
Ostian is a term referring to the denizens of the Ostig Plateau, namely Arvernfel, Osternfel and Evornfel. Ostians refer to themselves as Ernfelian.   The Ernfelian society itself is very complex, comprised of both dwarves and humans.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Ostian feminine names always start with a consonant and end with a vowel; this is even more evident in foreign names in Ostnich, such as Enor D'Gillier being called Djinora.   Sample names: Condolina, Victoria, Regina, Vivabella, Maganala, Zolfiya, Morgana

Masculine names

Ostian masculine naming conventions weren't as rigid as feminine ones, though over the years they also grew to follow the pattern of starting with a consonant; this also changed traditional names, such as Arsal being replaced by Glarsal and Ehyere being replaced by Vhejre. The most conspicuous example of this convention changing a name is the fact that Agustin Andor, Envoy of Rhaan was born in Arisfurgz.   Sample names: Shvat, Glarsal, Vhejre, Byrhan, Zholdin, Stjepn, Khiroza

Family names

Ostians have no family names per se; the convention differs for different social statuses; their last name is comprised of their place of birth with a gendered suffix dependent on their role in said place.


Nobles have their last name indicate the land they rule over or the land they hail from:
Feminine Suffixes
Masculine Suffixes
  • -on; Arch Duke of...
  • -in; Grand Boyar/Duke of...
  • -en; Boyar from...
  • -ani; Land owner from...
Shvat III Kracon translates to "Shvat the 3rd, Archduke of Krac"; Regina I Mirkasna translates to "Regina the 1st, Archduchess of Mirkas"; Arsal Kracin translates to "Arsal, a boyar from Krac".  


Common folk have their last name indicate their occupation.
Eheyire Shesheresh translates to "Eheyire, Sheep Shearer"; Victoria Clodevesha translates to "Victoria, Cloth Weaver".    


Traders have their last name indicate their location in the trading hierarchy and the commodity they are most known for. Grand Traders are regarded as low nobility and possess a mix of both naming conventions.
Byrhan Liderars translates to "Byrhan, local leather trader"; Condolina Glazirsa translates to "Condolina, local glass trader"; Zholdin Talcifin translates to "Zholdin, Grand Trader of gypsum".    


Since the majority of the clergy originated from Lake Kadia, they were commonly called by their first name and their name of origin in Aderic. This was eventually shortened to a unique prefix.
Regina Fosigriva translates to "Regina of Sigriva, a priestess"; Khiroza Fogrisal translates to "Khiroza (Kairoz) of Grisal, a priest".     Ostian last names are therefore subject to change, and one's former last name is only used for formal identification that regards past events (e.g. giving a testimony). Addressing an Ostian using one of its former names is almost taboo and, more often than not, will elicit a violent response.


Shared customary codes and values

When it comes to family, Ostians view themselves as generations and not as individuals. To them, every person from their biological parents' age-group is regarded as their parent, and every child from their biological child's age-group is regarded as their child. However, this commitment and sense of familiarity wanes outside one's community and practically vanishes between counties.

Common Etiquette rules

While cussing, Ostians spit between swear-words, so that their mouths stay clean; this coincides with the fact that they kiss close relatives and friends on their lips.

Coming of Age Rites

Baby teeth are thrown into the family fireplace after they fall off. This is done so that the tooth ghost wouldn't take their adult teeth.

Common Taboos

Bells were traditionally used for declaring or dismissing a call to arms; this led to them mostly being used before a war and during its resulting funerals, and to this day the chiming of bells are a bad omen. It is downright impossible to purchase a bell of any sort within Ostian lands, and traveling with an unmuffled bell is surprisingly offensive to locals and may even lead to physical violence.


Courtship Ideals

Courtship in Ernfelian society is unique in several senses. Traditionally marriage is via matchmaking, usually by a trusted member of the community or a mutual family friend. The bride to be, instead of trying to impress her future groom, focuses her attempts to impress her purposed mother-in-law. When they first meet, the bride wears a carefully woven dress, made and designed by her, whose creation involves as many fabrics, weaving techniques, intricate needlework and more often than not several quilts; she will wear a personally concocted prefume, made of herbs and spices; and branch from a fruit-bearing tree is carefully entwined into her hair. These are supposed to represnt her cloth-making skills; her ability to cook; and the profession of her father. All of these are taken into considiration by the groom's mother, allowing her to gauge the bride's ability to care for any future grandchildern without any conversation.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572

Articles under Ostian

Cover image: by FireForge

Human, Ernfelian

ability score increase: Constitution +2
age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
alignment: Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Ostnich, and Dwarvish
parent race: Human
race features:
Sculpted by the Plateau. You have resistance to cold damage. Additionally, you treat heavily obscured areas as lightly obscured and lightly obscured areas as if they weren't obscured.
Divine Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against effects that deal radiant or necrotic damage.
Curse Spitting. If you have the Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature, you may cast the Hex spell as a class spell. If you don't, you can innately cast it once per long rest as a first level spell with constitution as your spellcasting ability.


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