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Valiant: April Roundup

Hallo all! We're back again with the roundup for April, and we've got an exciting update in this one. It looks like the red panda left us another three episodes this past month, and a new project: The Dreaming Draughtbook. There's a little more on that and what it is down below, but for now, here's the Valiant releases for this past month!   Tails #31: Statistically Unfair
In the aftermath of Kaya's kidnapping, the Drifters scramble to find leads, and prepare for her rescue.   CURSEd #26: Avvikerene
Dare, Kwyn, and Whisper arrive at Avvikerene, a curiously paradisiacal world restricted by the Colloquium.   Covenant #33: The Daughters of Maugrimm
On their way to reaching the Ocean of Souls, Jayta and Raikaron acquire a traveling companion, and discuss the nature of souls.   Draught #1: Dreamshare
A little something for those that want to hang out even when they're asleep.   The Dreaming Draughtbook is a little bit of worldbuilding that delves into draughts - magical drinks brewed in the Dreaming. They occasionally feature in the Valiant series, and the red panda's used them from time to time in tabletops and roleplays. After accumulating a number of different draughts over the years, our fluffy historian realized that it would be an excellent idea to collate them all in one place, format them properly, and give them some flavor and context to flesh them out. And on weeks where he isn't able to drop a Valiant episode, he can instead release one of these draughts to make up the gap. (Most Valiant episodes clock in with a wordcount somewhere between 8k and 12k, and what with work and other commitments, sometimes it's just not possible to drop an episode every week.)   This month we'll be leaving the link to The Dreaming Draughtbook below!  

The Dreaming Draughtbook

  Stay frosty,

#1st Arc Sagas Adventure! Fresh off the Press! Super!

Time Crisis
Plot | May 21, 2024

Time is running out! Stop the Vandals!

Vandals of Time
Prose | May 1, 2024
When WA announced that April's Challenge was a written adventure, I became excited! This kind of Challenge is definitely in the Arc Sagas wheelhouse! After spending the entire month working on it, I completed Arc Sagas' 1st authentic Adventure! While it still needs a little polish, it's a full-fledged Publication- you can play it right now! That is an amazing feeling! It's designed for a group of Level 1-3 Players! With plenty of scenarios and challenges, can you defeat the Vandals in Time? Multiple path progressions, a set of Pre-Made Characters, plenty of random encounters, and challenging scenarios should be good for any group! In addition! As promised, if you're a fan of Year-Ender, we have a continuation of that Story! After 5 Months, we have some movement! Inspector Jakal Court is on the case! What happened to Brennan Townsend? Will Casiada ever recover? Why is Elsie Mylee in Sanadeux City? Wait- we have a story coming with Elsie Mylee AND Jakal Court?! YES! WE DO!! IT"S HAPPENING... AGAIN! Follow Arc Sagas for more stunning tales of action and suspense! Thank you, WA Community! Enjoy! <3

Caturday Reads #1


Good timezones everyone!

  Welcome to the beginning of my personal reading challenge: Caturday Reads.   The plan is simple: pick a number of articles, read them through the week, and then share them in a journal entry every saturday. The last step is both for the sake of personal accountability, and because wanted to show my appreciation for all these great pieces, written by so many fantastic people, by sharing them here with you.   To keep this activity stress-free and engaging long-term, I've jotted down a few guidelines for myself:   1. I will not feel obligated to comment on articles.
2. It's okay to skip a week if I'm not okay; there's always next week.
3. I should aim to read 2-4 from my reading list every week.
4. Reading articles from new authors found on the discover tab is an optional bonus.   Let's see how it goes. And like, immediately disregard one of my guidelines by posting five entries. :-)   I'll start with two from the very bottom of my list - the 'Oldies but Goldies' - that's been sitting there from before my long hiatus between 2020-2022. (Both which I now noticed I had, oops, appeared to accidentally double-click the like buttons of - time to finally remedy that)
Condition | Jan 13, 2023

A disease and possession, the self dissolves and dark spirits fill the void.

Condition | Apr 29, 2023

How are mermaids made? And what about mermen or nonbinary merfolk? Find out here!

  Summer Camp and World Ember have always been fantastic events to easily discover new authors and worlds.
Ethnicity | Jul 31, 2023

"From the shackles of the past, we will rise."

Geographic Location | Dec 2, 2022
  I even found someone that writes in my native language! And their worldbuilding is great:
Species | Jul 9, 2023
  Hope you enjoy these as much as I did, and see you next week!  
  Please excuse the banner being added as a normal embed for the time being, a smol (already reported) bug prevents me from properly setting a header.   #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList

World-Building Thoughts #1 - The Value in Ambiguity

I've been inspired to document some aspects of my thought process in world-building, highlighting different subjects while I develop After Silence. And while doing so, I wanted to share those ideas, in case some other might benefit from them.   In terms of world-building, I am currently crafting four distinct social circles and cultures, all coexisting within the same geographical realm. I find the creation of cultures to be an especially fascinating facet of world-building, and there is a lot to get inspired by.   Here is my current though: The histories we craft shape the cultures within our worlds. As creators, we hold the power to delineate between fact and myth within our narratives. We decide, what really happened, and what didn't.   However, I see great value in maintaining a degree of ambiguity in historical facts. History, after all, is rarely a straightforward compilation of facts; it is subject to varied interpretations. There might be multiple reasons for it: biases that color recountings, deliberate alterations of history to consolidate power, or simple misunderstandings.   Introducing multiple perspectives on historical events can significantly enrich world-building:   1. It builds conflict. When one group venerates a historical figure as a saint while another vilifies them, the resulting tension effortlessly ads depth to your characters and your world. What one person chose to belief, tells you a lot about them.   2. It builds immersion. A history rife with diverse interpretations, much like our own, lends a sense of realism and depth to fantastical settings, making them more relatable and believable.   3. It involves the reader/player. If your history isn't just a matter of facts, but of conflicting interpretations, the reader (or your player) isn't just a passive observer anymore. They are compelled to weigh different versions of events, fostering a deeper connection with the world and its narratives. This interactive approach to history not only captivates but also deepens the investment in your lore.   What do you all think? Do you use ambiguity in your world's history? Do you agree with my random thoughts? Would love to hear about it.   (I also link an article as an example of what I am talking about, where the life of a historic figure, Krotta Deepmore, is indeed a matter of very different perspectives within my lore.)  
Deepmore Tribe
Organization | Mar 7, 2024

The Deepmore tribe of Bittermarsh is a matriarchal society known for its witchcraft and alchemy, yet regarded with suspicion by neighboring tribes for their strange arcane practices and secretive nature.


Had fun putting the WA commercial into my Morning Coffee weekly video...

Thought some might enjoy a good laugh.   This week during my Morning Coffee video, I told a story about getting pulled over for speeding, but only the passenger in the car got a ticket! HAHAHA   Here's the link: Morning Coffee with Jaime #17

Two MAJOR updates

As part of a major overhaul to VISCERIUM and its foundations, I've been working away over the past couple of months to bring you two new articles - complete re-writes of previous content. Those two articles are:
  Update #1: The Myrkild
Species | Nov 12, 2023

A Myrkild is a form of microorganism that is the basis of all beings within the Myrkildicary.

  Update #2: The Hornd & Uyil-bound
Hornd & Uyil-bound
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Dec 1, 2023

The powers bestowed upon an individual when they bind with a Naranor or Myrkild.

  As a sneak-preview to anyone who has read this far, the next major update will be unveiling the Naranor ahead of WorldEmber so that I can focus on each Zenith during the event.
  #Viscerium #DarkFantasy #DarkScienceFantasy #LowMagic

100K Words reached!

