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The Nine Systems


Leader   Droghi   First Officer   Second Officer   Third Officer   Fourth Officer   Followed by a number of elite troopers of other types (such as the Drop Unit ), infantry, retired army in civilian work, and civilians.

Public Agenda

Being an empire, their goals are generally to gain more territory and keep hold of the territory they already have. Usually this is done with military force, but has on at least one occasion been achieved by brokering a deal.


When logisticians go to hell, they have to manage the Stenza empire.
— Ta'zhen on leadership
  Although they call themselves "conquerers of the Nine Systems", the current Stenza empire can be more accurately, but less impressively, termed "the three and a half systems, plus whatever Ilin is doing". They have solid control over enough territory that they are still an empire, and can still wreck things for people who live there (for example, Albar), but this is clearly not their former glory.


Formalized by An'hulla in 2300, the Nine Systems as the empire is referred to today has undergone ebbs and flows in its political power over the rest of the galaxy. In fact, the term "Nine Systems" comes from a period at the height of the empire's glory when nine prominent solar systems were in some way members of the empire and made significant contributions (note: this does not and never has included Althus, despite what Althusians would say about the matter; Althus and Mudewei have their own arrangement). As of 2499, the Nine Systems are considered to be in a period of declining influence due to political corruption, the wealthy dodging taxes and doing other peculiar things, and T'zu-Crae's general brutality as Leader. Many political commentators speculate that radical reform is on the horizon.


Mudewei is ancestral territory.   Muxter, Albar, and Azor and others are held by force, and some, like Albar, are in the process of being "cleansed". Desolation has been razed and is now nominally a part of the empire. Ilin used it as a stop in his race.


Each Droga operates as a military unit in almost its entirety, from combat troops down to ship's technicians and medics. Individuals are primarily attached to their droga and fight and work alongside their cousins. The fighting force of each droga has a First Officer who takes orders from clan leaders and the First of the Stenza, and the First Officer is backed up by a Second Officer , Third Officer , and a Fourth Officer , followed by many, many infantrymen noted for various levels of combat prowess. The army is also backed up by faceless infantry drones by the millions, with remarkably bad aim for anything other than blanket fire, but they serve as shock troops and to fill out the ranks as needed.   Additionally, the Leader is guarded by a chosen body of about ten men, typically of their clan but not always, which serve as a kind of Praetorian guard. The Praetorian guard is backed up by floating orb drones which perform such functions as reporting on threats, running status checks on virtually anything requested, and in some cases accessing the entertainment library.

Technological Level

Interstellar space travel is commonplace throughout the empire, as commonplace as commercial air travel to humans. There are two classes of ships: Drifters, which are not quite capable of subspace travel (faster-than-light and subspace-capable craft. The main difference is in the engine, which may or may not be attached to two drives which work in tandem to punch a hole into subspace to allow faster travel. The armed forces typically make use of subspace craft for active battle, and anyone who can save enough krin can purchase a ticket to fly a subspace craft anywhere in the empire. Drifters are typically used for scenic trips through space.   Infantry drones have been used primarily by the military since their creation four hundred years ago. Security drones are only used by anyone who has much of anything to worry about that they cannot defend themselves against, such as certain wealthy non-Stenza individuals like Ilin and notable political figures such as the Leader.


Stenza do not care much what the people of the worlds they conquer believe (especially while in the process of killing everyone on that recently conquered world, or forcing them to do some crazy shit like build new superweapons). However, they themselves hold (with varying degrees of firmness) a religion which teaches, primarily, that the stars are the corporeal forms of many, many gods who filled out the universe as soon as there was space (see The Creation of the World). Many of these gods are unnamed, or their names were lost to time, and many more have yet to be discovered by them. The primary gods are represented by the two suns of Mudewei, seen as a mated couple who gave birth to all of life as they know it. (There are also, among many other things, a god of kicking people you don't like in the balls, a star which helps them keep time (seemingly chosen arbitrarily long ago), and a possibly joke deity responsible for miscellaneous technological problems sometimes caused by people.)   Because of the climate of the Stenza range on Mudewei, before space travel the gods were seen as rather distant beings who cared not for the affairs of the Stenza, and the two who did were rarely around. After the advent of reliable space travel (utilizing heavily the discovery of subspace as a means of faster than light travel), this idea evolved to one where each god, or star, has its own worlds that they care about. (Earth's sun is also given this treatment even if the Stenza view the choice as...interesting.)

