hand by Min An


Author's Notes

▼ Flavor Text Credits ▼
  • Aeffa Hjgar journal entry provided by Ezra Aldrich
  • Unfortunate Archaelologist provided by Lyraine Alei
  • Excerpt from the Mountainer's Guide to Tentage by Pati Caulton provided by Andrew
▼ Please Read Before You Comment ▼
I absolutely love getting feedback on my setting and its worldbuilding. I love it even more when people poke and prod at it, and ask questions about the things I've built within it. I want both. I actively encourage both. And it makes me incredibly giddy whenever I get either. However, there's a time and a place for critique in particular- mostly when I've actually asked for it (which usually happens in World Anvil's discord server). And when I do ask for critique, there are two major things I politely request that you do not include in your commentary:   ➤ The first is any sort of critique on the way I've chosen to organize or format something; Saleh'Alire is not a narrative world written for reader enjoyment... It's is a living campaign setting for Dungeons and Dragons. To that end, it's written and organized for my players and I, specifically for ease of use during gameplay- and our organization needs are sometimes very different than others'. They are especially different, often-times, from how things "should be organized" for reader enjoyment.   ➤ Secondly, is any critique about sentence phrasing and structure, word choice, and so on; unless you've specifically found a typo, or you know for a provable fact I've blatantly misused a word, or something is legitimately unclear explicitly because I've worded it too strangely? Then respectfully: Don't comment on it; as a native English speaker of the SAE dialect, language critique in particular will almost always be unwelcome unless it's absolutely necessary. This is especially true if English is not you first language to begin with. My native dialect is criticized enough as it is for being "wrong", even by fellow native English speakers ... I really don't want to deal with the additional linguistic elitism of "formal English" from Second-Language speakers (no offense intended).   That being said: If you want to ask questions, speculate, or just ramble? Go for it! I love talking about my setting and I'm always happy to answer any questions you have, or entertain any thoughts about it. Praise, of course, is always welcome too (even if it's just a casual "this is great", it still means a lot to authors)- and if you love it, please don't forget to actually show that love by liking it and sharing it around. Because I genuinely do enjoy watching people explore and interact with my setting, and ask questions about it, and I'd definitely love to hear from you... Just be respectful about it, yeah?

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Aug 30, 2020 14:44

I absolutely loved reading this article. Goliaths are already a favorite race of mine and your very detailed feel dive into them was really well presented. I especially enjoyed their social system and the Górtra challenging the Voltak as a role.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying
Aug 30, 2020 15:18 by Anna Katherina

Thank you! I wanted something more complex than the typical "roaming smash and bash" that Goliaths are by default, and I'm really happy with how I rounded them out. I'm so glad I could do your favorite race justice :D I hope you'll be just as happy with the Orcs when I finish them in the next day or so a, as well

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Aug 30, 2020 14:47

And the theme, colors, style are absolutely amazing. I find myself looking around each page poking to see what surprise boxes I have not clicked to open up yet.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying
Aug 30, 2020 15:16 by Anna Katherina

I'm glad everyone's responding so well to the theme change! I was a little scared to change it since SA was so well known for its original theme lol.

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