With Deign's updated article, I have finally breached the 100,000 word mark and can officially call it novel-length. It feels great to finally have reached this milestone after almost three years of working on the website. With the bulk of my work being done in the two Summer Camp events (Diamond or Dust!), I have really been trying to make an effort to keep updating this throughout the otherwise dry months. I still have not reached my goal of a solid article every week, but I am slowly clawing my way there. Special shoutout to my wife @RebelRebel97 and my #1 fan @Oscar123456789, I certainly wouldn't have made it this far without their support.
  Here's to 200k!

Valiant: April Roundup

Hallo all! It's the end of the month and I figured I'd start doing a monthly roundup for everything the red panda's managed to scribble out in the last month. Looks like 4 episodes for Valiant got dropped this April - we've listed them below for you, along with each synopsis.
  Tails #23: The Most Dangerous Prey
‌After finishing with a pest control assignment, the Drifters start planning for their vacation.
  Valiant #29: Sunbuster
‌While Kiwi meets with the Maskling Council, Songbird encounters an unusual trio with a vested interest in his relationship with Kiwi.
  CURSEd #18: Culling
‌Whisper and Kwyn are dispatched to Wisconsin to investigate a set of political assassinations.
  Covenant #23: The King of Pain
‌One of Raikaron's relatives makes a house call when a visit to the House of Envy goes awry.

Valiant: Season 2


Evenacht Snake's Den Chapter 28: Rank and Vile is Live!

Check out Chapter 28 here.
  Vantra and company race against time to reach the temple before more death and destruction occurs.

  The 2nd editions of The Wellspring Dragons Books 1-3 will be out at the end of May. Once up, I'll take down the 1st editions from Amazon. The 2nd editions have a few changes: new covers, no illustrations, and they won't be in Kindle Unlimited.
  I'll post illustrations, the old ones as well as new versions. The big reason I'm taking them out of the books is that Amazon charges authors extra for every 1mb of size of the book ($0.15) and illustrations make books much larger (they even slapped a warning on my first editions, telling readers they were huge). You'll find artwork on The Wellspring Dragons book site here at World Anvil, and perhaps on KoFi. I don't have the fans to monetize, so I'll likely make the images free.
  And no Kindle Unlimited, until Amazon decides indie authors aren't kickballs. It's a real shame they have the largest market share for books, considering how they treat authors.
  You can check out the new covers and book descriptions here.
  I'm looking for a Twitter alternative (have been for months) and nothing's really stuck. I might just make a Tumblr account; I hear a lot of authors are returning to the platform. Maybe upload to TikTok (now that it's enemy #1. Anyone else see parallels with it and the scaremongering that happened with MySpace?) or focus on YouTube.
  Ah, the bane of the indie author--marketing.
  Take care, all

Road to Publishing #11

Hello all! I hope the new year has been kind so far.
  It’s been a while since the last update on the revision of Where Dragons Rule: Rebirth. So here it is.
  Currently, chapter 12 has been completed (the first version has 24 chapters). Unlike the previous version, this one features two new character POVs which are being written from scratch. One of those arcs will follow Aubrey and her events following Dissent. The other will feature a brand-new character who has stronger ties to things than she realizes.
  The goal is to expand on the ever-growing story and give you a glimpse into the things Aeris doesn’t see. Her “demise” has farther-reaching consequences than she realizes and it’s going to have some major effects on how things play out.
  As of right now, I don’t have plans to release a physical copy of the book. Physical versions are a whole other beast for formatting and such. Also, I wanted to do something a little different for the physical versions although that’s currently not in the cards for a lot of reasons.
  Sorry, but there is no planned release date just yet. I’ve proven I’m terrible at setting deadlines and sticking to them so I’m not even going to try. Hopefully, I finish it this year especially if I can maintain the current momentum, but we’ll see. The goal is to keep making progress; it keeps the stress down and ensures the story keeps on its current path.
  That’s all for now. Stay safe everyone and remember to take it one word at a time.

Plans for 2023

Welcome to 2023, everyone!
  The year has started and with it changes: some strengths, some caution from 2022 lessons, and some new ideas and plans for the Old Worlds.
  I prepared a handful of things I want to do this year:
Plan #1 is to post a monthly update to organize my work and life a little bit.
Plan #2 is to plan one month ahead: the goals will not be big and I will have a clear stand on whether I take part in a challenge/competition or not.
Plan #3 is to organize Ædeos to the point it's user-friendly and navigable.

  The January update will be coming late, maybe at the end of the week, but you can expect some info regarding the New Year Resolution challenge. Reading is always fun and learning new things is always a good way to start a new year.
  Stay safe and have fun worldbuilding!

Worldember status report #1

Am finally back in the writing mood and was writing quite a bit in the past 6 days. Feels good to be back.~
  Started strong with Worldember writing out the following articles:
  A special rank bestowed first to my kobold Evamal:
Vapor's other eye
Rank/Title | Dec 8, 2022

Administrative overseer of Leviathan's engineering crew.

A beneficial condition caused through a firery kiss:
Ignis' boon
Condition | Dec 8, 2022

You are an ally to the primordial fire of creation.

The artificial subspecies of Noctec: A Cross of Kobold and Insect:
Species | Dec 4, 2022

A necessary byproduct of a secret project

A new entry to the spellbook: Plasma:
Plasma // Constructs
Spell | Oct 11, 2023

Commanding the fourth state.

  And as a small bonus: A gallery of all my SFW Kingsmaker art.~
The art of Kingsmaker {SFW}
Generic article | Dec 8, 2022

An artistic journey all around Prius.

  More will surely follow, until next time ^^

A TIME-ly Update #1

Welcome to the very first TIME-ly update, courtesy of your very own TimeBender here on World Anvil/some other places,or SherbertTime on Wattpad/YouTube and some other places! I'm going to try to use this format for my updates from now on.
So, what is going on? What on Earth am I doing since I haven't posted a single article on World Anvil? I have been working, surprisingly enough, on my worlds, in secret. I've decided to do my worlds in the format of R. Dylon Elder's The Void Between, which is SUCH a good read, and I'm super inspired by his works! He's also a really great person, so you should go check out his worlds. :D
Now, about my novels. In the past, I had tried to post my works as I wrote them, which didn't go so great for my perfectionistic brain, and I kept taking them down/deleting them. I've decided that I want to treat my World Anvil worlds themselves like novels, as in I won't be just worldbuilding there, I will be writing my worldbuilding like a novel. Sooo, maybe I can trick my brain into posting it like it's worldbuilding? As that didn't seem to freak out my brain when I would post conflicting notes for worldbuilding.
Where can these stories be found? First and foremost, I will finally (FINALLY) be writing A Safe Place to Hide in the world of the same name. Alternatively, you can check out my Wattpad page to see as the stories go up (you can find me as SherbertTime on there, I do not have any stories up there as I make this post), I may also write fanfiction on there I will not be posting here.
Do I have a novel lineup? No. And there's a reason for that. If I assign my stories slots, I know my rebellious little brain will want to work on another one than the one I have posted for next. I don't want to accidentally lie about which story will be coming after A Safe Place to Hide, so there will be no novel lineup.
Now, what the heck is A Safe Place to Hide about? Well, to put it simply, here's a logline: A young monster raised by humanity learns his best friend who had been presumed dead a year ago, in fact not dead. Pulled into a desperate attempt to stop a mafia conspiracy to take over the city-state they live in by deposing of the fairly elected government, the young male finds himself fighting to survive in a world where the real monsters aren't who you think they are.
A quick side note: currently, I'm in the process of moving to another state, and so that's probably going to take up a lot of time. Bear with that in mind, I'll write as much as I can, but if you get weekly chapters, I would be thrilled. I would love to post more than once a week, but I don't know if I'll have the time/energy to do so. Also, hopefully I'll get a new computer at some point after I move, like maybe a real computer, not a laptop that hates me. XD
Well, this has been one long post, so I'm going to cut it here. Thanks so much for reading, and I hope the writing is ever in your favor. :D

August Reading with Lavani #16

"It was nice to learn about the Nalanmarite's culture, from common etiquette and sayings to ideals and languages!" -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.


