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Caturday Reads #5

  Happy Caturday!
  Hope you all are doing fine and get to experience some nice spring weather. Here it's been pendulating between rain and sunshine, and the wind still carries a bit of that north to northwest bite. But I actually don't mind it so much. I'm enjoying the brighter days, and appreciate the cool temperatures lingering a little. I'm just not made for those toasty summers.
  Unfortunately, I haven't managed to get any reading done these last two weeks due to health issues, but had an idea for something I could share with you all. I've got quite a collection of fantastic guides written by fellow Anvilites here in my pockets.
  As it seems to become a habit, let's start with one from a #Traveller friend: Mochi. Want to expand on the natural world, it's ecosystems and the lifeforms that bind them all together? Mochimanoban released their first part of a planned series to help you do just that.
Worldbuilding Ecosystems Vol. 1
Generic article | May 16, 2024

Part 1 of a guide on worldbuilding ecosystems.

  I don't know how many times I have linked this on the discord, but, it deserves to be mentioned again. Rachel Bentz's guide on writing settlements is truly in-depth and the three parts are really well paced, starting with the big questions and then diving into increasing detail in part two and three.
Settling the Issue of Settlements
Generic article | Mar 2, 2024

The First of Three Parts of a series discussing the building of believable and Grounded Settlements in a World.

  In a similar vein, Qurilion wrote an excellent article on caste systems, that explains the concepts, provides examples, and what its place could be within worldbuilding.
Caste Systems in Worldbuilding: Crafting Compelling Social Structures
Generic article | Mar 13, 2024

What are Castes Systems and how can they enhance our worldbuilding?

  And for the last entry for this time, Morgan Biscup offers some excellent insights and tips on how to write technology that feels believeable from the lens of your world's inhabitants.
How I Write Believable Technology
Generic article | Mar 23, 2023

Thoughts on integrating technology for deeper worldbuilding, based upon my own methods.

  Enjoy, and see you all next time!
  #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList

Spooktober and NaNoWriMo Plans

I'm doing NaNo this year!
  I'll be working on my vampire dystopia novel this NaNo, and since the WorldAnvil Spooktober challenge's prompts happen fit the theme of this setting really well, I decided to put Medunian on hold until December and get back to it in time for WorldEmber.
  My NaNo novel's world is currently in private mode, since I want to complete the Meta before it goes public. I'm 26% through, almost finished with the Theme section. I think it should complete it before the week ends, so wish me luck!
  In other news, I'm still going through Sanderson's writing course. I'm currently on Lecture #5, learning about magic systems and other worldbuilding elements. This class continues to be very insightful for me, and I'm already beginning to apply some of the ideas he introduces in it. Taking my time with these lectures is paying off, for sure. Learning always gets me hyped up!
  Now, back to NaNo, I've been thinking a lot about what could have gone better in my previous attempts at the 50k challenge. In this process, I came to a few realizations.
  For one, my writing speed is really slow. At my minimum, I'm at about 150 words per every 15 minutes (I did some sprinting today to get that number), which means I'd have to write for nearly three hours a day to get to that 50k word end goal in 30 days. I want to reduce that time to two hours at most, and plan to work in chunks throughout my day instead of trying to get it all out in one sitting.
  Which leads to my second realization: I need to work in small chunks to prevent burnout. I'm currently doing 15 minute sprints. That might increase to the standard 25 minute sprints by November, or not. Only time will tell. For now, during October, I want to build up that writing / sprinting stamina as much as possible.
  In third, I also noticed that it takes me at least two 15 minute sprints before I start producing writing that I consider acceptable. When does the quality begin to decrease again? I have yet to figure that out. Whatever it is, knowing will help me plan for a realistic writing schedule and to ground my expectations. Ideally, I think I should write the bulk of it early in the day, when my mind is still fresh. I work as a software engineer, so it's common for me to be braindead at the end of a typical day.
  And finally, this is not so much a realization, but an acknowledgement in writing: I'm not a consistent writer. I can go days and even months without writing, and that's probably why my output is so low. As such, one of my main goals this month is to set a daily word count goal that I can beat and be excited about. I'm starting at 500 words / day, which should take me less than 90 minutes to achieve at my current pace. If I can crank up that daily word count goal to 1,000 by November, or at least beat the 500 word goal each day without fail, I'll be more than satisfied. It'll be my first time in years writing so consistently.
  To summarize:
    • Medunian development is on hold until December.
    • I'm using Spooktober's prompts to flesh out my NaNoWriMo novel's world.
    • I'm aiming to write 500 words a day during October.
    • I'm aiming to increase my writing speed / stamina in preparation for NaNoWriMo a month from now.
    • I'll make my novel's world public here on WA by the end of the week, after I complete its World Meta and make it somewhat presentable.

