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by hughpierre

Basic Information



Rooted in the skin of the nose, bihorn horns continue growing throughout the animal’s life, and can repair itself if broken or damaged.   Their horns are used in territorial defense, foraging, for digging wallows and as marks of fertility.


Their skin hangs around the creature in large folds and is layered in fat for insulation from the extreme temperatures in its environment. It similarly covers itself in mud dried wool to further cool its body.   Bihorn skin is very thick, to protect it from rough foliage and the occasional predator.


Bihorns have elongated heads, with eyes on either side, so they must turn in a given direction to look and unable to perceive depth.

Hoofed Feet

It is a sure-footed climber commonly seen on difficult precipices and shear ice glaciers.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bihorns reach sexual maturity at about 30 months. Females in a herd undergo synchronized estrus in the colder months, at which time females and males participate in a mating ritual. Mature males stare for long periods, dig rutting pits, and fight each other in showy scuffles. Both females and males usually mate with multiple individuals during breeding season. After the breeding season, females form loose-knit nursery groups of up to 50 bihorns, while adult males leave, often alone or with two-three others.   Single offsprings are born after a six-month period, after moving to an isolated ledge. Afterwhich, they lick them dry and ingest the placenta to trigger lactation for a month. Kids begin to run and climb half a day after birth and follow their mothers closely for their first year. Mothers protect their young by leading them out of danger, standing over them when faced by predators, and positioning themselves below their kids on steep slopes to stop freefalls.

Ecology and Habitats

Bihorns can thrive in cooler, higher altitude conditions. They usually stay above the tree line throughout the year but will migrate seasonally to higher or lower elevations to forage, rest, reproductive needs, regulate body heat and for security from predators or disturbances.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Bihorns are equipped with two rows of deep molars suited to grinding up plant matter; alongside a sharp row of lower incisors to break off stiffer plant matter.   They also possess apposable lips for high foliage grasping and easy grazing.

Mineral Licks

Bihorn often lick and swallow rocks to increase their salt intakes and aid in thier digestion.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Mostly a solitary animal except for courtship and offspring-rearing. It is a vocal species that also communicates through marking soil with its feet, twisting saplings into patterns, and leaving excrement.


Learned Behaviour

Almost any breed can be trained to do some form of work. Starting at 3 months old, they get used to being led by a leash, even if it is only for a short period every day. Good behaviours are rewarded with treats so that they look forward to its training sessions.   At one year old, bihorns begin carrying weighted packs; being careful not to overburden them. As they mature, they can carry more and more weight. At about two years old, they can carry their own weight.   Females and younger males are considered the best for training. However, neither will thrive if raised in numbers less than two.

Uses, Products & Exploitation


Legs, ribs, portions of the shoulder cut, the loin roast and the breast form the tender cuts.   Less tender cuts of meat are the stew meats, riblets and meaty joints.


Horns can be straight, gently curved, or curled. Thier shape determines artistic carvings.


Spring moulted wool are collected and incorporated into local weavings.

Facial characteristics

Nasal Horn

The larger of the two horns is the size of a baby's arm used offensively against rivals.

Bridge Horn

The other horn is typically a stub just in the middle of their eyes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sound and Smells

Their sense of smell is very acute. They can sense a threats upwind from far away. It is thought a motionless creature is invisible to them if they cannot smell or hear it.  


Bihorn soles have a swollen padded area underfoot they use to judge the heaviness of potential adversaries.

12 - 15 years
Average Height
3 - 4 feet
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Reddish-brown coat covers most of it's body
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities
Species | Mar 13, 2024

Cover image: Rhino-goat by José Luis Islas López


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