The Truth

Metaphysical / Paranormal event

3/7 19:00
3/7 19:00

We all just half stood, half floated there in front of these four, gargantuan creatures. If these were the gods, than may the wheel itself have mercy on us. Decay is the only word I can use to aptly describe what I saw, and even that, will not suffice. They are bounded and shackled like the lowest of slave to the wheel itself. Impaled and wounded, these creatures suffer perhaps the slowest, most gruesome death I have ever witnessed. I now know I am not alone in my feelings. There are other, much more terrible things out there. We sensed them, felt them and they felt us. Our Queen came to collect her dues, at first I wished her to take me too, then I didn't, then I was afraid, so afraid. The kettle was whistling when I got back to the break room.
— Dr. Tolivardi Morvinari, coroner, BASM, vanished in front of his colleagues.
For 3.14 seconds, the entire magical and divine population of the prime material realm is ejected out of the great wheel.   Upon their return, most of those affected have repeat the same vague testimony when questioned: They've been transported in body and mind to somewhere else. While in there, they saw the entirety of the percivable wheel. Outside of these consistencies, there seem to be little in common regarding the rest of the experience. Some reports include any number and kind of deities, otherwordly creatures and even devils. Most schollars have atrributed these sightings as visions, created by the mind in vague attempt to grasp the structure and nature of the wheel.   According to official counts in the Free Cities and in Vexia, only 7 out of every 10 mortals who vanished have managed to return back to the Prime Material. The fate of those missing remains unknown.   The event, dubbed as 'The Truth' by the Fellowship of The Ponderer, who belive the dormant wizard to be the main cause, as was with the Infernal Storm. The Truth have proved crucial in the understanding of teleportaion, navigation and general understanding of the Astral Plane and the behavior of the Outer Planes.

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