Xiuhxoxoauhqui (zeye-un-cox-o-ah-oo-qui)
by hughpierre
This guerilla faction conducts hit-and-run across the Ribs and operates primarily from the Fall Wall.
Under the leadership of Tullup'aki, this guerilla faction conducts hit-and-run across the Ribs while operating from the caves of the Fall Wall.Culture
Many of its members follow Tullup'aki with a cult-like devotion, as if he were some living war god.
Public Agenda
Dusky collaborators are impotent in the old dusky capital as it were the Fourth Quadrant's capital.The Black Flames seek to achieve oust innoit rule over Manka. Towards this end, one strategy is to inspiring fear and psychological terror on all their collaborators within the city of Canna.
Burning Bird was the last battle in the Sapa Inkillay Cachi Allccarima's attempt to forcibly integrate the dusky people into the rest of the Four Corners of the World.
Canna's occupation would last 30 years to the present day and would be defined by the excessive looting perpetrated in all that time. In response, members of the Xiuhiztacuhqui were co-opted into the white flames as dusky collaborators to hold and administer the capital as part of the Fourth Quadrant's capital.
A long and windy canyon, several leagues deep, that acts as the natural border between the regions of the Floodlands and the more mountainous territories south. The most famous feature of the lengthy ravine is its 'ribs': these are the projections that arch from one end of the canyon length to the other.
On the extreme ends, these arches connect to the other side, but at the wider center, they tend to break and fall away; leaving two arms that span the gap reaching for each other.
Foreign Relations
The elders of the crimson flame offer vital supplies the active warriors and a secure home for theit families away from the front.Xiuhtlatlauhqui
The sages of the golden flame give military advise and relay favorable relations to yatei and honey people to gather sympathy.Trade & Transport
Tullu would establish and maintain many good relations with the native swingers. He would share meals with many clans, partake in ritual celebrations and convince many of them to act as auxiliary forces during his own campaigns. It would be through them, that his Black Flames would gain similarity with the tunnels of the Fall Wall.Education
Foreign Support
It is rare for a tinge train to make its way through the Fall Wall. But when the do, Tullu went out of his way to make them welcomed. In the higher aspects of his war, he always sought to buy as much as he could from the witches; partially to endear himself more to them, but mostly to deny their trade to his rivals. Even convincing some to pass on their knowledge of salt spells.Infrastructure
Fall Wall
The furthest west of the chasm, ends at a slab wall that extends both above and below sea level. It is temptingly called the "Fall Wall" and is geographically a part of the southern most pillar that makes up the Floodgates. Many dead-end caves pocket the outer facade but their porous nature makes it easy to carve and expand them into permanent dwellings. Therefore, the Fall Wall holds the greatest population of swingers anywhere. But because, it is also so little explored, there are a number unknown elements hidden in the caves.
Illicit, Terrorist group
Alternative Names
Black Flames
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Parent Organization
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