Vandals of Time Prose in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Vandals of Time


Time can get away from you. The wind felt good coming in from the Train Car. He couldn't recall the last Time he had taken the Train to West Sanadeux. Familiar sights, as age old memories, seem to dash by in the haze of the rolling landscape. It's easy to nod off and drift away into a sombnambulant afternoon, but he could never become so idle that he would forget his duty.

Inspector Jakal Court wasn't built like that.

He was an Elf, but unlike many others, his memory was still accurate. Age hadn't gnawed at the roots of his intellect yet, and his senses were sharp despite dull years. The Inspector always takes a moment to appreciate his Time at Sovereignty Bureaus- and the fact that he left. As an Independent Inspector, he was free to take any case he wished, be they high or low profile. Of the former, he had recently received drafted an important case file.

The novelist, Casida Townsend. Star over night, she created last year's most stirring novel series, Street Romance. She wrote that story for her husband, the part-time Horn player for August & the Seasons, but when he didn't meet her at Donjuad City, she looked for answers that were nowehere to be found. The man had disappeared, leaving behind too many questions. Distraught, she looked everywhere until Fate brought her to his door. 3 Weeks after the incident, with a handful of Casho. He couldn't stand to see a woman of her status in her depressed state. She stopped writing; the Inspector had to force her to stay at Emberlake when he told her that he was off to investigate Sadaneux City.

A missing person. A dead body. An amnesiac. Sounds like the beginning of one of Coroner LaCross' sick jokes; the crime most certainly was. On his WAIV/COMM, Inspector Court reviewed the case file and the hideous crime scene photos.

Brennan Townsend. Calvary Galitzer. August Harlock. And the Paragon Heights Hotel. What happened in West Sanadeux that ended the careers of three promising individuals?

"Sanadeux, City of Surprises", he remarks, as a glittering neon sign trails into the hills behind the Train. "Let's hope we find the Time to unveil them."

As land was slowly parted by industry, the Deus Express continued to cruise into the Heart of Sanadeux City.

"Don't you think you're taking too long to consider your response?", Guy asked dryly beneath his dark goggles. The enchanted sparks from his Scrivener hissed with each press of the pen tip against metal and leather fibers.

Elsie Mylee stood.With her hands firmly on her hips, she exclaimed, "Not at all! Can't old friends drop by once in a while? Catch up on old stories? Create new ones! Have a cup of coffee?" She smiled, awaiting for Guy's response.

"Ha." Guy remarked. "The last Time we had coffee was at your wedding reception. Copa Cola Roast."

"Oh- right, yes! See! THAT was an excellent cup of coffee!" Elsie Mylee laughed nervously.

"Is that so?" Guy set his Scriviner to the task of Auto-Scribe; it continued scrawling behind him, as he turned to face Elsie. "Tell me, if you came for coffee, then why am I repairing the EXO-Suit?"

Blasted by his question, Elsie's laughter rose. Sweat formed about her temples. Guy was always a sharp-shooter.

"Yes, thank you, by the way! It's a good thing I've been fortunate enough to be friends with such a handsome and capable Alchemist! Fortunate for you, as well!"

Guy looks away and smirks for a moment, considering her answer. He then returns to his focused work, repairing the EXO-Suit. If it was one thing that could grab his attention, it was flattery. Though he didn't show it often, praise made him content with his solitary purpose.

After a few moments, Elsie returns from Guy's kitchen with 2 cups of warm, steaming Copa Cola Roast Coffee. She takes a sip from her cup before placing it carefully upon Guy's coaster, next to his work station.

From the corner of her eye, Elsie notices a unique figure on a document scattered about the work station. Carefully tracing the glyph with her gloved finger, she asks, "When did you start working for WAIV/ STATE?" Silently, Guy remained diligent with his work, dodging the question.

He then responds, "I'm no Corporate lackey. No, I'm between jobs with Resto-Mart, so I've accepted some work for their Research and Development Facility." Guy returns to his work, satisfied with his answer.

Elsie Mylee leaves the document on the table, content not to pry to deep into the affairs of the Gnomish Alchemist. A silk, sunlit curtain by an open window drew Elsie's attention to the city outside the confines of Guy's dark laboratory.

Sanadeux City bustled with urban Life- she marvelled at the mix of people she saw wandering the streets and alleys, busy with their Lives. Maccin Militants patrolled the roads, directing busy AUOT Traffic, radiating heat in the warm afternoon sun. Drawing the curtains open, sun rays spilled into the Laboratory, warming the back of Guy's neck. With a sizzle and a pop, Elsie turned her attention to the city streets once more.

Little Gnomes and Dwarves wander the roads which bear the marks of Dwarven hands, their streets lit with the golden, lampent glow of Magic Lanterns. Lines of black WAIV/ Receivers cross each other in a network that runs across the skies and roofs, where Elven gardens dangle their ivy and shoots from the rooftops and balcony planters. Translating the Elven songs, Maids sing to themselves, busy with chores outside of the Paragon Heights plaza. Mythos Folk of the Myth and Myst Folk Cultures barter with Human street vendors who gather near the park. The crowd shifted for the arrival of several figures in leather and spikes, before they ran off into a distant alley.

A small blue bird landed on the horn of one of the Myst Folk, content to sing for a moment before flying beyond the roofs and wires, fading into the calm blue. Sanadeux is truly a City of Surprises!

"I don't know why you don't get out more, Guy! Sanadeux is amazing! It would do you well to go on your own Adventures occasionally!"

"Ha," Guy remarked once more, turning slowly whilst his tool scribbled madly. "You don't think it's an Adventure working through the Spell Matrices of material damaged by the Frost of Giant Folk? The intricacies of Spell Craft required to-"

"OK! Guy! I get it!" Elsie turned back to the window, her arms crossed; the white cup in her hand straight at her left side. Behind her, Guy sighed.

Fortunate for me... I know what to say to disarm her. Guy continued his work, completing a perfect seam. Still... my own Adventures?

He turned to watch her elegantly spread against the windowframe, her tall legs stretched diagonally towards the floor. Leaned against the window-sill, she noticed the figures in leather and spikes once more.

"Guy... have you always had problems with Vandals, in Sanadeux City?"

He paused for a moment to consider. "Hm... I inheritted the property around 3 years ago. Personally, I've noticed nothing. Though if you turn on the COMM, I'm sure they'll be discussing August Harlock again."

"That was 3 weeks ago..." Elsie turned for a moment to face Guy. "Vandals, historically, have always appeared at the worst possible moments."

The sound of a distant Train horn rattled Elsie from her thoughts. As she was watching from the window, Guy said, "It's almost complete."

After a moment of silence, Guy asked, "Are you going to tell me what happened upon the Nevrasednephr?"

Turning, Elsie smiled from each ear! "Delightfully!"

Until her work was done, Elsie wasn't ready to leave Sanadeux City. While they waited, the two old friends took a moment of their Lives to enjoy company and coffee, catch up on their Lives, and settle in for the evening.

"Adventure, Guy, is what I Live for!"

*Story continued... in 2024!


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