August Reading with Lavani #15

"A colossal fungal forest, druids dreaming of a grove covered in beautiful mushrooms- The Sea of Spores has so many details and dangers!" -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.


#TuesdayFiction and August Reading with Lavani #14

It's still Tuesday! I almost forgot to hit post on this message. Join me on Twitter to share your worldbuilding articles, stories, or art for Tuesday Fiction. Primrose

"The Temple of the First Imaginer was lost to time and found only in myth now, will it ever be recovered? And, what if it's location was actually blocked from divination and the seers! What force would do that?" -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.


August Reading with Lavani #13

"Egiten's world travels as an archeologist present her great puzzles to unravel. She may be relentless enough to see past historical bias and find the authentic past." -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.


August Reading with Lavani #12

"Crowald County value artisans and craftsmanship. The forest and land is protected and used wisely. Seems like a great place to visit during a festival!" -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.


August Reading with Lavani #11

"The sun not rising for years is a bad omen for sure. Unparalleled faith allowed the Order of the Rising Sun to wake a goddess. I believe they will be successful in their Exploration, Missionary, and Defense efforts." -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.


August Reading with Lavani #10

"Cursed Kraken blocking the waterways! Overland Llama transport is an amazing way to adapt. The one drawback is all that paperwork. I don't like paperwork either." -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.


Leno's Worldbuilding Week #16

So, I have been quiet for a few weeks. First of all, I did not finish SummCamp 2022; I merely did a single prompt, and did not find the inspiration or had the mood to write the others. Certain IRL things also happened that downed my mood further. Honestly, I have not written much at all these last few weeks; I have done some more work on my military train but it goes slow. Although I did work on some other articles during the period when SummerCamp was ongoing, most of which were centered around the Metro system of Niarem. I also did a major update of my city-realm Niarem, and came up with a few new terms that help with descriptions.
Niarem Railway Metro
Generic article | Oct 23, 2022

The extensive railway network of Varldstan Niarem

Varldstan Niarem
Settlement | Jul 10, 2022

A varldstan realm that primarily embodies a post-apocalyptic metropolis covered in vegetation. Home of the Anishan and protected by living weapons: the Niarem Protectorate.

  I did, however, make one joke article. A short one, that was actually rather fun to write. A gender-bend potion. With perhaps more negatives than positives, since I did not want to make it too common in my setting. The physical changes it brought forth upon its consumers felt too big in my mind. Its initial power was too great, so I wing clipped it essentially. But, nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it, if you decide to read it. Slipped in a little internet easter egg there too. Comments are appreciated, if possible.
Gender-Bend Formula
Item | Jan 27, 2023

A formula that turns you into the opposite sex. Also makes you temporary sterile and is extremely painful to experience.

  Another reason why I haven't written anything is that I have been snared by Twitter. I have spent maybe a bit too much time browsing it. Primarily to look at, and comment on artwork I find.

In Case You Missed It....

Thanks to everyone so far who has reached out via my google form for the #16: A Great Leader of Their People prompt that I'm sponsoring. If you haven't yet, check it out! It's not too late (yet...) I'm planning to cut off responses this upcoming Saturday, August 6th, 2022.
  ALSO, you may or may not have seen that I was featured in Qurilion's Imaginaerium with this article that can help you with adding sound, voice, and personality into your world to help you fully immerse your readers (and maybe even listeners)!
Crafting Fully Immersive Worlds: Adding Audio Elements and Personal Voice
Generic article | Mar 21, 2024

Sights, smells, feels, tastes, and SOUNDS! Draw people into your world by various means.

  I've also been reading all your journal entries with your upcoming plans. I pray the best and much success in your endeavors this month! <3


In case you missed it, I've decided to sponsor a prompt this year! It's #16: A Great Leader of Their People. Did you manage to churn out the prompt this year? If so, congratulations! You've got the potential to win a spectacular prize package!  

A Promo Bundle that includes...

  • A special short video with music
  • A Read-Aloud narration of the article
  • A custom sticker inspired by the work.
  •   If this sounds interesting, please be sure to fill out this google form linked here.   Yes. I'm quite aware that there is a competition page where I can see all 325 entries in one place. (I linked it above XP) but I have created this special form to gather information about some of the articles. I'd like to know if there are any specific points you'd like me to focus on, AND, most of all, I'm asking if you wouldn't mind me reading some of your articles live on my Twitch stream sometime during this month!  

    Please respond to this form by this Saturday, August 6, 2022 so that I can roll out my schedule!

    Please note that being read aloud on stream does not increase or decrease your chances of winning the prize package, so it's totally fine if the answer is NO. You can let me know this in the form above as well!  

    Whatever you choose, God bless and much success with your August plans! <3


    Leno's Worldbuilding Week Report #15

    This week has been well. I haven't done another Summer Camp article, but I will see how it goes with these new prompts. I finally managed to complete my major update for my Varldstan Niarem article. It has become quite extensive if I say so myself. I am quite pleased with it. Some things I added were environmental characteristics, how the city is generated with power and its general weather.
    Varldstan Niarem
    Settlement | Jul 10, 2022

    A varldstan realm that primarily embodies a post-apocalyptic metropolis covered in vegetation. Home of the Anishan and protected by living weapons: the Niarem Protectorate.

      As I rewrote the article, however, I found myself doing a deep dive into the city's metro system, which was unplanned. But in the end, I am happy with what came out of it.
    Niarem Railway Metro
    Generic article | Oct 23, 2022

    The extensive railway network of Varldstan Niarem

      And as I wrote the article of the metro system, I ended up writing about the personnel who work on the trains. They were a bit tricky but nonetheless fun.
    Niarem train conductors
    Profession | Jul 10, 2022

    Niarem train conductors are cybernetically augmented female Anishans that can be found working onboard train cars moving across the Niarem Railway Metro.


    Leno's worldbuilding week report #14

    This week I have mainly begun some rework of my Niarem Realm article, but I did not manage to finish it.
      I did, however, write a prompt of Summer Camp and took the opportunity to dwell into my time/space realm. Is okay I think.
    Realm of Afratmé
    Geographic Location | Jul 2, 2022

    The realm of time and space. Wander its surface and you traverse time itself.

      I will see if I write more and manage to get a copper badge this year, but we will see.

    Leno's Worldbuilding Week Report #13

    This week I worked on some quite fun articles!
      This article took care of a problem I have had for quite some time regarding my seemingly flat, infinite realms. I think it worked out really well. It also was one that gave me a very calm feeling while writing it. I hope you enjoy it! And fun fact: Himlavalv is Swedish for Heaven Vault.
    Item | Jan 6, 2023

    The artificial sky of a realm created. A vast painting that is either ever-changing or static.

      I was going to write about artificial primordial moon artifacts, but instead, I got spontaneous and wrote this article. Inspired by AwsmChimera's work, I took the opportunity to write about a radio station located in my science fantasy setting. I have had plans on writing on, but never really had good ideas for it.
    Anvelian Radio
    Organization | Jun 24, 2022

    A radio channel hosted by a member of the Anvelian Guild; Chimera Lian.

