Andorian Alliance

The Holy Pact of the Andorian Realms, or as it is more commonly known, the Andorian Alliance, is a trade and military alliance between some of the nations of Lake Kadia and the Ostig Plateau; more precisely, between the Kadian nations and Ernfelian nations. The member nations are advocating the veneration of The Four and their dogma of laws, though some to a lesser degree than others.   Even though over the centuries member states have shifted (see The Osternfel Civil War of 1201 and The Great Kadian Split), the only political entity to truly ever secede from the alliance was the former Kingdom of Kavir.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572
Alliance, Generic
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items

Trade Sactions

As a whole, the Free Cities Board of Directors limits the trade power of the Andorian Alliance, mostly due to the influence of the Vintian Imperium. Those sanctions are often overriden by each member individualy, with some going to great lengths to ensure their nation's trade with the Free Cities.

Limited Relations

Despite recent trade treaties and protection deals made between the Kingdom of Navara and Clan Einstein regarding movement in Debye Pass, trust is rare and suspicions are high. Both Osternfel's and Evornfel's attempts to push into Debye Pass are met with armed resistance from the Dragonborns.

High Tensions

Despite the Treaty of Four barring the Empire of Ader from settling in the Northern Amadels, both Osternfel and Evornfel push into the valley, sometimes sparking violent skirmishes with the Kingdom of Dam Lodir.

At War

The Vintian Imperium is still officialy at war with the Kingdom of Ader and the Andorian Church since the first salemizia. This state of war extands to all members of the Andorian Alliance but actual engagement is extremely rare, as both the Imperium and the Alliance wish to avoid a continental war that could spark from such incident.

First Era

Era 1.png

(0 - 499 )

ᗲ1: Rise of Agustin

Not much is known on the First Era, the birth time of Agustin Andor's prior to him becoming the Emperor of Ader and Avatar of Rhaan. These accounts follow the accepted scriptures and various historical records found throughout time.

  • 12 ᗲ1

    The Burning of Arisfurgz
    Disaster / Destruction

    The town of Arisfurgz is burned to the ground by a local warlord.

    Additional timelines
  • 14 ᗲ1

    18 ᗲ1

    The Journy West
    Life, Relocation

    At the age of 14, orphaned and alone, Agustin Andor travel's west across the Amadel Mountains with no historically recorded reason

    Additional timelines
  • 15 ᗲ1

    The Pillars of Divinity
    Religious event

    During his journey across the mountains, Agustin meets with an avatar of Rhaan who passes the Dogma of The Four onto him. Agustin signs a pact with the solar to deliver the truth of the Four. The on behalf of the gods, the solar bestow Rha'darin upon him and promises that he shall forever rule over Lake Kadia.

    Additional timelines
  • 15 ᗲ1

    Last Judgment

    The forming of Agustin's Band
    Military action

    During his crossing of the Amadel Mountains, Agustin encounter a group of knights errands. After one night in their camp they pledge their allegiance to his service.

    Additional timelines
  • 17 ᗲ1

    Arrival at Deepvale Forest
    Life, Relocation

    Agustin arrives at to Deepvale Forest with 50 companions. He is met with an Elven scouting party, who agrees to take him to their clan leader.

    Additional timelines
  • 18 ᗲ1

    Conquest of Navara
    Military action

    Agustin and his band arrive at the kingdom of Navara and conquer its lands with the help of elves and dwarven mercenaries.

    Additional timelines
  • 19 ᗲ1

    10 Last Harvest

    Construction of Ammand Keep begins
    Construction beginning/end

    Agustin arrives at Ammand and order his people to build a keep oh a hill overlooking the lake.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 ᗲ1

    22 ᗲ1

    The Great Conquest of Ader
    Military action

    Agustin conquer the area between The Great River and jungles of Athos, forming the kingdom of Ader.

    Additional timelines
  • 23 ᗲ1

    23 Last Dawn

    Ammand is Founded

    The Village of Ammand is founded.

    Additional timelines
  • 27 ᗲ1

    16 First Word

    Ammand Keep is completed
    Construction beginning/end

    Additional timelines
  • 35 ᗲ1

    46 ᗲ1

    The Elders War
    Military action

    After retaliations of both Humans and elves of Clan Telestar, the entire northern half of the continent erupts into war as Agustin Andor send his armies to burn the woods of the Green Crest.   In the resulting conflict ended with clan Telestar completely wiped out and the entire Green Crest burnt or cut down.

    More reading
    Elders War
    Additional timelines
  • 45 ᗲ1

    7 Mother's Gift

    Razing of Halestar
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Elven city of Halestar is razed to the ground by a mob of humanoids. Clan Telestar, present almost in its entirety for a yearly ritual, are slaughtered almost to the last member. Only a handful few make it out of the city in time, and are too few to main control of the land.

