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First Officer

The highest rank in the Stenza military and the first of four ranks commonly classified as "ranked officers" (the other three being Second, Third, and Fourth Officers), the First Officer is commonly responsible for the movements of the entire unit across the battlefield. Practically speaking, every action down to the missions of Task Units reflects on the First Officer, however directly or indirectly.   However, the reality tends to be that the First and Second Officers are routinely jockeying for position, leaving most of the practical field work to the Third and Fourth Officers.


Ideally, anyone who wants to be promoted to First Officer must demonstrate leadership skills, forward thinking, and an ability to see the larger picture. In reality, First Officers are just as likely to possess these qualities as to be able to best their Second Officer in some contest (or outmaneuver them politically).


It is exceptionally rare to see a battlefield promotion to First Officer, as the pomp and circumstance surrounding a promotion of this kind is in many ways a mark of Stenza culture.


The First Officer is responsible for managing an entire Droga's military formation, although many take a hands-off approach when it comes to managing such small, fluid units as Task Units, and whether they are equally hands-off with their fellow ranked officers varies widely from clan to clan.


Being First Officer has a lot of social and political weight attached to it, even though First Officers do not serve on the Droghi Council (instead, they can advise clan elders who do serve on the council). Additionally, First Officers are eligible to apply for the Leadership Challenge.
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned
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Dec 26, 2020 09:31 by Brianna Siobhan Healey

Would love to see more on this rank/article.

Check out Corrigenda and 2275 earth
Dec 26, 2020 11:13

Yeah, this is looking pretty bare.

Feb 4, 2021 17:35 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'However, the reality tends to be that the First and Second Officers are routinely jockeying for position, leaving most of the practical field work to the Third and Fourth Officers.'   Sounds about right. XD

Feb 5, 2021 01:28

Politics, gotta love it.