Agaman Bay

The Agaman Bays, Named after the Agam'an people who often traversed them since ancient times, are a collection of bays, coves and inlets located on the central shores of Edora. The bays are connected to the Teralic ocean to the east and serves as one of the bussiest trading hubs. The bays are mostly controled by of the kingdom Kingdom of Amarris at the center, the Free Cities and Estrerra controling the north and the Republic of Kishara holding the entire southern coast.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572


  • Region - Agaman Bays
    The Agaman Bays, Named after the Agam'an people who often traversed them since ancient times, are a collection of bays, coves and inlets located on the central shores of Edora. The bays are connected to the Teralic ocean to the east and serves as one of the bussiest trading hubs. The bays are mostly controled by of the kingdom Kingdom of Amarris at the center, the Free Cities and Estrerra controling the north and the Republic of Kishara holding the entire southern coast.

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