    Additional timelines
  • 46 ᗲ1

    3 First Bloom 12:00

    The Treaty of Four
    Gathering / Conference

    Representatives from Dam Lodir oversee a peace summit between the Elder Pact and the King Agustin and settle for peace. A magical treaty is singed in high noon and each party receives a stone token documenting the agreement.

    More reading
    Treaty of Four
    Additional timelines
  • 47 ᗲ1

    Treaty of Kavir
    Political event

    The king of Kavir swears fealty to King Agustin Andor in return for aid in fending the northern orc clans that decimate the settled Kaviri Highlands.

    Additional timelines
  • 50 ᗲ1

    17 First Bloom

    The Andorian Church
    Religious event

    The Andorian Cathedral is built in Ammand and the Andorian Church is formed.

    Additional timelines
  • 50 ᗲ1

    1 Mother's Gift

    The God Emperor

    Crown of Light.png

    Agustin is crowned as God Emperor of Ader by the Archbishop of Rhaan. During the ceremony an Envoy of Rhaan appeared and bestowed on the new emperor the Crown of Light.

    Additional timelines
  • 130 ᗲ1

    Agustin Marries Sabrina

    Agustin meets with Sabrina, a local shoemaker daughter and takes her as wife.

    Additional timelines
  • 132 ᗲ1

    Julianos is born
    Life, Birth

    Julianos Ader is born to Emperor Agustin and Sabrina.

    Additional timelines
  • 190 ᗲ1

    30 Last Judgment

    Agustin Vanishes

    Agustin Vanishes, leaving behind his trusty Rha'darin and The Crown of Light.

    Additional timelines
  • 190 ᗲ1

    1 Sage's Wisdom

    Julianos is crowned
    Political event

    Due to his father's absence, Julianos takes The Crown of Light and Rha'darin and is crowned as the 2nd God Emperor.

    Additional timelines
  • 214 ᗲ1

    Adesius is crowned
    Political event

    Adesius Ader is crowned the 3rd God Emperor at the age of 46.

    Additional timelines
  • 214 ᗲ1

    Julianos Dies
    Life, Death

    God Emperor Julianos Passes away at the age of 84.

    Additional timelines
  • 239 ᗲ1

    Adesius Dies
    Life, Death

    God Emperor Adesius dies at the age of 71.

    Additional timelines
  • 240 ᗲ1

    Migas is crowed
    Political event

    At the age of 24, Migas is crowned 4th God Emperor of the Empire of Ader.

    Additional timelines
  • 298 ᗲ1

    Migas Ader Dies
    Political event

    God Emperor Migas Ader dies at the age of 78.

    Additional timelines
  • 300 ᗲ1

    Julius is Crowned
    Political event

    Julius is crowned 5th God Emperor at the age of 30.

    Additional timelines
  • 303 ᗲ1

    The Crown and Sword go missing

    The Crown of Light and Rha'darin go missing at the same time from Ammand Keep vault.

    Additional timelines
  • 348 ᗲ1

    Julius Dies
    Life, Death

    God Emperor Julius dies at the age of 78.

    Additional timelines
  • 349 ᗲ1

    Septius is Crowned
    Political event

    Septius is crowned 6th God Emperor at the age of 52.

    Additional timelines
  • 358 ᗲ1

    10 First Dawn

    The Inquisition is founded

    At midnight or Sun's Crest, Septius Andor, Emperor of Ader, founds the Inquisition to help him see justice done throughout the realm. Arch Bishop of Rhaan, Albertius Magalis is appointed as the first Cardinal of the Inquisition.

    More reading
    The Inquisition
    Additional timelines
  • 369 ᗲ1

    Septius Dies
    Life, Death

    God Emperor Septius dies at the age of 72.

    Additional timelines
  • 370 ᗲ1

    Uriel is Crowned
    Political event

    Uriel Ader is crowned 7th God Emperor at the age of 35.

    Additional timelines
  • 375 ᗲ1

    18 Father's Gaze

    Uriel is Assassinated
    Life, Death

    At the age of 40, God Emperor Uriel is assassinated with his two children. He leaves no other known heir, effectively ending the Ader family line.

    Additional timelines
  • 376 ᗲ1

    499 ᗲ1

    the war of succession

    the events of the War of Succession take place.

