
The Grand City of Navara sits on the narrowest crossing of the mighty Everrane and Roxmore, it is the largest and busiest crossing point between Roxmore Planes, the Golden Hills and the Taldirian Sovereign Lands leading to Debye Pass.


Navara is populated mostly by humans but also has a very large Dwarven community. Gnomes, tieflings and elves are also a common sight.


The city is ruled by a court assembly comprised the three houses of Trade, Commons and Nobles, with each house given an equal vote and the King of Navara having the right to veto any law.   The assembly is chosen differently depending on the house but will usually be comprised of the city's richest and most influential figures.


The city's most important pieces of infrastructure are the two massive stone bridges crossing over the Everane and Roxmore. The bridges allow easy and quick access into the city and outward. Below the surface, a massive and ancient system of tunnels and sewers allow rainwater and waste to quickly dry from the street and into the rivers.   The city has the second biggest branch of the The Conclave of Magi in the empire and a central tradepost and embassy of Dam Lodir.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572


  • Settlement - Navara
    The Grand City of Navara sits on the narrowest crossing of the mighty Everrane and Roxmore, it is the only crossing between Roxmore Planes of Castamere, the Golden Hills of Karhaven and the frontier leading to Debye Pass and the Amadel Mountains. Those unique traits have turned the city into the most successful trading hub in the Empire of Ader.
Alternative Name(s)
The Three Keys, The Aderian Hub.
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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