      Possible plans for this week is completing the overhaul of my Varldstan Niarem article and continuing on my Lunais Crescents, which are the moon variants of my Solis Rings (which function as suns).
      Hope you all have a wonderful week and do not forget to stay hydrated in this warm weather.

    Leno's Worldbuilding Week Report #11

    This week has been rather slow, except for the last two days. I finally managed to write and publish some articles and got some additional ideas for others that will solve some worldbuilding problems I have encountered. Work on my Dhavian article is also proceeding well. Hopefully it will be done this week, but we'll see.
      Thie idea for this article came to be as I was working on my Dhavians. Just a fun concept that sounded logical to me.
    Stillborn Realms
    Geographic Location | Jun 12, 2022

    Realms whose creation-process was inadequate and most often cataclysmic in nature. Sterile and inhospitable.

      The idea for this article came to be, as I wrote the description for the Stillborn Realms. I struggled quite a bit with this one, particularly what it was and how it came to be. I cheated, and choose both as possible theories xd.
    Void Rifts
    Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jun 12, 2022

    Phenomena that offers a glimpse into the Voids. And tells that something is terribly wrong with the Fabric of Reality


    Vreathe Worldbuilding Update #1 + too many notifications

    I decided to write a community post every two weeks on what I accomplish with my worldbuilding in the fantasy world of Vreathe   Since I restarted the world I have an Introduction article covering most details about the world::
    Explorer's Guide to Vreathe
    Generic article | Dec 28, 2023

    A short summary of everything on Vreathe from its gods and world to its history and people...

    I also started hammering out the Magic System in the world, and I wrote a little about a Magic Map that the main character owns. There isn't much more to say right now. My goals for the next month is to refine the magic system, describe how Chemical Elements Interact With Mana, and start on details for the story. The new Chronicles feature looks like the way to go for history leading up to the story...but I need to figure it out first.   I also have a Summer Camp Article detailing what my plans are for the Summer (both in Vreathe and my Sci-Fi World The Cairn Sector::
    Summer Camp 2022
    Generic article | Oct 26, 2023

    My SC article with goals and a progress tracker

      I'm not slowing down in my worldbuilding. In fact it will accelerate through the summer. I got two worlds to work on now, and I probably won't run out of ideas anytime soon.     Note to Self, Ignoring Notifications for too long just gives me a longer list of things to do... Also, I Just went through over 500 notifications from a hundred or so authors and 41 followed worlds. I normally check my notifications from the bottom so undeleted ones were skewed towards the beginning of the year. Still got to respond to several comments made on my articles from up to four months ago, and there's a story from the Void Between I still need time to read.   Today I read through so many articles from so many different genres that everything kind of blurred together towards the end. Various models of Diesel Tech Power Armor totally exists in the Secret Agent Federal Republic of the future, and they also worship the Nadirs of Sin and make Angelic pacts, and I distinctly remember Roman legionnaires carrying guns. Pretty sure I didn't imagine that last one.   Not doing that again. I need to make it a point to go through all my notifications any time there are a hundred or more.

    Leno's Worldbuilding Week Report #10

    This week was rather uneventful. I struggled quite a lot with one article, and instead went and did some quick and short species articles for my RWBY Fanfic Project that has been lying dormant for a few months, at least. A nice change of pace I think.
    Species | Jun 6, 2022

    Wolf Faunus, one of the more common Faunus types in Remnant.

    Species | Jun 4, 2022

    Chameleon Faunus, one of the more uncommon Faunus types in Remnant.

      I am not sure I will partake in Summer Camp this year, though I will see. Doubt it will reach the 50k mark if so. Maybe one or two articles, depending on the prompts.
      Hope you all have a nice week, and take care!

    Casual Community Challenge #2

    Looking for a casual, no stakes challenge where everyone wins? Look no further! The CCC aims to be a casual, low-stress challenge to encourage folk to try something new, read articles from new authors, or simply get some worldbuilding done!
      You'll find the entries from the last CCC in the bottom section of this post!

    Prompt for June-July

    Every group has something they try to exclude, whether or not it's harmless. Write about something that's ostracized by someone in your world, be it a religion, tradition, person, or whatever you can think of!
      We'll run through August 1st! But if you're late, there's no worries— you can still comment below and I can add your prompt to the eventual list! Remember to post your article in the comments below, and you can discuss the prompt in my discord server!

    Challenge #1 Articles

    Prompt: Write about something controversial in your world— this can be a person, object, historic moment, or even a plant.
    Elmes Dewstone
    Character | Jan 7, 2024
    The Dark Lord
    Character | Apr 19, 2022

    Learn the legend of the terrifying Dark Lord. Gone though he may be, his legacy still lives on...

    Bel Azinedar
    Character | Apr 29, 2022

    Inspektor der Azinedar, Bewunderer heilmischer Kultur und Eigentümer der Taverne Dardhaliga Kandigkowntri

    Palanoq: Charmer of Flesh
    Character | Apr 30, 2022

    An immortal musician cursed with an instrument of flesh, which forces him to challenge any musician he comes across— resulting in the horrible disfiguration of all around him.


    Awesome Adventures #1

    Reading other entries is one of my favorite aspects of taking part in the challenge. When contrasting my own work with other approaches and styles, it is easier to identify areas where I can improve. Here, I want to share a few articles that stuck out to me in being particularly effective in some aspect. Give them a read if you will, and let me know if you agree. Naturally, there are many more excellent articles - this list is not exhaustive by any means.
      1) Sundown for Paththorn: An adventure in an unique fantasy western setting. It stands out for its complex characters. The scenario provides modular endings, both lovingly crafted and with a lot of agency for the players.
      2) Dragon Bone Talisman Detected!: Secret agents tracking down supernatural threats is a recipe for fun. This adventure carries a strong atmosphere in its writing and is amazingly well structured, while providing branching paths and different endings that depend on the players actions.
    Dragon Bone Talisman Detected!
    Plot | Feb 10, 2024

    A team of the dragon bone division is sent out to track down a talisman.

      3) The Abandoned Lighthouse: This is one for fans of mysteries. After the Lighthouse Keeper vanished with his family, you are tasked to investigate. There are plenty of well written clues to be found and puzzles to be solved; the writing conveys a peaceful yet eerie mood fitting to a detective story.
    The Abandoned Lighthouse
    Plot | Jan 8, 2024

    A one-shot adventure designed for L3 and up adventuring parties. Easy to run as an intro to the world or just a fun one-off.

      These are all I have for now, but I want to do at least one other entry later on. If you are interested, I would very much appreciate to hear your thoughts on my own entry: Carbon Copy Paradise.
    Carbon Copy Paradise
    Plot | Apr 30, 2022

    A rogue AI has taken over Emerald Gardens Hotel and started to kill its guests. As they attempt to escape, the characters uncover a terrifying truth...


    An Article Every Day #100

    And here we are, on the last entry for this series. Today was a long one, as I started restructuring the Astronomy section since I published a bunch of stuff as generic articles before finding out that planets were a sub-type of Geography. Also made the rest of my main timeline public.

    As for the actual writing bit, today I published Tau'hrin from the backlog (along with its own timeline entry) in addition to a new species called the rabbac.

    My main focus for a while will be the completion of my current manuscript with sporadic bursts of publishing to combat bouts of boredom or writer's block.

    Hope y'all are having fun doing what you do. Shoot me a message on Discord if you want. My handle there is jakkym#0048. Peace!


