
Edora The largest known continent of the Prime Material Realm. The landmass is still refer to as 'The Continent', since the existence of other landmasses, let alone continents, was theoretical at best until The Truth of the 16th century. Crown as the sit of civilization, it is a continent filled with political intrigue and clashing goals.
Geographic Location | Dec 5, 2022
Edora Map Thumbnail


Pyagiera is mythical landmass from Agam'an lore. It is supposedly home to races of bipedal beasts and reptiles that consume humanoid flesh. Venturing to Pyagiera is often considerd taboo by sailors, as very few ever came back and even fewer willing to speak of what they whitnessed.
Geographic Location | Dec 3, 2022

The Greek Archipelago

The Greek Archipelago is the sub-continent from which the Minotaurs of Dohas claim to hail following a disaterous volcanic eruption of Mount Theras. Supposedly located somewhere to the south east of Edora, no one has managed to locate it yet.
The Greek Archipelago
Geographic Location | Dec 3, 2022


Ruled by the enigmatic Queen of Thorns and her Uralian Empire, very little is known about the land of Veros. The native kithar are often encountered at entrances of the The Maw, scouting after a specific prey. So far, all attempts to understand their motives have been in vain.
Geographic Location | Dec 3, 2022

The Farlands

The endless, barren, rocky plains of The Farlands are some of the least habitable places known in the Prime Material Realm. Discovered completly by accident, its location and exact size, remain unknown. The farlands are suspected to be located south of Edora and may dwarf even dwarf it in size, but those theories still remain unproven.
The Farlands
Geographic Location | Dec 3, 2022
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