    Additional timelines
  • 404 ᗲ1

    First Dawn
    418 ᗲ1

    The Shrieking Death
    Plague / Epidemic

    Bardalaga the Witch is burnt on the stake in village near the Rosewood Marsh and the peasantry burn down her alchemy tower. One day after they returned from the deed, the peasants started to shriek in pain as their skin turned black, the priests that arrived to bury the dead were infected as well. Within 3 months almost every settlement on the Gold Coast was infected by the Corpus plague.   The plague ravaged Lake Kadia for almost 12 years, killing more then a quarter of the population. The extremely infectious nature of the disease allowed it to kep spreading north to the Kaviri Highlands and east, through the mountains routes to Evornfel and Osternfel.   Magic users, shamans, and even some bards, already being prosecuted by the Andorian Church in its vendetta against necromancy, were blamed as the cause of the plague. Many were lynched and left to rot in the streets as chaos engulfed the Empire of Ader, not all of them magic users. Elves, halflings, Gnomes and tieflings where targeted as well.   Some folks began to flee south towards the Kingdom of Darseras, carring the plague with them. The kingdom quickly closed its borders, leaving refugees to fend for themselves against the the sickness and the many bandits and slavers that followed them.

    The Gold Coast
    More reading
  • 415 ᗲ1

    15 First Word

    The First Salemizia
    Military action

    While the War of Succession rages across Lake Kadia, The Inquisition under the Andorian Church takes upon itself the duty of securing the peasantry. They manage to secure the well being of most denizens of the war torn kingdoms, patrolling from town to town, requiting those they rescued into their ranks so they could be sent to save others.   Following the outbreak of the Shrieking Death, the church claims magic is the root cause and sends the forces of the Inquisition to exile, or kill, all spell casters from Lake Kadia and seize or even destroy their property if needed. A flood of refugees travels south towards Kingdom of Darseras and east, through the Central Amadels towards Osternfel.

    Lake Kadia
    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 417 ᗲ1

    The Razing of Salem
    Disaster / Destruction

    Delegates of Salem, a large village in Kavir, refused the assistance and treatment offered by members of the Andorian Church, raising its suspicions. When a group of Wolfmen arrived, they discovered many of the villagers formed a vast network of cultists and even warlocks, who followed the bidding of a hag coven. Upon discovery, the wolfmen locked the residents inside their homes and torched the hovels; killed the hags and threw their bodies inside the village well; and finally, filled the well to the brim with whatever debris they could. These wolfmen would thereon refer to similar acts as "doing as in Salem", or Salemizia in Kaviric.   The term "salemizia" became commonly used in Aderic and The Common Languages after a large-scale wave of anti-casters riots, with the razing of Salem the first of these to involve so many deaths.

    Additional timelines
  • 420 ᗲ1

    480 ᗲ1

    The Wizards Trail
    Population Migration / Travel

    Persecution of magic users by the Andorian Church leads many wizards, sorcerers and other magic users to flee south towards the Kingdom of Darseras, who has more relaxed rules regarding the magical practices.   Coliant Visendaril, King of Darseras, does not allow the refugees into the kingdom, but allows them to settle in any former part of the kingdom. Vintia, formerly an abandoned Darseran city becomes the destination of many, mainly due to the relative proximity to the Darsal Planes but also because of its relatively intact infrastructure that was left.   A great deal of those who traveled the trail found themselves pray to slavers, who were the one of the few ways to cross the land safely, as bandits would rarely attack them. Being magically talented, most of those fleeing were considered as lucrative slaves, and would often exchange their services in return for safe passage of their loved ones. Those contract would usually last for a lifetime or a few decades at the very least and those being transferred would often find themselves in slavery themselves.   Others were forced to relay on smugglers, pirates and other lowlife, and usually fared far worse then those who sold themselves as slaves. While slaves needed to at least be fit and healthy when arriving at their destinations, refugees would often be robbed of their valuables and killed whenever it was convenient or profitable.

    More reading
    Additional timelines

Second Era

Era 2.png

(500 - 620 )

ᗲ2: The Age of Crusades

The Second Era begins with the return of Agustin Andor and the rise to power of the Vintian Imperium. Most of the era was influenced by the Vintian Crusades that lasted until its end at the Battle of the Second Sun.

Third Era

(621 to 919 )

ᗲ3: The Age of Reckoning

The damage following the destruction of the Darsal Plane was so cataclysmic it threw the entire continent of Edora into almost three centuries of chaos and bloodshed. Reports of extensive damage appear as north as Stathold. All contact with the southern kingdoms is cut entirely, and the entire continent collapses into chaos.   During that time, what remains of the Aderian Empire armed forces marches under the banner of the Church to find their missing god, clashing with the remnants of Vintian Imperium and leaving the denizens of the empire to fend for themselves.

  • 1 ᗲ3

    14 Lord's Wrath

    The Conclave of Magi is formed

    Following the destruction of their kingdom, the mages of Darseras forms an organization that will prevent such events in the future.