Foreign Relations

The official foreign policy of the Nine Systems is a fairly even split between destroying a planet and its population when it fails to be useful, and trying (unsuccessfully, usually) to negotiate with the beings of other planets. Currently the Stenza are on a "destroy everyone" phase because the leader, T'zu-Crae, has trouble with individuals who are NOT strictly Stenza by his definition being residents of his empire.


After growing out of the pup stage, Stenza children begin formal training. It starts with some basics, like reading, writing, and math, and then gradually shifts into combat (one of few things you cannot learn by accessing collective knowledge) and the use of weapons and shields. Older youths compete against each other for the benefit of younger audiences, and to demonstrate how the rules work (collective knowledge can store the rules, but there is a lot of room for interpretation). Winning in these sorts of tournaments garners bragging rights and acclaim from the younger children. Additionally, older students may begin specialized study in such fields as ship repair, weapons manufacture, engineering, medical science, and so on. Depending on the desired career, a youth may need to pursue a citizenship challenge, a trial by ordeal after which survivors are granted full rights in Stenza society. The citizenship trial is considered the culmination of general education, but for some careers (i.e. most fields of medicine), further study is required, most of it is practice.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Stenza Empire, The Stenza State
Predecessor Organization
Stenza (for The Stenza ), Imperial Subject (for everyone else)
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Gift economy
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

Articles under The Nine Systems


... 1

Prior to the rise of Iradae the Lawgiver, when clans were primarily disparate units governing themselves.

  • -13799999999

    Creation of the Universe
  • -4500000


    Reign of the Proto-Stenza
    Geological / environmental event

    Ice Flats
    More reading
  • -2000000

    Approximate Evolution of the Collective Knowledge
    Geological / environmental event

  • -26999

    Oldest Known Stenza Remains
    Discovery, Scientific

  • -26600

    Earliest Use of Medical Gel
    Scientific achievement

  • -26500

    Earliest Form of Insulated Mesh
    Technological achievement

  • -26500

    Development of the Takhasar
    Cultural event

  • -26000

    Bladed Weapons Explosion
    Technological achievement

  • -26000

    Oldest Known Stenza Settlement
    Cultural event

  • -6691


    The Lean Years
    Geological / environmental event

    The true cause of the famine was an outbreak of disease among herd animals, although Stenza would not discover this until after the fact and their civilization found some degree of peace again.   The famine is the origin of the Stenza saying "organs and all" (roughly equivalent to "The Full Monty", "committing to the bit", "all in", etc. depending on context, and carries connotations of impressed terror): the Stenza custom of offering symbolically significant organs to Hunter in thanks was increasingly suspended as the famine wore on; whatever kills were made, desperate Stenza picked clean (hence, "organs and all").

  • -6627


    Life of Pentho
    Cultural event
  • -4469


    The Life of Delen the Thinker
    Cultural event

  • -1000

    Consensus Event
    Cultural event

    The last Consensus event to date, resulting in all living Stenza at the time losing all memory of the prior thirty days. It is thought by scientists that the event only ended when older pups began to shift, forcing their disconnection for their own survival.

    The Stenza
  • -45

    Discovery of Space Dust
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Stenza
    More reading
    Space Dust
  • -11