  What are your plans this month? And are you doing NaNo next month? Do you worldbuild for your NaNo novel here on WA as a part of your NaNo Prep? If so, I'd love to see what you got and cheer you up!
  Thanks for reading, and I'll see you again very soon. :)

In Threads—flash fiction zine Issue #5 Release Day!

Get your copy of the free flash-fiction #zine "In Threads" with the best vssCollab prompt based stories from the WorldAnvil and VSS communities. Releases today! + Read aloud at 7PM CDT on

Vreathe Worldbuilding Update #5...

I have two articles plus a chronicle to show today. The First article is about the Kingdoms of Cassel, one of the main settings in the story I'm writing. I'm going to be working on this country specifically for the rest of the year. The article is not quite done yet, but at 3000 words I figured I would show it now before everyone gets bored trying to read it later::

Kingdoms of Cassel
Organization | Jan 18, 2024

One of the larger, more powerful nations of Eastern Vreathe, Cassel is made up of several smaller kingdoms...

The second article is my entry from the ongoing writing challenge "On the Shoulder of Giants". The article was completed last week and is quite different from when I linked it in a journal entry two weeks ago. Minor edits were done today to fix spelling errors so it should be fully presentable (I say as I probably misspelled a dozen words still...):
Ethnicity | Oct 26, 2023

The Olimians were the second race of Man that walked out of the World Tree. They built a mighty civilization and were responsible for their own downfall...

The Chronicle is also in a completely different state than when I last made a journal entry it two weeks ago. It now has three maps, and various map-images showing all of the kings and queens of the Silver Age as well as several major events (plus a secret in one of the author's notes on the bottom track.) Here it is:


I have a few other things planned for this year, but as I said a few months ago, I am spending an entire extra month gathering images and preparing for World Ember this year, so not a lot of actual worldbuilding will get done. My goal is still 250,000 words of new worldbuilding in December. I am still bitter about how the situation went down involving the most words written earlier this year. If you know you know but it isn't worth talking about here. Hope you guys have a nice week and don't let anything I say get you down!

August Reading with Lavani #6 and #5

"I will remember this story and warning. I have faced foes capable of infusing temptation and curses on items like the Pebble of Luck. I weep for Jale." -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.

Somehow I missed posting about Hunter Matinaepod's from Desdemonarose!

"The Talithans have taken such care with their new world! Keeping a pack ambush hunter like the Matinaepod at a distance but allowing it to flourish shows their commitment." -Lavani


Leno's Worldbuilding Week Report #5

This week went rather well I think. I will also give some rambled thoughts at the bottom.
  I finally did my article about Nexus Realities, which have been in the works for years. Glad to finally have it done.
Nexus Reality
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Apr 13, 2022

Nexus Realities are in essence existential focal points within Nanmir'Ath

  Beyond that I also wrote my article regarding Alternate Realities. One also long in the making.
Alternate Realities
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Apr 14, 2022

Alternate Realities are Echoes of Nexus Realities. Ones created by choices you did not make.

  This one might still need some additional work. Feel like it is slightly too short, but maybe that is just me. Its about a subject that has been brewing quite long, and one I have touched slightly in other articles.
Alteration Field
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Apr 13, 2022

That which separates Namir'Ath from Alézun'Teran.

  In a similar vein I went ahead and wrote an article about those who study these alternate realities. Was supposed to be a short article, but ended up with some additional material.
Profession | Jan 27, 2023

Those who study Alternate Realities

  I also did some Setting Introduction Articles. One for a mere intermediate setting that has no real presence: Nanmir'Ath.
Nanmir'Ath Setting Introduction
Generic article | Apr 13, 2022

A short introduction to the existential region that contains all Nexus Realities.

  The other is actually one of my first Alternate Reality settings for Mésvéstell. One that I quite like and which has grown only slightly since its inception: Omekra.
Omekra Setting Introduction
Generic article | Jan 27, 2023

A fantastical and magical Mésvéstell Alteration


Some thoughts.

Cannabilizing Saong Meararch.

I have wondered about perhaps cannibalizing one of my middle-range Settings known as Saong Mearach. Primary giving its material to either Omekra, Miand or maybe even Alézun'Teran. There is not much on it, with my "Neko" race of Sankine holding most worth to me.

Thoughts on which race to which setting.