    City of Darseras
    More reading
    Conclave of Magi
  • 87 ᗲ3

    25 Last Dawn

    The Order of the White Rose

    After restoring order to the Ammand with brutal military might, the Order of the White Rose is recognized by the Andorian Church as the city's peacekeeping force and is given Ammand Keep as its headquarters.

    Old Ammand
    Additional timelines
  • 93 ᗲ3

    14 Lord's Wrath
    99 ᗲ3

    14 Lord's Wrath

    The Dragonborns
    Population Migration / Travel

    Fleeing from a cataclysmic event, a group of dragonborn priests sacrifice themselves to open a portal into the Amadels from their home world of Ebbir. The bronze, copper, silver and gold tribe settle in an abandond network of dwarven fortresses under the leadership of the later. Together they form the kingdom of Neo Drakonia. Clan Einstein settles elsewhere in the mountains, among the goliath tribes, dedicating themselves to preserve the old ways. Both sing an defensive agreement known as the Draconic Pact.   Both the red clan of Eramorn and the blue clan of Goravroth split into two rival kingdoms and immediately enslave both the green and white tribes. The small number of black dragonborns surviving the cataclysm are banished from all four kingdoms, left to travel the lands as nomads and exiles.   Both the dwarf kingdoms of Lodir and Tarihr view the dragonborn claims on the lands they lost during the Second Sun  as an insult, resulting in hostilities and even wars.

    Dragon Lands
    Additional timelines
  • 127 ᗲ3

    6 Father's Gaze
    127 ᗲ3

    8 Father's Gaze

    The destruction of Lantan
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Isle of Lantan is destroyed by a series of tsunamis, the gnomish Kingdom of Lantan falls with it.

    Additional timelines
  • 129 ᗲ3

    15 Father's Gaze 12:00

    The Twin Assassinations
    Political event

    Both the High Priest of the Andorian Church and the Queen of Vintia are assassinated at the same day and time, each in their own chamber, in their own residence, in Ammand and Vintia respectively. The act send both the former Aderian Empire and the Vintian Imperium into chaos and wars of successions.

  • 129 ᗲ3

    16 Sage's Wisdom
    141 ᗲ3

    3 Lord's Wrath

    The War of Bishops
    Military action

    The fragile alliance of the bishops who managed to hold the Andorian lands together split over who shall be the leader. The argument escalate when a church of Nymm was burnt in Ernhaven during a brawl. The event sparked a war between the east and west sides of Lake Kadia. The tribes of Kavir break off from the church. The church took 12 years to pull the warring sides back together and declare proper laws of succession.

    Additional timelines
  • 141 ᗲ3

    3 Lord's Wrath
    276 ᗲ3

    11 Sage's Wisdom

    The 2nd Vintian Crusades
    Military action

    Arch Bishop Victor Mangus brands the people of the south as Apostates, and blames them for the assassination of his predecessor, A second crusade is declared on Vintia. Both sides clash over the Roxmore Planes and the Blackfields with thousands dead and even more left injured or homeless.

    The Blackfields
    Additional timelines
  • 231 ᗲ3

    3 Mother's Gift

    Sandor Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Sandor Amarell is born in Ammand, the second son to a shield maker and a noble's wash lady.

    Additional timelines
  • 277 ᗲ3

    19 Sage's Wisdom 12:00

    The Imperium shuts it's gates
    Political event

    The Vintian Imperium shuts it's gate to the northerns. At high noon, the gates of the Great Wall of Vintia closed for the final time. The Imperium never officially renewed contact with any northern territory since, including the members of the Elder Pact.

    Additional timelines
  • 279 ᗲ3

    12 Father's Gaze

    Sandor Amarell Seize control of Ammand
    Political event

    Sandor Amarell seize controll of the city of Ammand and hte kingdom of Ader, aided by the Order of the White Rose, House Gonasi and House Farrell.

    Additional timelines
  • 281 ᗲ3

    26 Sage's Wisdom
    282 ᗲ3

    18 First Bloom

    The Lion's War
    Military action

    After the Duke of Castamere refuses to pay his debt to the Lord of Karhaven, the latter declares war and conquers the entire northern planes of the Roxmore. The most famous skirmish in the war war Battle of Vermere, a quick and humiliating defeat for the Duke of Castamere, who was left stranded in his own castle.   The war was the most important catalyst to theThe war of lords  as the King of Navara's refusal to bring the Duke of Castamere to justice ultimately resolved in the Duke of Karhaven aiding Sandor Amarell in his conquest of the kingdom.