    Leno's Worldbuilding Week Report #1

    This week (the week that has been, not the present one) has been slow, at least in a way.
      I finally completed my Seers Armor article, which is part of my Armor Series, same with the Maiden Armor, if anyone remembers it. I have been struggling with it for several months but managed to get most of it done. Will probably recheck it later as there are some details I am unsatisfied with. It is rather big too, going up above 6k words.
    Seers Armor
    Item | Mar 22, 2022

    One of the most protective and powerful armor sets in all of Existence. One that sees that which wish to remain unseen.

      The other article I did was more of a makeover and one that was sorely needed. It is in regards to one of my magic systems, which I mainly did because of Rule of Cool. But I find it both fun and interesting.
    Strings of Sereoth
    Physical / Metaphysical Law | Mar 19, 2022

    One of the most enigmatic and fundamental magical systems in all of Existence. One that has a direct connection with the Fabric of Reality.

      And a quick link to my world, if anyone wishes to look through the homepage or something.

    Casual Community Prompt #1

    You know what's really cool about World Anvil? When we all get together to write articles based on a prompt, and are swept up in each other's enthusiasm. I ain't talking competition— I'm talking pure, unleaded, wholesome community events.   For those of us who don't have a competitive bone in our bodies, but still want to work together on a shared challenge without the competitive talk— I'm going to start doing bi-monthly(?) prompts! These are going to be low stakes, lowkey, casual challenges— whether or not you finish in time isn't even important! This is about sharing an experience and supporting one another!   At the end of it all I'll try and compile a bunch of the articles in another journal post, and encourage everyone to share what articles they enjoyed! To join, simply comment on this post with your article when finished! If you want to discuss your article, and ask for feedback or advice, you can do so in my discord server!  

    Prompt for March-April

    Every community has a controversy, no matter how small, and your world is likely no different. Write about something controversial in your world— this can be a person, object, historic moment, or even a plant.   Whatever it is, just make sure to include the controversy it stirs! What does each side think about it? Does anyone benefit from it? Is the controversy perhaps manufactured? Does someone want it to go away?   We'll run through May 1st! But if you're late, there's no worries— you can still comment below and I can add your prompt to the eventual list!   Remember to post your article in the comments below, and you can discuss the prompt in my discord server!   *Edit— I should've titled this "Casual Community Challenge" for the alliteration but oh well— future ones will use this title!

    Kreative Kaiju #1 - Impostor Syndrome Released!

    What started as a little insanity project while I was sick, was released into the wild today. Feel free to pick up a copy on (Free/PWYW)
    Kreative Kaiju Zine
    Events/Collections | Feb 1, 2022

    Kreative Kaiju Zine pokes a stick at the monsters that keep creators like us from doing our best and completing projects. If we can remove the fangs from something, we can conquer it.

      Hopefully in time, this little zine project will get it's own world. But getting this done last week was a miracle in itself. :D

    Sunday Spotlight! #1

    As the Numidius is experiencing a total eclipse, me and rttuo decided to use this opportunity and shine a spotlight on some of the stranger creatures living within it.   We got some predatory plants, plants that decided they want to be snakes, huge aquatic bats, for some reason two species of transdimensional grasshoppers, and more strange examples of how life, uh... finds a way.   We wish you all a nice week.   See you again next Monday with another Sunday Spotlight!  

    Organizing and art

    I haven't gotten much writing done the past couple days... been getting my articles arranged and organized. Also trying to get more art done to upload.
      What have I actually accomplished? Well, the timeline is finally filled out, not complete, but gives a better idea of the world. I probably have 20 or so placeholder articles right now... mostly those are the landmass and some cities that I keep running into and not being able to link to... The process of having to pause writing and go to make the articles messes with my flow, and I always have so much on my mind and in my life going on... when i break the flow, who knows when i'll get back to that article i paused.
      Anyway... Thought I would get this journal entry and keep everyone updated.
      In WE, I have the #1 Organization tied with someone else... that's very exciting for my first World Ember :) come check it out and let me know what you think! Of course, feel free to meander around and see what is coming up in Apeiros.

    Food Hot Take #1

    Pineapple does NOT belong on pizza. I rather enjoy pizza and I am greatly allergic to pineapple.

    Monday Update #18

    Hey! :D time for a Monday Update again.
      I think I promised you photos of Idyll's Birthday cake? Here you go:

      Other than the little family party for the world of Idyll, I have mostly worked on my Kickstarter. I have also started pondering the story I'm going to work on for NaNo this year. It takes place in Breck's Haven.
      That's it for this update! See you next week. :)

    Monday update #17

    Woop! worked hard on my kickstarter this week, so today I decided to reintroduce myself to Blender. XD I did some character sculpting in it years ago. Next year I'm planning on learning how to do environments so I can make my own "photos" for my worlds. :)
      One of my secret projects is to do a photo art book for my worlds....and the other secret project I have I'm not gonna talk about yet because that's something I'm gonna do and "finish"... "pretty quickly" after the CYOA Kickstarter series is finished. XD
      It's at least quicker to do than the Blender adventure is going to be. XD;;



    Here's a 24-hour early Monday update. XD
      I have finished the 41 prompts that I set out to do. :)
      Here are the 31 prompts for my public world:
      Here are my 10 prompts for my currently private world (the world will become public when I am finished with some core articles) Breck's Focus First Graduation The Pond Ghost of the Pond Moon Dragon Festival Love at the Moon Dragon Festival The Healing Ward Soul Pens Teacher Web

    SummerCamp 15!

    I have gotten so much more done that I thought I would this month! Officially, I'm stopping at #15 for articles created, because I have some fiction I still want to get done for subscribers and at least one quick fix for public release, before my next surgery. <3 (And also I want to read several several articles before the end of the month!!)
      I hope your July is going well, regardless of how many articles you've decided to do. <3
      Dani articles:
      Owner (Underhaven/Salacios)
      McLelas Brothers (Relek City Series)
      Connor (Maliçade/Telluria)
      Fate/Sascha (Centraleasque Zone)
      General Luridity Galaxy
      I also wrote a short story this month. Set in Maliçade, it features Connor and a Tellurian named Ransom. You can read the blurb here!
    Acquisition of Service Index
    Story Index | Jul 23, 2021

      Luridity ALSO got a new theme song, from the talented Lu Cutuli. It's front and center on the Luridity homepage, a jazzy piece just right for the galaxy. :D Go have a listen!
      (And YES, she's available for more commissions!)
      August will bring my (hopefully last and incredibly helpful) surgery, recovery, and a way to get back into the swing of things that is healthy and happy, so I can return to missions for To Do List Adventures and stories for Luridity. :)
      How is the approaching end of your month looking? What are you looking forward to in August?

    Monday update #14

    Been busy with my kickstarter and the SummerCamp. I'm well on my way to 41 prompts. :D
      Been pondering more stories for Idyll and the story that I'm going to write in Breck's Haven during NaNo this year.
      Other than that I don't have much to report. Been busy. XD;;;
      The prompts in my public world
      The prompts in my private world:

    I didn't expect to have this much fun with an Inhospitable Location. But here's Prompt #11.

    Relay Station 315 ended up having much more story than I expected. It's just shy of a thousand words, but I could write 20 000 and still not be done. There's SO MUCH here!
      But I will leave it here. Leave all these threads lying bare. Open for anyone to pick up and let their imagination go wild.

    Monday update #12

    Noooes, Time, my mortal enemy has struck again! I'm back to real-life work today. T^T
      Am mostly working on my Kickstarter and pondering my secret project ...and turning my novel drafts into comic scripts.

    Secret project characters as chibis....the symbols behind them are the symbols of the magic class they have chosen.
      The Summer camp prompts I have done for a world that is currently private.

