Amadel Mountains

The Amadel Mountains are a chain of high mountain ridges dividing the entire northern and central areas of Edora. Most of the peaks have not been mapped and the only safe top-side passage through the mountains is the Debye Pass located in the Central area. The mountains are considered to be the homeland of the Dwarves the their kingdoms but now it includes several dragonborn kingdoms alongside tribes of orcs, kobolds, goliaths and more.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572


  • Region - Amadel Mountains
Conflict Level:
Settlements of the Northern Amadels
Settlements of the Northern Amadels

Settlements of the Central Amadels
Settlements of the Central Amadels

Settlements of the Southern Amadels
Settlements of the Southern Amadels

Alternative Name(s)
The Great Barier
Mountain Range
Location under
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Traditions

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