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Triple Alignment

by hughpierre



Great Speaker
The official head of the empire who is elected into office.  
Snake Woman
The treasurer charged with domestic affairs and managing the budget. When the Emperor leaves the city, the She-Snake ruled the city in his stead. The Great Speaker and the Snake Woman never left Sangsalgu at the same time.  
Lesser Speakers who formally head the Tributary and Strategic provinces of Sangsalgu. Usually chosen from the local noble population.  
An appointed military ruler of either a Tributary or Strategic province.  
The central head of tribute is responsible for ensuring that the non-cities or more rural areas outside the city limits pay their taxes/tribute.  
Provincial overseers of tribute who sum the collections of a group of provinces before sending it to Sangsalgu  
A pair of tribute administrators stationed in Sangsalgu proper who report bi-yearly earnings to the Snake Woman.  

Long Step

Bad Diet
A delegation of 200 nobles from Bad Step cities with powers in commerce and legal say in the pursuit of war.  

College of Birds

In accepting the College into the alliance, an unprecedented agreement was struck whereby they would function as an autonomous region with limited inclusion in the combined economy and no obligation to contribute troops to conflicts.   All that would be sent to the capital is a small team of the College's many experts in matters of which the government knows nothing.

Public Agenda

The core of the Triple Alignment is the fulfillment of a religious prophesy that requires control of the axis of the world. What this is thought to have mean is Sang territorial control of a straight line between the Wargs' original homeland, across the Storm Straits, and some other arbitrary point.   During the time when they ruled from Crochide, the priesthood decided that the 'axis' was all of Dragonsgrave: from the Shadow Plain to the Mais. At first, they tried to outright take it all during the Cocao War, but lessons from that disaster would cause the Sang to shift to a (partly) peaceful integration strategy.



Artificial islands that provide rich soil for growing higher yields for crops.  
Fresh Water Springs
There are a greater-than-usual concentration of spring on the shore of and within Lake Coco. These springs have been encased within special houses and the use of the fresh water helped to create Mixed Lake.  

Long Step

Trade Access
Despite the difficult terrain, the Sinks and Caverns are ideally placed to monopolize trade.  
In-part of the changing temperatures in the valley basin, snow is valued as a rare treat in times of plenty and a vital source of water when not.  

College of Birds

Hidden Geyser
A gush of steaming water that shots through the core of Tlopetla, is caught and then cooled.  
The lonely Tlopetla Mountain stands in the middle of the East-West corridor, where the winds regularly and randomly change directions which tends to trap a great many birds of particular value.


The history of the Triple Alignment is really the history of the Sang people. Historically, a migratory people fleeing into the Valley of Man from the Shadow plains. The Sang, though a great warrior people themselves, met with increasingly difficult conflict with their neighbours and saw fit to move away from the northern region and settle near the foot of a hill close to the Toikorien Mountain, and the as of now known, College of Birds.   Through another war, the Sangs left the Plain Toiks and moved deeper into the valley where an ill fated alliance broke the remaining strength of the Sang and were forced into vassalage. Once they recouped their power three generations later, they had two allies and continuing on their reverence to the number three, they named themselves the Triple Alignment.   There have been different iterations of the Alignment but Sangsalgu has always been the core member and default leader. Past allies of the Sangs' iterations of Triple Alignment have been:
  1. Atzacualco and Ocumtit
  2. Atzacualco and Calixtlahuaca
  3. Joi and Soconusco
  4. Long Step and College of Bird
  The inclusion of the whole of the Bad Step was highly unusual because it did not include a single city, but a huge a mix of people and territory that itself dwarfed the land that Sangsalgu had ever controlled.   The inclusion of the College of Birds was also controversial because they did not have to meet the same obligations as past and present ally members.

Demography and Population


Wargs, including the sang itself, tend to conjugate in and around Sangsalgu Proper.

Step Folk

People who can trace their ancestry two generations to the Bad Step make up about half of the Alignment.


