Egiten Aizuain

"I really can't put it to sleep you know - my brain I mean. It's always asking some stupid question, and won't let me stop until I know the answer, and it can't be someone else's answer, it has to be one that I saw for myself. It's really a dead bore."

Egiten Aizuain from a Trendsetters interview with Polgara Badass of Azeroth

Meet Egiten Aizuain...

  Adventurous, free-spirited, inquisitive, relentless, did I mention inquisitive? As in obsessively, disfunctionally inquisitive?   That.   But Egiten archaeological explorer and author balances her carefree spirit with an attention to detail that is dead serious about what it takes to actually know something. Because, as she will be the first to tell you, it isn't actually as easy to know something as you might think.   Egiten grabbed my attention when she recently released the landmark independent documentary film "The Uprising of the Dark: New DNA Evidence Remakes - and Reaffirms Ancient Dwarven History"   I caught up with Egiten as she was packing for a trip for her newest project to visit the Northwest corner of the Whispering Plains. Her latest objective? Get to the bottom of the constant references in the orcish oral traditions to an Elvish Minotaur at Kasmales Falls and its association with the ScreamQuencher tribe.   "It's the oddest thing you know," she says snapping her backpack closed and checking her computer to prepare for two weeks without internet service. "I can't understand any of it. They have this rumor of an elven grove growing in the middle of nowhere and a waterfall - a waterfall named for a famous elven mage in the middle of the flattest plain on Arrynsia in the middle of orcish controlled territory! How is that happening? And what would a Minotaur be doing so far from home and why would he be associated with the elves? The whole thing makes no sense, so I'm going to go find some of the ScreamQuenchers, listen to some oral histories and go check out the place for myself. It should make a great documentary."

Egiten Aizuain with her sidekick Bryrvirth (Aka "Fluffy Killer")

    He hates the nickname.
"You could just do some online research," I suggested.   She laughed at me. Not a giggle either, a big belly laugh that didn't stop for an embarrassingly long time.   "You don't believe anything you read on the internet do you? I mean, anyone can put anything up, and a lot of people do - between trolls and crazies and fantasy writers and gamers there's plenty of nonsense out there, and that doesn't even get to the new AI applications or digital scene generation software. You can't use the internet for anything except accessing original source material. I mean, the internet was a great idea while it lasted, but half the people on it are bots. No, outside of original sources, if you want to actually know something you have to do it the hard way - with in-person travel and research."   "Is that why you went to Novam Domum in the Shattered Isles?" I asked hoping to lead her into a discussion of her most recently published project.   "Oh yes. And really, if I had not gone we would be as ignorant today as we were before I visited! The Latenes Sunt were certainly not making themselves known on the internet to the modern world. They didn't even want to talk to me. Not that they were uncivil, just private. Some people in my blog asked if they were backward, but one could hardly call them primitive - not at all, but they weren't the kind of people who run around telling everyone their life stories - or their history for that matter. It was like the entire race was made of serious introverts. I almost felt bad about bringing attention to them and their ancestors - maybe even re-writing a pivotal event in dwarven history."   "But it wasn't that much of a change really was it?"   "Well, in one sense no, but in another yes. I mean, the dark elves have always been the boogey men for the dwarves, and obviously their goddess was a dreadfully evil person, and the Uprising killed a lot of dwarves. The Uprising of the Dark might be old boring history for us now, but it is absolutely accurate on that. The dark elves were trying to scorch earth the place. It isn't a pretty story. But it is interesting to see the motivation. We always think of dark elves as evil, but what they were more than anything else was controlled by fear. And that's easy to see and understand. People ignore very wrong things, or even do pretty horrible things themselves if you just inspire them with enough fear, and evil is real. But I wander! What I do think is revolutionary in the documentary is how it reveals that the character of Vincere Iraenox was grossly abused in the dwarven historical narrative, and the light that The Loss sheds on him. It gives you an entirely new perspective on the man, and why, even with so many dead, Theron WarHammer honored his bargain with Vincere to free his men. It puts them both in a whole new light as truly honorable people. I mean, according to The Loss, the dark elf general died in Theron's arms. It's really quite a tragic story."   "Do you believe that The Loss will be authenticated?"   "Oh yes. I don't think there's any doubt about it. All the researchers will take a go at it, but ultimately the circumstantial evidence along with the prevalence of dark elf DNA in the population speaks volumes. I'm sure the document will be established as authentic."   "Will you go back to the Shattered Isles?"   "Absolutely. It's such an amazing place. Island after island of these small places, each one unique. They all used to be part of the main Arrhynsia land mass. The evidence for that is crystal clear. There are places where the coastlines perfectly match to each other which geologically speaking means that they just parted ways." She smiled. "Time really doesn't mean much to geography. For someone like me who's brain won't shut down the Shattered Isles are the perfect place. A million different people groups, a million questions - a million answers and lots of physical exercise to exhaust me so I can fall asleep at night!"   "Well that is about all the time we have. Thank you so much for talking to me."   "It was my pleasure. Feel free to call any time."   "And that concludes my trendsetters interview with Egiten Aizuain, archaeological explorer and author of the recent independent documentary film "The Uprising of the Dark: New DNA Evidence Remakes - and Reaffirms Ancient Dwarven History" If you would like to support Egiten Aizuain in her quest for truth you can find her on Patreon, or if you don't have a pen an paper handy, you can also read more about her and her travels, "The Loss" and her latest project at her website at"   "Good night, and I invite you to listen to my own podcast and get transcripts for all my trendsetter interviews at"

Cover image: by EB Adventure Photography


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Aug 17, 2022 06:37 by George Sanders

Love the sidekick and interview style of the article. Here is Lavani's Review:   "Egiten's world travels as an archeologist present her great puzzles to unravel. She may be relentless enough to see past historical bias and find the authentic past." -Lavani

Write for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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