    Monday update #11

    This weekend Sable, Eli, and I had a 5-hour long stream talking about our Kickstarters. :D It was fun and you can check it out over here:
      I have also been working on the characters for a secret project that I will be working on after the CYOA is finished. ...well, I will also be working on "The House of Adventurers" series when I'm done with the Zine. :D ...still unsure if I'm going to do it as a webcomic or as a novel...maybe both. XD
      Putting images of the characters in my secret project over my bed. XD

    Monday update #10

    This update is earlier than usual because I have to get up early this week!
      I have been working on my Kickstarter and two secret projects the previous week. XD
      For the Kickstarter, I have done the preliminary page allocation (with post-it notes XD) and come to the conclusion that I really really want to add in some more pages. So if you have the previous zine and am backing this second one please head over to today's Kickstarter update and answer my question there. (right under the photo, might be 30 minutes until KS posts it) ...I want to know if you mind having two different bindings on your zines. (The first Zine had staple binding and if I do more than 64 pages for this second Zine I need to use perfect binding)
      Summer Camp is also starting soon :D so I have been doing the homework.
      Here is my pledge document: Summer Camp Pledge 2021
      *goes back to doing vacation things*

    Costume Challenge 2020 reads #1

    Some recent works submitted to the #WACostumeChallenge.
      1. Aztec/Mayan inspired world. This article is brilliant in its simplicity and construction: nicely divided and presented, with a graphic or two to lighten in up. A bit of a downside from readers perspective would be the abundance of foreign terms, which was overwhelming for me.
    Item | Jan 15, 2024

      2. Neat graphical abstract in the beginning of the article. A cool addition of public perception and... "conspiracy theories". :D
    The Nightfarer Regalia
    Item | Mar 25, 2022

      That would all for the day. Hopefully I'll write an entry each day until the end of the "Sharing Period".

    Monday update #1 -Issue 1 of "Surviving Idyll" is out.

    So, this is my first journal entry! :D
      Everyone who kickstarted my "Surviving Idyll" CYOA should have received access to it by now. :D (If you are a part of the Kickstarter and haven't gotten access to the digital version then poke me. It should be found on the front page of the world of Idyll. The printed versions have also started showing up, if yours haven't arrived in 2 weeks then contact me. :)
      It's going to be Kickstarter exclusive forever. :3 ...and the next issue should be kickstarted in June.
      I have also worked a bit on my currently private world "Breck's Haven". Timepool is helping me with a for a thing and I'm in the middle of commissioning .....another thing for the world. XD;;
      I need to be writing an article a week for that world because I want it to be presentable and public in time for Summercamp. :3

    My Inspirations #1

    I feel like I'm slowly approaching the day I will have time to work on my world again. Still busy as hyuck, but it's coming alright.   In the meantime, I had the idea to start listing some of the biggest inspirations for me while writing the setting, themes, and people of my world. I do obviously take inspiration from some fantasy-genre conventions since this is the first major world I'm creating (not really, but kind of). Still, I try to break away from the tropes-conveyer belt with other forms of art that define better how I want to present Album.   This will be a long list, so I will unveil them gradually, probably at random order, and once every few articles I publish on here.  

    Inspiration #1939 - Attack On Titan (Shingeki No Kyojin)

    I am an anime-only watcher who avoids spoilers, so this is my opinion formed based on everything up to season 4, part 1. I give no spoilers here
      As some of you may have noticed, I indulge rather much in politics when crafting my articles. Hey, my latest one was literally on a xenophobic, misogynistic nationalist influencer who established a cult and led pogroms on witches.   I cannot deny the fact that this show has captivated me since 2013. Mysterious giants called titans (theme of cannibalism) roaming a germanic fantasy world (like another show I love) and spiderman-esque fighters trying to fend them off and reveal the hidden ancient secrets of their world. I was hooked from the first second.   Then the author (Iseyama, the mangaka) managed to elevate it with his sympathetic and intimate treatment of soldiers and especially child soldiers who are thrusted into an unjust war they didn't start.  
    "The world is a cruel but beautiful place"
    — Mikasa, Attack On Titan
      When the third season aired, I was completely floored by the BIG REVEAL. It somehow managed to exceed the expectations the big secret had fostered until that moment, which is insanely rare in most such stories.   But BOY OH BOY, was I not ready for the final season (part 1) that finished airing last month. I was - more than once - shaken to my core by the choices the author made for the story direction and specifically the main characters. It certainly struck a personal chord with me and rattled my world view.   The show didn't shy away from clear parallels to real-life horrible events from - quite recent - history. AND I LOVED IT FOR IT! It is actually saying some worldly truths through brilliant storytelling and characterization.   Most of all, however, I just wish to be able to produce half of the EPICNESS feeling this show's world-defining moments generated.   I have taken major inspiration from those elements when writing some of my articles, and I will surely implement more in my future world-building efforts.   I recommend to anyone who clicks with everything I just described to give this anime a shot and get some 'inspiration juice' like I did.

    RFR Update #1

    Working on a few articles and I might need help with grammar. Also, I being intentionally vague in some of these articles and the meta because they may contain spoilers for the story of RFR.


    Good day / afternoon / evening / night everyone!   So with the completion of the Advent Calendar Prompts {2020} (apparently being 1 of 15 people; see 00:51-00:54 WA's Stream on 13 Feb 2021; see min. 51-54), I needed a bit of a break. The past 10 days have been a combination of non-hobby work at home, rest, medical appointments, and resetting my mentality with respect to worldbuilding. Essentially, I've done everything I set out to (at least in part) for February and pondered next steps a bit (WIP - it's WorldAnvil, all things are WIP lol).   Update on February Plan of Attack
    • DONE - Build workstation in FREEZING basement
    • DONE - Semi-arbitrary writing goal of 25,000 words by the end of February
    • DONE - Finish the remaining 25+ advent calendar prompts before the World Ember awards ceremony on 6 Feb 2021
    The Uncertain Future
    1. My Creative Space
    My workstation will have to do for now. It's freezing down here (13-17 °C a.k.a 55-63 °F). I have taped a small square of cardboard to the vapour barrier to add a layer to the wall, placed some cardboard boxes along the permeter of my space, and laid another square of cardboard and a small rug over the concrete floor underneath my desk and chair. Instead of building a PC to replace my laptop, I prioritized spending on ergonomic items (dual monitors, wired mouse, sit/stand desk, & adjustable chair) due to my pain issues. All these items can be moved into the office upstairs once my wife can return to her employer's office space - hopefully Apr. 2021 if the government's COVID-restriction relaxation plan doesn't change here. Regardless, a rebuild of the space will be necessary in spring since I think I found a leak in the window well.   2. My Profile (xtremepsy) and Content
    Since I can't allocate money to a PC to stream or produce videos, I will continue with producing ad-hoc worldbuilding content and these blogs for now. I know all this work is primarily for my own consumption but I do like knowing that someone else may also benefit / want to read my blatherings.   For the past few weeks I've been mentally churning ideas on developing social media profiles, publishing blogs on my learnings/experience, and writing creative works (in addition to worldbuilding for my personal TTRPG content) too. It has gotten to the point that I've centralized my personal accounts as "xtremepsy" and made a few new profiles (namely Instagram & Twitter) as simple, proactive measures to demarcate my public and private online profiles.   3. "Collaborative Worldbuilding for Writers & Gamers" & My World (Olutanri)
    My copy of Dimi's and Janet's #1 recommended book for worldbuilding arrived on 8 Feb. and I may have finished it earlier today (16 Feb.) I also MAY have written 32 pages of notes. For reference, the book is 223 pages so a 86% compression ratio isn't that bad.. right? It's a good read and I found it informative (although I do have a few complaints regarding its internal consistency that I'll keep to myself).   As I started worldbuilding with no prior knowledge, experience, or process, Olutanri is a little all-over-the-place. Its state is also compounded by the sporadic nature of the advent calendar prompts - a thought that I echo with some other Anvilites. I was able to make it work because my world is large and quite undeveloped; however, several articles are 'out-of-scope'.