    More reading
    Battle of Vermere
    Additional timelines
  • 282 ᗲ3

    12 First Word

    Gunter Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Gunter Amarell, the only son of Emperor Sandor Amarell is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 282 ᗲ3

    15 Last Rain
    293 ᗲ3

    10 Father's Gaze

    The War of Lords
    Military action

    After securing alliance with both House Malion and House Verhill, Sandor Amarell goes to war against the Kingdom of Navara, the Kingdom of Krath and the Grand Duchy of Arkford. He conquers them, completely dissolving Krath into a Duchy and appointing House Malion as the Royal Family of Navara, executing the former ruling house to the very last.

    Additional timelines
  • 295 ᗲ3

    17 Mother's Gift
    295 ᗲ3

    12 Last Harvest

    The Kavirian Summit
    Gathering / Conference

    Sandor Amarell meets with the king of Kavir and after almost a month of discussions the two kings decide to go to war.

    Additional timelines
  • 295 ᗲ3

    19 Father's Gaze
    300 ᗲ3

    24 Lord's Wrath

    The Kavirian War
    Political event

    After years of tedious war between Kavir and Ader both side reached a truce.
    The principality of Saltis is now under complete Aderian control, while the city of Draxning and the rest of northern Kavir, becomes a vassal territory.

    Additional timelines

Forth Era

(920 - 1199 )

ᗲ4: Age of the Second Empire

The city of Ammand is reinstated as the Aderian Capitol under one leader, Sandor Amarell who is now considered Envoy of Agustin.

  • 2 ᗲ4

    1 First Bloom

    The Second Empire
    Political event

    Sandor Amarell is crowned as The First Emperor of The Second Empire of Ader by the Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops. He and his offspring are declared Envoys of Agustin, their house as noble and their rule as divine gift.

    Additional timelines
  • 6 ᗲ4

    19 Sage's Wisdom

    Tobias Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Tobias Amarell, the firstborn of the 3 children of Gunter Amarell is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 7 ᗲ4

    17 Father's Gaze

    Sandor Amarell Dies
    Life, Death

    Sandor Amarell dies at the age of 72 after suffering from the flu. He is succeeded by his only son, Gunter Amarell.

    Additional timelines
  • 7 ᗲ4

    1 Last Judgment

    Gunter Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Gunter Amarell is crowned 2nd Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

    More reading
    Gunter Amarell
    Additional timelines
  • 24 ᗲ4

    21 First Frost

    Redmir Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Redmir Amarell, the eldest son of Emperor Tobias Amarell is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 61 ᗲ4

    17 Last Judgment

    Karl Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Karl Amarell, the only son and 3rd child of Emperor Redmir Amarell is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 66 ᗲ4

    16 Last Harvest

    Gunter Amarell dies
    Life, Death

    Gunter Amarell dies after being rammed by an ox during a visit to the Harvest Festival in the outskirts of Ammand. His eldest son, Tobias Amarell inherit the throne.

    Additional timelines
  • 66 ᗲ4

    1 First Dawn

    Tobias Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Tobias Amarell is crowned as 3rd Emperor of Ader by the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

    More reading
    Tobias Amarell
    Additional timelines
  • 68 ᗲ4

    13 Last Judgment

    Remius Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Remius Amarell, son of Henric Amarell and the 8th Emperor of Ader is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 72 ᗲ4

    2 Last Judgment

    Tobias Amarell dies
    Life, Death

    Tobias Amarell dies clutching at his heart while walking in the palace gardens. His eldest son, Redmir Amarell assend to the throne.

    Additional timelines
  • 72 ᗲ4

    1 First Word

    Redmir Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Redmir Amarell is crowned 4th Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

    Additional timelines
  • 73 ᗲ4

    5 Lord's Wrath

    Redmir Amarell dies
    Life, Death

    Redmir Amarell dies after being kicked in the face by a moose during a royal hunt. He was succeeded by his only son, Karl Amarell, only 12 at the time. His uncle, Henric Amarell, is appointed as regent.

    Additional timelines
  • 73 ᗲ4

    1 Last Rain

    Karl Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Karl Amarell is crowned 5th Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand. Due to his young age his uncle, Henric Amarell is appointed Regent of the Empire until the Emperor turns 16 summers.

    Additional timelines
  • 76 ᗲ4

    22 Father's Gaze

    Karl Amarell dies
    Life, Death

    Less then a month before his coronation, Karl Amarell dies when a faulty rail collapses in his room's balcony. he is succeeded by his great uncle, Henric Amarell.

    Additional timelines
  • 76 ᗲ4

    1 Last Judgment

    Henric Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Gunter Amarell is crowned 6th Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

    Additional timelines
  • 90 ᗲ4

    5 Mother's Gift

    Henric Amarell dies
    Life, Death

    Henric Amarell dies in his bed in the royal palace. He is succeeded by his eldest son, Lucian Amarell.

