Mistress Hummingbird

The Once-Beloved Forge Mom of World Anvil

Saleh'Alire » Non-Loric Content

Animal Family Scientific Name Native Range
Trochilidae (Hummingbirds) Calypte Anna (subsp. Iridyon) OK; USA; North America
Population Status Size
One; Stable, mated Vulnerable; now stabilizing Very Smol (5 ft 1)
The Calypte Anna is a medium-sized hummingbird native to the western portions of North America, with the largest concentrations found in California. The Iridyon subspecies in particular, however, is predominantly found Oklahoma in the Southern American States, and is significantly smaller than other members of its family; a recent discovery, it's theorized they've been around for much longer than we may currently know- and while most Hummingbird species are rapidly disappearing due to habitat loss, the Iridyon subspecies of Calypte Anna remains remarkably adaptable.

Habitat & Range

  Since the 1990s, the Calypte Anna (subsp. Iridyon) has maintained a migratory pattern stretching across the lower portions of the United States- moving from California into Arizona, then to Oklahoma, and adapting well to both suburban and rural areas alike.   From there it's expanded its range to include the states of Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Colorado, among many others. Found predominantly in rural towns within US Ecoregion 27 and US Ecoregion 29 in Oklahoma, however, it can be spotted in a wide variety of areas within its habitat range- including Gardens and City Parks; large bodies of water are also regularly favored, especially when other birds (such as Ducks or Geese) are present.  

Migration Patterns

  Most Calypte Anna travel infrequently and impulsively- and the Iridyon subspecies is no different. It doesn't migrate like other members of its species, however... In fact, the opposite is quite true; the Iridyon subspecies exhibits unusual winter behavior compared to other members of its family.   The Iridyon travels more frequently between favored local sites during the early Spring and summer months (March through June)- occasionally wandering into Mountain and Forest regions in late Spring and early Summer before the temperatures rise. During the winter months when most birds would leave for warmer areas, however, the Iridyon instead beds down in a routine location to wait out the colder seasonal weather.  

Nesting Grounds

  The Iridyon subspecies of Calypte Anna begins nesting in early December- though it has been known to nest earlier in the year, in October or November, if the temperature is colder than average during these months; nesting sites are varied, but are usually located in the nooks and crannies of houses where it can be sheltered from the cold Winter winds; nests built by the Iridyon subspecies of Calypte Anna are usually a compact cup made of soft materials, built up around themsleves while they sit in the center of their chosen nesting site.  

Personaly & Behavior

  By all accounts, the Iridyon subspecies of Calypte Anna is an easily excitable and vocal bird. No one's quite sure what excites it, though, as accounts rang from the bright colors of most flowers- to even the dullest and of grasses. It seams particularly interested in things one might consider "feminine", however, despite being both Agender and a form of Intersex.   It's also a social bird, thriving in diverse groups and forming relationships with birds of various types. And yet despite this highly social nature, the Iridyon subspecies has also been observed to be incredibly shy and skittish, and is easily scared. This has especially been observed during Severe Thunderstorms, or in social groups that appear to be too large- though it's difficult to determine its preferred group size, as accounts appear to be highly situational; in high stress environments and situations, it's not uncommon for the bird to exhibit increased signs of anxiety such as a distress call, or an overly talkative contentment call (which may seem confusing and counter to its emotional state).
Actual Name: Anna Katherina
Nickname: Humm, or Hummingbird
Pronouns: It / It's / Itself
Personal Titles
  • Cat-Dog Herder
  • Tea (and Tea Cup) Hoarder
  • Baked Good Limelight Thief
Actual Titles
  • Forge Mother
  • Goddess of Formatting
  • CSS Wizard and Writing Wizard
    "All At The Same Time"
Social Media
I don't use social media much these days; I do have a personal Instagram and Tumblr. But your best point of contact specifically for Worldbuilding is a comment on my WA profile; I'll get back to you eventually.

Damsel in Distress? More like Distressing Damsel.


  The Iridyon subspecies feeds from a wide range of host plants. In recent years, however, Scientists noticed a sharp decline in feeding behaviors- including preferences for much smaller portion sizes, and a change to a soft diet consisting predominantly of sugary liquids and fruit. Some speculate this is because of a rapid decline in the Bird's health, and a sudden and severe limitation of available food resources, leading to an alarming decrease in weight and size. Successful rehabilitation techniques were tested of a period of 5 years, however, and the Calypte Anna (subsp. Iridyon) has made an almost complete recovery in the last year.


  As a Hummingbird, Calypte Anna (subsp. Iridyon) is quite small. They're most distinguishable by their rosey coloration that ranges from a dusty rose to a bright baby pink. Upperparts, on the other hand, tend to be fresher from March to June, with bright green tips.   Their complete summer molt produces sparse plumage that appears buff with more scattered rose spots- while Winter seasons sees them round with extra feathers as they hide in the nooks and crannies of houses (their preferred nesting place when temperatures begin to drop).

Song & Call

  The Iridyon subspecies is more vocal than other species of Hummingbird, and produces up to three distinct calls. The first is a standard call consisting of a slightly emphatic tik or tih typically made when content; the second is a more smacking and slightly buzzing, rapid-paced twittering (t-chissi-chissi-chissi-tsik and its variations) made when distressed or upset- and commonly accompanied by a flashy dive display meant to scare off he source of its upset; when incredibly happy, however, the Iridyon subspecies produces a light, melodic song consisting of rhythmic buzzing and humming with no readily discernable pattern.

For the Avid Birder

Spot it!

The easiest place to spot Calypte Anna (subsp. Iridyon) is at a feeder (see Backyard Tips for advice)... Otherwise, plan to keep a sharp eye out in Spring for its fast moving shape; the Calypte Anna (subsp. Iridyon) can easily be spotted in areas full of fragrant, brightly colored flowers- especially near Lilac, Honeysuckle, Passionflower, Peony, Dahlias, Rose, and Lily commonly found in cultivated home gardens. Occasionally they can also be spotted singing in the lower branches of Peach, Juniper, Cedar, Willow, White Birch, and Honey Locust trees.

Backyard Tips

Whether you live in a rural or city environment, the Calypte Anna (subsp. Iridyon) is a beautiful bird that's easy to attract when it's in the area. Simply set out a Hummingbird feeder in your Spring garden and fill it with appropriately nourishing food; due to its delicate nature, it's best if you mix your own hummingbird food using one teaspoon of Butterfly of Taiwan Oolong to 8 ounces of water- including a bit of Sugar and Milk. It can also be attracted with Milk Oolong made in a similar manner- or with Lapsang Souchong with a dash of sugar.
Despite its excitable and constantly moving nature, however, the Iridyon subspecies is shy, scares easy, and doesn't migrate often- or over very long distances at a time. So don’t be surprised (or upset) if the beautiful bird never shows up despite your best efforts to attract it.


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Aug 19, 2022 20:26 by Han

Anna this is adorably written

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 20, 2022 19:28 by Anna Katherina

Thank you thank you <3

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