Tinge who live in the Triple Alignment are more often descendants of captive tinge children during the Battle for Sangsalgu.   The potential they exhibited in salt spells convinced nobles to incorporate them into their family bloodlines as a means to monopolize their knowledge. Their descendants lost their green tinge quickly; in one generation. Second generation were more of a yellow mix, and third generation tinge become a normal brown skin tone. However, the white on yellow colour pattern on the tinge eye stay throughout.


Of those other smaller minorities who live in the outer districts of the capital and provinces of Dragonsgrave are the numerously conquered peoples of former enemy city states demoted to tributary status or former colony settlements promoted to strategic status.   The Toiks, as well, are another minority group but they content themselves wholly inside Tlopetla Mountain and their buried halls.



Great Lakes
Lake Lighting (formerly the Meadow Mere) is wholly controlled by the Triple Alignment, as well as where it connects with the Teal Shallows through the Coyoacan and Colhuacan peninsulas. Sangsalgu, itself, sits on a large portion of Lake Coco that was isolated by engineers into Mixed Lake and also borders Lake Lightning.  
Plains of Dragonsgrave
The Alignment controls most of the plain, especially the land surrounding the Otoerm Coil and connecting the lands of the Step and the College of Birds. Territory noted for not being occupied is a strip in the Catkills meant to buffer against Corn Court.  

Cavern Cities

Long Step
Due to the wars of unification, the whole of the mountain range is seen as a single political entity.  
Wet Wilds
Via the unified cavern system; the sinks are also apart of the alliance. Bringing many rich sources to valley markets. Their long snaky ground is stretches even as far in proximation to the Floodlands.  

College of Birds

Tlopetla Mountain
A single mountain stronghold buffeted by strong winds that the toiks have extensively excavated to build homes and halls.  
Lightning Lake and Sauoomsae
A large body of water, not to be confused with Lake Lightning, that is the source of the River of Life where fellow Toiks have settled on its banks.  
Claw Marks
Stony plains around the Tlopetla mountain whose soil was greatly depleted during the Shadow Binds.


The Triple Alignment demands, as part of its membership obligations, to contribute sizable military forces in proportion to the territorial size.


The sheer size of this city means that there is a large pool from which to draw recruits. There are hundreds of calpulli combat companies of 800 men further divided into fourths and led by nobles in the particular distinct recruits were drawn. Within Sangsalgu proper, specific companies rose to become distinct military orders.
  • Cuachicqueh, or Shorn Ones
The most elite of the fighting forces allowing only noble sons. They shaved their heads and wear a yellow tlahuiztli as their uniform. They are often better trained and equipped than other infantry, and expected to lead attack formations or stand at the center to absorb heavy casualties even in successful operations.
  • Cuāuhtli, or Eagle Knights
Eagle Knights follow the pre-existing traditions of prospective fighters in collecting dragon Feathers to weave colourful feather armour resistant to cutting. Cuāuhtli train to be speedy and sift; and utilize bows and daggers in concert with their "always moving" tactics.
  • Ocēlōmeh, or Jaguar Warriors
Jaguar warriors are identifiable by the animal skins they wear into battle. These skins are reminiscent of the shadow skins, warg warriors used to wear to trigger their beastly transformations. Though shadow skins are now a rarity, the sang adopted spears and atlatls as the weapon of choice for the Ocēlōmeh, in-place of fang and claw.
  • Otōntin, or Otomies
Named after the Otomi people, a warrior society once renowned for their fierce fighting before the Sang's arrival in the valley. Otomies specialize in projectile warfare and are the smallest military order that is so well known. In scenarios where the retreat is necessary, this group delivers on defensive screening to delay or discourage pursuing enemy combatants.   They also train a contingent of noble women in the use of bows for ceremonial services in sacrificial rites that involve precise arrow volleys to slay the victim.

Cavern Cities

Most cities on the Step do not maintain large standing armies. At most, rich families employ personal guards or clans might rotate sons into voluntary watches or guides.  

College of Birds

The College does not have a standing army, but the Toiks who got away during the Shadow Binding to the Cold Swamp developed an second aggressive culture that leads many to find serve in other cities or organisations.

