Andorian Church

The Androian Church is a popular religion practiced on Edora. The church was founded in 50 1E  by Agustin Andor who is claimed to be an avatar of Rhaan and is foretold to return and judge the wicked by the church's scriptures. It is the oldest, and most wide spread of the organized religions present on the continent.


  • Arch Priest
    The head figure of the Andorian church is a former Arch Bishop, usually of Rhaan. They must be male and of human decent. A new Arch-Priest is appointed when the former dies. They are in charge of the day to day operations of the church and ruling on religious matters of entire states and empires.
    • Assembly of Bishops
      The Assembly of Bishops is the church's legal sanctum. The Bishops vote on new regulations and rules, oversee the public teachings of their respective divines. There are 4 Arch Boshops, each is in directly charge of the bishops that are sworn to the divine they represent.
      • Arch Bishop of Rhaan
        The Arch Bishop of Rhaan oversee all matters related to justice and redemption in the Andorian Church.
        • Bishops of Rhaan
          Bishops of Rhaan are in charge of spreading, and enforcing the decisions of the Arch Bishop of Rhaan. They are selected by the Arch Bishop from among the priesthood. A bishop can not hold land and they can not be appointed as cardinals.
      • Arch Bishop of Nymm
        The Arch Bishop of Nymm oversee all matters related to poor, the sick and downtrodden in the Andorian Church.
        • Bishop of Nymm
          Bishops of Nymm are in charge of spreading, and enforcing the decisions of the Arch Bishop of Nymm. They are selected by the Arch Bishop from among the priesthood. A bishop can not hold land and they can not be appointed as cardinals.
      • Arch Bishop of Talador
        The Arch Bishop of Talador oversee all matters related to magic and knowledge in the Andorian Church.
        • Bishops of Talador
          Bishops of Talador are in charge of spreading, and enforcing the decisions of the Arch Bishop of Talador. They are selected by the Arch Bishop from among the priesthood. A bishop can not hold land and they can not be appointed as cardinals.
      • Arch Bishop of Eyre
        The Arch Bishop of Eyre oversee all matters related to nobility and royalty in the Andorian Church.
        • Bishops of Eyre
          Bishops of Eyre are in charge of spreading, and enforcing the decisions of the Arch Bishop of Eyre. They are selected by the Arch Bishop from among the priesthood. A bishop can not hold land and they can not be appointed as cardinals.
    • Cardinal Cardinalis
      Also known as the "Cardinal of Cardinals", the Cardinal Cardinalis is the political figurehead of the church, acting on its behalf when interacting with nations and kingdoms.
      • Assembly of Cardinals
        The Assembly of Cardinals contain 16 cardinals who are selected based on a popular vote. The assembly does not hold religious power, instead it functions as a mediator between the nobility and the church that operate on their lands.
        • The Cardinals
          Each cardinal is appointed by the Arch-Bishop from the general clergy and priesthood to serve as a direct vessel of a noble. The cardinals work to ensure healthy and righteous relationship between the nobility and the church. They are in charge of all bishops and priests who stay in their jurisdiction.
          • The Priesthood
            The general priesthood is comprised of clerics, healers, pastors and other smaller roles of the church. They report to the cardinal whom land they serve in.
        • Cardinal of the Inquisition
          Holds the Office of Judgment. Appointed by theAssembly of Bishopsand remains in the position for the remainder of their life. Serves as the supreme commander of the Inquisition and answers directly to theArch-Priest.
          • The Inquisition
            The inquisition is the executive agents of the Divine Court. The are initiated similarly to officers in the military but undergo studies of divine law and even civilian legal matters.



Tenets of Faith

While there are many rules traditions and practices, only 16 of those are considered the 'Core Tenets'. Those tenets are to be held by anyone who considers themselves a follower of the church. The church entrust the teaching of the tenets and their implications to the local clergy, with the Inquisition acting as a body to enforce their adherence and punish those that are considered offenders of the faith. The 16 Core Tenets are:

A: Light and Justice

A:A One should witness the break of dawn.
A:B One should always have a light source in their home.
A:C One should avert their eyes to not witness the Sliver of Bane.
A:D One should adhere to justice and pursue it wherever they go.

B: Life and Valor

B:A One should value life as it was gifted by the gods to all of creation.
B:B One should protect the weak from the wicked.
B:C One should respect those who gave them their life above all.
B:D One should not gather or hunt more then they are able to carry.

C: Knowledge and Magic

C:A One should never abuse the forces magic.
C:B One should use their magic to give onto others.
C:C One should respect and love their teachers.
C:D One should never lie and trick for their gain.

D: Leadership and Royalty

D:A One must respect the rule of a noble for it is a divine gift.
D:B One must never allow corruption to set inside their home.
D:C One must appoint a shepherd to their community.
D:D One must not fall to crime or acts of wickedness.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572


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