    So - am I crazy if I write a blog article with a condensed version of my notes that I expand with my thoughts/findings as I incorporate my learnings into Olutanri?   As always, thank you for reading - I'm going to go try warm up now,

    -Mark a.k.a. xtremepsy | Olutanri

    A Brief Xposition #1: Jan. 2021 Recap & Feb. 2021 Plan

    Hello everyone!   As a new creator, this entry is my first blog-style post of my mental goings-on.  
    Warning - Danger Ahead!   Quick Context
    I first stumbled upon WorldAnvil late Oct. 2020 via TheGreatGM's YouTube channel. I joined as a Journeyman, explored some of the tools and community, and ultimately became a Master Worldbuilder just before the new year.   January Recap
    I began this year rebuilding the meta for my world, Olutanri. After creating an initial map using Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator, I started with my core concept of The Singularity and The First Aspect to build a preliminary timeline for ancient history.   I quickly lost steam mechanically thinking about world history so I started to write ad-hoc content to populate the current era. Of primary benefit has been the Worldbuilding Advent Calendar but it has been challenging to produce content fast enough to complete all the prompts.   Give or take, I've written about 18,000 words as of 31 Jan, covering six-ish prompts.   February Plan of Attack
    I'm trying to build a workstation for myself in my undeveloped (and very dark/cold) basement so I can have a dedicated space to focus. I lack the hardware for streaming writing sprints but it has crossed my mind as something I may want to do.   I set a semi-arbitrary writing goal to reach 25,000 words for the end of February. I would also very much like to somehow finish the remaining 25+ advent calendar prompts by the end of the week in time for the World Ember awards ceremony.   Special Thanks
    I would like to express my gratitude to the entire World Anvil community for reading my content, providing advice and feedback, and for the likes, favourites, and follows.   A special shoutout to Vertixico, MaybeStewartArtist, shyredfox, AddMoreLimes, Lady Grayish, SailingOcelot, and Qurilion.   Thank you for reading and wish me luck - I'm headed back to the forge,   -Mark a.k.a. xtremepsy | Olutanri    

    Completing pre-WE articles #1

    I could complete one of the imcomplete articles i had from before World Ember! I hope you like it! I'm very amused by how it turned out so reading, feedback, likes and such are appreciated!
    Ethnicity | May 12, 2023

    Journal Entry #1: New Year Resolution

    I told myself that my new years resolution was going to be four things: get a new job, learn piano (again), learn the pan flute, and get back to writing. I already failed the whole job thing, because college devoured all my time that could have been spent working, and then I failed the whole pan flute idea, because college ALSO ate all my money. 50% isn't bad right? Well I told myself I was going to start writing the first challenge that came up this year, and it looks like I am already a day behind, but I will make it up. Fingers crossed my writing is up to par for public reading, especially for a competition, this will be the first time it will be under the critique of other people that aren't close friends!

    World Ember: Goal reached

    This is my first year in World Anvil and my first time experimenting the "World Ember" challenge. At first I didn't pay too much attention to it since I was having my last exam week at college and I thought that users had to upload something specific for joining. After finishing my exams, I started to be more active on here and I noticed that every article done during December was automatically traced in the word count bar of the challenge. So I started to think... why not trying to actually participate on it? Everything needs a first trial! So, I started to write and develop more articles, several by day. As my world (Kingdom of Moskova) is the setting of a novel in which I'm working, I considered that this was a good opportunity to finally write down many things of its lore I have in my mind. I can't believe that I had completed the main goal of World Ember! I wasn't sure if I was going to reach it since 10k words seem a lot...but I could manage to make it easy! This journal is kinda like a collective report of the the 3 three weeks of WE in which we had to list what we've written during this time . I wasn't able of writing any of the reports at time because 1) Exams , 2) I didn't know that I was participating and 3)... about the pledge...I hadn't planned anything...I just left it flow! So.... here are the articles I wrote for reaching the 10K goal!   Week #1 (I wasn't aware that I was participating).
    The Solar Crown
    Item | May 6, 2021

    The Solar Crown (Солнечная Корона),Golden halo or simply Moskovar Crown is the crown worn by the Tsar of Moskova and it is the most valuable of the Monarchy's possessions.

    Week #2 (Getting prepared for a physics final exam).
    The Dark Army
    Organization | Oct 20, 2021

    The Dark Army (Темная Армия/Черная Армия) is a paramilitary organization from Moskova which is feared by most of the Kingdom's inhabitants and well known for its brutality and use of terror over people, implying the commitment of several kinds of crimes.

    Barkistán's Central Market
    Settlement | May 12, 2021

    Barkistan's Central Market is an outdoor market located on the main street of Barkistán  by the ruins of the Kremlin.

    Week #3 (Holidays and more time for writing!).
    The Lost Northern Stars
    Myth | Jul 29, 2021

    The Lost Northern Stars (потерянные северные звездыl) also known as The Star and the Firebird is (Звезда и жар-птица). Is a legend from Moskova's folklore which is also one of the plot drivers of the novel.

    Settlement | May 12, 2023

    Barkistan (Баркиiстан) is a small-middle town located in the Timur Oblast. It is where Aliosha and Dylara live.

    Settlement | Jun 8, 2023

    Nodvragoda (Нодврагода) is a city located in the center-north of Moskova. It is one of the oldest settlements of the country that's still inhabited.

    Organization | Feb 23, 2024

    The Kingdom of Moskova,also known as Empire of Moskova ,Tsardom of Moskova and so-called Golden Eagle's Domains is the country where the story of "Seeking for the Lost Northern Stars" takes place.

    Sentinel Mountains
    Geographic Location | Oct 13, 2021

    The Sentinel Mountains are the main mountain range of the Kingdom. It crosses the country from west to east and got several branches. This range is known as "imposing and inhospitable" due it almost untouched nature.

    Species | Apr 18, 2022

    Demons (демоны) supernatural creatures that are present in Moskova's lore.

    This challenge helped me to set many things I was thinking about for my world, and made me meet a lot of cool people and discover wonderful worlds and articles! I hope this can help me to dive deeper in my novel during my break after the academic year!   TOTAL GOAL REACHED BY JANUARY 1st OF 2021: 126.16% (around 10,261.6 words)

    WorldEmber Update #1 (18/12/2020)

    Well I smashed my target of 10k and now well into 30k after today. Don't expect a 50k but if I stumble into it then I won't complain! Especially proud of the quality of my work, even after a year-long hiatus I think my work has improved in Destiny compared to ye olde Terralba!   Starting off with a metaphysical bang I popped out my first article of WorldEmber and thankful I am indeed for it! Too many times have I referenced back to this piece this December for context to how my world works.
    The Grey
    Physical / Metaphysical Law | Feb 18, 2022

    The Druidic Belief Which Binds All Mortal Life

    And while I have focussed on the prompts, I did manage a comparatively small calendar article to work on in my spare time! Good I have a winter festival in the works to fit with it ;-)
    Apollyonic Calendar
    Generic article | Jan 14, 2021

    The Standard Calendar used across half the Mortal Realm

    And so I come to the prompts.. I aim to have every one done this WorldEmber, that's my challenge! Only the item prompt is missing from this list.. about a third of the way through and its a killer 1.5k words... who knows how I'll finish that behemoth!   A building for leisure;   A famous explorer;
    Ysmgar the Five-Eyed
    Character | Feb 18, 2022

