BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


by hughpierre


Bordering close to Mais and the barbarian tribes on its Stoney Shore exist the -sometimes there, sometimes not- Lower Sea. More commonly referred to, not in accurately, as the Floodlands. On the other side of the Wet Bowl is the Dry Bowl: a canyon as long as the length of the floodlands.   This vast territory, spottily populated, experiences unfathomable tidal shifts every 50 years.; marking the times and phase shifts of the distant Elder Moon. This coincidence has led many to believe that the furthest of the world's moon is what is responsible.   Though this greatly confounds many in the Citlallo Cuāyōllōtl, as they report no observable reasons as to why this would be so. However, that is not to say that they can contradict the assertion. Some, though, have propositioned that, like a rock thrown in a lake, consecutive rocky rains fall from the Blue Moon into distance seas and push the waters further into this low-lying region of the world. Though exactly why a recognizably unstable and chaotic system should be so consistent for a single earthly event lends doubt to the source, but not to the concept.   When the region is flooded, hills turn into islands. Throughout the floodlands, regardless of culture, the high ground is apparent and immensely important. Come the flood season, only the truly desperate are anywhere near the lowlands. So much so, that any physical high ground gains a religious significance and often control of which is seen as legitimacy to rule.   When the waters recede and more land is open, the lower class of the hill settlements tend to want to expand outwards. Even though they know the floods would return and the land is barren from years beneath the sea; there is still plenty profit to be had, particularly if you are the first. After many eras, the surface has been repeatedly bombarded during rare rock rains that have upturned the ground into sources of mineral wealth. These incidental mines are almost always flooded with sea water, however, and a whole industry formed catering to the miner drivers who plunge into the craters. Temporary settlements spring up all over the lost lands to better service them for the fifty years that the mines are reachable.   The area is also home to 2 of the 5 known upfalls; and they have been the saving grace in stunting the floods so that there is at least some continually habitable lands. The people who live there developed cultures and strategies for making do in either conditions.

Fauna & Flora

Present only during Flood Season

Water Tangle: It is uncertain for sure whether this is a plant or some marine animal. It is oddly transparent and is very reminiscent of seaweed except that it is carnivorous. Appearing harmless floating lazily a top water; anything that swims by it will be stung, not unlike that of a jellyfish, where after the tangle will by indeterminate means wrap itself around it's prey. Protrusions with the consistency of jelly but the shape and rigidity of a plant leaf rotate and anchor themselves and begin digesting and absorbing nutrients.   Balloonfish: Typically small to medium in size, this fish inflates its body to deter predators.   Sea Spider: Not an actual spider; with 12 legs in total taking up the majority of its body mass. This creature feeds by nibbling on the soft parts of animals larger than itself. Dissectors have made note that this creature does not appear to have a heart, that it's guts circulate through its legs and those same legs are used to mate in place of genitalia.   Crystal Shrimp: A primitive crustacean whose body is divided into head, thorax, and abdomen. Its body is covered with a thin, flexible exoskeleton of pale crystal to which muscles are internally attached.    

Present only during Dry Season

Handed Worms: Though acknowledged to be too big to be a worm, the name has stuck regardless in describing the boneless limb of a creature. On one end is a gangrenous tree-fingered hand, from where it gets its name. On the other, an eyeless and bulbous head with a human mouth.   Bihorn: A two horned creature with a reddish-brown coat that covers most of it's body. The larger nasal horn, is the size of a baby's arm, while the other horn is typically a stub. Mostly a solitary animal except for courtship and offspring-rearing. It is a vocal species that also communicates through marking soil with its feet, twisting saplings into patterns, and leaving excrement.  