Technological Level

Sangsalgu embraces and houses knowledge for a great many systems of magics. For those both known and still practiced, and those unknown with scant pieces of knowledge hidden away.

Salt Spells

A library of salt spells, in that the Sang are capable, are the stolen or half-remembered techniques of the tinge witches and their children. There have been several past and present attempts to fill in the missing knowledge, leading to a wide array of variant spells that are either able to service in their original intent or lead to a branching of side effects.

Shadow Skins

Formally an ancient rite of the sang, shadow skins are a well-remembered tradition (living on through the jaguar warriors), but lost skill set that transform their warriors into half-beasts.

Chinampa Agricultural Techniques

Chinampas are small, rectangular areas that are fenced off, layered with mud, sediment, and decaying vegetation to grow crops on these shallow bodies. Trees are also often planted in the corners to help secure the area within a system of water channels for irrigation and ease of transport.

Foreign Relations

Corn Court

State of ongoing war
Belief that Mais was the last land as required for the alignment prophesy; and Soonous' unwillingness to join peacefully, resulted in the fall back Sang strategy: conquest.  


There have been many Sang incursions into this small valley, but they have always ended with the reestablishment of pre-conflict borders. Paradoxically, there have also been good business relations before and after such campaigns.  


Many products originate at or beyond the region and are far enough away that they do not intersect politically.

Otoerm Coil

A rival alliance that formed to counteract the Sang's Triple Alignment. They are opposed to nearly everything Sangsalgu does and are frequently the target of their Flower Wars. What further complicates matters is that the Garden cities are able to discretely trade or smuggle goods through the cavern cities to keep their economy alive.

Salt States

Despite their turbulent past relations, the settlements built along the salt rivers now regularly exchange ambassadors, foster each others' heirs and agree to trade negotiations.

Brine Marshes

Sangsalgu, admittedly, is intimidated by the witches, ever since the Wight War and the witches are indifferent to the Triple Alignment.

Agriculture & Industry

There is a powerful internal trading network amongst the allies.

Food Production

Settlements along the lakes have a high food yield thanks to rich soil and superior tilling techniques.

Salt Harvesting

The biggest trading commodity within and without the alliance; for the exchange of magical properties.

Slave Trade

No one is ever born a slave, but one can be enslaved for life as a punishment for a crime, inability to cover financial debt or by free choice. The richest Amanteca in society are the slave traders. They amass suitable stock for distribution and, in the case for debt slaves, are responsible for notifying that they can be freed when the debt is paid. Slaves by choice, can buy back their freedom at a special pochteca court.   With the exception of enslavement for crimes, slaves who have outlived their master(s) are freed upon their death.

Wild Blood Market

As entertainment to the richest, this market breeds wild appearances into domestic or tamed animals for exorbitant prices. The term 'wild blood' mostly refers to the designer cats that make up the bulk of the market, but there are also the war dogs, docile does and several assortments of birds.   What marks a mammalian wild blood are the dark tears that surround their eyes or being larger than normal animals. It is far harder to tell if a bird is wild blooded.

Trade & Transport


This central capital facilities and coordinates valley-wide trade throughout the triple alignment's roads; allowing for ease of movement for citizen and non-citizens of the alliance. Popular ones directly connected to the capital are:
  • Salt Climb
  • Mist March
  • Cacao Crossing

Cavern Cities

Facilitating mass trading to hard to reach places is arguably the main export of the Bad Step's many cities. Their trade routes are some of the most famously difficult:
  • Black Roads
    • Reed Roads
    • Bad Path
  • Eo Trails
  • Valley Steps

College of Birds

Despite the College's advance reputation, there aren't any proper roads connecting to any other large settlement. This is thought to be by design as a means to slow potential invaders. However, there are still some important river ways connecting two distinctly different regions which originate on Toik lands giving rise to:
  • East-West Corridor
  • Shadow Pass


Functionally, Sang train and teach their young boys how to function in their society as warriors, so every boy not of noble birth is trained to become a warrior. There is no standing army, yet there are many professional warriors and professional warrior societies. All boys who are between the ages of ten and twenty would attend one of the two schools:

Calmecac: Noble School (House of Lineage)

Calmecacs were schools for the sons of nobles, where they learned to be leaders, priests, scholars, teachers, healers or codex painters. They learned literacy, history, religious rituals, calendrics, geometry, songs and the military arts.   These advanced studies in astronomy, theology and statesmenship prepared these sons for work in the government and temples.