    Additional timelines
  • 90 ᗲ4

    1 Last Harvest

    Lucian Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Lucian Amarell is crowned 7th Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

    Additional timelines
  • 97 ᗲ4

    2 First Dawn

    Martin Amarell
    Life, Birth

    Martin Amarell, son of Lucian Amarell and the 9th Emperor of Ader is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 121 ᗲ4

    21 Lord's Wrath

    Lucian Amarell dies
    Life, Death

    Lucian Amarell dies while eating dinner in his chambers. he is succeeded by his eldest son, Remius Amarell.

    Additional timelines
  • 121 ᗲ4

    1 Last Rain

    Remius Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Remius Amarell is crowned 8th Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

    Additional timelines
  • 125 ᗲ4

    8 First Bloom

    Devos Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Devos Amarell, eldest son of Martin Amarell and the 10th Emperor of Ader is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 133 ᗲ4

    9 Last Rain

    Artemius Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Artemius Amarell, the second son of Martin Amarell and the 11th Emperor of Ader is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 142 ᗲ4

    22 Last Harvest

    Remius Amarell dies
    Life, Death

    Remius Amarell dies after being bed ridden for a whole month. He is succeeded by his eldest son, Martin Amarell.

    Additional timelines
  • 142 ᗲ4

    1 First Dawn

    Martin Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Martin Amarell is crowned 9th Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

    Additional timelines
  • 164 ᗲ4

    11 First Word

    Meron Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Meron Amarell, eldest son of Emperor Artemius Amarell is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 176 ᗲ4

    19 Last Harvest

    Martin Amarell dies
    Life, Death

    Martin Amarell dies by jumping out of the palace's eastern tower. He is succeeded by his Eldest of four sons, Devos Amarell.

    Additional timelines
  • 176 ᗲ4

    1 First Dawn

    Devos Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Devos Amarell is crowned 10th Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

    Additional timelines
  • 180 ᗲ4

    1 Mother's Gift

    Devos Amarell dies
    Life, Death

    Devos Amarell and his only son, Frederic are both slain by an Orcish war party while on a visit to Principality of Saltis.

    Additional timelines
  • 187 ᗲ4

    28 Last Harvest

    Sedric Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Sedric Amais, eldest son of Emperor Meron Amarell, is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 190 ᗲ4

    1 Last Harvest

    Artemius Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Artemius Amarell is crowned 11th Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

    Additional timelines
  • 202 ᗲ4

    19 Last Judgment

    Marius Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Marius Amarell, Emperor Sedric Amarell eldest son is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 218 ᗲ4

    7 Last Dawn

    Artemius Amarell dies
    Life, Death

    Artemius Amarell dies in his bed while sleeping. He is succeeded by his eldest son, Meron Amarell.

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  • 218 ᗲ4

    1 First Frost

    Meron Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Meron Amarell is crowned 12th Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

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  • 230 ᗲ4

    26 Sage's Wisdom

    Meron Amarell dies

    Meron Amarell dies after chocking on a grape. He is succeeded by his eldest son, Sedric Amarell.

    Additional timelines
  • 230 ᗲ4

    1 Last Dawn

    Sedric Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Sedric Amarell is crowned 13th Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

    Additional timelines
  • 234 ᗲ4

    17 Father's Gaze

    Rederic Amarell is born
    Life, Birth

    Rederic Amarel, Emperor Marius Amarell's eldest son is born.

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  • 263 ᗲ4

    15 Father's Gaze

    Sedric Amarell dies
    Life, Death

    Sedric Amarell collapses due to intense heat and dies of dehydration. He is succeeded by his eldest son, Marius Amarell.

    Additional timelines
  • 263 ᗲ4

    1 Last Judgment

    Marius Amarell is crowned Emperor
    Political event

    Marius Amarell is crowned 14th Emperor of Ader by Arch Priest and the Assembly of Bishops in front of the people of Ammand.

    Additional timelines
  • 277 ᗲ4

    12 Father's Gaze

    Castor Aylard is elected as King of Kavir
    Political event

    After a Moot lasting 30 days and 5 deaths, Castor Aylard is elected as King of Kavir from among the Earls.

    More reading
    The Moot
  • 277 ᗲ4

    17 First Word
    277 ᗲ4

    24 First Word

    Castor Aylard's Melee
    Sporting Event / Competition

    A King's Melee is held in the name of Castor Aylard. During the melee Sigvir Bolverk downs 30 men and is declared as champion.

    More reading
    King's Melee

Fifth Era

(1200 - 1568 )

ᗲ5: Age of the Black Sun

The Emperor of Ader dies while an unexpected eclipse occur. Old feuds are set ablaze and many motives collide as different powers try to achieve their goals. Both Kairoz the Andorian and The Ponderer fall in slumber as termoile grasp the continent.