Present during Both Seasons

Leech Snake: Unequivocally a leech of great size with a body tending towards being serpentine. The creature has no face, just a round concentric maw lined with hollow teeth and suckers. Surrounding the outside of the maw are several moderately sized tendrils that serve to smell and taste and feel the environment. These teeth and tendrils tend to get damaged as the creature grows older, making it less efficient to navigating the environment and feeding.   They start out life the same size as any other leech. Then they grow and grow on how often they can feed. This is not as advantageous as it may sound. When the leech attaches itself its prey, it is easier to grab hold of and kill as opposed to being barely noticeable. As a result, the leech snake is considered an endangered species.   Spice Worms: Perhaps the only creature capable of living in the actual land of the Floodlands year round. Capable of bearing the high pressure, high-salt capacity and the sudden shredding of the great tsunamis churning waters and soil alike. Researchers at Gaioor are in constant awe of these creatures, in no small part of the spice drug secreted through their skins that helps to fund their work.   The rough floods also seem to be crucial to their reproduction. As when sufficient force is applied to rip one spice worm apart, but not too much so, new spice worms grow from the pieces.   They display a rainbow of colours depending on their situation. Normally a sandy brown, they turn purplish under the sun; a light green when broken and secrets a dark blue when burrowing. It's this blue that forms the spice melange that is collected to flavor local delicacies.   Pearl Bank: The pearl bank doesn't look too impressive. They are most known for growing to great size and being thrown from the ocean's depths inland during the Floodland's semi-centennial flooding. Thought they can also be found at the foot of the shear cliff that drops the Brine Marshes into the sea.   Emerald Sea Slug: A shell-less slug in the shape and colour of a leaf.   Head Crab: Six-appendage crustaceans with a soft leathery shell in place of a regular hard one. Their mouths are moved slightly lower in their chaises than what would be normal to better feed on slow moving bottom feeders.   Windrunner: A six-winged sea bird that ignores the seasonal changes and congregates in yearly migration to the Floodgates from lands unknown to the people.

Natural Resources

Phantom Gum: A miracle substance that originates from the depths of the Pearl Sea that encourages body regeneration.   Precious metals and gems: The geology of the region is not normally conducive to their formation. But stories revolving around the Flower Girl gives a mythical reasoning for the many rich mineral veins to be found under the soil.   Melange: A unique seasoning originating from a type of worm and tastes parts sweet and peppery.


Twin Hills

The hills of Tyr and Yate have been the native home of the yatei tribes since the Keanian era and is where the city-state of Gaioor was founders by courtiers.

Foggy Hills

A scatterings of hills in-between Ñuñu and Yates where cultists populate isolated but well known pockets.

Ñuñu Hills

The cloud people carved settlements out of the extremely dense mountain forests among the four cloud hills and with the Marañón and Huallaga cross space between them.


Two spits of land extend from either side of the most extreme boundaries of Giantsfall and the Marshes.   The most southern of these peninsular-like land masses connect sharply to the Fall Wall and the gentle extension from the Pearl Cliffs and the Haunt from lands in Brine Marshes form the northern mass. In between them is a strait that is a viable sea route during floods and a muddy passage during the dry season.

Trade Routes

Generally, the dry season slows down trade on account of porter having to trek through dry mud, as opposed to the flood season allowing for the extended use of boats.    Tragically, the flood season is also a time when many diseases crisscross the traffic heavy routes with the potential to spread plagues from the Cold Swamp, the Valley and other places beyond Giantsfall.  

Dye Waves

While it is harrowing and ill-advised to be on or near the shores during a flood event; once the Floodlands have been flooded, is then when it is most optimal to trade the farthest per economic output.   It is named for the slugs, snails and painted tribes who live along the painted shores.  

Foggy Road

The winding land, then waterways, between the bumps of the Foggy Hills.  


Flooded Route

Inbetween the guardians is a strait that is a viable sea route during floods and a muddy passage during the dry season.  

Haunted Gates

A hazardous route along the length of the Floodgates and is perpendicular to the Flooded Route. It can only be traversed by Coven Trains that take advantage of the upfall to carry heavy goods across great distances.
Alternative Name(s)
  • Lower Sea
  • Vanishing Sea
  • Lost Land
  • Wet Bowl
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