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by hughpierre


Culture and cultural heritage

Great Tetzcotzinco Garden

The great garden is really two gardens: One, the circumferential loop is to provide a recreational area for families on picnic, outside school classes or simply as a lounge area. Second, the inner area is grimly maintained as a tortuous prison to the highest lawbreakers.   It saw it great expansion after the Sangsalgu annexation over much of the preexisting stone platform to beautify their new holdings and pacify the population.

Art & Architecture

Stone Platforms

Teiks' population experience several bouts of growth and was in constant need of living space. At first, they merely filled in the islands shores to grow the land, but doing so inconvenienced the fishermen. So, by design of heavy limestone blocks fashioned with interlocking notches, huge pillars sprouted from the waters to act as sturdy bases for stone arches and brick platform.  


Chinampas are small, rectangular areas that are fenced off, layered with mud, sediment, and decaying vegetation to grow crops on these shallow bodies. Trees are also often planted in the corners to help secure the area within a system of water channels for irrigation and ease of transport.   They were introduced by entrepreneurial Pochteca to expand the food options for both Texicot and Sangsalgu Proper.  

Tallest Buildings

Thanks to their close connection to Soonous and their ancestral relations with the courtiers, the island inhabitants were able to procure gold salt to use the queen's method to build upwards with limestone from the quarries in Salt Place when expanding outwards was no longer feasible.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Speaking Councils

The name originated from the advisory council who served the island rulers on the Lake. The origin of the Texicot Speaking Council started with their teek neigbours.   When the Teeks were absorbed into an infant Sangsalgu Proper, young teeks remembered the name and reintroduced it to their conquerors to became a loose group of intellectuals with unofficial political pull for particular governmental decisions and issues. The idea has spread to the rest of the city as it grew where many people without affiliation express their views.

Funerary and Memorial customs


Teik burial rites simply involves a nude, water burial where the deceased is tied to a holey canoe, then cast a drift to slowly sink. Such ceremonies take place on the Coco-side of the grass dike so the body would not be trapped within Mixed Lake when it submerges.

Common Myths and Legends

Settling the Islands

It is believed that the first settlers were a large group of marginalized courtier citizens, from the Cuauhnāhuac region of Catkills, who were forced to search for new opportunity.   The gravel and marshy islands to their north were likewise colonized and interbreed with locals into the Teeks.

Historical figures

Narin Line

Somewhere along the line, before Texicot existed in the collective mindset, one particular clan: the Narin grew from the coming together of several wealthy families. Through repeatedly intermarrying over many years, Narin came be known for their administrative acumen and management of several island enterprises. Texicot began as another colony subservient to the Corn Court until the line successfully petitioned for their independence and established the royal line of Texicot.

Major organizations

Texicot Nation

Texicot was the first and only other island nation in the valley. Once more, the teiks were the only other people who could hope to challenge the Sang in trade. In no small part because they were first, but also because of their superior navy and higher population density, were they able to maintain their strength.   It is often sited that while as a vassal to Ocumtit, Texicot could not go to war with Sangsalgu without also fighting the biggest land army who could cut off their shore trade routes. In addition, Texicot's population curiously had more outsiders living in it than true teiks. It was truly a market city; with 'trader' being the dominate occupation and most residence valuing their outside possessions more than that inside the city. It also mattered that sang's pochteca were inside to sow confusion when the war canoes and and land blockade finally came.  


When the Texicot Nation was finally annexed, it was renamed to the Tetzcotzinco Campan of the Triple Alignment. The transition was easier than initially expected as it seemed that prearrangements were made with merchants and certain teik families to sell out other inhabitants. Once the sang army was in its occupying positions, targeted teiks were enslaved and made to tear down half their city's tall buildings that were then transported to be used in aggrandize Sangsalgu Proper.

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STR (Choose the lowest roll as modifier)
Armour 2d6
HP 3d6+6 ([min+max]/2)
Speed 2d10+10 ft
Technology / Science | Jan 8, 2021
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 9, 2021

Cover image: Cipactli


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