The Sankine are actually part of some indecision for me. As I am unsure if they truly fit the landscape of Miand. The same goes for another race whose origin I am unsure of: the Goblins. I had them first appear in Varldstan Cericor, but then also wrote of them being from Miand. I could put them in Miand as well, though I feel I would give that setting too many races.
  Why this is not a problem in Alézun'Teran setting with up to around a dozen races, is because I can handwave the prospect of space for them to live on and the nigh-infinite amount of food and water that can be given them. Miand, being a finite planet hovering in the empty void, does not have such luxury.
  I will see what I do. Maybe I place both Goblins and Sankines in Alézun'Teran, That place would maybe need some mortal races, since all other native races there are either immortal or semi-immortal beings. Or I just erase the Goblins and the Nekos and place them in pandemonium/the shelf for the time being.
  Anyway, if you read all my rambled thoughts, thank you. And I hope you have a good day/night.

Nadir #5 of 7 - Pride

5th Nadir down, 2 to go! My eigth creation for WE '21 is another one of the 7 Nadirs of Sin - Pride.
Sloth, Wrath, Lust and Gluttony came before and now i'm really excited to reveal this one to you. Only 2 more left!   Please check it out and let me know your thoughts or ask some questions!
Vanaer, Nadir of Pride
Character | Aug 20, 2022

Monday update #5

Woop! Finally finished a challenge entry for the Custome Challenge. I entered the Idyll one because I haven't had the time to make one for Breck's Haven yet.
Adventurer's threads
Item | May 27, 2021

  ...and I have a third world. XD;; It's two really old worlds merged into one. It's got floating islands and dragon riders. I haven't decided on a name yet but I'm contemplating Skylark or Welkinwell. Which one do you prefer? ...I might settle on something completely different though. I won't be working any on it until next year anyway.
  This year I will be finishing Surviving Idyll, and next year I will be working on some webcomics. :D ...Three of them. One for each world. ...and they will all have the same plot. They will be remakes of Cinderella. XD ...I'll be using the exact same plot for all three of them to be practicing both on drawing comics and on worldbuilding. :) (More on that in today's Patreon Post)
  I have also submitted the project for Quest 2 of the CYOA zine series to Kickstarter. They should have it reviewed sometime this week. I will make an extra post here when I have the link to the prerelease page. :)
  I'm also going to be streaming again. :) I will be drawing for an hour and a half on Wednesday mornings and worldbuilding on Friday mornings. You can find my schedule on the ASC page. This week I will be drawing and worldbuilding for the CYOA series. :3
  I'll also be working more on the plot for the Quest 2 issue. :)

World Ember Showcase #5

*laughs* Get my notifications down to the 40s and take a break, come back and it's almost up to 100 again. Everyone is making such amazing progress during World Ember!
Golden malaise
Condition | Aug 30, 2021

No one knows what causes some people to slowly turn into gold statues...

Crown of Thorns
Item | Jun 1, 2023

Written for Prompt 7 (2020 Advent Calendar) - An Artefact of Light From Before Time Began

Scarlet Wasp
Species | Dec 20, 2020

A rare wasp species with a special Tarot-venom

Arcane Speech
Language | Mar 30, 2023

The tongue that allows those with the blood of magic to perform their spells, all they have to is say the right words or suffer the consequences

Generic article | Dec 22, 2020

Time is the basis of motion, bringing life to space; within the relativity of Aesontis, here you may learn of Timekeeping.

Emerald Rebellion
Military Conflict | Jun 18, 2023

An invasion by Munchkins and Gillikins threatens one of the Free Cities of Nunya.

Condition | Mar 14, 2021

And there stood its towering form; Saliva, and foam dripping from its spiked maw. Bony protrusions escaping at its shoulders, joints, and spine. Its eyes glowed a crimson red. It could smell my fear and I could see its hunger.

Crimson Pine
Species | Mar 8, 2021

A very special tree native to Éirigh, which can only be found in the Woods of Escaine. With deep red trunks the size of small houses, these breathtaking trees can only be harvested with the direct approval of the King.


If there's something I've realized this Worldember...

It's the fact that I have SO much left to do. So many new stubs plopping up as I'm writing. So much nature to describe, so many nations, so many ethnicities. Dunia always feels "done" to me, because it's "done" in my head. But when I look at Worldanvil, I realize just how much is missing.
  If you've missed my progress, here are the first articles from the first week of worldember:
  Article #1:
Article #2:
Article #3:
Article #4:
Article #5:
Article #6:

Take the Challenge

Summer Camp Prep 2024

Get your world and yourself ready for Summer Camp!

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