    Battle with the Stone Menace
    Military action

    More reading
    Iradae the Lawgiver
  • -2

    Invention of Stasis
    Scientific achievement

  • -1

    Food Preservation Revolution Begins
    Technological achievement

    More reading
    Food Preservation
  • -1

    Invention of Orbital Craft
    Scientific achievement

Unification of Clans

0 and beyond

Begins with the leadership of Iradae the Lawgiver

  • The First Year of Peace
    Unification of Clans
    Era beginning/end

    Iradae becomes leader

    More reading
    Iradae the Lawgiver
  • 1


    Iradae's Leadership
    Political event
    More reading
  • 2

    1 First Sunrise

    47 First Sunrise

    Developing the Twin Pillars
    Civil action

    More reading
    The Twin Pillars
  • 7


    Leadership of Ukhyhue
    Political event
    More reading
  • 14


    Leadership of Stowua
    Political event
    More reading
  • 21


    Leadership of Ieh'
    Political event
    More reading
  • 151

    First Interplanetary Probes
    Technological achievement

  • 175

    First Interplanetary Manned Craft
    Technological achievement

  • 180

    Development of Racing Pods
    Cultural event

  • 353

    Invention of Artificial Gravity
    Technological achievement

  • 364

    46 Long Night

    15 Breaking of the Flats

    First Migration Offworld
    Cultural event

  • 1031

    Discovery of Subspace
    Discovery, Scientific

  • 1032

    Invention of the Subspace Drive
    Technological achievement

  • 1033

    Invention of the Subspatial Sonde
    Technological achievement

    More reading
    Subspatial Sonde
  • 1035

    Invention of Subspace Communication
    Technological achievement
  • 1037

    First Interstellar Manned Craft
    Technological achievement

  • 1043

    First Subspatial Sonde Recovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    More reading
    Subspatial Sonde
  • 1499


    Civil War
    Military action

    For reasons unknown, two individuals of different clans got into a row over who saw which shade of blue. Due to the complex rules of interaction between individuals and clans, this sparked a chain reaction of feud-like responses until it blossomed into all out war. The war lasted for about twenty years before the clan leaders paused a moment, wondered what they were doing, and met to negotiate peace.

  • 2053

    Sequencing the Stenza Genome
    Scientific achievement

  • 2097

    Stenza Arrive on Desolation

  • 2098

    First Stable Energy Weapons
    Technological achievement

  • 2099


    Military action

    A planet burns

    More reading
  • 2149


    Leadership of Ruvva
    Political event
    The Stenza
  • 2149

    12 High Winter

    Discovery of Earth
    Discovery, Exploration

    Traveling with subspace drives that have yet to be fine-tuned, Stenza researchers and explorers happen upon a tiny, out of the way blue planet teeming with life.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 2149

    27 High Winter

    Completion of Project: Mapping Earth
    Discovery, Exploration

    Additional timelines
  • 2150

    23 Breaking of the Flats

    27 Breaking of the Flats

    Creation of Special Directive 001
    Gathering / Conference

    More reading
    Special Directive 001
  • 2167

    Invention of Teleportation
    Technological achievement

  • 2283

    The DNA Bomb Scandal
    Political event

    It is revealed to the Stenza public by a whistleblower that a First Officer was using DNA Bombs in an unauthorized fashion, resulting in the banning of their use by soldiers and the execution of the officer.

    More reading
    DNA Bomb
  • 2290

    Founding of the Nine Systems
    Political event

    More reading
    The Nine Systems
  • 2295

    Invention of Krin
    Financial Event

    More reading
  • 2300

    An'hulla Becomes Leader
    Political event

  • 2306


    Construction of The Lawgiver
    Construction beginning/end

    More reading
    The Lawgiver
  • 2370

    Edio' Becomes Leader
    Political event

    More reading
  • 2418

    Raida Becomes Leader
    Political event

    More reading
  • 2419

    25 Last Sunset

    42 Long Night

    The Clan Killings
    Military action

    Raida, First of the Stenza, takes up arms against his own people, killing the clans of Droghi who disagreed with his leadership.

  • 2419

    43 Long Night

    The Assassination of Raida
    Political event

  • 2433

    Trundakh Becomes Leader
    Political event
    The Stenza
  • 2456

    Design Reforms Create Modern Battle Armor
    Technological achievement

  • 2478


    The Purge of Muxter
    Military action

    More reading
    The Purge of Muxter
  • 2493


    The Siege of Mundeen
    Military action

    More reading
    Siege of Mundeen
    Additional timelines
  • 2493

    T'zu-Crae Becomes Leader
    Political event
  • 2496

    Last Sunset

    First Non-Stenza Becomes a Citizen
    Cultural event

    More reading
  • 2496

    Long Night

    The Destruction of Azor
    Military action

    More reading
    The Destruction of Azor
  • 2498


    The "Cleansing" of Albar
    Military action

  • 2499

    18 Long Night

    Challenge for Leader
    Life, Career


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