Sixth Era

(1560 - ...)

ᗲ6: Age of Madness

Ancient forces manifest themselves again to mortals, science, magic and religion colide as old orders and codes struggle to maintain their place in society.

  • 6 ᗲ6

    22 Father's Gaze

    The Red Duke
    Life, Death

    Selena Fenderfiral, an elven extremist is sentenced to death by the orders of Arch Duke of Taldir, Patric Guaspard. On the day of her execution, Selena rigged her body to explode on death. After being hanged from the neck for 1 minute, her corpse exploded, covering the stage, including the executioner, the local bishop and the arch duke with blood and intestines.

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  • 7 ᗲ6

    First Dawn

    Auspice Andoriani Marries Seraphine Lemaître
    Political event

    In order to strengthen the political bond between the Kingdom of Ader and the Kingdom of Saltis, the Sovereign of Ader marries the sister of the Grand Prince of Saltis.

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  • 8 ᗲ6

    3 First Word 19:00
    8 ᗲ6

    3 First Word 19:00

    The Truth
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    We all just half stood, half floated there in front of these four, gargantuan creatures. If these were the gods, than may the wheel itself have mercy on us. Decay is the only word I can use to aptly describe what I saw, and even that, will not suffice. They are bounded and shackled like the lowest of slave to the wheel itself. Impaled and wounded, these creatures suffer perhaps the slowest, most gruesome death I have ever witnessed. I now know I am not alone in my feelings. There are other, much more terrible things out there. We sensed them, felt them and they felt us. Our Queen came to collect her dues, at first I wished her to take me too, then I didn't, then I was afraid, so afraid. The kettle was whistling when I got back to the break room.
    — Dr. Tolivardi Morvinari, coroner, BASM, vanished in front of his colleagues.
    For 3.14 seconds, the entire magical and divine population of the prime material realm is ejected out of the great wheel.   Upon their return, most of those affected have repeat the same vague testimony when questioned: They've been transported in body and mind to somewhere else. While in there, they saw the entirety of the percivable wheel. Outside of these consistencies, there seem to be little in common regarding the rest of the experience. Some reports include any number and kind of deities, otherwordly creatures and even devils. Most schollars have atrributed these sightings as visions, created by the mind in vague attempt to grasp the structure and nature of the wheel.   According to official counts in the Free Cities and in Vexia, only 7 out of every 10 mortals who vanished have managed to return back to the Prime Material. The fate of those missing remains unknown.   The event, dubbed as 'The Truth' by the Fellowship of The Ponderer, who belive the dormant wizard to be the main cause, as was with the Infernal Storm. The Truth have proved crucial in the understanding of teleportaion, navigation and general understanding of the Astral Plane and the behavior of the Outer Planes.

  • 8 ᗲ6

    3 First Word 20:00

    The Maw opens
    Disaster / Destruction

    Precisely one hour after The Truth, and seamingly without warning, sinkholes began to collapse all around Edora. These collapses came with great violence, shaking the enitre continent with intense earthquakes.   Strong whirlpools formed in the affected coastal areas, sucking everything around them. Further inland, gargantuan holes swallowed entire districts and even some small towns.

    The Maw
  • 8 ᗲ6

    25 Sage's Wisdom

    First Contact with The Maw
    Discovery, Scientific

    The opening of The Maw had caught the entire political, scientific and magical communities of Edora by surprise. While many have theorized the origin and reason for the collapse, few of theories proved to be more than mere fantasies.   After a shop sign from Caeris was found floating near an opening at Esol, some began speculating the sinkholes are somehow connected, and that utilizing that connection might prove beneficial for both economical and military purposes.   Under orders of Queen Gabriella Von Grieft, the Vintian Imperium was the first to began its reseach the possiblity of expeditions into The Maw. This endevor was quickly followed by simillar ones by several nations, including Estrerra, the Kingdom of Ader, the Republic of Kishara, the Free Cities Board of Directors and several nations around the Darsal Crest.

    The Maw
  • 10 ᗲ6

    3 Sage's Wisdom

    The Birth of Adeliza Andoriani
    Life, Birth

    Seraphine Lemaître, the ascendant of Ader, gives birth to the current heir to the throne of the sovereign, Adeliza Andoriani.

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  • 10 ᗲ6

    30 Sage's Wisdom

    The Taldirian Maw - 1st Expedition

    Following an attempt at charting and securing the Taldirian Maw Entrance, contact is lost with the convoy escorting the Arch Duke of Taldir while still on route to inspect a sinkhole that opened near Taldir's Gate. No wreckage was found along their planned path and while the arch duke was later recovered, none of the other missing members of the expedition have been found.