    Written for Prompt 2 (2020 Advent Calendar) - The Famed Frost Giant Explorer & First Necromancer

    An unfair conflict;
    Skirmish of the Bloody Ford
    Military Conflict | Dec 19, 2022

    Written for Prompt 3 (2020 Advent Calendar) - An Unfair Clan Skirmish Which Changed the Politics of Vallatorlan

    A religious text;
    Bounty of the Springmother
    Document | Dec 27, 2020

    Written for Prompt 4 (2020 Advent Calendar) - A Religious Text of Lady Galana

    Colours and symbols of a culture;
    Ecclesiastical Culture
    Ethnicity | Feb 19, 2022

    Written for Prompt 5 (2020 Advent Calendar) - The Shared Colours & Symbols of Gods That Span Cultures

    A location under the waves;
    Copper Graveyard
    Geographic Location | Feb 18, 2022

    Written for Prompt 6 (2020 Advent Calendar) - What Lurks Beneath the Surface of the Copper Sea

    Common idioms and phrases;
    Midlandian Phrases
    Language | Feb 19, 2022

    Written for Prompt 8 (2020 Advent Calendar) - Common Idioms Shared Between Ex-Imperial Lands

    A luxurious material for the rich;
    Material | Dec 28, 2020

    Written for Prompt 9 (2020 Advent Calendar) - A Unique Material of Pure Souls from the Northern Lights

    A unique ranged unit;
    Military Formation | Feb 19, 2022

    Written for Prompt 10 (2020 Advent Calendar) - A Unique Artillery Unit that Uses Oozes as Ammunition

    A creation myth;
    The Time Before Time
    Myth | Jun 15, 2023

    Written for Prompt 11 (2020 Advent Calendar) - The Creation Myth in Accordance with the Holy See

    A famous criminal organisation;
    Alcan Mafia
    Organization | Feb 19, 2022

    Written for Prompt 12 (2020 Advent Calendar) - The Realm-Wide Infamous Criminal Organisation

    A reviled profession;
    Merciful One
    Profession | Feb 19, 2022

    Written for Prompt 13 (2020 Advent Calendar) - A Required Profession Reviled by Most, but Revered by Some

    A rank in charge of something;
    King of Jabaji
    Rank/Title | Feb 19, 2022

    Written for Prompt 14 (2020 Advent Calendar) - The Fought-Over Title of the Shamutanti Region

    A ruin reclaimed by nature;
    Zanzunu Tower
    Building / Landmark | Mar 3, 2023

    Written for Prompt 15 (2020 Advent Calendar) - A Ruined Piece of Eldervair, Reclaimed by Ash and Sulphur

    A dangerous animal;
    Carrion Crow
    Species | Dec 19, 2022

    Written for Prompt 16 (2020 Advent Calendar) - A Dangerous Animal, Warped by Necrotic Energies


    If there's something I've realized this Worldember...

    It's the fact that I have SO much left to do. So many new stubs plopping up as I'm writing. So much nature to describe, so many nations, so many ethnicities. Dunia always feels "done" to me, because it's "done" in my head. But when I look at Worldanvil, I realize just how much is missing.
      If you've missed my progress, here are the first articles from the first week of worldember:
      Article #1:
    Article #2:
    Article #3:
    Article #4:
    Article #5:
    Article #6:

    Roadmap Update #1

    We are Currently Working on another goddess within the Chains of Yarenil, and she will be a Cold one!, after we have finished with her art and lore, we will move on to the first boy in our series of gods, the beloved husband of the Green Pillar, So Far I Hope everyone is having a safe and happy fall season and I hope to release more content soon!

    Feature Journal #1

    Since it looks like we're doing this, let's start with a few projects that stood out to me for their alternative use of WA.   Worldbuilding for a mythology and poetry learning platform. Check out the whole project in particular if you are homeschooling kids interested in myths and legends. Mythology in Verse   Worldbuilding for a gamification platform for goal setting and to-do management. Check out the whole project if you need help with managing your to-do list (who doesn't?). To-Do List Adventures   To my knowledge, they are both at an early stage of development but if you can afford it, please consider supporting them on Patreon and help them take fly.

    Self Intro #1

    Hello Everyone, I am new here and i always wanted to tryout D&D where I used to play a different type of roleplay fantasy game during my school days. I always have this passion that I wanted to created my own fantasy world but I just do not know how to express it out. As i don't have any one that is interested in this kind of genre and such as I am an introvert when i meet new people. Anyways I am hoping to learn from experts or newcomers alike . I planned to make a world with 4 different realms where up and coming heroes will venture out to different parts of the realms as travellers, merchants or mercenaries to earn fame and fortune. As of now I am currently drafting out the locations and cities name. I already drafted out the unique masteries on their class they can learn when meeting veterans or masters in different realms . Before I start making campaigns or such I plan to make prequel histories of each heroes and villains to be as I complete the world first. I would be bringing asian mythologic creatures and races to the eastern realm, the western will maintain the usual D&D style of creatures as for the South East realm will be more focused on the Myth from South East Asia with a mix of mesoamerican and tribal culture. First off, when the world terrains locations are completed , I plan to draft my first prequel hero into the game , with the word: Warden
    # remapped

    Had a long talk with Höbin over the last few days.

      We've been debating about what the next steps are to the development of, especially with the coming changes of WorldAnvil. It took some time for me to digest some of the new features, and I had more than one panic attack.   I know Dimitris is beyond brilliant and the WA team is mind-blowing when it comes to skill sets...I've just never been a part of a community where things progress faster than I can write. Seriously, anyone who knows me, knows I'm a writing maniac...AND I CANNOT KEEP UP.   *deeeeep breathhhhhh*   Höbin had a good point. We have to "be us" no matter where this platform takes us--because there are two important points I struggle to keep in mind:  

    #1) This platform is my home.

    Seriously--I shut down all my other sites and hosting accounts to move my 30 year empire of writing to this one, individual platform. Why? Because I believe in it THAT much. If you knew how many times I have literally dropped TO MY KNEES and thanked God for Janet and Dimitris, it would astound you.   The other, and equally important aspect I must add, is that the people of this community have become dear, dear friends. I love you all more than you realize. Each morning I look forward to seeing how you all are, for an opportunity to tell you how wonderful you are and how the world can go punt if it's picking on any of you...   I belong here.   Not sure I've ever been able to say that more than 4 times in my life.  

    #2) Tell the story...and the rest will work itself out.

    As my buddy Tillerz would say, 'I want ALL THE THINGS', but everything takes time and has its place.   Wanted Hero is enormous. It really is--but I've had 30 years to work on it. So it's going to take some time to move it over, upload it, and craft it so it has it's own home.   Thanks Höbin. I sure appreciate you fo the pep talk,...and you're right.   We'll get this done, one step at a time.  

    Our Plans Now

    Now that we've learned a little CSS and we know if we get stuck, we'll have help--it's time to map out the experience we'd like to share with readers.   We can't be all things to all people. It doesn't work that way--not in life, and not here--but we CAN make the experience a great one.   What does that mean to you?   It means I'll go back top writing the novels, while Höbin reorganizes he information here on the site, splitting time between public and subscription content. However, both types of content will revolve around the books being written. We're going to pull back on the reigns when it comes to tangents.   If it doesn't link to the stories being told, it goes to the bottom of the To-Do List, if at all.   Thank you Santa, for this new way to share thoughts!  

    Jaime Buckley

    Your New Favorite Author

    Journal entry #1

    Hi! Testing this fancy new feature out :D I think in the future this might be a cool place to ask questions and get feedback, but for now...
      What was everyone's favourite summer camp prompt? :D