Telpochcalli: Commoners’ School (House of Youth)

Telpochcalli prepared boys for the the life they were likely to led: a farmer, metal worker, feather worker, potter or soldier. The general curriculum consisted of history, religious education, agricultural skills, fighting techniques and an elective craft.   Athletically talented boys might then be sent on for further military training. The other students would, after graduation, be sent back to their families to begin their working life.

(Night School)/
(Day School)/
(Half School)

Noble and commoner girls receive more home schooling than boys, where they practice weaving, cooking and other domestic skills from 4 to 12. When they do go to school, they go into a separate school system, where they continue learning household skills, religious rituals, singing and dancing or craftwork from wise women, normally in the woman's home.   Some talented girls are chosen to be midwives and receive the full training of a healer. Other athletically talented girls might be sent to the "House of Dancing and Singing" (Cuicacalli) for special training. Additionally, some noble girls will also spend an extra year attending priestesses in select temples; and would go on to become professional priestesses.

Cuicacalli: Junior Military Academy (House of Song)

A cuicacalli is a higher-end school where a few of the Calmecacs and Telpochcallis graduates are invited to attend. Additionally, several rich families may also opt to skip Calmecacs or Telpochcallis and enroll their children directly into a cuicacalli for the full the duration of their formal education.   Students are trained in war, with intense rivalry forming between different academies that often led to fights. While noble cuicacalli graduates regularly find opportunities in the various military societies, there are several professions open to the others that eventually shift their social status to non-working-class men that include priests, bureaucrats, and doctors.   Girls who display particular aptitude for salt spells and have expressed desire to fight for the state are granted special scholarships to attend the nearest cuicacalli to their home. There, they participate in the same class as boys and are put on a fast track through the military after graduation.


Wise men who seek philosophical enlightenment by travelling and offering their teachings as payment for things or giving away for free. These travelling wise men may also be hired on occasion in the outer districts and provinces for temporary positions in their Calmecacs, Telpochcallis and Cuicacallis.



Market Cities
Market cities are those settlements outside Sangsalgu's limits but inits provinces that are focused on wealth, jobs, individualism, and economic opportunities.  

Cavern Cities

Sinks are the colonies of the Bad Step's Cavern Cities at the far base of the mountains in the geographical Cold Swamp.  

College of Birds

Excavated Halls
Tlopetla Mountain possesses a natural hollow shaft that reaches its apex from the bottom and hot water erupts everyday. In addition, there several lava tubes that loop around the area that allowed for Toiks to excavate and expand into living and work quarters.


  • Moon Tome Layout
Settlement | Aug 4, 2021
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
  • Sang Empire
  • Kingdom of the Three Cats
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Major Exports
other salts
Foods Stuff
other spices
Major Imports
Raw Materials
Gold Dust
Exotic Feathers
Several Metals
Cochineal Dye
other salts
Military Service
Finished Products
Precious Jewellery
Legislative Body
  • Council of Four
  • Advisory Assembly
  • Tlatoani Offices
Judicial Body
  • Supreme Court
  • Special Courts
  • Appellate Courts
  • Pochteca Courts
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities
Water Beast
Myth | Jan 15, 2024

Ally Members

College of Birds
Organization | Jan 15, 2024
Long Step
Organization | Jun 2, 2024

Past Wars

Women's War
Military Conflict | Dec 17, 2020
War of Script and Pictures
Military Conflict | Dec 16, 2020
Wight War
Military Conflict | Jan 18, 2021


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