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  • 12 ᗲ6

    4 Father's Gaze

    Sigvir's Company Is attacked

    Kev Marco Vilaris, a lone survivor of the succesful Sigvir's Company arrives bewildered at the gates of Taldirin, claiming monsters have killed his friend and kidnapped two others. A search party sent to the location found a fortified camp that has been completely destroyed. The corpse of one gnome has been retrived, with the others declared missing.

    Taldir's Gate
  • 12 ᗲ6

    13 Father's Gaze

    Ariving in Taldirin
    Population Migration / Travel

    After crossing the Amadel Mountains through Debye Pass, and now with the companionship of Bela Isosceles Novalisa Ruston and Dante Aurelius, the group finally arrives at Lake Kadia and enters Taldirin. With them, is the missing Patric Guaspard.

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  • 12 ᗲ6

    18 Father's Gaze 9:00

    The Taldirian Maw - 2nd Expedition

    Shortly after their arrival to Taldirin and restoring their arch duke, the Ostian Mountaineers are approached by Alberto Dianitori, the archduchy's Chief of Intelligence.   Impressed by their feats, he request their aid in securing an entrance of the Maw that opened close to the city. The group accept the job and leave Taldirin heading west aided by Kev, a half elven scout that used to travel with Sigvir's group.

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  • 12 ᗲ6

    22 Father's Gaze 11:00

    The Queen of Thorns
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Ostian Mountaineers manage to find and secure the location of Taldirian Maw Entrance. A leaked intelligence report suggests they had contact with enigmatic creatures from another continent, operating under the Queen of Thorns. The Taldiran Office of Intelligence later confirmed the group was also attacked by Mezzoloths, resulting in the likely death of Kev Marco Vilaris.

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  • 12 ᗲ6

    24 Father's Gaze 08:00

    The Child God
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Ostian Mountaineers stumble upon Ponderer once more, however this time the god looks to be a young child, while also exibiting immense, uncontrollable powers.

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  • 12 ᗲ6

    24 Father's Gaze 13:00

    The quake of Ozark
    Disaster / Destruction

    A strong earthquake distrupt the Taldirian Sovereign Lands, causing immense structural damage to every settlement in the area. The quakes were so severe they reach Navara, cracking the northern wall of the city and damaging many of the houses in Northriver. The settlement of Cresthill got struck with such severity nearly none of its structures remained standing.  

    Somehow, the stone simply tore itself out of the damn ground. By the damage [to the wall of Navara], it had to "jump" at least a thousand feet high and hover for a bit to negate the planer acceleration. I would call thunderdung but stones are physically incapable of lies. I think we all need a drink.
    — Berin Ostbrick, Senior Stonecutter of the Aderian Survey Corps.
      Later examinations by stonecunners pointed the source to the ruins of Orzak. Expeditions to the area found it completely decimated.

    Ruins of Orzak
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  • 12 ᗲ6

    24 Father's Gaze 14:00

    Disaster at Cresthill Mines
    Disaster / Destruction

    A fire breaks out in Cresthill Mines following a strong earthquake. Many of the mine shafts collaps and more than 400 hundred people remain trapped inside with many more being trapped inside while attempting rescue. The death toll was over 450.   REDUCTED

    Cresthill Mines
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  • 12 ᗲ6

    28 Father's Gaze
    12 ᗲ6

    2 Last Judgment

    Forest fire on the border of Navara and Taldir
    Criminal Activity

    A forest fire breaks on the border between the Taldirian Sovereign Lands and the Navaran Hold. Both the Kingdom of Navara and the Archduchy of Taldir officially claim it was the result of speciest extremists attempting to destabilize the area. Local elven clans report finding charred corpses belonging to members of the Inquisition and evidence of wooden construction, possibly a fort. Both the Inquisition and the Archduchy deny any involvement. The Kingdom of Dam Lodir and the Ambassador College begin investigation into a possible breach of the dwarven treaty.

    Wood Elf
    More reading
    Project Curiosity
    Additional timelines
  • 12 ᗲ6

    1 Last Judgment

    Ariving in Navara
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Ostian Mountaineers arrive at the northern gates of Navara.

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  • 12 ᗲ6

    12 Last Judgment

    The Kingdom of Dohas Awakens

    Seemingly overnight, the long lost Kingdom Of Dohas, along with large parts of its population energes in the jungle of Lisang. The former empire, now the size of a large kingdom, is led by The Dragonking, a former adventurer and recorded passenger on board The Eloria. Reason of the sudden emergance is not revealed, and the both the Council of Balance and the Dragonguard declare the area above Lisang as a no-flight zone. The Republic of Kishara moves large parts of the Kisharan Army to the southern border.



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