Vintian Imperium
Public Agenda
Demography and Population
Foreign Relations
Dalle ceneri, Ci Alziamo
(From Ashes, We rise)
TMI: High
CMI: High
Used Coinage
0.02 lbs. (8 g)
Pieces, or 'silvers' are the smallest form of currency in the Vintian Imperium, they are broken off from a ducet to be use in small transactions, such as buying food, paying for lodging or other daily or otherwise pedestrian services.
Ducet (25 Pieces)
Ducets are usually given as montly salaries by lords, masters and business owners. The coin is eched with break markings, and will usually be dismantled by the recievers into pieces by their local blacksmiths.
Regal is the Vintian gold standard is carved mostly for decoration as it is not meant to be split. Its main porpuse is to be used is in large transactions, such as expansive professional services and real estate deals.
Platinas are used exclusively by the high society of the Vintian Imperium. In a society that adore luxuries and sophistication money is nothing if not means to an end. Despite it's high value some establishment will not accept any other coin, even a beverage can be a costly expanse in the upper echelons of Vintia.